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 Interview akan dilakukan melalui Webex Video Call pada Kamis, 11 Februari 2021
– jam 08.30 WIB.
 Silahkan langsung join di link
pada saat waktu interview.


Berca Hardayaperkasa (“BHp”) is a leading information communication technology,

test measurent and consulting company in Indonesia.


To become the leading Information Technology and Measurement Company in Indonesia by

providing customers with excellent value,

About myself

1. Sekarang bekerja di dinas kominfo kab lampung tengah

2. Bertanggung jawab atas radio komunikasi di lampung tengah
3. kerja di lapangan
4. dan di belakang meja
5. Saya familiar dengan komunikasi, dan teknologi karena itu adalah salah satu passion
6. Quality control Menara Telekkomunikasi juga salah satu pekerjaan

Describe myself

 Dengan sesorang yang memiliki informal background dan passion di komunikasi, saya
suka menemui orang2 baru
 I am analytical, and punctual

Uniqueness for this position

 Firsthand experience in telecommunication

 As someone who technically work as public servant, beside facilitating
telecommunication companies, our true clients are real people. So achieving common
ground where common people and companies can coexis/t

5 yeas plan

In 5 years, I’d like to be someone who has fully understood how the work environment
operate, and I think I have to admit that I am driven to be the best, I guess that is just the
same for everyone, so with that in mind I’d really like to work where I can develop my skill,
being surrounded by people I can learn a lot from, and with technology being ever-
expanding, there will always be something new, that is why I am very interested in this position
as well, I want to be somewhere where I can build a career.
Rencana 5 Tahun

1. Benar-benar mengerti alur pekerjaan saya dan pekerjaan yang berkaitan dengan posisi
2. Ingin bekerja dimana bisa mengembangkan skill
3. Dikelilingi oleh orang-orang yang dimana saya bisa belajar banyak dari mereka
4. Teknologi selalu berkembang, selalu ada sesuatu yang baru
5. Itulah mengapa saya tertarik dengan posisi ini
6. Karena saya ingin berada di tempat dimana saya bisa membangun sebuah karir.

Why I wanna work here

 Tech is always expanding and progressing

 I wanna have a firsthand experience with that
 I wanna be somewhere where I can develop my skills
 Where I can build a creer

Why thus position?

1. Id like new challenges

2. And beside I thrive on meeting new people
3. I have to familiarize myself with every solution and services that this company has
4. From a quick view at the website such as solar power solution, business intelligence
solution, machine learning, and research lab service
5. And again, to have firsthand experience on those programs is very exciting for me,


 Life in general, it is very gratifying for me to have met new people, listen to their needs,
and somehow address it properly.
 Plus my love with technology and communication always drives me.
 Sure I will admit sometimes it is scary to meet new people, but when all is said and
done, it is very gratifying.


 Analytical
 Problem solver
 I thrive in a position where there is aspect of leadership in it
 I thrive on meeting new people, and trying to be impressionable


 Overly detailed oriented

 Sometimes too afraid of saying no

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