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2. Learn and Classify - Page 137

Text 1 : What is a Virtual Reality Headset?

Genre = Explanation text

Argument = However, VR apps and headsets have an encountered problems winter

development, with some users experiencing "virtual reality sickness", the most common
symptoms being headaches, nausea, and vomiting, among others.

Text 2 : What are the Uses of Virtual Reality?

Genre = Explanation text

Argument = I think it would be more cool and nice if the VR having un upgrade about
the graphics because some people have an eye issue and it does affect the experience of
the person that wearing the VR.

Text 3 : How to Use VR Glasses

Genre = Procedure teks

Argument = For example, if you don't follow the procedure properly, the use of the VR
will not feel comfortable, then there will be a possibility of a dissatisfaction in its use.

Text 4 : Ways in Which VR Can Change Our Lives

Genre = Explanation text

Argument = VR allows everyone to do such incredible things when using VR, also it will
be bad for eye healthy and can cause addiction or dependence on VR in your life if you
play too much.


4. Learn and Answer - Page 141 (number 6&7)
6. So, how do we battle diseases with biologics? Give sequenced explanation.

How people battle diseases with biologics :

a. The early 20th century saw the emergence of biotechnology and

biopharmaceutical research focused on gowing rather than chemically
synthesizing some medications.
b. Create a vaccine, which was first tested on soldiers during world war II
c. Biologics can target the overactive immune systems of patients with
autoimmune conditions like rheumatoid arthritis or lupus, reducing harmful
chronic inflammation.
d. Biologics are part of the emerging scientific field of precision medicine, which
focuses on more effectively targeting the right treatmensts to the right patients
at the right time – fundamentally changing the way we treat disease

7. And why do people snore? Give explanation.

Why people snore :

a. Age, snoring more is inevitable with age, but we can do certain actions to cancel
some of the effects of this process.
b. Weight is another factor in snoring more. Gaining weight can add to the weight of
your neck, which presses down on the throat during sleep
c. Basic biology of the sexes, men have narrower air passage than women are more
likely to snore. A narrow throat, a lieft palate enlarged adenoids, and other
physical attributes that contribute to snoring are often hereditary
d. Taking certain substances (alcohol, smoking, particular medications), and the
position of sleep


5. Read and Identify - Page 141
1. Opening or splits in the upper lip the roof of the mouth or both.
2. A channel or part through which air passes.
3. Large Y-shaped protein that can stick to the surface of bacteria and viruses.
4. Is a protein produed by the body's immune system when it detect harmful
substances, called antigens.
5. Autoimmune : a condition in which your immune system mista kenly attacks
your body.
Inflammoary disorders : is when the immune system attacks the body's own
tissues, resulting in inflammation.
6. A pharmaceutical derived from biological sources and especially one produced
by biotechnology.
7. The manipulation of living organisms or their components to produce useful
8. An abnormal bodily state marked by such tumors.
9. Is the process by which one or more chemical reactions are performed with the
aim of converting a reactant/starting material into a product/multiple product.
10. Is a type kidney disease in gradual loss of kidney function over a period.
11. Fall down/in as a result of physical pressure.
12. Consisting of many different and connected parts.
13. Refers to something that is the newest, most advanced of its kind.
14. Is an illness or sickness characterised by specific signs or symptoms.
15. The adenoids are lymph tissues that sit in your upper airway between your nose
and the back of your throat. Enlarged adenoids means this tissue is swollen.
16. Is used in medicine to refer to any disease or condition that persists our time or
is frequently recuirring.
17. Refers to the genetic heritage passed down by our biological parents.
18. Is a set of tissues which work together to resist infections.
19. Contominated with an infective agent (such as a bacterium or virus)
20. The invasion and multiplication of microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, and
parasites that are not normally present within the body.


21. Producing or capable of producing infection bacteria and other infectious agent.
22. Is the process or act of breathing in, taking air and sometimes other substances
into your lungs.
23. Is any drug or proporation that is used to treat and cure illness.
24. A group of two or more atoms that form the smallest identifiable unit into which
a pure substance can be devided and still retain the composition and chemical
properties of that substance.
25. The nasal cavity is the most superior part of the respiratory tract.
26. Is a singel individual or being, the organism can’t survive without the parts.
27. A sudden breaking out or occurrencen, especially of something ad or unpleasant
28. Excessively or abnormally active overactive glands and overactive imagination.
29. Is the worldwide spread of a view disease.
30. Peptides are short chains of between two and fifty amino acids, linked by peptide
31. Is a substance that has amino acids, compounds and carbon, hydrogen, oxygen
nitrogen and sometimes sulfur and is found in many foods
32. Is the biological process by which new individual organisms.
33. Is an inflammation or swelliing of the tissue lining the sinuses
34. An acute contagious febrile disease of humans that is caused by a poxvirus.
35. Is, in mammals, the soft tissue constituting the back of the roof of the mouth
36. Bioreactors often require a remote sendir, located within the culture medium,
the control temperature.
37. A level of organization in multicellular organisms.
38. Not controlled or restricted; free, unrestrained unfettered access to the senate.
39. A product that stimulates a persons immune system to produce immunity to a
spesifis disease, protecting the person from that disease.
40. Is - to become heavier.


2. Learn and Answer - Page 143
1. What’s chair made of?
The chairs was made from wood

2. Where is a magazine printed?

In the offset publication printing process, your magazine goes through three main
processes namely, they go through plate making, weeting, and then inking.

3. What’s bag made of?

Bag made from leather, cloth, rubber, and others.

4. Where is rubbish thrown?

In the trash.

