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Kathryn Zell February 28, 2021 Journal 6 2/22-2/28

This week was the Leaders Summit for the Alzheimer’s Association. This year it was

virtual because of COVID-19. Sessions went from Monday 2/22 to Wednesday 2/24. We started

with general zoom sessions from the CEO on policy, research focuses, and general information.

They also had a comedy group called the Second City help do training sessions on storytelling

and how to be better presenters to those we educate. I took part in three training classes on this

form of story telling and how to upgrade my ability to add emotion and connection to viewers

and listeners of my story. Monday I also got to listen to a panel on new research efforts and other

new innovations related to early detection in people as young as 40 regarding certain types of

plaque seen by PET scans.

On Wednesday I was able to make more outreach calls when I was in between watching

different virtual programs from different community educators on 10 Warning signs and

Dementia Holistic Approach Methods. On Thursday and Friday I made more outreach calls. One

of the local assisted living homes in Milledgeville was extremely interested in allowing us to do

virtual education for their care staff. One of the current laws being discussed by the House in the

Georgia capital this coming week involves requirements for Certified Nursing Assistants to have

Dementia training in the future, which is more than they have now. I have been using this

potential as another way to encourage facilities to allow us to offer them free education since

current CNAs have no specific dementia care requirements outside of what they pick up in

clinical hours. I have had a lot of success with those I have talked to when they are in the right

staff position with gaining interest. Through this whole process I have had to learn how to write a

semi script on my own and what works well for different businesses. This facility in

Milledgeville gave me positive feedback on my pitch and I’m optimistic for my ability to present

in the future.
Kathryn Zell February 28, 2021 Journal 6 2/22-2/28

Regarding other presentations, the PHSO at Georgia College finally emailed me back

after some technical difficulties on their part and are letting me know what dates work for them

so I can find a time for my supervisor and myself to plan a program for them. I’m extremely

excited about this.

Monday 2/22: 8:00-12, 12:30-5:00 (8.5 hrs)

Tuesday 2/23: 8:30-12, 12:30-3:30 (7.5 hrs)
Wednesday 2/24: 8:00-12, 12:30-5:00 (8.5 hrs)
Thursday 2/25: 8:00-12, 12:30-5, 6-7:10 (9.5 hrs)
Friday 2/26: 9:00-10:30 (1.5 hrs)
Weekly Hours: 35.5 hrs
Total Hours to Date: 179 hours

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