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with Dr. Alex Loyd

CGC Program; Dr. Alex Loyd Services, LLC

Welcome to Custom Guided Coding with Dr. Alex Loyd. In this
short manual, you’ll find information on what to have ready for
the call, how to prepare your issues, how to use the recorded
Custom Guided Codes and the Codes to Go after the call for the
next month, commonly asked questions, and other useful
information. Our intention with these calls is for you to get the
most benefit possible and to shift in ways that allow you to live
your life to the fullest. We are honored to be a part of your

This manual is for educational and presentational purposes
only. The information contained in the manual is not intended
to treat, diagnose, heal, or cure anything. The content is the
opinion of Dr. Alex Loyd. You should always check with a
licensed health care provider about any specific health
concerns you may have.

Some Background
How Does This Work? The CGC events are a completely self-
contained healing program. Over the course of each year we
will address every possible issue you could ever have from
several different angles. If you can’t be there for the live event,
the recording is just as effective as being there. Each time you
do these codes, you are tapping into the power and energy of
hundreds of people – all the participants, coaches, Dr. Loyd, the
hosts - all over the world. This is a power that cannot be
replicated or substituted - it's like having hundreds of people
right there in the room all working on you to help you break

CGC Program; Dr. Alex Loyd Services, LLC


Custom Guided Coding Program Manual

through and heal. And that power is not only multiplied by

each person, it is multiplied exponentially. Even when you use
the recording, or "codes to go", you are tapping right back in to
the power and energy of everyone around the world who is

If this is hard for you to believe (it was for us at first!), do a

google search on "action at a distance", "morphic resonance",
and check out white paper number 15 at (free). And
if you want more proof, we constantly have people telling us
about their breakthrough healing from doing these calls. We
want YOU to be next.

We suggest that you have the intention during the call to open
yourself up to giving healing to, and receiving healing from, all
of those participating in the call (live and recorded) if you are
comfortable with doing that. We firmly believe that you are
opening yourself up to even more healing by having this

*Please note: Healing Codes Practitioners can find hidden

memories, ancestral issues, and other things that you may not
get to on such a personal level on the calls. A Healing Codes
Custom Guided Code Practitioner is helpful to work with if you
have a particularly serious or “sticky” issue. If you feel this is
the case for you, you can find your coach at Look
for a “Custom Guided Codes” trained coach.

CGC Program ©2012-20177; Dr. Alex Loyd Services, LLC


Custom Guided Coding Program Manual

The Master Key Recording

You’ll notice that there is a link available for you to download a
few of the Master Key recordings in both the emails you
receive once you’ve signed up for the CGC call and in the follow
up email. These recordings consist of cutting edge technology
that uses very specific frequencies to transmit healing energy
into the body and heal cellular memories.

Master Key Basic - Male Voice

Master Key Advanced - Femail Vocice

The audios are in two specific formats for you. First,

you may choose to download the mp3 files onto your
computer and listen to them that way.

The other way, would be to utilize the audio player on

the page that is in the link below and not download
them to your computer.

We tried to use the "Master Key" in an actual

Custom Guided Call event but it did not work well for
everyone... use it if you resonate with it or if not,
choose one of the others to listen to.

To use the Master Key recordings during the call, you can
simply play one of the Master Key tracks while Dr. Alex leads
CGC Program ©2012-20177; Dr. Alex Loyd Services, LLC

Custom Guided Coding Program Manual

you through each code. Similarly, you can use the Master Key
tracks after the call on your own while you do the codes from
the CGC recorded call. For more information on the Master
Key or to purchase the full Master Key package, go to .

The Heart Screen Tool

The Heart Screen Tool, featured in Alex’s newest book The Love
Code is a new addition to our calls as well.

Go to
For more information on the Heart Screen Meditation, you can
go to and
scroll down to the audio of Dr. Alex’s explanation. You will also
find two Heart Screen Meditations by JoHanna here for you as
We highly recommend doing the Heart Screen Meditations to
help heal the issues of the heart.

CGC Program ©2012-20177; Dr. Alex Loyd Services, LLC


Custom Guided Coding Program Manual

Healing Codes II
As from 2017 Dr. Alex will integrate The Healing Codes II in the
Custom Guided Coding Program. The Healing Codes II is an
additional Healing Codes program, using different healing
centers and hand positions than The Healing Codes I.
The Healing Codes II were first introduced in July 2016 and
launched as an extensive product in October 2016.
In the CGC Program we offer The Healing Codes II hand
positions as an extra add-on.

Please go to The Healing Codes II Handout in the attachment to

become familiar with the new healing centers and hand

Before The Call

There are a few things you can do before the call that will make
your experience easier and smoother.

