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A. Passage

The General of Electrical Power System

Figure 1.1. Electrical Power Syatem

(Resource: Blume, Steven W. 2007. Electric Power System Basics, for The Nonelectrical
Professional. New Jersey, Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. )

Electric power systems are real-time energy delivery systems. Real time means that
power is generated, transported, and supplied the moment you turn on the light switch.
Electric power systems are not storage systems like water systems and gas systems.
Instead, generators produce the energy as the demand calls for it. Figure 1-1 shows the
basic building blocks of an electric power system. The system starts with generation, by
which electrical energy is produced in the power plant and then transformed in the power
station to high-voltage electrical energy that is more suitable for efficient long-distance
The power plants transform other sources of energy in the process of producing
electrical energy. For example, heat, mechanical, hydraulic, chemical, solar, wind,
geothermal, nuclear, and other energy sources are used in the production of electrical
energy. High-voltage (HV) power lines in the transmission portion of the electric power
system efficiently transport electrical energy over long distances to the consumption
locations. Finally, substations transform this HV electrical energy into lower-voltage
energy that is transmitted over distribution power lines that are more suitable for the
distribution of electrical energy to its destination, where it is again transformed for
residential, commercial, and industrial consumption. A full-scale actual interconnected
electric power system is much more complex than that shown in Figure 1-1; however the
basic principles, concepts, theories, and terminologies are all the same. We will start with
the basics and add complexity as we progress through the material.

B. Structure Pattern of Normal Sentence

Subject Verb Complement Modifier

We ate a pizza last night

Students take toolset on table
They operate the electrical machine very fast


The subject is the agent of tthe sentence in the active voice; it is the person or thing that
performs or is responsible for the action of the sentence, and it normally precedes the
verb. Every sentence in english must have a subject. (In the case of commands, the
subject [you] is understood. The subject may be a single noun.


1. Electricity is the phenomenon associated with positively and negatively charged

particles of matter at rest and in motion, individually or in great numbers.
2. Electricity is connected with the physical properties and structure of matter and is an
important factor in physics, chemistry and biology.
3. He began to practice medicine in London

The subject may be a noun phrase. A noun phrase is a group of words ending with noun.
It cannot begin with a preposition.
1. Electric power systems are real-time energy delivery systems.
2. Real time means that power is generated, transported, and supplied the moment you
turn on the light switch.
3. The power plants transform other sources of energy in the process of producing
electrical energy
It can act as a pronoun for a noun or can be the subject of an impersonal verb. As the
subject of an impersonal verb, the pronoun is not actually used in place of a noun, but it
is part of an idiomatic expression.

1. It rains quite often here in the summer.
2. It is hard to believe that he is dead.
In some sentences, the true subject does not appear in normal subject position. There can
act as a pseudo-subject and is treated like a subject when changing word order to a
question. However, the true subject appears after the verb, and the number of the true
subject controls the verb.
1. There was a fire in that building last month.
2. Was there a fire in the building last month ?
3. There were many students in the room.
4. Were there many students in the room ?

The verb follows the subject in a declarative sentence; it generally shows the action of
the sentence. Note: every sentence must have a verb. The verb may be a single word.
1. Electric power systems are not storage systems like water systems and gas systems.
2. Auger is a tool for making a hole.
3. Jhon drives too fast.
4. They hate working in that factory.
5. They hate spinach.
The verb may be a verb phrase. A verb phrase consists of one or more auxiliaries and one
main verb. The auxiliaries precede the main verb.
1. We will start with the basics and add complexity as we progress through the material.
2. Mary is watching television.

Complement completes the verb. It is similar to the subject because it is usually a noun or
noun phrase; however, it generally follows the verb when the sentence is in the active
voice. Note: Every sentence does not require a complement. The complement cannot
begin with a preposition. A complement answeres the question what ?, or whom ?.
1. Jhon bought a pincers yesterday. (What did jhon buy ?)
2. Jill was driving a new car. (What was Jill driving ?)
3. He wants to drink some water (What does he want to drink ?)
4. They called Mary yesterday. (Whom did they call yesterday ?)

A modifier tells the time, place, or manner of the action. Very often it is a prepositional
phrase. A prepositional phrase is a group of words that begins with a preposition and
ends with a noun. Note: a modifier of time usually comes last if more than one modifier
is present.
Examples of prepositional phrases:
1. In the morning; 2. At the university; 3. On the table
A modifier can also be an adverb or an adverbial phrase; examples:
1. Last night; 2. Hurriedly; 3. Next year; 4. Outdoors; 5. yesterday.
Note: every sentence does not require a modifier. A modifier answers the question
when ?, where ?, or how ?
1. Jhon bought a book at the bookstore yesterday. (Where did jhon buy a book ?).
(When dis Jhon buy a book ?)
2. He was driving very fast. (How was he driving ?)

C. Analysis of Structure Pattern of Normal Sentence from Passage

1. Substations transform this HV electrical energy into lower-voltage energy

Subject, Noun Verb Complement modifier

2. Electrical energy is produced in the power plant.

Subject, Noun Verb Modifier

D. Exercise

1. What does mean real time in electrical system ?

2. Why are electric power systems not storage systems ?
3. How does electrical system work ?
4. Give examples that the power plants transform other sources of energy in the process
of producing electrical energy.
5. Why is high-voltage (HV) needed in the transmission portion of the electric power
system ?
6. Give examples of the real system.
7. Give description each device in fig 1.1.
8. Analysis each sentence in the passage as a normal sentence.

E. Vocabulary Building

Vocabulary Building I.

Auger = bor tangan Angle of lag = sudut laju susulan

Pincers = gapit Angle of lead = sudut laju awal

Electric power systems = sistem tenaga Angle of rotation = sudut putar

listrik Anneal = dimudakan, dipijar dingin
energy delivery systems = sistem
Annular = gergentuk gelang
pemasok energi
Real time = sifat sistem yang bekerja Antenne = antena
saat mulai dioperasikan langsung
Anvil = landasan
diikuti seluruh sub sistem, tanpa ada
penundaan Anvil stand = blok landasan
light switch = saklar lampu
Arc =busur lingkaran

storage system = sistem penyimpan Arch = lengkung, lengkungan
basic building blocks = blok diagram Arc lamp = lampu busur
Arc welding = las busur cahaya
demand = permintaan
Arithmetic = ilmu hitung
suitable = memungkinkan
power plants = pembangkit energi Armature = angker

destination = tujuan Armature-bar = batang angker

residential = perumahan Armature binding = pengemban angker

hammer = palu Armature bolt = baut angker

chisel = pahat Armature bore = penggerekan kutup
pliers = tang Armature coil = kumparan angker
file = kikir
Armature core = inti angker
screwdriver = obeng
Armature field = medan angker
spade = skop pasir
Armature flux = arus gaya angker
shovel = skop pembuat lubang
Armature hub = tabung angker
fork = garpu pelobang
Armature induction = induksi angker
sheers = gunting
Armature iron = besi angker
chopper = parang
axe = kampak Armature laminations = pelat angker

rake = tembilang Armature lever = tuas angker

hacksaw = gergaji besi Armature reaction = reaksi angker

saw = gergaji Armature shaft = poros angker

Amperage = kekuatan arus dalam Armature slot = alur angker
Armature wire = kawat angker
Ampere turn = lilitan amper
Armature resistance = hambatan angker
Ampere winding = gulungan amper
Angle = sudut

Vocabulary Test I.a.

Auger = Angle of lag =

Pincers = Angle of lead =
Electric power systems = Angle of rotation =

energy delivery systems = Anneal =

Real time = Annular =

light switch = Antenne =

storage system = Anvil =
basic building blocks = Anvil stand =
demand =
Arc =
suitable =
Arch =
power plants =
Arc lamp =
destination =
Arc welding =
residential =
Arithmetic =
hammer =
Armature =
chisel =
pliers = Armature-bar =

file = Armature binding =

screwdriver = Armature bolt =

spade = Armature bore =

shovel = Armature coil =
fork = Armature core =
sheers =
Armature field =
chopper =
Armature flux =
axe =
Armature hub =
rake =
Armature induction =
hacksaw =
Armature iron =
saw =
Armature laminations =
Amperage =
Ampere turn = Armature lever =

Ampere winding = Armature reaction =

Angle = Armature shaft =

Armature wire = Armature slot =

Armature resistance =

Vocabulary Test I.b.

bor tangan = sudut laju susulan =

gapit = sudut laju awal =

sistem tenaga listrik = sudut putar =

sistem pemasok energi = dimudakan, dipijar dingin =

sifat sistem yang bekerja saat mulai gerbentuk gelang =

dioperasikan langsung diikuti seluruh
sub sistem, tanpa ada penundaan = antena =

saklar lampu = landasan =

sistem penyimpan = blok landasan =

blok diagram dasar = busur lingkaran =

permintaan = lengkung, lengkungan=
memungkinkan = lampu busur =
pembangkit energi =
las busur cahaya =
tujuan =
ilmu hitung =
perumahan =
angker =
palu =
batang angker =
pahat =
pengemban angker =
tang =
baut angker =
kikir =
obeng = penggerekan kutup =

skop pasir = kumparan angker =

skop pembuat lubang = inti angker =

garpu pelobang = medan angker =

gunting =

parang = arus gaya angker =
kampak = tabung angker =
tembilang = induksi angker =
gergaji besi =
besi angker =
gergaji =
pelat angker =
kekuatan arus dalam amper =
tuas angker =
lilitan amper =
reaksi angker =
gulungan amper =
poros angker =
sudut =
alur angker =
hambatan angker =
kawat angker =



A. Passage

International System of Units

An international organization of which most advanced and developing countries,

including India, are member, called the General Conference of weights and measures has
been entrusted with the task of prescribing defenitions of fundamental units of weights
and measures which are the very basis of science and technology to day.
These defenitions are adopted all over the world for porposes of science,
technology, industry and commerce. The 11 th General Conference of weighs and
measures which mit in October 1960 recommended a unified, rational, coherent and
comprehensive system of fundamental, supplementary and derived units for international
use. This system, called International System of Units and designated by the
abbreviation, SI, is now legally compulsory in about sixty-five countries.
The SI system is, in fact, simply the rationalized MKSA system expanded by the
addition of degree Kelvin and Candela as basic units, to include units used in heat and
Table 2.5 Basic Units

Unit Name Symbol

Length Metre M

Mass Kilogram Kg

Time Second S

Electrical current Ampere A

Thermodynamic temperature Kelvin K

Luminous intensity candela cd

(B.L. Theraja. 1984. A Text Book of Electrical Technology. Ram Nagar, New Delhi: S.
Chand & Company Ltd.)

B. Using Standard and Nonstandard English

You wouldn’t a bathing suit to a concert. Neither would you get all dressed up to
go to the beach. Similarly, different types of language are suitable for different situations.
There are two types, or levels, or language from which you can choose. They are called
standard English and nonstandard English. Nonstandard English is unacceptable in most
situation. These two types of language are described in the following chart 2.1:
Chart 2.1. Types of language

Standard English Nonstandard English

Defenition Standard English is language that Nonstandard English is
follows the rules of good grammar language that does not follow
and usage the rules of good grammer and
Use Standard English is acceptable in Nonstandard English is
all situations unacceptable in all situation
except very casual
conversation with friends
Examples 1. He doesn’t care. 1. He don’t care
2. Those switchs are broken 2. Them switchs is broke
3. I’m not going 3. I ain’t going

Look at next rules of tenses in chart 2.2 and chart 2.3, related with examples in chart 1.

Chart 2.2 Rules of tenses on active sentences

Simple Present Tense: Future Tense Non- Past Perfect Tense non-
Progressive: progressive:
Positive Sentence:
Positive Sentence: Positive Sentence:
(I,You, We, They, Its +
Invinitve-Verb ) (S + shall, will,… + (S + had + Past Participle-
Inviniteve-Verb ) Verb )
(He, She, It + Invinite-
Verb + s) Negative Sentence: Negative Sentence:
Negative Sentence: (S + Shall, Will,…+ not + (S + had+ not + Past
Invinitive-Verb) Participle-Verb)
(I, You, We, They, Its +
don’t + Invinitive-Verb)
(He, She, It + doesn’t +

Present Progressive Future Progressive Tense: Past perfect progressive

Tense : tense:
Positive Sentence:
Positive Sentence: Positive Sentence:
(S + shall, will,… + be +
(I + am + Invinitive Inviniteve-Verb + ing ) (S + had + been +
Verb + ing) invinitive verb + ing)
Negative Sentence:
(You, We, They, Its + Negative Sentence:
are + invinitive Verb + (S + Shall, Will,…+ not + be
ing) + Invinitive-Verb + ing) (S + had + not + been +
invinitive verb + ing)
(He, she, it + is +
invinitive Verb + ing)

Negative Sentence:
(I + am + + not +
Invinitive Verb + ing)
(You, We, They, Its +
are + not + invinitive
Verb + ing)
(He, she, it + is + not +
invinitive Verb + ing)

Simple Past Tense: Present Perfect Tense non- Future perfect tense non-
Progressive: progressive:
Positive Sentence:
Positive Sentence: Positive Sentence:
(S + Past tense Verb)
(I, You, We, They + Its + (S + Shall, Will, … + have
Negative Sentence: Have + Past Participle-Verb) + Past Participle Verb)
(S + Past tense Verb + (He, She, It + Has + Past Negative Sentence:
not) Participle-Verb)
(S + Shall, Will, … + have
Negative Sentence: + not + Past Participle
(I, You, We, They + Its +
Have + not + Past Participle-
(He, She, It + Has + not +
Past Participle-Verb)

Past Progressive Present Perfect Progressive Future perfect

Tense: progressive tense:
Positive Sentence: Positive Sentence:
Positive Sentence:
(I, He, She, It + was + (S + Shall, Will, … + have
Invinitive Verb + ing) (I, You, We, They + Its + + been + invinitive Verb +
Have + been + invinitive ing)
(You, We, They, Its + verb + ing)
were + Invinitive Verb Negative Sentence:
+ ing) (He, She, It + Has + been +
invinitive-verb + ing) (S + Shall, Will, … + have
Negative Sentence: + not + been + invinitive
Negative Sentence: verb + ing)
(I, He, She, It + was + +
not + Invinitive Verb + (I, You, We, They + Its +
ing) Have + not + been +
invinitive verb + ing) Note:
(You, We, They, Its +
were + not + Invinitive (He, She, It + Has + not + Progressive also called
Verb + ing) been + invinitive-verb + ing) continuous

Chart 2.3. Rules of Tenses on Passive Sentence

Simple Present Tense: Future Tense Non- Past Perfect Tense non-
Progressive: progressive:
Positive Sentence:
Positive Sentence: Positive Sentence:
(Single objeck + is +
Past Participle-Verb ) (O + shall, will,… + be + (O + had + been +Past
Past Participle-Verb ) Participle-Verb )
(Plural objeck + are +
Past Participle -Verb) Negative Sentence: Negative Sentence:
Negative Sentence: (O + Shall, Will,…+ not + (O + had+ not + been +
be + Past Participle -Verb) Past Participle-Verb)
(Single objeck + is +
not + Past Participle-
Verb )
(Plural objeck + are +
not + Past Participle

Simple Past Tense: Present Perfect Tense non- Future perfect tense non-
Progressive: progressive:
Positive Sentence:
Positive Sentence: Positive Sentence:
(Single O + was + Past
Participle Verb) (Single O + Has + been + (O + Shall, Will, … + be +
Past Participle-Verb); (Plural had + Past Participle Verb)
(Plural O + were + Past O + Have + been + Past
Participle verb) Participle-Verb) Negative Sentence:
Negative Sentence: Negative Sentence: (O + Shall, Will, … + not
+ be + had + Past
(Single O + was + not + (Single O + Has + not + been Participle Verb)
Past Participle Verb); + Past Participle-Verb);
(Plural O + were + not (Plural O + Have + not +
+ Past Participle verb) been + Past Participle-Verb)

C. Determiners
Determiners embraces several classes of words which, in dictionaries and older
grammer books, are called adjectives and pronouns. The definite and indefinite articles,
the partitive articles, the demonstratives, adjectives and pronouns of indefinite number
and quantity, are dealt with in the parts follow.
The most common determiners are, in alphabetical order: a (an), all, another, any,
both, certain, each, either, enough, every, few, half, last, least, less, little, many, more,
most, much, neither, next, no, other, own, plenty, same, several, some, such, that/those,
the, this/these, whole. To these must be added the numerals (cardinal and ordinal) and the
possessives (eg my/mine, our/ours, john’s).
Let you see examples no. 2 in list 2.1. in standard English : “Those switchs are
broken” but in nonstandard English: “Them switchs is broke”. You have to look for the
mistakes of sentence “Them switchs is broke” by using chart 2.3, determiners, and The
Personal Pronouns in next chart 2.4.
Chart 2.4. The Personal Pronouns

First Persons Second Third Persons


Singular Plural Singular and Singular Plural


Subject I We You he, she, it they

Object Me Us You him, her, it them

Possessive my Our Your his, her, its their

Sentence standard English “Those switchs are broken”

Determiner (not plural pronoun) Plural noun Passive simple present tense

D. Sentences in Electrical Books

There are differences attention in developing structure of sentences of common english
with technical English, as preparing in next sentence analyse.