5. What is done with electrical parts in good conditions?

Follow the user manual, pay attention to electrical power, be careful when
turning on or off electrical appliances.

6. What things are recycled?

Objects that can be recycled are glass, plastics, paper, and electronic goods.

3. Read and Rewrite - Page 143

How does the Water Cycle work

1. First of all, water molecules from lakes, rivers, streams, reservoirs, and seas are
heated by the sun and then turn into steam which rises into the air.
2. Next, due to pro condensation, these water molecules form into clouds.
3. When air and the water cool, they form water droplets which then fall to the earth
as rain. If it freezes, it becomes snow or sleet.
4. After the water reaches the ground, it can flow across the land until it returns to a
river, lake, stream, or the sea. It can also sink into the ground and flow under
gravity through crevies of rock, gravel and sand. Because of that, it also reached this
body of water.
5. Now the cycle start again, when water is evaporated once more. Many of us think
water will always be there for us when we want it. Without water, living things will
die. You will die if you live without water for more than a week. Plants will die
without water and that will kill all the animals that eat plants.


How to Fly a Hot Air Ballon
The hot air balloon consists of a basket, four large gas tanks, a burner, and a
balloon or 'envelope'.
First, four nylon poles are inserted into the socket above the basket by the pilot.
Then the stove is placed on the stake. Next, the wires are connected to the burner
frame. The cable is also tucked under the basket to hold it all together.
After this, the hose from the full gas tank is connected to the burner so that it
can be tested by the pilot.
Next, the mouth of the balloon was held open by two people when it was filled
with cold air from the fan until it was fat and tight enough.
Now for the hard part. with the pilot lying on the ground, half in the basket. turn
on the gas stove and direct the fire to the 'mouth' of the balloon. This is so that the
balloon slowly stands up.
When ready to leave, the air in the balloon is heated even more. This causes the
air inside the balloon to become hot enough to lift the balloon off the ground.

4. Read and Rewrite - Page 144

Recycled Glass Bottles
Silica sand can make new glass bottles. The sand is melted in a furnance at a very
high temperature. Recycled glass bottles are made in a very similiar way, but they are
cheoper and useless natural resources.

What happened to the old glass bottle?

The process begins when people bring used bottle and jars to the bottle bank.
Next, the bottles and jars are brought by lorry to a recycling plant. At the factory, the cap
and lids of the bottle are removed, after that, the glass is crushed into small pieces.

Where did the broken glass go?

The lorry sends the crushed glass to a bottle factory. It mixes with small amount
of slica sand. It then melts in a furnance, at a lower temperature than new glass.

How are the new recycled bottles mode?

Finally, the hot liquid glass draws out of the furnance and feeds into machinery
that makes it into bottles.

Recycled glass is a pure and as strong as new glass. Glass can be recycled many
times without losing its quality.


1. Learn and Write - Page 145
How Bees Make Honey
Bees are the only insects that produce food for humans. The food that honey bees
produce is unique, tastes good, is useful and nutritious. So, how do bees make honey?

First, bees drink nectar from flowers using their long, tube-like mouths. Their
tongues help them reach the nectar in flowers. bees can also fly hundreds of times
between flowers and honeycombs.

In the countryside, some bees make nests in places such as tree trunks. bees make
beehives with wax from their own bodies. the gap in the beehive is where honey is
stored. Then, the bees store the nectar in a special bag called the honey hull. In the
stomach, special enzymes convert the nectar into two sugars called fructose and

In gardens or farms, beekeepers keep bees in beehives like this one so they can
collect honey. about fifty thousand bees live in one hive. After the bees return to the
hive, they regurgitate the nectar from the honey stomach into one of the cells.
Furthermore, the heat in the hive evaporates the water from the nectar and turns into
honey. Finally, the bees cover the cells with wax caps.

beekeepers collect honey from beehives. then pull out a beehive full of honey. and
he had to wear special clothes so as not to be stung by bees. Thousands of bees can
produce more than 200 pounds of honey for the colony in a year.

So now you know that honey comes from bees that collect nectar, then produce it in
honeycomb cells to make honey. Honey has many benefits, honey is used in many
different recipes. and tastes good when spread on bread.


B. Write an explanation text of 200 words about Information and Technology
phenomenon that has to do with teens life.


Advances in technology have touched various fields of life, both in the fields of
information, communication, government, social, culture. The education sector is
also influenced by technological advances. With this technological advancement,
every educational institution whether schools, universities or others can use it to
improve the quality of education.

One of them is using the intemet for the implementation of education, with the
internet everyone is free to use it, as long as there is supporting equipment. Starting
from managing education administration online, now most schools and universities
are registered online. Many teachers and lecturers who apply online exams do not
have to be face-to-face, even the ministry of education has implemented online
national exams.

The internet in the teaching and learning process also has many benefits, including
for educators to use the internet for additional reference material to be taught to
students. For students or university students, you can learn many things on the
internet as much as you want, from looking for references or reading scientific
articles through e-books, e-journals, reading the latest news for study and
discussion materials, and so on. With the internet you can also do online learning,
there are several companies that provide online tutoring. This service usually uses
videos containing material and discussion of questions, for more intensive
guidance, users may ask questions but are subject to special fees. In addition, how
to learn using the internet can conduct discussions with friends through internet
services that can meet face to face with the other person through a video call.

Technological advances have brought many benefits to the field of education, both
for educators and students, as well as facilitating administrative management in an
educational institution. With the convenience of this technology, it can be put to
good use for advancement in education. Because the way of learning, to find out a
lot of information is wide open, it is up to us to make good use of it.


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