1. Some things you will want to have close by:

 A hands-free device to listen to the call. You’ll need your
hands for coding!
 Pillows. Because we spend so much time coding on the
call, your arms may get tired. You can use pillows to prop
your arms up in the coding positions.
 Water. It’s always a good idea to keep yourself well-
hydrated, especially when doing this type of work.
 The Healing Codes II hand positions. Keep the sheet with
the hand positions close by during the call and when you
listen to the recording.

CGC Program ©2012-20177; Dr. Alex Loyd Services, LLC


Custom Guided Coding Program Manual

 Optional: The Master Key recordings to play in the

background during the coding.

2. Prepare your issues.

Each session we address three different issues:
1. The issue bothering you the most in your life right now,
2. The most painful memory, event, or thing in your life
(past, present, or projection into the future),
3. A special topic-specific issue that changes each session.

If you’d like, you can go ahead and choose the issues

you’d like to work on within each of those categories and
rate them. We will take you through the process on the
call itself as well.

3. Practice The Healing Codes II hand positions

During the Call

Your job during the call is to relaaaaaaax. That’s it! Dr. Loyd
and your hosts will guide you through everything.

Using the Recording and Codes to Go

After the call, you will receive two versions of codes for each of
the three issues we worked on in the call in your follow-up
 One version is a real-time recording of the Guided Code
from the CGC live event
 the other is a written CTG (Code to Go).

CGC Program ©2012-20177; Dr. Alex Loyd Services, LLC


Custom Guided Coding Program Manual

There are several different ways to use the recording and CTG
(Codes to Go) over the next several weeks or month. Once
you’ve started doing either a recorded Guided Code or a CTG
(Code to Go), it is good for about two weeks from the time you
started using it. For some it is most effective even longer. You
can mix and match the codes on each issue to create your own
personalized program. How much you do is up to you. If you
want to do the codes for all three issues every day, go for it! Or,
if you’d like to focus specifically on one issue and do the code
once or several times a day for that one issue, that works, too.

We recommend doing the recorded code(s) of your choice two

to three times a day. We’ve heard from many people that it is
almost or just as effective for them even if they simply listen to
the recording. It’s best if you can do the hand positions along
with it, but if not, you can just listen!

Codes to Go

For the Codes to Go, we recommend doing the code(s) of your

choice 6-8 minutes two to three times a day. If you’d like to do
the method of only listening, you can record yourself saying
the hand positions in approximately 30 second intervals. This
way you can listen to these as well if you’re not able to do the
hand positions.

If you find yourself having a healing response (physical or

emotional), that just means you’re doing more than your
body/energetic system can keep up with. Take a day off and
then start up again with a less intensive approach. Play around
with different combinations and you’ll find what works best for

CGC Program ©2012-20177; Dr. Alex Loyd Services, LLC


Custom Guided Coding Program Manual

If you’re attending another CGC (Custom Guided Codes) call in

two weeks, you have a few possibilities. Since most of you were
at the live event, you’ve already started the codes that are
recorded, so we suggest you continue with the recorded codes
first. You can use the recorded Guided Codes for the next two
weeks (until the next call) and save the CTG (Codes to Go) for
whenever you’d like to use them in the future. Or, you can use
both the recorded Guided Codes AND the CTG (Codes to Go)
until the next call.

If you want the Codes to last for a month, you’ll want to do the
recorded codes for two weeks (again, since most of you were at
the live event, you’ve already started with the recorded codes
from the call, so they will be good for the next two weeks).
Then you can use the CTG (Codes to Go) for the next two
weeks. That gives you a month of coding.

You will receive two links for the recording of the call in the
follow-up email: the whole original call and an edited version.
You can use the original main recording to listen to the whole
call or just fast-forward to each code. The edited recordings
are just the codes from the call so you don’t have to fast
forward through the call.
The CGC (Guided Custom Codes) are written down for you in
the follow-up email you receive. You can also choose to use the
written CGC without the recording.

The CTG (Codes to Go) for each issue are written down for you
in the follow-up email you receive as well. You can either keep
a copy of the written codes in front of you to peek at while you
do the CTG (Codes to Go). Or you can find some sort of

CGC Program ©2012-20177; Dr. Alex Loyd Services, LLC


Custom Guided Coding Program Manual

recording device (phone, personal hand held recorder,

computer, etc) and record yourself saying the new position
every 30 seconds or so. This way you can listen to your own
recording to do the CTG (Codes to Go) and not have to look at
the hand positions.

We’ve listed a few commonly asked questions below. If you
have another question that’s not answered in the manual or on
the call, we highly recommend you become a member on The
Healing Codes website. Membership is free and we offer many
services to you (also free of charge) on a weekly basis.

Cutting Edge program

One of these is that every Wednesday afternoon at 1pm Central

time, Dr. Loyd leads the Cutting Edge program.