Sentences in Common English:

Look at this structure

Subjeck + Verb + Objeck + Complement



Simple Subjeck phrase + complex Verb phrase + Simple Objeck phrase + Complement

Budi + takes + book + from table


Budi + has been taking + the Tool set + from that table + when….
Sentences in Technical English:

Look at this structure

Objeck + Verb + Agent (subjeck)+ Complement


Komplex Objeck Phrase Subjeck + Simple Verb Phrase + Complement

Examples 1:

Tool + is prepared + on table


The tool set for electrical working + is prepared + on the practicum table + before doing practicum

Example 2:
Motor + is working + for conversion power

Electrical motor + is working + for conversion power

The Electrical motor + is working + for conversion power

The Alternating Current Electrical motor + is working + for conversion power

The Alternating Current Electrical motor of fan + is working + for conversion power

The Alternating Current Electrical motor of fan + is working + for conversion electrical to mechanical power


Build simple passive sentences and than developing its optimally, from next noun.

1. Cable ; 2. Osciloscope 3. Actual horsepower 4. Adjustment

5. Generator 6. Transfomator 7. Distribution 8. Transistor

9. Resistor 10. Capasitor 11. Wire 12. Fitting

13. Instalation 14. Insolator 15. Conductor 16. Switch

17. Line 18. AVO meter 17. Tacho meter 17. Micro meter

D. Vocabulary Building

Vocabulary Building II.A

Absolute measure = ukuran mutlak Acoustics = ilmu suara, akustik
Absolute movement = gerak mutlak Acoustics waves = gelombang suara
Absolute power = gaya mutlak Active stroke = langkah kerja
Absolute pressure = tekanan mutlak Acctual horsepower = daya (tenaga) efektif
Absolute unit = satuan mutlak Actuate = menjalankan
Absolute weight = bobot mutlak Acute = tajam
Absolute zero = titik nol mutlak Acute Angle = sudut tajam
Absorb = menyerap Adapt = menyesuaikan
Absorbent = bahan serap Adaptability = daya suai
Absorber = demper = Add = menjumlahkan
Addition = tambahan
Absorption = absorpsi
Adhere = melekat
Accelerate = mempercepat
Adhesion = adhesi
Acceleration = percepatan
Adhesion force = gaya lekat
Access = jalan masuk
Adhesive = melekat-lekat
Accessibility = sifat dapat
dicapai Adhesive substance = bahan pelekat

Accessible = dapat dicapai Adjacent = bersebelahan,

Accident = kecelakaan
Adjoining = berbatasan pada
Accomodation = akomodasi (dengan)
Accumulate = menumpuk Adjust = mengatur, menyetel
Accumulation = tumpukan Adjustable = dapat diatur
Accumulator = Aki Adjustable condenser = kondensator putar
Accumulator Acid = isi aki; asam Adjustment = pengaturan
Accumulator box (plate) = kotak (plat) Admit = membiarkan

Vocabulary Test II-a

Absolute measure = Acoustics =

Absolute movement = Acoustics waves =
Absolute power = Active stroke =
Absolute pressure = Acctual horsepower =
Absolute unit = Actuate =
Absolute weight = Acute =
Absolute zero = Acute Angle =
Absorb = Adapt =
Absorbent = Adaptability =
Absorber = Add =
Absorption = Addition =
Accelerate = Adhere =
Acceleration = Adhesion =
Access = Adhesion force =
Accessibility = Adhesive =
Accessible = Adhesive substance =
Accident = Adjacent =
Accomodation = Adjoining =
Accumulate = Adjust =
Accumulation = Adjustable =
Accumulator = Adjustable condenser =
Accumulator Acid = Adjustment =
Accumulator box (plate) = Admit =

Vocabulary Test II-b

ukuran mutlak = ilmu suara, akustik =

gerak mutlak = gelombang suara =
gaya mutlak = langkah kerja =
tekanan mutlak = daya (tenaga) efektif =

satuan mutlak = menjalankan =
bobot mutlak = tajam =
titik nol mutlak = sudut tajam =
Menyerap = menyesuaikan =
bahan serap = daya suai =
Peredam = menjumlahkan =
Absorpsi = tambahan =
Mempercepat = melekat =
Percepatan = adhesi =
jalan masuk = gaya lekat =
sifat dapat dicapai = melekat-lekat =
dapat dicapai = bahan pelekat =
Kecelakaan = bersebelahan, berbatasan =
Akomodasi = berbatasan pada (dengan) =
Menumpuk = mengatur, menyetel =
Tumpukan = dapat diatur =
Aki = kondensator putar =
isi aki; asam = pengaturan =
kotak (plat) aki = membiarkan =

Vocabulary Building II B

Advance = kemajuan Air gap = celah udara

Advance lever = pembalik Air lock = angin palsu

Aerial (antenne) = antena Air main (pipe) = pipa angin

Aerial cable = kabel udara Air man = pilot

Aerial fuse = sekering antena Air pressure = tekanan udara

Aerial tower = menara antena Air reservoir = penabung udara

Aerial network = jaringan udara Air proof (tight) = rapat udara

Agitation = sifat bergerak Air trap (valve) = katup angin

Agreement = kontrak Alkaline battery = baterai alkali

Aid = menolong Alloy = kadar, campuran

Aim = tujuan Alternate = bertukar-tukar

Air = angin, menganginkan Alternate motion = gerak bolakbalik

Air blast = arus angin kuat Alternating current = arus bolakbalik

Air brake = rem angin Alternating current field=medan arus tukar

Air bubble = gelembung udara Alternating current plant=instalasi arus tukar

Air-chamber = kamar udara Alternating current motor=motor arus tukar

Air conduit = pipa ventilasi Alternating electromotive force=

Air ejecter = pembuang Gaya elektromotoris bolakbalik

Alternator = dinamo arus tukar
Air field = medan magnet udara
Altimeter = pengukur tinggi
Air insulation = isolasi udara
Altitude = titik tinggi
Airless = hampa udara


Advance = Air gap =

Advance lever = Air lock =

Aerial (antenne) = Air main (pipe) =

Aerial cable = Air man =

Aerial fuse = Air pressure =

Aerial tower = Air reservoir =

Aerial network = Air proof (tight) =

Agitation = Air trap (valve) =

Agreement = Alkaline battery =

Aid = Alloy =

Aim = Alternate =

Air = Alternate motion =

Air blast = Alternating current =

Air brake = Alternating current field=

Air bubble = Alternating current plant=

Air-chamber = Alternating current motor=

Air conduit = Alternating electromotive force=

Air ejecter = Alternator =

Air field = Altimeter =

Air insulation = Altitude =

Airless = Alloyage =


Kemajuan = celah udara =

Pembalik = angin palsu =

Antenna = pipa angin =

kabel udara = pilot =

sekering antenna = tekanan udara =

menara antenna = penabung udara =

jaringan udara = rapat udara =

sifat bergerak = katup angin =

kontrak = baterai alkali =

menolong = kadar, campuran =

tujuan = bertukar-tukar =

angin, menganginkan = gerak bolakbalik =

arus angin kuat = arus bolakbalik =

rem angin = medan arus tukar =

gelembung udara = instalasi arus tukar =

kamar udara = motor arus tukar =

pipa ventilasi = Gaya elektromotoris bolakbalik =

pembuang udara = dinamo arus tukar =

medan magnet udara = pengukur tinggi =

isolasi udara = titik tinggi =

hampa udara = Perpaduan = alloyage



A. Passage

Generation of Electrical Energy

The most common method of generating energy is by means of electric machines

generally called “generator” when the power generated is D.C. and “alternator” when the
power generated A.C. The machines are essentially convertors which convert mechanical
energy in to electrical energy, i.e., these machines must be mechanical coupled to preme-

The alternate method of generating electricity without the use of prime mover
consists of magneto-hydro-dynamics, thermionic and thermo electric generation; but all
these methods still in experimental stages.

The prime-movers in turn look to the following for sources of energy:

1) Fuels; which are further be classified as:

a. Solid fuels; b. Liquid fuels; c. Gaseous fuels.

The generating stations which use solid fuels are called as “Thermal power station”
and stations using liquid fuels fuels are called “disel power station”.

2) Water power. Water is great potential source of energy. The generating stations which
obtain energy from water are called “hydro-electric stations”.
3) Nuclear power. The power obtained from nuclear fission is called nuclear power or
atomic power and power stations using this energy are called as “Nuclear Power Stations
or atomic power stations”.
4) Solar heat;
5) Terrestrial heat (panas bumi);
6) Wind power;
7) Tidal power (pasang surut –laut).

Out of the above mentioned seven sources of available energy only first three are most
depenable and are commonly used for generation of electrical power. The continuity of
electrical power from other sources is not certain and depends on nature.

The solid fuels, gaseous fuels, and liquid fuels belong to the category of fossile fuel
which is leable (bertanggung jawab) to be exhausted (menghabiskan tenaga). The energy
available from water sources is rather permanent; but has higher initial cost. It is estimated
that approximately half of the electrical power has been obtain from fuels and the other
half is from water sources. The modern trens is towards the nuclear energy. It is estimated
that in next decade the electrical energy from nuclear fission will be fast approaching equal
to thermal or water power. The only drawback is its soaring (membubung tinggi) cost and
disposal (selesai dengan) of the radiocative waste.

Diesel Fuel

Diesel fuels are heavier portions of gas oil and lighter portions of residues remaining
in the petrolium distillation. It is used in engines where the fuel is directly injected into
cylinders and is atomised there before it is ignited and burnt.

The requirements of a good diesel fuel are:

1. The viscosity of the fuel should be such that it should not have difficulty to pass
through very small pipes, which are involved in internal combustion engines.
2. It should also be able to lubricate the moving parts
3. It should have not suspended impurities.
4. It should have high flash point.
5. It should not cause carbon deposits after contamination.
6. It sould not cause sediments.
7. It should not have water content more than 0.15%
8. It should not have a spheric content more tahn 0.1%
Diesel fuels are rated by their cetane number which is the spontaneous ignition
temperature of particular diesel fuel. The best diesel fuel which has the highest ignition
temperature is cetane C16H34 and the diesel fuel which has the lowest spontaneous ignition
temperature is α-methyl naphthalene. Mixture of these two forms a standard scale for
seeing the spontaneous ignition temperature of a diesel fuel. When a diesel oil has catane
number 40, it means that the spontaneous ignition temperature of the oil is the same as that
mixture of 40% catane and 60% of α-methyl naphthalene.

Water Power
Water is a great source of energy. There are two types of energies which the water
can possess. The flowing water in stream may have only kinetic energy. The flowing
stream of water may have both kinetic as well as potential energy or simply potential
energy at some elevation with respect to a lower datum level. The practical examples of
which are water-falls or water stored at the back of a dam. The water stored in the
reservoir is allowed to fall on the blades of a water turbine placed at the foot of the dam.
The initial cost of harnessing water and converting the potential energy into electrical
energy is quite high but recurring expenses are quite less, so, the overall system will be
very economical.

Nuclear Power

The nulear power obtained by unclear fission is fast entering into arena of energy
sources. The heat produced by nuclear fission of atomic material is utilized in special heat
exchangers to produce steam to run steam turbines. The atomic materials utilized for
nuclear fission are thorium and uranium. It is estimated that 1 Kg of nuclear fuel is
equivalent to about 2,750 tonnes (metric tons) of coals. Another reason of fast
development of nuclear power is that it is feared that world reserves of natural resources
of coal and petroleum will exhaust early if the pace of industrial development remained
so fast.

Solar Power
As is clear from its name the solar energy is obtained from sun. In the first method sun
rays are concentrated over say water tank placed at focal length of lens and the water
can be made to boil to produce steam to be used in steam turbines. In the second methods
reflectors are used to concentrate sun rays to focal point and they can made to turn along
with the sun so that sun energy can always be utilized producing steam.
For the development of solar power the greatest drawback is that it depends on
weather conditions. Further the sun energy is available only during day. Thus the
commercial development of this energy on a large scale is not possible. Although small
scale projects can be succesfull in which case the energy available during the day can be
used to charge batteries which will ensure continuous supply of power during night time.
(S.L. Uppal. 1984. Electrical Power. New Delhi: Khanna Publishers).

B. Relative Caluses

The relative Pronoun

A relative clause is used to form one sentence from two seperate sentences. The
relative pronoun replaces one of two identical noun phrases and relates the clauses to each
other. The relative pronouns and their uses are listed here.

Pronoun Use in formal english

that things

which things

who people

whom people

whose usually people

Using Examples in Passage

1. It is estimated that approximately half of the electrical power has been obtain from
fuels and the other half is from water sources.
2. Another reason of fast development of nuclear power is that it is feared that world
reserves of natural resources of coal and petroleum will exhaust early if the pace of
industrial development remained so fast
3. The viscosity of the fuel should be such that it should not have difficulty to pass
through very small pipes, which are involved in internal combustion engines.
4. There are two types of energies which the water can posses.

C. Pronoun


I Me My Mine Myself
You You Your Yours Yourself
He Him His His Himself
She Her Her Hers Herself
It It Its Its Itself
We Us Our Ours Ourselves
you You Your Yours Yourselves
They them their its themselves

Using Examples in Passage

1. The requirements of a good diesel fuel are: 1) It should also be able to lubricate the
moving parts; 2) It should have not suspended impurities.
2. Diesel fuels are rated by their cetane number.

D. Adjectives, Adverbs, Nouns

Adjectives Adverbs Nouns

Heavy, light Heavyly Weight

Wide, narrow Widely Width

deep., shallow Deeply Depth

Long, short Longly Length

Big, small bigly size

Using Examples in Passage

1. The machines are essentially convertors which convert mechanical energy in to

electrical energy.
2. Out of the above mentioned seven sources of available energy only first three are
most depenable and are commonly used for generation of electrical power.
3. Another reason of fast development of nuclear power is that it is feared that world
reserves of natural resources of coal and petroleum will exhaust early if the pace of
industrial development remained so fast.

E. Exercises

1. What is the name of machines that generates AC power ?

2. What is the name of machines that generates DC power ?
3. What is generator ?
4. What is motor ?
5. What is prime-mover ?
6. What are differences of Thermal power station, disel power station, Water power,
hydro-electric stations, Nuclear power station, solar power station.
7. Why we have to look for new resources of power ?
8. What is the meaning of renewable resources ?
9. Why nuclear power station has many advantages than diesel power station ?

