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Kathryn Zell January 29, 2021 Journal #2 1/25-1/29

In my second week as a virtual intern I finally feel like I’m starting to get the hang of my

role as an intern. On Monday and Tuesday (1/25 and 1/26) I finished up the videos and small

courses needed for basic volunteering and also went on to do my documentation for

confidentiality and an additional required volunteer background check. After that I was rolled

into the community educator training. I also was able to sit in on the bi-weekly manger meeting

for the chapter as well. They discussed newly released statistics for the organization coming out

and what goals they would be setting for enrollment in programming. They have an increased

focus this year on attracting people with no previous experiences with the Alzheimer’s

Association to offer them resources and education. While listening I was able to take notes about

marketing questions and also about target audiences. On Wednesday (1/27) I was able to

participate in two meetings with Alzheimer’s organization staff. My first meeting was with my

site supervisor, Mrs. Hankinson. We talked about questions I had from the Monday management

goals meeting. She was able to discuss what she knew of marketing strategies, but she suggested

we schedule a meeting with the chapter’s head of marketing to answer my questions more

thoroughly. Mrs. Hankinson told me I had some points in my questions and that their marketing

department might be able to benefit from having a meeting with Mrs. Hankinson and I to discuss

things. In addition to marketing we also discussed a potential need to consider reaching out to

younger audiences as well because rates of early onset Alzheimer’s is growing. Not only can

younger people develop it, but also, they can volunteer their time. I told her that it wasn’t very

common for someone my age to work with such a serious cause and I wanted to help change

that. Mrs. Hankinson agreed, and we will also be discussing this with the marketing department.

My second meeting on Wednesday (1/27) was with the entire management and education

team. They were preparing for a community forum the next day and everyone was going over
Kathryn Zell January 29, 2021 Journal #2 1/25-1/29

roles and techniques used over zoom. On Thursday (1/28) I sat in on the community forum held

with a local county’s senior services department. The point of these meetings is to determine the

current situation in the community relating to Alzheimer’s and dementia care. The speakers

asked questions to determine what the current environment offered. They also asked questions to

determine what certain needs were and barriers to having those needs filled. This type of forum

is extremely crucial to chapters doing research before extending offers for education programs.

Alzheimer’s Association staff hold these events to learn information and then create tailored

plans that they can then take back to the community and provide education and resources that the

area specifically needs. I think this experience was really interesting, but it also showed me how

challenging it can be to work with minority populations who have a long standing fear in some

cases of those in any form of health care or health roles. Some participants were unwilling to

share much, it took time to dive into their needs. Thankfully programs like this are not just “One

and Done.” Staff from the association create long standing relationships in these communities

they represent to build key relationships and trust. Since what we offer is free and without

judgement, one of the speakers told me it is a worthwhile process to foster relationships people

in these communities. She also told me it’s part of why she loves her job.

Monday 1/25: 8:30-12, 12:30-4:30 (7.5 hours)

Tuesday 1/26:8:30-12, 12:30-4:30 (7.5 hours)

Wednesday 1/27: 8:30-12, 12:30-4:30 (7.5 hours)

Thursday 1/28: 8:30-12, 12:30-4:30 (7.5 hours)

Friday 1/29: 0 hours

Saturday 1/30: Special Event  Caregiver Resource Fair 9:00-12:30 (3.5 hours)
Kathryn Zell January 29, 2021 Journal #2 1/25-1/29

Weekly Hours: 33.5

Total Hours to date: 47.5 hours

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