Every Thursday afternoon at 2pm Central time our coaches

host a Q&A session and every Thursday evening as well at 7:30
pm Central time, which are the open Forum Coaching Calls.
You can sign up for these complimentary calls, recorded
archives and other services by going to and becoming a member.

You can email any questions, testimonials, feedback, or

suggestions to . And if you’re
having any trouble receiving the follow-up email you can also
email . We strive to make
these calls the best they can be, so we love getting any
suggestions from you. Also, we love hearing about your
CGC Program ©2012-20177; Dr. Alex Loyd Services, LLC

Custom Guided Coding Program Manual

experiences! Please let us know what’s happening for you and

about your healing.

Commonly Asked Questions:

Will I still receive the benefits of the live call even if I wasn’t there
live? Will my energy still be included when Alex comes up with
the codes? Will I still benefit from the energy of everyone else on
the call?
~ Yes! You will still receive the benefits of the live call
even if you’re not there live. Yes. Our intention is to create
codes for everyone who has signed up for these calls, so you
are automatically included whether you are there live or not.
And yes. You can tap into the collective energy of the whole call
and everyone on it at any time you choose. If you need some
scientific perspective to back this up, take a look at the
references above in the “How Does This Work?” section.

Will the Codes still work even if I don’t start right away?
~ It depends. Once you start a code, it will be good for an
average of two weeks. So if you’re on the live call, you’ll have
already started the live/recorded Guided codes and will want
to do the recorded codes for the next two weeks. If you’re not
on the live call, then the live/recorded codes will be good for
two weeks starting whenever you first do them. The CTG
(Codes to Go) are good for two weeks from when you first start
using them, regardless of how long you wait before you first
use them.

CGC Program ©2012-20177; Dr. Alex Loyd Services, LLC


Custom Guided Coding Program Manual

Why is a Code only good for two weeks from when you first start
using it?
~ We don’t know exactly. Through the years of doing
Custom Coding, we’ve found that it is the median maximum
time that a Custom Code retains its potency. It’s not always the
case for everyone…for some people, the code remains effective
and powerful for longer than two weeks. For others, less than
two weeks. And it’s not that the code just stops working all of a
sudden one day. Rather, the effectiveness/power seems to
taper off gradually.

New: a free gift to you are the hand positions for The Healing
Codes II.

Alex will now be including in our CGC calls positions from The
Healing Codes II which he has just released this year. Please
become familiar with these new powerful positions as they will
be included in his CGC codes now. (See The Healing Codes II

CGC Program ©2012-20177; Dr. Alex Loyd Services, LLC

Attachment CGC Program
The Healing Codes II Handout

Alexander Loyd, ND, PhD

This Handout can only be issued by

certified healing codes coaches

Or as a part of the

Custom Guided Coding Program


The Healing Codes II Hand Positions

The Healing Codes II System has three new hand positions and two different
ways of activating the healing area:

1. The Brainstem: The brainstem area is at the center or the middle of the base
of the skull right were the hard base of the skull meets the
soft tissue of your neck.

2. The High Bridge: This is your forehead area, about an inch above where the
eyebrows would meet if they would grow together. This
position stimulates the Prefrontal Cortex.

3. The Belly Button: This area is directly under the belly button. This position
stimulates the Gastro-Intestinal System.

The Vagus Nerve is connected to all three areas.

The Vortex:

Create a Vortex shape (not movement!) by putting

all your fingertips together so they are all touching
each other at the base. All fingers are “mushed”
together at the bottom.

The Vortex is used for both the Brainstem and the

High Bridge Position.

The Healing Codes II © Copyright 2016 Dr. Alex Loyd Services, LLC Al rights reserved
This material is for exclusive use with the assistance of a Certified Healing Codes Practitioner

Left Hand Brainstem Right Hand Brainstem

Vortex Vortex

Left Hand High Bridge Right Hand High Bridge

Vortex Vortex

The Healing Codes II © Copyright 2016 Dr. Alex Loyd Services, LLC Al rights reserved
This material is for exclusive use with the assistance of a Certified Healing Codes Practitioner

The Palm of the Hand:

Left hand Belly Button

Palm of Hand

The position is directly under the belly button with your left hand. Put the top of
your thumb horizontally directly under your belly button and the palm lays on the
part of the abdomen just under that, actually touching the body (it can be on your
clothes, does not have to be on bare skin.

You also place the palm of your hand on any physical pain area.

Unlike with The Healing Codes I, where we do not touch the healing centers but
keep our fingertips about 2-3 inches away, with The Healing Codes II we actually
touch the healing centers with our fingertips or palm of the hand.

The Healing Codes II © Copyright 2016 Dr. Alex Loyd Services, LLC Al rights reserved
This material is for exclusive use with the assistance of a Certified Healing Codes Practitioner

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