F. Vocabulary Building
Vocabulary Building III
Common = lajim, umum Arrange = menyusun
Generating = pembangkitan Arrangement = penyusunan, pengaturan
Generator = Pembangkit energi listrik DC
Arrestor = penangkal petir
Alternator = Pembangkit energy listrik AC
Artificial = buatan
Convertor = convert mechanical energy in
to electrical energy Ashes = debu
Couple = menggandeng
Asphalt = aspal
Preme-movers = penggerak mula
Astern motion = gerak mundur
Stages = tahap
Asymmetrical = tidak simetris
Solid fuels = bahan bakar padat
Liquid fuels = bahan bakar cair Discharge = pelepasan

Gaseous fuels = bahan bakar gas Attach = mengikat, menyematkan

Thermal power station = pusat pembangkit Attachment = penyematan, sambungan
tenaga panas
Attitude = sikap
disel power station = pusat pembangkit
tenaga disel Attraction = gaya tarik
hydro-electric stations = pembangkit
Attraction of gravity = gaya berat
listrik tenaga air
Nuclear power station = pembangkit listrik Attraction power = gaya tarik
tenaga nuklir Audio frequency = frekwensi
Fission = pembelahan pendengaran
Solar heat = panas mata hari Audiometer = pengukur suara
Terrestrial heat = panas bumi
Augment = memperbesar, menambah
Wind power = tenaga angin
Auto-converter = transformator
Tidal power = tenaga pasang surut air laut kumparan tunggal
Out of the above mentioned = di luar yang
Auto induction = induksi diri
dibicarakan di atas
Automatic circuit breaker = sakelar
available = yang mungkin pemutus otomatis
leable = bertanggung jawab Automatic closing valve = katup
to be exhausted = menghabiskan tenaga menutup sendiri
The modern trens is towards = Auxiliary = alat bantu
kecenderungan ke depan yang modern
Auxiliary power = tenaga untuk alat
Drawback = sebaliknya bantu
soaring = membubung tinggi
Auxiliary switch = sakelar bantu
disposal = selesai dengan, sisa akhir
Auxiliary wire = kawat penolong
the radiocative waste = limbah radioaktif
heavier portions = porsi lebih besar, porsi Average = rata-rata
yang lebih berat
Average electromotive force = gaya
lighter portions = porsi yang lebih sedikit, elektromotoris rata-rata
porsi yang lebih ringan
Average pressure = tegangan rata-rata
residues remaining in the petrolium
distillation = sisa penasmbangan di Aviator = pilot
dalam destilasi minyak
Axial = sekitar poros
directly injected into cylinders =
diinjeksikan langsung ke dalam blok Axis = garis sumbu
Axis of oscillation = sumbu ayunan
atomised = diuraikan menjadi atom
Axis of revolution = sumbu perputaran
ignited and burnt = disulut dan dibakar
Axis of rotation = sumbu rotasi
viscosity = kekentalan
internal combustion engines = mesin Axle = poros
pembakaran di dalam
Back axle = poros belakang
able = dapat
Back contact = kontak diam
to lubricate = menumasi
Back fire = pukulan balik (motor)
the moving parts = bagian-bagian bergerak
suspended impurities = mengendapkan Back ground = dasar belakang
Back induction = induksi balik
high flash point = titik sambaran yang
tinggi Back pressure = tekanan lawan

carbon deposits = simpanan karbon Back stroke = langkah mundur

sediments = lapisan enda Back view = tanpak belakang
spheric = kotoran berbentuk bulat
Bad conductor = konduktor buruk

spontaneous ignition temperature = Balancing resistance = hambatan
temperatur pembakaran spontan penyeimbang
Mixture = campuran Bearing = bantalan
Possess = memiliki, mengandung
Band = ban, sabuk transmisi
The flowing water in stream = aliran air
dalam arus Bandage = menyambung

The flowing stream of water = aliran arus Band magnet = magnet pita
Bar = batang, jeruji
elevation = elevasi
Bar armature = angker batang
a lower datum level = lever dasar terbawah
water-falls = air terjun Barbed wire = kawat duri

water stored at the back of a dam = air Bare cable = kabel tak berbungkus
yang dismpan di belakang bendungan
Bar magnet = magnet batang
The water stored in the reservoir = air
yang dismpan dalam reservoir Bathometer = pengukur dalam
Blades = sudu-sudu Battery = baterai
harnessing water = air yang memiliki
Battery box = bak baterai
recurring expenses are quite less = Battery boiler = ketel baterai
kemahalan yang selanjutnya semakin Battery frame = rak baterai
Batteray gauge = galvanometer baterai
heat exchangers = penukar kalor
steam turbines = turbin uap Battery jar = gelas baterai

focal length of lens = panjang fokus lensa Battery pole = kutup baterai
focal point = titik fokus Battery switch = komutator baterai
turn along = bergerak mengikuti
Bayonet cap = kaki lampu
utilized = harapan praktis, kegunaan
praktis Beam = balok

charge batteries = batre-batre yang dimuati Bearing = bantalan

Bearing power = daya dukung
during = selama
Bell crank = tuas, pengungkit
Bend = membengkokkan
Bell key = tombol tekan
Bending iron = besi pelipat

Bending pliers = tang pembengkok

Vocabulary Test III. a
Common = Arrange =
Generating =
Arrangement =
Generator =
Arrestor =
Alternator =
Artificial =
Convertor =
Couple = Ashes =

Preme-movers = Asphalt =
Stages = Astern motion =
Solid fuels =
Asymmetrical =
Liquid fuels =
Discharge =
Gaseous fuels =
Thermal power station = Attach =

disel power station = Attachment =

hydro-electric stations Attitude =
Nuclear power station =
Attraction =
Fission = pembelahan
Attraction of gravity =
Solar heat =
Attraction power =
Terrestrial heat =
Wind power = Audio frequency =

Tidal power Audiometer =

Out of the above mentioned = Augment =
available = yang mungkin
Auto-converter =
leable = bertanggung jawab
Auto induction =
to be exhausted =
The modern trens is towards = Automatic circuit breaker =

Drawback = Automatic closing valve =

soaring = Auxiliary
disposal =
Auxiliary power =
the radiocative waste =
Auxiliary switch =

heavier portions = Auxiliary wire =
lighter portions = Average =
residues remaining in the petrolium =
Average electromotive force =
distillation =
directly injected into cylinders = Average pressure =

atomised = Aviator =
ignited and burnt = Axial =
viscosity =
Axis =
internal combustion engines =
Axis of oscillation =
able =
to lubricate = Axis of revolution =

the moving parts = Axis of rotation =

suspended impurities = Axle =
high flash point =
Back axle =
carbon deposits =
Back contact =
sediments =
Back fire =
spheric =
spontaneous ignition temperature = Back ground =

Mixture = Back induction =

Possess = Back pressure =
The flowing water in stream =
Back stroke =
The flowing stream of water =
Back view =
elevation =
a lower datum level = Bad conductor =

water-falls = Balancing resistance =

water stored at the back of a dam = Bearing =

Band =
The water stored in the reservoir =
Bandage =
Blades =
Band magnet =
harnessing water =
recurring expenses are quite less = Bar =

heat exchangers =
steam turbines = Bar armature =
focal length of lens = Barbed wire =
focal point =
Bare cable =
turn along =
Bar magnet =
utilized =
charge batteries = Bathometer =

during = Battery =
Beam = Battery box =
Bearing = Battery boiler =
Bearing power = Battery frame =
Bell crank = Batteray gauge =
Bell key = Battery jar =
Bend = Battery pole =
Bending iron = Battery switch =
Bending pliers = Bayonet cap =

Vocabulary Test III.b.

lajim, umum = Menyusun =

pembangkitan = penyusunan, pengaturan =
Pembangkit energi listrik DC =
penangkal petir =
Pembangkit energy listrik AC =
buatan =
convert mechanical energy in to
electrical energy = debu =
menggandeng =
aspal =
penggerak mula =
gerak mundur =
tahap =
tidak simetris =
bahan bakar padat =
bahan bakar cair = pelepasan =

bahan bakar gas = mengikat, menyematkan =

pusat pembangkit tenaga panas =

pusat pembangkit tenaga disel = penyematan, sambungan =
pembangkit listrik tenaga air = sikap =
pembangkit listrik tenaga nuklir =
gaya tarik =
pembelahan =
gaya berat =
panas mata hari =
panas bumi = gaya tarik =

tenaga angin = frekwensi pendengaran =

tenaga pasang surut air laut = pengukur suara =
di luar yang dibicarakan di atas =
memperbesar, menambah =
yang mungkin =
transformator kumparan tunggal =
bertanggung jawab =
induksi diri =
menghabiskan tenaga =
kecenderungan ke depan yang modern = sakelar pemutus otomatis =

sebaliknya = katup menutup sendiri =

membubung tinggi = alat bantu =
selesai dengan, sisa akhir =
tenaga untuk alat bantu =
limbah radioaktif =
sakelar bantu =
porsi lebih besar, porsi yang lebih berat=
porsi yang lebih sedikit, porsi yang lebih kawat penolong =
ringan = rata-rata =
sisa penasmbangan di dalam destilasi
gaya elektromotoris rata-rata =
minyak =
diinjeksikan langsung ke dalam blok tegangan rata-rata =
silinder =
pilot =
diuraikan menjadi atom =
sekitar poros =
disulut dan dibakar =
garis sumbu =
kekentalan =
mesin pembakaran di dalam = sumbu ayunan =

dapat = sumbu perputaran =

menumasi = sumbu rotasi =
bagian-bagian bergerak =
poros =
mengendapkan kotoran =

titik sambaran yang tinggi = poros belakang =
simpanan karbon = kontak diam =
lapisan enda =
pukulan balik (motor) =
kotoran berbentuk bulat =
dasar belakang =
temperatur pembakaran spontan =
campuran = induksi balik =

memiliki, mengandung = tekanan lawan =

aliran air dalam arus = langkah mundur =
aliran arus air =
tanpak belakang =
elevasi =
konduktor buruk =
lever dasar terbawah =
hambatan penyeimbang =
air terjun =
air yang disimpan di belakang bantalan =
bendungan =
ban, sabuk transmisi =
air yang dismpan dalam reservoir =
menyambung =
sudu-sudu =
magnet pita =
air yang memiliki kekuatan =
kemahalan yang selanjutnya semakin batang, jeruji =
berkurang =
angker batang =
penukar kalor =
kawat duri =
turbin uap =
kabel tak berbungkus =
panjang fokus lensa =
titik fokus = magnet batang =

bergerak mengikuti = pengukur dalam =

harapan praktis, kegunaan praktis = baterai =
batre-batre yang dimuati (dicas) =
bak baterai =
selama =
ketel baterai =
bantalan =
rak baterai =
daya dukung =
galvanometer baterai =
tuas, pengungkit =
gelas baterai =
tombol tekan =

membengkokkan = kutup baterai =

besi pelipat = komutator baterai =

tang pembengkok = kaki lampu =

balok =




Electric power system

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A steam turbine used to provide electric power.

An electric power system is a network of electrical components used to supply,

transmit and use electric power. An example of an electric power system is the network
that supplies a region's homes and industry with power - for sizable regions, this power
system is known as the grid and can be broadly divided into the generators that supply the
power, the transmission system that carries the power from the generating centres to the
load centres and the distribution system that feeds the power to nearby homes and
industries. Smaller power systems are also found in industry, hospitals, commercial

buildings and homes. The majority of these systems rely upon three-phase AC power - the
standard for large-scale power transmission and distribution across the modern world.
Specialised power systems that do not always rely upon three-phase AC power are found
in aircraft, electric rail systems, ocean liners and automobiles.


A sketch of the Pearl Street Station

In 1881 two electricians built the world's first power system at Godalming in England.
It was powered by a power station consisting of two waterwheels that produced an
alternating current that in turn supplied seven Siemens arc lamps at 250 volts and 34
incandescent lamps at 40 volts. However supply to the lamps was intermittent and in 1882
Thomas Edison and his company, The Edison Electric Light Company, developed the first
steam powered electric power station on Pearl Street in New York City. The Pearl Street
Station initially powered around 3,000 lamps for 59 customers. The power station used
direct current and operated at a single voltage. Direct current power could not be easily
transformed to the higher voltages necessary to minimise power loss during long-distance
transmission, so the maximum economic distance between the generators and load was
limited to around half-a-mile (800 m).

Components of power systems

The majority of the world's power still comes from coal-fired power stations like this.
All power systems have one or more sources of power. For some power systems, the
source of power is external to the system but for others it is part of the system itself - it is
these internal power sources that are discussed in the remainder of this section. Direct

current power can be supplied by batteries, fuel cells or photovoltaic cells. Alternating
current power is typically supplied by a rotor that spins in a magnetic field in a device
known as a turbo generator. There have been a wide range of techniques used to spin a
turbine's rotor, from steam heated using fossil fuel (including coal, gas and oil) or nuclear
energy, falling water (hydroelectric power) and wind (wind power).
The speed at which the rotor spins in combination with the number of generator poles
determines the frequency of the alternating current produced by the generator. All
generators on a single synchronous system, for example the national grid, rotate at sub-
multiples of the same speed and so generate electrical current at the same frequency. If the
load on the system increases, the generators will require more torque to spin at that speed
and, in a typical power station, more steam must be supplied to the turbines driving them.
Thus the steam used and the fuel expended are directly dependent on the quantity of
electrical energy supplied. An exception exists for generators incorporating power
electronics such as gearless wind turbines or linked to a grid through an asynchronous tie
such as a HVDC link — these can operate at frequencies independent of the power system
Depending on how the poles are fed, alternating current generators can produce a
variable number of phases of power. A higher number of phases leads to more efficient
power system operation but also increases the infrastructure requirements of the system.

Electricity grid systems connect multiple generators and loads operating at the same
frequency and number of phases, the commonest being three-phase at 50 or 60 Hz.
However there are other considerations. These range from the obvious: How much power
should the generator be able to supply? What is an acceptable length of time for starting
the generator (some generators can take hours to start)? Is the availability of the power
source acceptable (some renewables are only available when the sun is shining or the wind
is blowing)? To the more technical: How should the generator start (some turbines act like
a motor to bring themselves up to speed in which case they need an appropriate starting
circuit)? What is the mechanical speed of operation for the turbine and consequently what
are the number of poles required? What type of generator is suitable (synchronous or
asynchronous) and what type of rotor (squirrel-cage rotor, wound rotor, salient pole rotor
or cylindrical rotor)?


A toaster is great example of a single-phase load that might appear in a residence.
Toasters typically draw 2 to 10 amps at 110 to 260 volts consuming around 600 to 1200
watts of power .
Power systems deliver energy to loads that perform a function. These loads range
from household appliances to industrial machinery. Most loads expect a certain voltage
and, for alternating current devices, a certain frequency and number of phases. The
appliances found in your home, for example, will typically be single-phase operating at 50
or 60 Hz with a voltage between 110 and 260 volts (depending on national standards). An
exception exists for centralized air conditioning systems as these are now typically three-
phase because this allows them to operate more efficiently. All devices in your house will
also have a wattage, this specifies the amount of power the device consumes. At any one
time, the net amount of power consumed by the loads on a power system must equal the
net amount of power produced by the supplies less the power lost in transmission.
Making sure that the voltage, frequency and amount of power supplied to the loads
is in line with expectations is one of the great challenges of power system engineering.
However it is not the only challenge, in addition to the power used by a load to do useful
work (termed real power) many alternating current devices also use an additional amount
of power because they cause the alternating voltage and alternating current to become
slightly out-of-sync (termed reactive power). The reactive power like the real power must
balance (that is the reactive power produced on a system must equal the reactive power
consumed) and can be supplied from the generators, however it is often more economical
to supply such power from capacitors (see "Capacitors and reactors" below for more
A final consideration with loads is to do with power quality. In addition to
sustained overvoltages and undervoltages (voltage regulation issues) as well as sustained
deviations from the system frequency (frequency regulation issues), power system loads
can be adversely affected by a range of temporal issues. These include voltage sags, dips
and swells, transient overvoltages, flicker, high frequency noise, phase imbalance and poor
power factor. Power quality issues occur when the power supply to a load deviates from
the ideal: For an AC supply, the ideal is the current and voltage in-sync fluctuating as a
perfect sine wave at a prescribed frequency with the voltage at a prescribed amplitude. For
DC supply, the ideal is the voltage not varying from a prescribed level. Power quality
issues can be especially important when it comes to specialist industrial machinary or
hospital equipment.


Conductors carry power from the generators to the load. In a grid, conductors may
be classified as belonging to the transmission system, which carries large amounts of
power at high voltages (typically more than 50 kV) from the generating centres to the load
centres, or the distribution system, which feeds smaller amounts of power at lower
voltages (typically less than 50 kV) from the load centres to nearby homes and industry.
Choice of conductors is based upon considerations such as cost, transmission losses
and other desirable characteristics of the metal like tensile strength. Copper, with lower
resistivity than aluminium, was the conductor of choice for most power systems. However,
aluminum has lower cost for the same current carrying capacity and is the primary metal
used for transmission line conductors. Overhead line conductors may be reinforced with
steel or aluminum alloys.
Conductors in exterior power systems may be placed overhead or underground.
Overhead conductors are usually air insulated and supported on porcelain, glass or
polymer insulators. Cables used for underground transmission or building wiring are
insulated with cross-linked polyethylene or other flexible insulation. Large conductors are
stranded for ease of handling; small conductors used for building wiring are often solid,
especially in light commercial or residential construction.
Conductors are typically rated for the maximum current that they can carry at a given
temperature rise over ambient conditions. As current flow increases through a conductor it
heats up. For insulated conductors, the rating is determined by the insulation. For
overhead conductors, the rating is determined by the point at which the sag of the
conductors would become unacceptable.

Capacitors and reactors

The majority of the load in a typical AC power system is inductive; the current lags
behind the voltage. Since the voltage and current are out-of-sync, this leads to the
emergence of a "useless" form of power known as reactive power. Reactive power does no
measurable work but is transmitted back and forth between the reactive power source and
load every cycle. This reactive power can be provided by the generators themselves but it
is often cheaper to provide it through capacitors, hence capacitors are often placed near
inductive loads to reduce current demand on the power system. Power factor correction
may be applied at a central substation or adjacent to large loads.
Reactors consume reactive power and are used to regulate voltage on long
transmission lines. In light load conditions, where the loading on transmission lines is well
below the surge impedance loading, the efficiency of the power system may actually be
improved by switching in reactors. Reactors installed in series in a power system also limit
rushes of current flow, small reactors are therefore almost always installed in series with
capacitors to limit the current rush associated with switching in a capacitor. Series reactors
can also be used to limit fault currents.

Capacitors and reactors are switched by circuit breakers, which results in moderately
large steps in reactive power. A solution comes in the form of static VAR compensators
and static synchronous compensators. Briefly, static VAR compensators work by
switching in capacitors using thyristors as opposed to circuit breakers allowing capacitors
to be switched-in and switched-out within a single cycle. This provides a far more refined
response than circuit breaker switched capacitors. Static synchronous compensators take a
step further by achieving reactive power adjustments using only power electronics.

Power electronics

Power electronics are semi-conductor based devices that are able to switch quantities
of power ranging from a few hundred watts to several hundred megawatts. Despite their
relatively simple function, their speed of operation (typically in the order of nanoseconds)
means they are capable of a wide range of tasks that would be difficult or impossible with
conventional technology. The classic function of power electronics is rectification, or the
conversion of AC-to-DC power, power electronics are therefore found in almost every
digital device that is supplied from an AC source either as an adapter that plugs into the
wall (see photo in Basics of Electric Power section) or as component internal to the device.
High-powered power electronics can also be used to convert AC power to DC power for
long distance transmission in a system known as HVDC. HVDC is used because it proves
to be more economical than similar high voltage AC systems for very long distances
(hundreds to thousands of kilometres). HVDC is also desirable for interconnects because it
allows frequency independence thus improving system stability. Power electronics are also
essential for any power source that is required to produce an AC output but that by its
nature produces a DC output. They are therefore used by many photovoltaic installations
both industrial and residential.
Power electronics also feature in a wide range of more exotic uses. They are at the
heart of all modern electric and hybrid vehicles - where they are used for both motor
control and as part of the brushless DC motor. Power electronics are also found in
practically all modern petrol-powered vehicles, this is because the power provided by the
car's batteries alone is insufficient to provide ignition, air-conditioning, internal lighting,
radio and dashboard displays for the life of the car. So the batteries must be recharged
while driving using DC power from the engine - a feat that is typically accomplished using
power electronics. Whereas conventional technology would be unsuitable for a modern
electric car, commutators can and have been used in petrol-powered cars, the switch to
alternators in combination with power electronics has occurred because of the improved
durability of brushless machinery.
Some electric railway systems also use DC power and thus make use of power
electronics to feed grid power to the locomotives and often for speed control of the
locomotive's motor. In the middle twentieth century, rectifier locomotives were popular,
these used power electronics to convert AC power from the railway network for use by a
DC motor. Today most electric locomotives are supplied with AC power and run using AC
motors, but still use power electronics to provide suitable motor control. The use of power
electronics to assist with motor control and with starter circuits cannot be underestimated
and, in addition to rectification, is responsible for power electronics appearing in a wide
range of industrial machinery. Power electronics even appear in modern residential air
Power electronics are also at the heart of the variable-speed wind turbine.
Conventional wind turbines require significant engineering to ensure they operate at some
ratio of the system frequency, however by using power electronics this requirement can be
eliminated leading to quieter, more flexible and (at the moment) more costly wind
turbines. A final example of one of the more exotic uses of power electronics comes from

the previous section where the fast-switching times of power electronics were used to
provide more refined reactive compensation to the power system.

Protective devices

Power systems contain protective devices to prevent injury or damage during failures.
The quintessential protective device is the fuse. When the current through a fuse exceeds a
certain threshold, the fuse element melts, producing an arc across the resulting gap that is
then extinguished, interrupting the circuit. Given that fuses can be built as the weak point
of a system, fuses are ideal for protecting circuitry from damage. Fuses however have two
problems: First, after they have functioned, fuses must be replaced as they cannot be reset.
This can prove inconvenient if the fuse is at a remote site or a spare fuse is not on hand.
And second, fuses are typically inadequate as the sole safety device in most power systems
as they allow current flows well in excess of that that would prove lethal to a human or

Residential power systems

Residential dwellings almost always take supply from the low voltage distribution
lines or cables that run past the dwelling. These operate at voltages of between 110 and
260 volts (phase-to-earth) depending upon national standards. A few decades ago small
dwellings would be fed a single phase using a dedicated two-core service cable (one core
for the active phase and one core for the neutral return). The active line would then be run
through a main isolating switch in the fuse box and then split into one or more circuits to
feed lighting and appliances inside the house. By convention, the lighting and appliance
circuits are kept separate so the failure of an appliance does not leave the dwelling's
occupants in the dark. All circuits would be fused with an appropriate fuse based upon the
wire size used for that circuit. Circuits would have both an active and neutral wire with
both the lighting and power sockets being connected in parallel. Sockets would also be
provided with a protective earth. This would be made available to appliances to connect to
any metallic casing. If this casing were to become live, the theory is the connection to
earth would cause an RCD or fuse to trip - thus preventing the future electrocution of an
occupant handling the appliance. Earthing systems vary between regions, but in countries
such as the United Kingdom and Australia both the protective earth and neutral line would

be earthed together near the fuse box before the main isolating switch and the neutral
earthed once again back at the distribution transformer.

Commercial power systems

Commercial power systems such as shopping centers or high-rise buildings are larger
in scale than residential systems. Electrical designs for larger commercial systems are
usually studied for load flow, short-circuit fault levels, and voltage drop for steady-state
loads and during starting of large motors. The objectives of the studies are to assure
proper equipment and conductor sizing, and to coordinate protective devices so that
minimal disruption is cause when a fault is cleared. Large commercial installations will
have an orderly system of sub-panels, separate from the main distribution board to allow
for better system protection and more efficient electrical installation.
B. Preposition and Application

Above, Over
To From
Into Out of


Below, Under

C. Analysis Preposition from Passage

1. In 1881 two electricians built the world's first power system Godalming in England.

2. It was powered by a power station consisting of two waterwheels that produced an

alternating current that in turn supplied seven Siemens arc lamps at 250 volts and 34
incandescent lamps at 40 volts.

3. Building code regulations may place special requirements on the electrical system for
emergency lighting, evacuation, emergency power, smoke control and fire protection.
4. Residential dwellings almost always take supply from the low voltage distribution
lines or cables that run past the dwelling.

D. Exercises:

1. Look at the passage and find out sentences that use preposition.

2. Collect all new vocabularies from the passage.

3. The translating passage is below and quite wrong as a technical english, so you have
to correct it. That translating passage is translate by google translator.

E. Vocabulary Building

Vocabulary Building IV

network = jaringan Load = beban

region = daerah Considerations = konsiderasi
sizable regions = daerah-daerah luas Overhead line conductors = konduktor
broadly = secara luas jaringan di udara
feed = mengisi Reinforced = diperkuat
nearby = berdekatan dengan aluminum alloys = campuran
rely = disambung alumunium
three-phase AC power = energi bolak- ease of handling = mudah ditangani
balik tiga fasa ambient = sekitar, semua sisi
large-scale = bersekala besar heats up = bertambah panas
aircraft = pesawat terbang insulated conductors = konduktor
ocean liners = transportasi laut berisolasi
electrician = ahli kelistrikan determined = ditetapkan
waterwhell = kincir air sag = andongan, lendutan
suitable = pantas unacceptable = tidak dapat diterima
brighness = kejelasan, keterangan current lags = arus tertinggal
improve = menyelesaikan useless = tak dapat digunakan
install = dipasang measurable = terukur
horsepower = tenaga kuda surge = denyutan arus
synchronous = sinkron surge impedance loading = beban
provide = menyiapkan impedansi karakteristik
electric lighting = lampu listrik rush = membadai, melaju, mengalir
Exhibition = pameran rushes of current flow = aliran

Increasing = peningkatan tumbukan arus
nineteenth century = abad ke-19 moderately = dengan moderat
line = jaringan Briefly = dengan jelas
although = walaupun achieving = pencapaian
reliability = ketetapan Despite = selain
solid-state rectifier = penyearah Similar = sama
switchgear = alat penghubung dan exotic uses = penggunaan yang tidak
pembagi lajim
difficalties = kesulitan prevent injury = mencegah kecelakaan
appliances = peralatan pemakai damage = merusak
brushless DC motor = motor dc tanpa during = selama
sikat failures = kegagalan
In recent times = pada saat ini quintessential = sangat penting
Developments = perkembangan protective device = alat proteksi
extending innovations = fuse = sekering
pengembangan inovasi exceeds = melampaui
fierce rivalry = persaingan sengit threshold = ambang batas
War of Currents = perang arus listrik melts = meleleh
Power electronics = elektronika daya extinguished = memisahkan
wide range of tasks = tugas-tugas interrupting = menghentikan
dengan rentangan yang luas circuitry = rangkaian
plug = dibenampakn inconvenient = trauble = bermasalah
essential = penting inadequate = tidak cukup, tidak pas
insufficient = tidak cukup lethal = direncanakan untuk
ignition = pembakaran menyebabkan sesuatu
twentieth century = abad ke-20 chamber = kamar, ruang
railway network = jaringan berbentuk enclosing = menutup
rel residual current devices (RCDs) =
assist = membantu komponen arus sisa
appear = terjadi
wind turbin = turbin angin

Vocabulary Test IV.a.

network = Load =
region = Considerations =
sizable regions = Overhead line conductors =
broadly = Reinforced =
feed = aluminum alloys =
nearby = ease of handling
rely = ambient =
three-phase AC power = heats up =
large-scale = insulated conductors =
aircraft = determined =
ocean liners = sag =
electrician = unacceptable =
waterwhell = current lags =
suitable = useless =
brighness = measurable =
improve = surge =
install = surge impedance loading =
horsepower = rush =
synchronous = rushes of current flow =
provide = moderately =
electric lighting = Briefly =
Exhibition = achieving =
Increasing = Despite =
nineteenth century = Similar =
line = exotic uses =
although = prevent injury =
reliability = damage =
solid-state rectifier = during =
switchgear = failures =
difficalties = quintessential =

appliances = protective device =
brushless DC motor = fuse =
In recent times = exceeds =
Developments = threshold =
extending innovations = melts =
fierce rivalry = extinguished =
War of Currents = interrupting =
Power electronics = circuitry =
wide range of tasks = inconvenient = trauble =
plug = inadequate =
essential = lethal =
insufficient = chamber =
ignition = enclosing =
twentieth century = residual current devices (RCDs) =
railway network = appear =
assist = wind turbin =

Vocabulary Test IV.b.

Jaringan = Beban =
Daerah = Konsiderasi =
daerah-daerah luas = konduktor jaringan di udara =
secara luas = diperkuat =
mengisi = campuran alumunium =
berdekatan dengan = mudah ditangani =
disambung = sekitar, semua sisi =
energi bolak-balik tiga fasa = bertambah panas =
bersekala besar = konduktor berisolasi =
pesawat terbang = ditetapkan =
transportasi laut = andongan, lendutan =
ahli kelistrikan = tidak dapat diterima =
kincir air = arus tertinggal =
pantas = tak dapat digunakan =
kejelasan, keterangan = terukur =
menyelesaikan = denyutan arus =

dipasang = beban impedansi karakteristik =
tenaga kuda = membadai, melaju, mengalir =
sinkron = aliran tumbukan arus =
menyiapkan = dengan moderat =
lampu listrik = dengan jelas =
pameran = pencapaian =
peningkatan = selain =
abad ke-19 = sama =
jaringan = penggunaan yang tidak lajim =
walaupun = mencegah kecelakaan =
ketetapan = merusak =
penyearah = selama =
alat penghubung dan pembagi = failures =
kesulitan = sangat penting =
peralatan pemakai = alat proteksi =
motor dc tanpa sikat = sekering =
pada saat ini = melampaui =
perkembangan = ambang batas =
extending innovations = meleleh =
persaingan sengit = memisahkan =
perang arus listrik = menghentikan =
elektronika daya = rangkaian =
tugas-tugas dengan rentangan yang bermasalah =
luas = tidak cukup, tidak pas =
dibenampakan = direncanakan untuk menyebabkan
penting = sesuatu =
tidak cukup = kamar, ruang =
pembakaran = menutup =
abad ke-20 = komponen arus sisa =
jaringan berbentuk rel = terjadi =
membantu = turbin angin =



A. Passage

Electromagnetic Induction

Relation Between Magnetism and Electricity

It is well known that whenever an electric current flows through a conductor, a
magnetic field is immediately brought into existence in the space surrounding the
conductor. It can be said that when electrons are in motion, they produce a magnetic
field. The converse of this is also true i.e. when a magnetic field embracing a conductor
moves relative to the conductor, it produces a flow of electrons in the conductor. This
phenomenon whereby an e.m.f. and hence current (i.e. flow of electrons) is induced in
any conductor which is cut across or is cut by a magnetic flux is known as
electromagnetic induction. The historical background of this phenomenon is this:
After the discovery (by Oersted) that electric current produces a magnetic field,
scientists began to search for the converse phenomenon from about 1821 onwards. The
problem they put to themselves was how to ‘convert’ magnetism into electricity. It is
recorded that Michael Faraday was in habit of walking about with magnets in his pockets
so as to constantly remind him of the problem. After nine years of continuous research
and experimentation, he succeeded in producing electricity by ‘converting magnetism’.
In 1831, he formulated basic laws underlying the phenomenon of electromagnetic
induction (known after his name), upon which is based the operation of most of the
commercial apparatus like motors, generators and transformers, etc.

Production of Induced E.M.F. and Current

In Fig. 7-1 is shown an insulted coil whose terminals are connected to a sensitive
galvanometer G. It is placed close to a stationary bar magnet initially. At position AB
(shown dotted). As seen, some flux from the N-pole of the magnet is linked with or
threads through the coil but, as yet, there is no deflection of the galvanometer. Now,
suppose that the magnet is suddenly brought closer to the coil in positions CD (see
figure). Then, it is found that there is a jerk or a sudden but a momentary deflection in the
galvanometer and that this lasts so long as the magnet is in motion relative to the coil,
not otherwise. The deflection is reduced to zero when the magnet becomes again
stationary at its new position CD. It should be noted that due to the approach of the
magnet, flux linked with the coil is increased.

Next, the magnet is suddenly withdrawn away from the coil as in Fig. 7-2. It is
found that again there is a momentary deflection in the galvanometer and it persists so
long as the magnet is in motion, not when it becomes stationary. It is important to note
that this deflection is in a direction opposite to that of Fig. 7-1. Obviously, due to the
withdrawal of the magnet, flux linked with the coil is decreased.

Direction of Induced E.M.F. and Current

There exists a definite relation between
the directions of the induced current, the
direction of the flux and the direction of
motion of the conductor. The direction of
the induced current may be found easily
by applying either fleming’s right-hand
rule or flat-hand rule or Lenz’s Law.
Fleming’s rule [Fig. 7-4 (a)] is used where
induced e.m.f. is due to flux-cutting (i.e.
dynamically induced e.m.f.) and Lenz’s when it
is due to change by flux-linkages (i.e. statically
induced e.m.f.).
Fig. 7-4(b) shows another way of finding the
direction of the induced e.m.f. it is known as
Right Flat-hand rule. Here the front side of the
hand is held perpendicular to the incident flux with thumb pointing in the direction of
the motion of the conductor. The direction of the fingers gives the direction of the
induced emf and current.
Lenz’s Law
The direction of the induced current may also be found by this law which was
formulated by Lenz in 1835. This law states, in effect, that electromagnetically induced
current always flows in such direction that the action of the magnetic field set up by it
tends to oppose the very cause which produces it.
This statement will be clarified with reference to Fig. 7-1 and 7-2. It is found that
when N-pole of the bar magnet approaches the coil, the induced current set up by the
induced e.m.f. flows in the anti-clockwise direction in the coil as seen from the magnet
side. The result is that that face of the coil become a N-pole and so tends to retard the
onward approach of the N-pole of the magnet (like poles repel each other). The
mechanical energy spent in overcoming this repulsive force is converted into electrical
energy which appears in the coil.
When the magnet is withdrawn as in Fig. 7-2, the induced current flows in the
clockwise direction thus making the face of the coil (facing the magnet) a S-pole.
Therefore, the N-pole of the magnet has to be withdrawn against the attractive force of
the S-pole of coil. Again the mechanical energy required to overcome this force of
attraction is converted into electric energy.
It can be shown that Lenz’s Law is a direct consequence of Law of Conservation
of Energy. Imagine for a moment that when N-pole of the magnet (Fig. 7-1) approaches
the coil, induced current flows in such a direction as to make the coil face a S-pole. Then
due to inherent attraction between unlike poles, the magnet would be automatically
pulled towards the coil without the expenditure of any mechanical energy. It means that
we would be able to create electric energy out of nothing which is denied by the
inviolable Law of Conservation of Energy. In fact, to maintain the quantity of this law, it
is imperative for the induced current to flow in such a direction that the magnetic effect
produced by it tends to oppose the very cause which is the cause of production as to tend
to oppose this relative motion i.e. the approach or withdrawal of the magnet.
Induced E.M.F
Induced e.m.f. can be either (i) dynamically induced or (ii) statically induced. In the
first case, usually the field is stationary and conductors cut across it (as in d.c.
generators). But in the second case, usually the conductor or the coil remains stationary
and flux linked with it is changed by simply increasing or decreasing the current
producing this flux (as in transformers).
Dynamically Induced E.M.F

In Fig 7-5, a conductor A is shown in cross
section lying within a uniform magnetic field of flux
density B Wb/m2. The arrow attached to A shows its
direction of motion. Consider the condition shown in
Fig. 7-5 (a) when A cuts across at right angles to the
flux. Suppose ‘I’ is its length lying within the field
and let it move a distance dx in time dt. Then area swept by it is = ldx. Hence, flux cut = l
. dx x B webers.
Change in flux = Bldx weber
Time taken = dt second
Hence, according to Faraday’s Laws (Art. 7-3) the e.m.f. induced in it (known as
dynamically induced e.m.f.) is
= rate of change of flux linkages

= = Bl = Blʋ volt. Where = velocity

If the conductor A moves at an angle Ɵ with the direction of flux [Fig. 7-5(b)] then
the induced e.m.f. is e = Blʋ sin Ɵ volts. The direction of the induced e.m.f. is given by
Fleming’s Right-hand rule (Art. 7-5) or Flat-hand rule. It should be noted that generators
work on the production of dynamically induced e.m.f. in the conductors housed in a
revolving armature lying within a strong magnetic field.
(B.L. Theraja. 1984. A Text Book of Electrical Technology. Ram Nagar, New Delhi:
S. Chand & Company Ltd.)
B. Structure of Passive Sentence

A sentence can be either in the active or passive voice. In an active sentence, the
subject performs the action. In a passive sentence, the subject receives the action. To
make an active sentence into passive a passive sentence, follow these steps.

1. Place the complement of the active sentence at the beginning of the passive
2. If there are any auxiliaries in the active sentence, place them immediately after the
new subject agreeing in number with the subject.
3. Insert the verb be after the auxiliary or auxiliaries in the same form as the main
verb in the active sentence.
4. Place the main verb from the active sentence after the auxiliaries and be in the
past participle. 53

5. Place the subject of the active sentence after the verb in the passive sentence
preceded by the preposition by. (This can be eliminated completely if it is not
important or is understood).
1. Simple present or simple fast
 am 
is 

 

 are    verb_in _ past _ particip le 
 wa s 
 
 were 
 

Active: Hurricanes destroy a great deal of property each year.

Passive: A great deal of property is destroyed by hurricanes each year.
Active: The tornado destroyed thirty houses.
Passive: Thirty houses were destroyed by the tornado.

2. Present progressive or past progressive

 am 
is 

 

 are   being   verb _ in _ past _ participle 
 was 
 

 were 

Active: The committee is considering several new proposals.

Passive: Several new proposals are being considered by the committee.
Active: The committee was considering several new proposals.
Passive: Several new proposals were being considered by the committee.

3. Present perfect ort past perfect

has 
 
have  been   verb _ in _ past _ participle
had 
 

Active: The company has ordered some new equipment.

Passive: Some new equipment has been ordered by the company.
Active: The company had ordered some new equipment before the strike begin.
Passive: Some new equipment had been ordered by the company before the strike

4. Modals
Modal + be + [verb_in_past_participle]
Active : The manager should sign these contracts today
Passive: These contracts should be signed by the manager today.

5. Modals + Perfect
Modal + have + been + [verb_in_past_participle]
Active: Somebody should have called the president this morning.
Passive: The president should have been called by somebody.
Active: Budi shall has taken the generator today.
Passive: The generator shall has been taken by Budi today.
Active: Ali will has created the new technology for detecting sunamy this month.
Passive: The new technology for detecting sunamy will has been created this month
by Ali.
C. Analysis Structure of Sentences from Passage
1. It is well known that whenever an electric current flows through a conductor, a
magnetic field is immediately brought into existence in the space surrounding the
2. It can be said that when electrons are in motion, they produce a magnetic field.
3. The direction of the induced current may be found easily by applying either
fleming’s right-hand rule or flat-hand rule or Lenz’s Law.
4. The direction of the induced e.m.f. is given by Fleming’s Right-hand rule.
5. This is the e.m.f. induced in a coil due to the change of its own flux linked with it.

D. Exercises
1. What is brought into existence in the space surrounding the conductor by an electric
current flows through a conductor ?.
2. How do the electrons in motion produce a magnetic field ?.
3. How does a magnetic field produce a flow of electrons in the conductor ?
4. What is the electromagnetic induction ?
5. Give the description of first and second Faraday’s Laws of Electromagnetic
6. Give the description of direction of Induced E.M.F. and Current.
7. Give the description of mutually-induced e.m.f.
8. Give the desceiption of self-induced e.m.f.
9. What is flux ?
10. Change to passive sentence the next active sentence “The deflection of the
galvanometer indicates the production of e.m.f. in the coil”.
11. Change to passive sentence the next active sentence “The direction of the fingers
gives the direction of the induced emf and current”.

E. Vocabulary Building
Vocabulary Building V
Whenever = bilamana Charges = biaya

magnetic field = medan magnet Charging current = arus pengisian
immediately = segera Chemical = secara kimia
existence = keberadaan Chemistry = ilmu kimia
space surrounding = ruang disekitar Chemist = ahli kimia
embracing = memeluk, meliputi China = porselin
whereby = dimana Chip = pecahan halus
hence = dalam hal ini Choke = penyempitan, katup cerat
discovery = penemuan Choke coil = kumparan ciut
invent = penemuan Choking effect = efek penyempitan
onwards = hingga selanjutnya Chopper = mesin penyincang
magnetism = kemagnetan Cipher = nol angka, berhitung
succeed = mencoba melakukan Circuit breaker = pemutus arus
underlying = berdasarkan Circuit closer = penyambung rangkaian
apparatus = peralatan Circumference = keliling
insulted coil = gulungan yang Circumferential speed = kecepatan
diisolasi keliling
close to = dekat ke Clasp knife = pisau lipat
bar magnet = magnet batang Claw = paku, kait jepitan
is linked = dihubungkan Clay = tanahliat
suddenly = tiba-tiba Cleft = retak
withdraw = membuang Clip switch = sakelar balik
momentary = sesaat Clog = tersumbat
persists = berlawanan Cloth = lap, layar
Obviously = dengan jelas Coal = batu bara
due to = sejalan dengan Coal mine = tambang batu bara
decrease = berkurang Coarse = kasar
Stationary flux = fluxi terpusat Cog wheel = roda bergigi
Direction = arah Coherence = kohesi
Quickness = kecepatan Coil spring = pegas ulir
flux-linkages = gandengan fluksi Coil winding = lilitan koil
number of turns = jumlah gulungan Collapse = roboh
to signify = menekankan Collector ring = gelang seret
oppose = berlawanan Colliery = tambang batubara

Total initial flux = fluxi awal total Combustion = pembakaran
residual flux = flukxi sisa Commutator = penukar arus
anti-clockwise = berlawanan arah Commutator bar = jalur kolektor
jarum jam Commute = menukar
Attraction = saling menarik/menolak Compile = menyusun
Mutually induction = induksi bersama Compound = tersusun, campuran
Self induction = induksi diri Compress = memampatkan
Fleming’s Right-hand rule = kaidah Computation = anggaran, perkiraan
tangan kanan Fleming Concrete = beton
Treads = mengenakan Concrete steel = besi beton

Vocabulary Test V.a.

Whenever = Charges =
magnetic field = Charging current =
immediately = Chemical =
existence = Chemistry =
space surrounding = Chemist =
embracing = China =
whereby = Chip =
hence = Choke =
discovery = Choke coil =
invent = Choking effect =
onwards = Chopper =
magnetism = Cipher =
succeed = Circuit breaker =
underlying = Circuit closer =
apparatus = Circumference =
insulted coil = Circumferential speed =
close to = Clasp knife =
bar magnet = Claw =
is linked = Clay =
suddenly = Cleft =
withdraw = Clip switch =
momentary = Clog =
persists = Cloth =
Obviously = Coal =
due to = Coal mine =
decrease = Coarse =
Stationary flux = Cog wheel =
Direction = Coherence =
Quickness = Coil spring =
flux-linkages = Coil winding =
number of turns = Collapse =
to signify = Collector ring =
oppose = Colliery =
Total initial flux = Combustion =
residual flux = Commutator =
anti-clockwise = Commutator bar =
Attraction = Commute =
Mutually induction = Compile =
Self induction = Compound =
Fleming’s Right-hand rule = Compress =
Treads = Computation =
Concrete steel = Concrete =

Vocabulary Test V.b.

Bilamana = Biaya =
medan magnet = arus pengisian =
segera = secara kimia =
keberadaan = ilmu kimia =
ruang disekitar = ahli kimia =
memeluk, meliputi = porselin =
dimana = pecahan halus =
dalam hal ini = penyempitan, katup cerat =
penemuan = kumparan ciut =
penemuan = efek penyempitan =
hingga selanjutnya = mesin penyincang =
kemagnetan = nol angka, berhitung =
mencoba melakukan = pemutus arus =
berdasarkan = penyambung rangkaian =
peralatan = keliling =
gulungan yang diisolasi = kecepatan keliling =
dekat ke = pisau lipat =
magnet batang = paku, kait jepitan =
dihubungkan = tanahliat =
tiba-tiba = retak =
membuang = sakelar balik =
sesaat = tersumbat =
berlawanan = lap, layar =
dengan jelas = batu bara =
sejalan dengan = tambang batu bara =
berkurang = kasar =
fluxi terpusat = roda bergigi =
arah = kohesi =
kecepatan = pegas ulir =
gandengan fluksi = lilitan koil =
jumlah gulungan = roboh =
menekankan = gelang seret =
berlawanan = tambang batubara =
fluxi awal total = pembakaran =
flukxi sisa = penukar arus =
berlawanan arah jarum jam = jalur kolektor =
saling menarik/menolak = menukar =
induksi bersama = menyusun =
induksi diri = tersusun, campuran =
kaidah tangan kanan Fleming = memampatkan =
mengenakan = anggaran, perkiraan =
besi beton = beton =

A. Passage

Syncronous Motor

Synchronous Motor – General

A Synchronous motor (fig. 33-1) is electrically identical with an alternator or a.c

generator. In fact, a given synchronous machine may be used, at least theoretically, as an
alternator when driven mechanically or as a motor when driven electrically, just in the
case of d.c. machines.

Some characteristic features of a synchronous motor are worth noting:

(i) It runs either at synchronous speed or

not at all i.e. while running it
maintains a constant speed. The only
way to change its speed is to vary the
supply frequency (because Ns =120
(ii) It is not inherently self-starting. It has to be run upto synchronous (or near
synchronous) speed by some means before it can be synchronized to the supply
(iii) It is capable of being operated under a wide range ofpower factors both lagging and

Principle of Operation

As shown in Art. 29-7, when a 3-ɸ winding is fed by a 3-ɸ supply, then a magnetic
flux of constant magnitude but rotating at synchronous speed, is produced. Consider a
two-pole stator of Fig 33-2 in which are shown two stator poles (marked as Ns and Ss)
rotating at synchronous speed, say, in clockwise direction. With the rotor position as
shown, suppose the stator poles are at that instant situated at points A and B. The two
similar poles, N (of rotor) and Ns (of stator) as well as S and Ss will repel each other,
with the result that the rotor tends to rotate in anti-clockwise direction.
But half a period later, stator poles, having rotated around, interchange their positions
i.e. Ns is at point B and Ss at point A. Under these conditions, Ns attracts S and Ss
attracts N. Hence, rotor tends to rotate clockwise (which is just the reverse of the first
direction). Hence, we find that due to continuous and rapid rotation of stator poles, the
rotor is subjected to torque which tends to move it first in one direction and then the
opposite direction. Owing to its large inertia, the rotor cannot instantaneously respond to
such quickly reversing torques with the result that it remains stationary.

Now consider the condition shown in Fig. 33-3 (a). The stator and rotor poles are
attracting each other. Suppose that the rotor is not stationary but is rotating clockwise
with such a speed that it turns through one pole-pitch by the time the stator poles
interchange their position as shown in Fig. 33-3 (b). Here, again the stator and rotor poles
attract each other. It means that if the rotor poles also shift their positions along with the
stator poles, then they will continuously experience a unidirectional torque i.e. clockwise
torque as shown in Fig. 33-3.
B. Structure of Comparison
Comparisons indicate degrees of difference with adjectives and adverbs, and may be
equal or unequal.
Equal comparisons
An equal comparison indicates that the two entities are (or are not, if negative) exactly
the same. The following rule generally applies to this type of comparisons.

Subject + Verb + as + adjective or adverb + as + noun or pronoun

My book is as interesting as yours (adjective)
His car run as fast as a race car (adverb)
His job is not as difficult as mine (adjective)
My house is as high as his (adjective)
My house is the same height as his (adjective)
Opposite of the same as is different from, never use different than.
The following adjectives and their corresponding nouns.
Adjectives Nouns
Heavy, light Weight
Wide, narrow Width
Deep, shallow Depth
Long, short Length
Big, small size

Unequal Comparisons
This type of comparative implies that the entities are comparable in a greater or lesser
degree. The following rules generally apply this type of comparative.

1. Add –erto adjective base of most one- and two-syllable adjectivea. (thick-thicker,
cold-colder, quiet-quiter)
2. Use the form more + adjective for most three-syllable adjectives. (more beautiful,
more important, more believable)
3. Use the form more + adjective for adjectives ending in the following suffixes: -ed,
-ful, -ing, -ish, and –ous. (more hated, more useful, more stylish, more cautious)
4. Double the final consonant of one-syllable adjectives which end in a single
consonant (except w, x, and z) and are preceded by a single vowel. (big-bigger, red-
redder, hot-hotter)
5. When an adjective ends in a consonant + y, change the y to i and add –er. (happy-
happier, dry-drier)

Note: The –er suffix means exactly the same as more. Therefore, they can NEVERbe used
together. It is NOT CORRECT to say:
More prettier, more faster, more better
Adjective + er
Adverb + er* Noun
Subject + verb + More + adjective/adverb + than + Pronoun
Less + adjective/adverb
one can add –er to only a few adverbs: faster, quicker, sooner, and later.
Note: remember always to use the subject form of the pronoun after than.
John’s grades are higher than his sister’s (adjective)
Today is hotter than yesterday. (adjective)
He speaks Spanish more fluently than I. (adverb)
He visits his family less frequently than she does. (adverb)
Unequal comparisons can be further instensified by adding much or far before the
comparative form.
far Adjective Noun
Subject + verb + much + adverb + er + than + Pronoun

far More Adjective Noun

Subject + verb + much + Less + adverb + than + Pronoun

Harry’s watch is far more expensive than mine.

That movie we saw last night was much less interesting than the one on television.
A watermelon is much sweeter than a lemon.
She dances much more artistically than her predecessor.
He speaks English much more rapidly than he does Spanish.

Nouns can also be used in comparisons. Be sure to use the determiners correctly
depending on whether the adjectives are countable or noncountable.
Subject + verb + as + Much + noun + as + Noun
Little Pronoun

Subject + verb + Fewe + noun + than + Noun
Less Pronoun

I have more books than she.

February has fewer days than March.
He earns as much money as his brother.
They have as few classes as we.
Their job allows them less freedom than ours does.
Before payday, I have as little money as my brother.

Illogical Comparisons
An illogical comparison is one in which unlike entities have been compared. Be sure
that the items being compared are the same. These forms can be divided into three
categories: possessives, that of, and those of.
Incorrect: His drawings are as perfect as his instructor.
(This sentence compares drawings with instructor.)
Correct: His drawings are as perfect as his instructor’s.
(instructor’s = instructor’s drawings)
Incorrect: The salary of a professor is higher than a secretary.
(Thus sentence compares salary with secretary.)
Correct: The salary of a professor is higher than that of a secretary.
(that of = the salary of)
Incorrect: The duties of a policeman are more dangerous than a teacher.
(This sentence compares duties with teacher)
Correct: The duties of a policeman are more dangerous than those of a teacher.
(those of = the duties of)

Examples of logical comparisons:
John’s car runs better than Mary’s
(Mary’s = Mary’s car)
The climate in Florida is as mild as that of California.
(that of = the climate of)
Classes in the university are more difficult than those in the college.
(those in = the classes in)

Irregular Comparatives and Superlatives

A few adjectives and adverbs have irregular forms for the comparative and s
Superlative. Study them.
Adjective or adverb Comparative Superlative
Far Farther/further Farthest/furthest
Little Less Least
Much/many More Most
Good/well Better Besr
Bad/badly Worse Worst

I feel much better today than I did last week.

The university is farther than the mall.
This magazine is better than that one.
He acts worse now than ever before.

Supply the correct form of the adjectives and adverbs in parentheses. Let as and than
be your clues. Add any other words that may be necessary.
1. John and his friends left (soon) as the professor had finished his
2. His job is (important) than his friend’s.
3. Bill’s descriptions are (colorful) than his wife’s.
4. The boys felt (happy) than Maria Elena.
5. A Greyhound runs (fast) than a Chihuahau.
6. The Empire State Building is taller the Statue of Liberty.
7. California is fartger from New York Pennsylvania.

8. His assignment is different mine.
9. Her sports car is different Nancy’s.
10. Sam wears the same shirt his teammates.

Multiple Number Comparatives

Number multiples can include: half, twice, three times, four times, etc. Study the following
Subject + verb + number multiple + as + Much + noun + as + Noun
many Pronoun
Note: it is incorrect to say: “twice nore than”, etc.
This encyclopedia costs twice as much as the other one.
Jerome has half as many records now as I had last year.

Double Comparatives
These sentences begin with a comparative construction, and thus the second clause must
also begin with a comparative.
The + comparative + subject + verb + the + comparative + subject + verb

The hotter it is, the more miserable I feel.

The sooner you leave, the earlier you will arrive at your destination.

The more + Subject + verb + the + comparative + subject + verb

The more you study, the smarter you will become.

The more he slept, the more irritable he became.

No Sooner
If the expression no sooner appears at the beginning of a sentence, the word than must
introduce the second clause. Note also that the auxiliary precedes the subject.

No sooner + auxiliary + subject + verb + than + subject + verb

No sooner had we started out for California than it started to rain.

No sooner had she entered the building than she felt the presence of somebody else.

Note: no longer means not anymore. NEVER use not longer in a sentence that has this
John no longer studies at the university.
(John does not study at the university anymore)
Cynthia may no longer use the library because her card has expired.
(Cynthia may not use the library anymore)

Positives, Comparatives, and Superlatives

Most descriptive adjectives have three forms: the positive (happy), the comparative
(happier), and the superlative (happiest).
Positive Comparative Superlative
Hot Hotter Hottest
Interesting More interesting Most interesting
Sick Sicker Sickest
Colorful More colorful Most colorful

The positive shows no comparison. It describes only the simple quality of a person,
thing, or group.
The hous is big
The flower are fragrant.
The comparative involves two entities and shows a grater or lesser degree of
differences between them.
My dog is smarter than yours.
Spinach is less appealing than carrots.
It is also possible to compare two entities without using than. In this case the
expression of the two will usually appear someplace in the sentence.

Subject + verb + the + comparative + of the two + (noun)

Of the two + (noun) + subject + verb + the + comparative

Harvey is the smarter og the two boys.

Of the two shirts, this one is the prettier.
Of the two books, this one is the more interesting.

2 entities-comparative
3 or more-superlative

In the superlative degree, three or more entities are compared, one of which is
superior or inferior to the others. The following rule applies.
Adjective + est
Subject + verb + the Most + adjective + In + singular count noun
Least + adjective Of + plural count noun

John is the tallest boy in the family.

Of the three shirts, this one is the prettiest.
Note: after the expression one of the + superlative, be sure that the noun is plural and the
verb is singular.
One of the greatest tennis players in the world is Bjorn Borg.
Kuwait is one of the biggest oil producers in the world.
Adverbs usually are not followed by –er or –est. instead, they are compared by a adding
more or less for the comparative degree, and by adding most or least to form the

Positive Comparative Superlative

Carefully More carefully Most carefully
Less carefully Least carefully
Cautiously More cautiously Most cautiously
Less cautiously Least cautiously

Sal drove more cautiously than Bob. (comparative)

Irene plays the most recklessly of all. (superlative)

1. Of the four dresses, I like the red one (better/best)
2. This poster is (colorfuler/more colorful) than the one in the hall.
3. My cat is the (prettier/prettiest) of the two.
4. No sooner had he received the letter (when/than) he called maria.
5. George Washington is (famouser/more famous) than John Jay.

C. Analysis of Comparison from Passage

1. They run at exactly the same (average) speed.
2. It has shifted backward by a distance equal to half the distance between adjacent poles.

D. Exercises
1. Give description of syncrhonous motor.
2. Give description of operational principel of synchronous motor.
3. What is the slip meaning ?
4. What is the effect of increasing in load on synchronous motor characteristics ?
5. Give description of (a) Starting torque; (b) Pull-in torque; (c) Running torque;
(d) Pull-out torque

E. Vocabulary Building

Vocabulary Building VI
Synchronous motor = motor serempak Conductivity = daya hantar
Electrically = secara listrik Cone insulator = isolator kerucut
Theorically = secara teori Connecting terminal = jepitan hubung
Driven = digerakkan Control fuse box = lemari pembagi arus
Mechanically = secara mekanis Continuous currentfield = medan arus rata
Characteristic features =gambaran Conveyer = ban transport, ban berjalan
karakteristik Controlling current = arus pengemudi
Worth noting = catatan berharga Controlling magnet = magnet pengarah
Inherently = sudah menjadi sifatnya Cooling plate = plat pendingin
Situate = meletakkan, situasi. Copper = tembaga
Repel = menolak Core = inti
Torque = torsi Correcting knob = tombol koreksi
Reverse = berbalik Corrosion = dimakan karat
Owing = kembali ke milik sendiri Counterbalance = menyeimbangkan
Instantaneously = spontan Conuterflow = arus lawan
Attracting = saling menarik Counterpose = membuat seimbang
Interchange = berubah di dalam Crack = pukulan, mematahkan
Unidirectional = arah yang sama, Cumulate = menimbun
searah Cumulation = timbunan

Speede up = kecepatan naik Curcature = lengkungan
Arrangement = mengatur Damage = merusak
Excited = dikuatkan Damages = ganti rugi
Locked = terkunci Damped oscillation = redaman osilasi
Engage = menggunakan Damping = peredam
Rigid = kaku, tetap Dash board = papan instrumen
Progressively = perkembangannya Dazzle = menyilaukan
Tend = memelihara, cenderung Decay = mundur, rusak, jatuh
tends to fall back in phase = cenderung Decrement = pengurangan
untuk berkurang sudut fasanya Decompose = melarutkan
coupling = koppel Declinable = dapat dibengkokkan
pulleys = sabuk Deduce = menjabarkan
interlock = saling mengunci Defect = cela, cacat
average = rerata Deficiency = ketekoran
inside = bagian dalam Deflection = penyimpangan
worthwhile = sementara itu Delivery = penyerahan
briefly = dengan singkat, ringkas Dense = rapat
armature = stator Denseness = sifat kerapatan
excitation = penguatan Dent = gigi
hence = dengan ini Dentate = bergigi
Starting torque = torsi awal Deplenish = mengosongkan
Pull-in torque = torsi yang muncul saat Deposit = mengendapkan, menitipkan
2-5% kecepatan mendekati kecepatan Derivative = turunan
sinkron. Derived circuit = rangkaian paralel
Running torque = torsi saat sedang Describe = menggambarkan
berputar Device = alat, aparat
Pull-out torque = The maximum torque Diagram of forces = bagan gaya
which the motor can develop without Diagrammatical = secara bagan
pulling out step or synchronism Differentiate = membedakan
adjacent poles = kutup yg berdekatan Disjunction = pemisahan

Vocabulary Test VI.a.

Synchronous motor = Conductivity =
Electrically = Cone insulator =
Theorically = Connecting terminal =
Driven = Control fuse box =
Mechanically = Continuous currentfield =
Characteristic features = Conveyer =
Worth noting = Controlling current =
Inherently = Controlling magnet =
Situate = Cooling plate =
Repel = Copper =
Torque = Core =
Reverse = Correcting knob =
Owing = Corrosion =
Instantaneously = Counterbalance =
Attracting = Conuterflow =
Interchange = Counterpose =
Unidirectional = Crack =
Speede up = Cumulate =
Arrangement = Cumulation =
Excited = Curcature =
Locked = Damage =
Engage = Damages =
Rigid = Damped oscillation =
Progressively = Damping =
Tend = Dash board =
tends to fall back in phase = Dazzle =
coupling = Decay =
pulleys = Decrement =
interlock = Decompose =
average = Declinable =
inside = Deduce =
worthwhile = Defect =
briefly = Deficiency =
armature = Deflection =
excitation = Delivery =

hence = Dense =
Starting torque = Denseness =
Pull-in torque = Dent =
Running torque = Dentate =
Pull-out torque = Deplenish =
adjacent poles = Deposit =
Diagram of forces = Derivative =
Diagrammatical = Derived circuit =
Differentiate = Describe =
Disjunction = Device =

Vocabulary Test VI.b

motor serempak = daya hantar =

secara listrik = isolator kerucut =
secara teori = jepitan hubung =
digerakkan = lemari pembagi arus =
secara mekanis = medan arus rata =
gambaran karakteristik = ban transport, ban berjalan =
catatan berharga = arus pengemudi =
sudah menjadi sifatnya = magnet pengarah =
meletakkan, situasi = plat pendingin =
menolak = tembaga =
torsi = inti =
berbalik = tombol koreksi =
kembali ke milik sendiri = dimakan karat =
spontan = menyeimbangkan =
saling menarik = arus lawan =
berubah di dalam = membuat seimbang =
arah yang sama, searah = pukulan, mematahkan =
kecepatan naik = menimbun =
mengatur = timbunan =
dikuatkan = lengkungan =
terkunci = merusak =
menggunakan = ganti rugi =
kaku, tetap = redaman osilasi =
perkembangannya = peredam =
memelihara, cenderung = papan instrumen =
cenderung untuk berkurang sudut menyilaukan =
fasanya = mundur, rusak, jatuh =
koppel = pengurangan =
sabuk = melarutkan =
saling mengunci = dapat dibengkokkan =
rerata = menjabarkan =
bagian dalam = cela, cacat =
sementara itu = ketekoran =
dengan singkat, ringkas = penyimpangan =
stator = penyerahan =
penguatan = rapat =
dengan ini = sifat kerapatan =
torsi awal = gigi =
torsi yang muncul saat 2-5% kecepatan bergigi =
mendekati kecepatan sinkron = mengosongkan =
torsi saat sedang berputar = mengendapkan, menitipkan =
The maximum torque which the motor turunan =
can develop without pulling out step or rangkaian paralel =
synchronism = menggambarkan =
kutup yg berdekatan = alat, aparat =
secara bagan = bagan gaya =
pemisahan = membedakan =

A. Passage

Working Principle of a Transformer

A transformer is a static (or stationary) piece of apparatus by means of which
electric power in one circuit is transformed into electric power of the name frequency in
another circuit. It can raise or lower the voltage in a circuit but with a corresponding
decrease or increase in current. The physical
basis of a transformer is mutual induction
between two-circuits linked by a common
magnetic flux. In its simplest form, it consists
of two inductive coils which are electrically
separated but magnetically linked through a
path of low reluctance as shown in Fig. 27-1.
The two coils possess high mutual inductance. If one coil is connected to a source of
alternating voltage, an alternating flux is set up in the laminated core, most of which is
linked with the other coil in which it produces mutually-induced e.m.f. (according to
Faraday’s Laws of Electromagnetic Induction e = MdI/dt). If the second coil circuit is
closed, a current flows in it and so electric energy is transferred (entirely magnetically)
from the first coil to the second coil. The first coil, in which electric energy is fed from
the a.c. supply mains, is called primary winding and the other from which energy is
drawn out, is called secondary winding. In brief, a transformer is a device that
(i) Transfers electric power from one circuit to another
(ii)It does so without a change of frequency
(iii) It accomplishes this by electromagnetic induction and
(iv) Where the two electric circuits are in mutual inductive influence of each other.

Transformer Construction
The simple elements of a transformer consist of two coils having mutual
inductance and a laminated steel core. The two coils are insulted from each other and the
steel core. Other necessary parts are: some suitable container for the assembled core and
windings; a suitable medium for insulating the core and its windings from its container; a

suitable bushings (either of porcelain, oil-filled or capacitor-type) for insulating and
bringing out terminals of windings from the tank.
In all types of transformers, the core is constructed of transformer sheet steel
laminations assembled to provide a continuous magnetic path with a minimum of air-gap
included. The steel used is of high silicon content, sometimes heat treated to produce a
high permeability and a low hysteresis loss at the usual operating
flux densities. The eddy current loss is minimized by laminating
the core, the laminations being insulted from each other by a light
coat of core-plate varnish or by an oxide layer on the surface. The
thickness of laminations varies from 0.35 mm for a frequency of
50 Hz to 0.5 mm for a frequency of 25 Hz. The core laminations
(in the form of strips) are joined as shown in Fig. 27-2. It is seen that the joints in the
alternate layers are staggered in order to avoid the presence of the core. Such staggered
joints are said to be ‘imbricated’.
Constructionally, the transformers are of two general types, distinguished from
each other merely by the manner in which the primary and secondary coils are placed
around the laminated steel core. The two types are known as (i) core-type and (ii) shell-
type. Another recent development spiral-core or would core type the trade name being
spirakore transformer.
In the so-called core-type transformers, the windings surround a considerable
part of the core whereas in shell-type transformers, the core surrounds a considerable
portion of the winding as shown schematically in Fig. 27-3 (a) and (b) respectively.

In the simplified diagram for the core type transformers [Fig. 27-3 (a)] the primary
and secondary windings are shown located on the opposite legs (or limbs) of the core, but
in actual construction, these are always interleaved to reduce leakage flux. As shown in
Fig. 27-4, half the primary and half the secondary winding have been placed side by side

or concentrically on each limb, not primary on one limb (or leg) and the secondary on the
In both core and shell-type transformers, the individual laminations are cut in the form
of long strip’s L’s, E’s and I’s as shown in Fig. 27-5. The assembly of the complete core
for the two types of transformers is shown in Fig. 27-6 and Fig. 27-7.
As said above, in order to avoid high reluctance at the joints where the laminations are

butted against each other, the alternate layers are stacked differently to eliminate these
joints as shown in Fig. 27-6 and 27-7.

Core-type Transformers
The coils used are form-wound and are of the cylindrical type. The general form
of these coils may be circular or oval or rectangular. In small size core-type transformers,
a simple rectangular core is used with cylindrical coils which are either circular or
rectangular in form. But for large size core-type transformers, round or circular
cylindrical coils are used in most of the core-type transformers because of their
mechanical strength. Such cylindrical coils are wound in helical layers with the different
layers insulated from each other by paper, cloth, micarta board or cooling ducts. Fig. 27-
8 (c) shows the general arrangement of these coils with respect to the core. Insulting
cylinders of fuller board are used to separate the cylindrical windings from the core and
from each other. Since the low-voltage (LV) winding is easiest to insulate, it is placed
nearest to the core (Fig. 27-8).

Because of laminations and insulation, the net or effective core area is reduced,
due allowance for which has to be made (Ex. 27-6). It is found that, in general, the
reduction in core sectional area due to the presence of paper, surface oxide etc. is of the
order of 10% approximately.

B. Structures of Numbers
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A numeral system (or system of numeration) is a writing system for expressing

numbers, that is, a mathematical notation for representing numbers of a given set, using
digits or other symbols in a consistent manner. It can be seen as the context that allows the
symbols "11" to be interpreted as the binary symbol for three, the decimal symbol for
eleven, or a symbol for other numbers in different bases.
Ideally, a numeral system will:
Represent a useful set of numbers (e.g. all integers, or rational numbers)
Give every number represented a unique representation (or at least a standard
Reflect the algebraic and arithmetic structure of the numbers.

For example, the usual decimal representation of whole numbers gives every non zero
whole number a unique representation as a finite sequence of digits, beginning by a non-
zero digit. However, when decimal representation is used for the rational or real numbers,
such numbers in general have an infinite number of representations, for example 2.31 can
also be written as 2.310, 2.3100000, 2.309999999..., etc., all of which have the same
meaning except for some scientific and other contexts where greater precision is implied
by a larger number of figures shown.
Numeral systems are sometimes called number systems, but that name is ambiguous, as it
could refer to different systems of numbers, such as the system of real numbers, the system
of complex numbers, the system of p-adic numbers, etc. Such systems are not the topic of
this article.

Main numeral systems

The most commonly used system of numerals is known as Arabic numerals or Hindu–
Arabic numerals. Two Indian mathematicians are credited with developing them.
Aryabhata of Kusumapura developed the place-value notation in the 5th century and a
century later Brahmagupta introduced the symbol for zero. The numeral system and the
zero concept, developed by the Hindus in India slowly spread to other surrounding
countries due to their commercial and military activities with India. The Arabs adopted it
and modified them. Even today, the Arabs called the numerals they use "Rakam Al-Hind"
or the Hindu numeral system. The Arabs translated Hindu texts on numerology and spread
it to the western world due to their trade links with them. The Western world modified
them and called them the Arabic numerals, as they learnt from them. Hence the current
western numeral system is the modified version of the Hindu numeral system developed in
India. It also exhibits a great similarity to the Sanskrit–Devanagari notation, which is still
used in India.
Positional systems in detail
See also: Positional notation
In a positional base-b numeral system (with b a natural number greater than 1 known
as the radix), b basic symbols (or digits) corresponding to the first b natural numbers
including zero are used. To generate the rest of the numerals, the position of the symbol in
the figure is used. The symbol in the last position has its own value, and as it moves to the
left its value is multiplied by b.

For example, in the decimal system (base-10), the numeral 4327 means (4×103) + (3×102)
+ (2×101) + (7×100), noting that 100 = 1.
In general, if b is the base, one writes a number in the numeral system of base b by
expressing it in the form anbn + an − 1bn − 1 + an − 2bn − 2 + ... + a0b0 and writing the enumerated
digits anan − 1an − 2 ... a0 in descending order. The digits are natural numbers between 0 and b
− 1, inclusive.
If a text (such as this one) discusses multiple bases, and if ambiguity exists, the base
(itself represented in base-10) is added in subscript to the right of the number, like this:
numberbase. Unless specified b
No table of figures entries found.
y context, numbers without subscript are considered to be decimal.
By using a dot to divide the digits into two groups, one can also write fractions in the
positional system. For example, the base-2 numeral 10.11 denotes 1×2 1 + 0×20 + 1×2−1 +
1×2−2 = 2.75.
In general, numbers in the base b system are of the form:
The numbers bk and b−k are the weights of the corresponding digits. The position k is the
logarithm of the corresponding weight w, that is. The highest used position is close to the
order of magnitude of the number.

Reading a number
1 one; 2 two; 3 three; 4 four; 5 five; 6 six
1’st first; 2’nd second; 3’th Thirth; 4’th fourth; 5’th fifth; 6’th sixth
1 1 2 2
2 one-second ( a half); 4 one-fourth ( a quarter); 3 two-thirth; 1 3 one and two-
23 two power three
105 ten power five
5x6 five times six
5+6 five add six ( five plus six)
6–5 six subtract five (six minus five)
12 : 3 Twelve devided three
100 one hundred
1000 one thousand
1000000 one million

1000000000 one billion
1,257 one thousand and two hundreds fivety seven
1.257 one point two five seven

C. Analysis of Number from Passage

1. 0.35 mm for a frequency of 50 Hz to 0.5 mm for a frequency of 25 Hz.
2. 0.615 d2 (zero point six one five times d power 2 ) or (zero point six one five
times d square).
3. 0.5 ( a half)
4. 0.25 ( a quarter)
5. 321.3217̇8̇ (three hundred twenty one point three two one seven eight)
6. k ≥ 1 (k is more or equal with 1)
7. E2 = 4.44f N2Φm = 4.44f N2Bm A

8. = =K

D. Exercises
1. What is a transformer ?
2. Give description of working principle of a transformer.
3. Why are in all types of transformers, the core is constructed of transformer sheet steel
laminations ?
4. What is the form factor ?
5. What is voltage transformation ratio ?
6. Write a formula to count the average rate of change of flux.

E. Vocabulary Building
Vocabulary Building VII
Apparatus = peralatan Multiplying = mengalikan
Corresponding = sejalan dengan Purified = memurnikan
common magnetic flux = garis gaya thereby = demikian
magnet bersama there with = bersamaan dgn itu
magnetically linked = secara magnet In other words = dengan kata lain
terhubung Tidy = rapi, teratur

a path = sebuah alur Tidiness = kerapian
reluctance = reluktansi Tide = pasang (naik)
laminated core = inti berlapis-lapis Exposure = pembukaan, kedapatan
drawn out = dikeluarkan integers = bilangan bulat
influence = mempengaruhi rational numbers = bilangan rasional
necessary = penting a unique representation = pemaparan
container = isian yang unik
bushings = sarung isolator a finite sequence of digits = barisan
air-gap = celah udara terhingga dalam digit
heat treated = perlakuan panas an infinite number = bilangan tak
permeability = permeabilitas terhingga
hysteresis loss = rugi histerisis ambiguous = membingungkan
flux densities = kerapatan fluxi real numbers = bilangan real
eddy current loss = rugi arus eddi place-value notation = notasi penempatan
a light coat = pelapis tipis nilai
core-plate varnish = pernis tipis inti Tally marks = tanda tolli (////)
Tickness = ketebalan unary system = sistem satuan
Joints = menyambung abbreviations = singkatan
Staggere = tidak stabil, mengejutkan occurrence = kejadian
Avoid = mengabaikan own value = nilai diri
Imbricated = menutupi seperti atap is multiplied by = dikalikan dengan
genteng gross = kotor, kasar
Constructionally = secara konstruksi pancakes = bentuk S
Distinguished = dibedakan stacked discs = tumpukan cakera
Merely = hanya (kepingan)
Manner = cara, gaya, sikap vibration = getaran
core-type = tipe inti objectionable noise = kebisingan yang
shell-type = tipe sel tidak dapat disetujui (diterima)
trade name = nama pembuat humming sound = suara pukulan
surround = sekitar ribbon = pita karbon
respectively = masing-masing tightly-fitted = dipasang rapat sekali
opposite legs (or limbs) = kaki yang two-fold = lipatan dua
bersebelahan mounted on = menyusun di atas

interleaved = berselakan lembaran moisture = uap lembab
kosong air-tight = celah udara
leakage flux = rugi-rugi fluxi breathers = bernafas, longgar,
butted against = ditumpu berlawanan Sledging = cara kasar, pemaluan
stacked differently = ditumpuk Eventually = akhirnya
dengan cara berbeda eventually clogs = sumbatan terakhir
rectangular = siku-siku Oil-filled self-cooled = pendinginan
helical layers = lapisan berbentuk sendiri dengan minyak
spiral Oil-filled water-cooled = pendinginan air
micarta board = papan micarta dengan isian minyak
cooling ducts = saluran pendingin Air-blast type = jenis udara menekan
due = hak, sesuai dengan yang to convey = untuk membawa
seharusnya smooth surfaced = permukaan yang
allowance = penghargaan, lembut
kelonggaran corrugated = membengkok-bengkok
sectional area = luas penampang fluted = bergalur
preferred = lebih suka, melebihkan cubical capacity = kapasistas ukuran
square cores = inti segiempat kubik
circles = lingkaran oil-immersed = dicelupkan dalam minyak
tubular = berbentuk pipa employ = menggunakan
wasted = mubajir cruciform core = inti bentuk salip
improvement = perbaikan core-stepping = tingkatan inti
employ = menggunakan consequent = sebagai akibat

Vocabulary Test VII.a

Apparatus = Multiplying =
Corresponding = Purified =
common magnetic flux = thereby =
magnetically linked = there with =
a path = In other words =
reluctance = Tidy =
laminated core = Tidiness =
drawn out = Tide =
influence = Exposure =
necessary = integers =
container = rational numbers =
bushings = a unique representation =
air-gap = a finite sequence of digits =
heat treated = an infinite number =
permeability = ambiguous =
hysteresis loss = real numbers =
flux densities = place-value notation =
eddy current loss = Tally marks =
a light coat = unary system =
core-plate varnish = abbreviations =
Tickness = occurrence =
Joints = own value =
Staggere = is multiplied by =
Avoid = gross =
Imbricated = pancakes =
Constructionally = stacked discs =
Distinguished = vibration =
Merely = objectionable noise =
Manner = humming sound =
core-type = ribbon =
shell-type = tightly-fitted =
trade name = two-fold =
surround = mounted on =
respectively = moisture =
opposite legs (or limbs) = air-tight =
interleaved = breathers =
leakage flux = Sledging =
butted against = Eventually =
stacked differently = eventually clogs =
rectangular = Oil-filled self-cooled =
helical layers = Oil-filled water-cooled =
micarta board = Air-blast type =

cooling ducts = to convey =
due = smooth surfaced =
allowance = corrugated =
sectional area = fluted =
preferred = cubical capacity =
square cores = oil-immersed =
circles = employ =
tubular = cruciform core =
wasted = core-stepping =
improvement = consequent =
employ =

Vocabulary Test VII.b

Peralatan = Mengalikan =
sejalan dengan = Memurnikan =
garis gaya magnet bersama = Demikian =
secara magnet terhubung = bersamaan dgn itu =
sebuah alur = dengan kata lain =
reluktansi = rapi, teratur =
inti berlapis-lapis = kerapian =
dikeluarkan = pasang (naik) =
mempengaruhi = pembukaan, kedapatan =
penting = bilangan bulat =
isian = bilangan rasiona =l
tanduk pembuang muatan = pemaparan yang unik =
celah udara = barisan terhingga dalam digit =
perlakuan panas = bilangan tak terhingga =
permeabilitas = membingungkan =
rugi histerisis = bilangan real =
kerapatan fluxi = notasi penempatan nilai =
rugi arus eddi = tanda tolli (////) =
pelapis tipis = sistem satuan =
pernis tipis inti = singkatan =
ketebalan = kejadian =
menyambung = nilai diri =
tidak stabil, mengejutkan = dikalikan dengan =
mengabaikan = kotor, kasar =
menutupi seperti atap genteng = bentuk S =
secara konstruksi = tumpukan cakera (kepingan) =
dibedakan = getaran =
hanya = kebisingan yang tidak dapat diterima =
cara, gaya, sikap = suara pukulan =
tipe inti = pita karbon =
tipe sel = dipasang rapat sekali =
nama pembuat = lipatan dua =
sekitar = menyusun di atas =
masing-masing = uap lembab =
kaki yang bersebelahan = celah udara =
berselakan lembaran kosong = bernafas, longgar =
rugi-rugi fluxi = cara kasar, pemaluan =
ditumpu berlawanan = akhirnya =
ditumpuk dengan cara berbeda = sumbatan terakhir =
siku-siku = pendinginan sendiri dengan minyak =
lapisan berbentuk spiral = pendinginan air dengan isian minyak =
papan micarta = jenis udara menekan =
saluran pendingin = untuk membawa =
hak, sesuai dengan yang seharusnya= permukaan yang lembut =
penghargaan, kelonggaran = membengkok-bengkok =
luas penampang = bergalur =
lebih suka, melebihkan = kapasistas ukuran kubik =
inti segiempat = dicelupkan dalam minyak =
lingkaran = menggunakan =
berbentuk pipa = inti bentuk salip =
mubajir = tingkatan inti =
perbaikan = sebagai akibat =
menggunakan =


A. Passage

A Unified System Representation

(Source: Brian C. Fabien. 2009. Analytical System Dynamics Modeling and
Simulation. USA: Springer Science+Business Media, LLC)
In this text we will develop an analytical approach to modeling multidiscipline
dynamic systems. This modeling technique relies on examining the change in energy
of the dynamic system. Here, the dynamic systems considered may contain
components from various engineering disciplines. In particular, we may have
mechanical, electrical, uid and/or thermal components present in our dynamic system
model. In classical approaches to modeling multidiscipline dynamic systems each of
these engineering disciplines use a di_erent set of variables to de_ne the energy in the
system. Here however, it will be shown that, in fact, the variables used to describe
energy state in each of these disciplines all share common relationships. Section 1.1
presents particular set of variables that can be used in each discipline to de_ne the
system energy. In Section 1.2 the components of the system are classi_ed based on
how they manipulate the system energy. In particular the system is divided into (1)
energy storage components (ideal inductors and capacitors), (2) energy dissipative
components (ideal resistors), (3) energy transforming components (constraint
elements) and (4) energy sources. It will be shown that the energy storage components
can be described in terms of the kinetic energy and potential energy. The dissipative
components will be described in terms of a dissipation function. The transforming
components give rise to constraints between the system variables. Finally, the energy
sources will specify the energy input to the system.
In each engineering discipline (i.e., mechanical, electrical, uid and thermal) the
state of the system is de_ned using a pair of kinematic variables and a pair of kinetic
variables. The kinematic variables are called displacement, q(t), and ow, f(t). The
kinetic variables are called momentum, p(t), and e_ort, e(t). In these de_nitions t
denotes the time. Also, q(t), f(t), p(t) and e(t) are each vectors of dimension n, with n
being the number of coordinates used to describe the system. Thus, associated with the
i-th displacement qi(t), there is a corresponding ow, fi(t), momentum, pi(t), and e_ort,
ei(t), variable for i = 1; : : : n. The quadruple fq(t); f(t); p(t); e(t)g are called the
fundamental system variables because they appear in all the engineering disciplines
considered here. The familiar engineering terms for these fundamental variables are
listed in Table 7.1. The table shows the names used for displacement, ow, e_ort and
momentum in various engineering disciplines. We note that (i) mechanical systems are
divided into components that are in translation and components that are in rotation, (ii)
the uid subsystem includes compressible and incompressible ow, and (iii) there is no
momentum variable de_ned for thermal systems. The systems modeling approach,
developed in this text, will account for the coupling that may exists between all of the
disciplines de_ned in Table 7.1.

Table 7.1. Fundamental multidicipline System Variables

E_ort e Flow f Displacement q Momentum p
Mechanical Translation force, F velocity, v position, x linear momentum, p
Mechanical Rotation torque, τ angular velocity,ω angle,ϴ angular momentum, H
Electrical voltage, v current, i charge, q flux linkage, λ
Fluid pressure, P volumetric ow rate, Q volume, V pressure momentum, Γ
Thermal temperature, T entropy ow rate, S entropy, S (none)

B. Structure of Figure Schematic Table and Graph

Figure is a description of real thing in vision of two or three dimensions. A figure
is a presentation a real thing in a paper or in other medium. It makes real thing to be more
simple and smaller so can be brought anywhere. The description of One real thing can be
known from the view or from some figures as detail as we want. The dangerous thing can
be sown to any body without any afraid that it can make violent, by the figure. The very
little thing can be increasing in size as big as we want. The very big thing can be
decreasing in size without any decreasing in detail. From a figure can be known the
gross working principle and it’s characteristics. Every text is used for description of thing
without within any figure, will have difficalties for undestanding. That’s why a figure is
very important for description any technical view.
At figure VII.1. shown the Gross section of a typical storage battery. For more
detail explenation of battery, some specific figure have to present. Every specific
componen of battery may be presented by one or more figure.

Figure VII.1. Gross section of a typical storage battery

Understanding schematics is an essential part, and should be considered

primary, in the PCB design process. These schematics are written in language foreign
to the beginner, and are sometimes confusing to the experienced PCB designer. An
attempt by the beginner to read a schematic would undoubtedly end up with chaotic
results. Therefore, the PCB design process must be accomplished with a complete
understanding of the schematic language.
Generation of the schematic is an interactive process that start during the
conceptual design phase and continuous until the design is completed. The schematic
diagram is composed of symbols that present electrical and electromechanical
components plus lines that represent conductors which interconnect components. The
components are assigned reference designations to differentiate between similar
symbols. Figure VII.2. shows the common schematic symbols using in electrical
technology, and figure VII.3. shows the wiring diagram symbols. Both the group of
schematic and the diagram symbol are the convention technical language, so that
every technician knows the meaning and can be applied on their job.
If it is wanted to make a wiring diagram an electrical system, only to choose
and to connect by the line of the symbol due to the function and objective of

Fig, VII.2. Common Schematic Symbol in Electrical Technology

Figure VII. 3. Wiring diagram symbols

Figure VII.4. Schematic of Simple Electronics Circuit

Figure VII.5. Circuit of Pulse Generator of Chip

Figure VII.6. The Power’s Circuit of 1 Phasa load DC 15 Kw

(Siswonyo. 2003. Teknik Listrik Industri Jilid 3 untuk SMK. Jakarta: Direktorat Pembinaan Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Direktorat
Jenderal Manajemen Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah Departemen Pendidikan Nasional)

Table is used for presenting the data of variables as the description of
characteristics of object. Table also shows relation or correlation indenpendent variables
with dependent variables; and table shows the trend of some thing in relating with
properties of object. So, the table is usefull for statistical. Statistical never let table forget
without the using of it. The table is as tool for statistical to get conclution of some thing.
Figure VII.7. shows a table for descripting the tall of 80 man.
In Interval
Frequency Persentage
Tall (inc)
75 1 1.25
74 1 1.25
73 3 3.75
72 8 10.00
71 12 15.00
70 16 20.00
69 22 27.50
68 9 11.25
67 5 6.25
66 2 2.50
64 1 1.25
Total 80 100.00

Figure VII.7. The descripting of the tall of 80 man.

Graph is description of charakteristics some variables and as a tool for presentation of

a object’s state. Complex narative of that characteristics’s explanation can be simplified
by graph. Figure VII.8. shows the graph of theristor characteristics and figure VII.9.
shows the graph of dioda characteristics.

Figure VII.8. Thristor Characteristics

Figure VII. 9. Graph of Dioda Characteristics

Figure VII.10. Respon of a motor’s controlling

C. Analysis Passage
The passage only shows a table but if needed the detail of each variable and
the relation of each others, a broad and deep explanation is needed. Let is present the
table and then how many word or sentence needed to explain the characterristics every
component and variables.

Table 7.1. Fundamental multidicipline System Variables

E_ort e Flow f Displacement q Momentum p
Mechanical Translation force, F velocity, v position, x linear momentum, p
Mechanical Rotation torque, τ angular velocity,ω angle,ϴ angular momentum, H
Electrical voltage, v current, i charge, q flux linkage, λ
Fluid pressure, P volumetric ow rate, Q volume, V pressure momentum, Γ
Thermal temperature, T entropy ow rate, S entropy, S (none)

D. Exercises
1. Make a specific explanation in naration and figure of mechanical translation,
mechanical rotation, electrical, fluid, and thermal.
2. Why an explanation will be obviously if present within narative, figure, graph,
schematics ?
3. Make a formula of each variables as presentation of it’s characteristic.
4. Give an example of problem and solution for application that formula.

E. Vocabulary Building
Vocabulary Building VIII
A Unified System = sistem analogis Dial cable = tali penyetel suara radio
Representation = pemaparan Differentiate = membedakan
Multidicipline = berbagai disiplin ilmu Dilatability = sifat dapat memuai
Relies = berkaitan Dilatation = pemuaian, pelebaran
Particular = tersendiri Dilute = mengencerkan
to describe = menyelesaikan Diluent = bahan pengencer
energy state = keberadaan tenaga Dim = remang-remang, kabur
relationships = hubungan Dimming resistance = hambatan yang
energy storage = penyimpanan energi dapat diatur
energy dissipative = pemakaian enerrgi Dip = turun, menurun
dimension = dimensi Directory = buku alamat (petunjuk)
compressible = dapat dimapatkan Distil = menyuling, memurnikan

Mechanical translation = gerak lurus Disperse = menyebar
mekanik Distort = memuntir, menarik
Mechanical rotation = gerak rotasi Door case = kosen pintu
Force = gaya Door step = ambang pintu
Velocity = kecepatan Divergence = menyebar, beda
Position = tempat kedudukan Konvergence = memusat
Torque = torsi Diversity = ketidaksamaan
Anguler velocity = kecepatan putar Dosage = dosis
Detail drawing = gambar perincian Drag = mengerem
Detach = memisahkan Drill = mesin bor
Detech = menemukan Drip = menetes
Determinable = dapat ditetapkan Drum armature = angker teromol
Deviability = sifat dapat menyimpang Dull edge = sisi tumpul
Deviable = dapat menyimpang Dull red = merah padam
Diagrammatical = secara bagan Earth = bumi
Diagrammatize = menggambar secara Educible = dapat dijabarkan
bagan Electric brake = rem listrik

Vocabulary test VIII.a

A Unified System = Dial cable =
Representation = Differentiate =
Multidicipline = Dilatability =
Relies = Dilatation =
Particular = Dilute =
to describe = Diluent =
energy state = Dim =
relationships = Dimming resistance =
energy storage = Dip =
energy dissipative = Directory =
dimension = Distil =
compressible = Disperse =
Mechanical translation = Distort =
Mechanical rotation = Door case =
Force = Door step =
Velocity = Divergence =
Position = Konvergence =
Torque = Diversity =
Anguler velocity = Dosage =
Detail drawing = Drag =
Detach = Drill =
Detech = Drip =
Determinable = Drum armature =
Deviability = Dull edge =
Deviable = Dull red =
Diagrammatical = Earth = bumi
Diagrammatize = Educible =
Electric brake =

Vocabulary Test VIII.b

sistem analogis = tali penyetel suara radio =
pemaparan = membedakan =
berbagai disiplin ilmu = sifat dapat memuai =
berkaitan = pemuaian, pelebaran =
tersendiri = mengencerkan =
menyelesaikan = bahan pengencer =
keberadaan tenaga = remang-remang, kabur =
hubungan = hambatan yang dapat diatur =
penyimpanan energi = turun, menurun =
pemakaian enerrgi = buku alamat (petunjuk) =
dimensi = menyuling, memurnikan =
dapat dimapatkan = menyebar =
gerak lurus mekanik = memuntir, menarik =
gerak rotasi = kosen pintu =
gaya = ambang pintu =
kecepatan = menyebar, beda =
tempat kedudukan = memusat =
torsi = ketidaksamaan =
kecepatan putar = dosis =
gambar perincian = mengerem =
memisahkan = mesin bor =
menemukan = menetes =
dapat ditetapkan = angker teromol =
sifat dapat menyimpang = sisi tumpul =
dapat menyimpang = merah padam =
secara bagan = bumi =
menggambar secara bagan = dapat dijabarkan =
rem listrik =

A. Passage

A.C. Transmission and Distribution

General Layout of the System

The conductor system by means of which electric power is conveyed from a
generating station to the consumer’s premises may, in general, be divided into two
distinct parts i.e. transmission system and distribution system. Each part can again be
sub-divided into two-primary transmission and secondary transmission and similarly,
primary distribution and secondary distribution and then finally the system of supply to
individual consumers. A typical layout of a generating, transmission and distribution
network of a large system would be made up of elements as shown by a single-line
diagram of Fig. 36-1 although it has to be realized that one or more of these elements
may be missing in any particular system. For example, in a certain system, there may be
no secondary transmission and in another case, when the generating station is nearby,
there may be no transmission and the distribution system proper may begin at the
generator bus-bars.
Now-a-days, generation and transmission is almost exclusively three-phase. The
secondary transmission is also 3-phase whereas the distribution to the ultimate customer
may be 3-phase or single-phase depending upon the requirements of the customers.
In Fig. 36-1 C.S. represents the central station where power us generated by 3-
phase alternators at 6.6 or 11 or 13.2 or even 32 kV. The voltage is then stepped up by
suitable 3-phase transformers for transmission purposes. Taking the generated voltage as
11 kV, the 3-phase transformers step it up to 132 kV as shown. Primary or high-voltage
transmission is carried out at 132 kV. The transmission voltage is, to a very large extent,
determined by economic considerations. High voltage transmission requires conductors
of smaller cross-section which results in economy of copper or aluminium. But at the
same time cost of insulating the line and other expenses are increased. Hence, the
economical voltage of transmission is that for which the saving in copper or aluminium is
not offset (i) by the increased cost of insulating the line (ii) by the increased size of
transmission-line structures and (iii) by the increased size of generating stations and sub-
stations. A rough basis of determining the most economical transmission voltage is to use
650 volt per km of transmission line. For example, if transmission line is 200 km, then
the most economical transmission voltage will be 200 x 650 = 132,000 V or 132 kV.

The 3-phase, 3 wire overhead high voltage
transmission line next terminates in step-down
transformers in a sub-station known as receiving station
(R.S.) which usually lies at the outskirts of a city because
it is not safe to bring high-voltage overhead transmission
lines into thickly-populated areas. Here, the voltage is
stepped down to 33 kV. It may be noted here that for
ensuring continuity of service transmission is always by
duplicate lines.
From the Receiving Station, power is next
transmitted at 33 kV by underground cables (and
occasionally by overhead lines) to various sub-stations
(SS) located at various strategic points in the city. This is
known as secondary or low-voltage transmission. From
now on-wards starts the primary and secondary
At the sub-station (SS) voltage is reduced from 33
kV to 3,3 kV 3-wire for primary distribution. Consumers
whose demands exceed 50 kVA are usually supplied
from SS by special 3.3 kV feeders.
The secondary distribution is done at 400/230 V for which purpose voltage is
reduced from 3.3 kV to 400 V at the distribution sub stations. Feeders radiating from
distribution sub-station supply power to distribution networks in their respective areas. If
the distribution network happens to be at a great distance from sub-stations, then they are
supplied from the secondaries of distribution transformers which are either pole-mounted
or else housed in kiosks at suitable points of the distribution networks. The most common
system for secondary distribution is 400/230-V, 3-phase 400-V motor load is connected
across 3-phase lines directly.

B. Structure of Parallelism
When information in a sentence is given in the form of a list or series, all
components must be grammatically parallel or equal. There may be only two
components or there may be many components in a list; however , if the first is, for
example, an infinitive, the rest muast also be infinitives. Consider the following
correct and incorrect sentences.
Not parallel: Peter is rich, handsome, and many people like him.

adjective adjective clause

Parallel : Peter is rich, handsome, and populer

adjective adjective clause

Not parallel : Mr. Budi is a lawyer, a politician, and he teaches.

Noun noun clause

Parallel : Mr. Budi is a lawyer, a politician, and he teaches

Noun noun noun

Not parallel : The soldiers approached the enemy camp slowly and silent.

adverb adjective

Parallel : The soldiers approached the enemy camp slowly and silently

Adverb adverb
Not parallel : She like to fish, swim, and surfing.

Infinitive simple form [verb+ing]

Parallel : She like to fish, to swim, and to surf

Not parallel :
Verb + Noun

When teenager finish high school, they have several choices: going to college, getting
a job, or the army.

Verb + Noun Noun

Parallel :
Verb + Noun

When teenager finish high school, they have several choices: going to college, getting
a job, or joining the army

Verb + Noun Verb + Noun

Not parallel : Uccok entered the room, sat down, and is opening his book.

Past past present progressive

Parallel : Uccok entered the room, sat down, and opened his book

C. Analysis Passage
1. The conductor system by means of which electric power is conveyed from a
generating station to the consumer’s premises may, in general, be divided into two
distinct parts i.e. transmission system and distribution system.
2. Each part can again be sub-divided into two-primary transmission and secondary
transmission .
3. Now-a-days, generation and transmission is almost exclusively three-phase.
4. Hence, the economical voltage of transmission is that for which the saving in
copper or aluminium is not offset (i) by the increased cost of insulating the line (ii)
by the increased size of transmission-line structures and (iii) by the increased size
of generating stations and sub-stations.

D. Exercises
1. What is transmission system ?
2. What is distribution system ?
3. What is the conductor system ?
4. Why is the voltage in transmission higher than voltage in generation and
distribution ?.
5. What is feeder ?

E. Vocabulary Building
Building Vocabulary IX
General layout = gambaran umum Erect = menyetel, berdiri tegak
is conveyed = dibawa Eruption = letusan
consumer’s premises = permintaan Escalade = memanjat
pelanggan Even number = bilangan genap
a single-line diagram= diagram garis Odd number = bilangan ganjil
tunggal Exhalation = penguapan
bus-bars = rel pembawa Exhaust box = peredam letusan
Now-a-days = hari ini Exhibit = memperlihatkan
economical voltage of transmission = Expenditure= pemakaian
transmisi denga tegangan ekonomis Electric welding = las listrik
overhead high voltage transmission = Emergency descent = pendaratan darurat
transmisi tegangan tinggi udara Equability= kesamaan bentuk
terminates = stasiun Entry = jalan masuk
thickly-populated areas = daerah Envelop = membungkus
berpenduduk banyak Environ = mengelilingi
ensuring = keyakinan Epidermis =kulit luar
duplicate lines= jaringan pendamping Equable = rata, datar
Receiving Station = stasiun penerima Equalize = menyamakan
underground cables = kabel bawah tanah Equilibrate = seimbang
occasionally = pilihan khusus Equipment = perlengkapan
From now on-wards = mulai sekarang Eradiation = pemancaran
hingga ke depan Electrical brake = rem listrik
Feeders = pendulang Electric arc = busur cahaya
Restrictions = larangan Electric fire = dapur listrik
drops in voltage = jatuh tegangan Elctricity undertaking = perusahaan listrik
summarizing = ringkasan Electric standard = tiang listrik
interconnect = interkoneksi Electric light = penerangan listrik
into a whole = pada umumnya Electric mains = jaringan listrik
spur = terminal substation. Electric plant = instalasi listrik
Elbow lever = tuas lutut Electric sign = reklame lampu

Vocabulary Test IX.a.

General layout = Erect =
is conveyed = Eruption =
consumer’s premises = Escalade =
a single-line diagram= Even number =
bus-bars = Odd number =
Now-a-days = Exhalation =
economical voltage of transmission = Exhaust box =
overhead high voltage transmission = Exhibit =
terminates = Expenditure =
thickly-populated areas = Electric welding =
ensuring = Emergency descent =
duplicate lines= Equability=
Receiving Station = Entry =
underground cables = Envelop =
occasionally = Environ =
From now on-wards = Epidermis =
Feeders = Equable =
Restrictions = Equalize =
drops in voltage = Equilibrate =
summarizing = Equipment =
interconnect = Eradiation =
into a whole = Electrical brake =
spur = Electric arc =
Elbow lever = Electric fire =
Electric light = Elctricity undertaking =
Electric mains = Electric standard =
Electric plant = Electric sign =
Vocabulary Test IX.b.
gambaran umum = menyetel, berdiri tegak =
dibawa = letusan =
permintaan pelanggan = memanjat =
diagram garis tunggal = bilangan genap =
rel pembawa = bilangan ganjil =
hari ini = penguapan =
transmisi denga tegangan ekonomis = peredam letusan =
transmisi tegangan tinggi udara = memperlihatkan =
stasiun = pemakaian =
daerah berpenduduk banyak = las listrik =
keyakinan = pendaratan darurat =
jaringan pendamping = kesamaan bentuk =
stasiun penerima = jalan masuk =
kabel bawah tanah = membungkus =
pilihan khusus = mengelilingi =
mulai sekarang hingga ke depan = kulit luar =
pendulang = rata, datar =
larangan = menyamakan =
jatuh tegangan = seimbang =
ringkasan = perlengkapan =
interkoneksi = pemancaran =
pada umumnya = rem listrik =
terminal substation = busur cahaya =
tuas lutut = dapur listrik =
jaringan listrik = perusahaan listrik =
instalasi listrik = tiang listrik =
reklame lampu = penerangan listrik =

A. Passage
Active Reading Strategies

Choose the strategies that work best for you or that best suit your purpose.
You do not need to use them all every time you read.
1. Ask yourself pre-reading questions.  For example:  What is the topic, and what do
you already know about it?  Why has the instructor assigned this reading at this point
in the semester?

2. Identify and define any unfamiliar terms.

3. Bracket the main idea or thesis of the reading, and put an asterisk next to it. Pay
particular attention to the introduction or opening paragraphs to locate this

4. Put down your highlighter.  Make marginal notes or comments instead. Every
time you feel the urge to highlight something, write instead. You can summarize the
text, ask questions, give assent, protest vehemently. You can also write down key
words to help you recall where important points are discussed. Above all, strive to
enter into a dialogue with the author.

5. Write questions in the margins, and then answer the questions in a reading
journal or on a separate piece of paper.  If you’re reading a textbook, try changing
all the titles, subtitles, sections and paragraph headings into questions.  For example,
the section heading “The Gas Laws of Boyle, Charles, and Avogadro” might become
“What are the gas laws of Boyle, Charles, and Avogadro?”

6. Make outlines, flow charts, or diagrams that help you to map and to understand
ideas visually.  (See below for examples).

7. Read each paragraph carefully and then determine "what it says" and “what it
does.” Answer “what it says” in only one sentence. Represent the main idea of the
paragraph in your own words. To answer “what it does,” describe the paragraph’s
purpose within the text, such as “provides evidence for the author’s first main reason”
or “introduces an opposing view.”

8. Write a summary of an essay or chapter in your own words. Do this in less than a
page. Capture the essential ideas and perhaps one or two key examples. This approach
offers a great way to be sure that you know what the reading really says or is about.

9. Write your own exam question based on the reading.

10. Teach what you have learned to someone else! Research clearly shows that teaching
is one of the most effective ways to learn. If you try to explain aloud what you have
been studying, (1) you’ll transfer the information from short-term to long-term
memory, and (2) you’ll quickly discover what you understand — and what you don’t.

Increasing Your Reading Speed:

Alarm Clock Reading

Choose an easy, interesting, relatively familiar subject matter for this exercise. You do
not want to be fighting your own boredom at the same time that you are trying to increase
your reading speed. The simpler paperback novels based on a theme in which you are
intensely interested and written in a fast-moving style lend themselves well to the
development of rapid reading skills.
1. Select a novel or book of easy non-fiction. Keep the book for this purpose only.
2. Set an alarm clock or timer to go off after 15 minutes of reading.
3. Read the book as rapidly as possible until the alarm rings. Try to get the same feeling
of speed you have when under class time-pressure.
4. When the alarm rings, note the number of pages you have read. For example, 5 1/4,
71/2, etc. Do not count the words. Now close the book.
5. Paraphrase out loud the material you have read. You will be much more conscious of
the fact that you did not remember very well if you paraphrase out loud. Remember,
speed without recall of what you read is useless.
6. At the next reading, strive for more rapid reading. In order to break the habit of slow,
plodding reading on easy material, you must press yourself into reading at an
“uncomfortable rate” at the outset. As long as comfortable rates are maintained, no
gain in speed is achieved.
7. Allow you eyes to sweep rapidly along each line of print, but do not pause to reflect
until a whole section has been completed.
8. Do this exercise every day. Sporadic and infrequent exercises will have little value.
Keep your record up to date so you can see your progress. Try to read a few more
lines each time.

Guide to Reading Primary Sources


What is a primary source?

Primary sources are those constructed by people who were actually there at the
time of the event you are studying. For example, an 1865 newspaper account about the
assassination of President Lincoln is a primary source. Primary sources may include but
are not limited to: letters, journals and other items written by individuals; newspapers,
magazines and other news sources; laws, statutes and regulations; and memos, reports
and other records generated within organizations. A physical artifact, such as a piece of
pottery excavated from an archeological site, can also be viewed as a primary source. In
contrast, a secondary source is one that compiles or analyzes information about events
with which the author was not directly involved. A textbook is a secondary source, as are
many articles in scholarly journals.

Why is reading a primary source different from reading a secondary source?

Reading primary source materials differs significantly from reading textbooks and
other secondary sources. Very often, textbooks and other secondary sources will tell the
reader what is important to remember from the text, and will organize the material
specifically with the student in mind as the audience. In contrast, because the author of a
primary source was not thinking of college students in the future as the most important
audience for his or her work, s/he did not provide a road-map to the reader to highlight
what is most important. Reading a primary source therefore puts more responsibility on
the reader to extract from the text what is important.

How should I approach reading a primary source?

PREPARATION: Learning is a process of hanging new information on a framework of
knowledge that already exists in your mind. Before starting to read, ask yourself a couple
of questions to help identify your framework.
1. What do I already know about this subject?
2. What do I want to get out of this reading?

WHILE READING: Try to think critically while reading a primary source. To do this,
ask yourself the following questions:
1. What is the author saying?
2. What does the author imply?
3. What does the author assume?

4. Is the argument valid? How does the author support the argument?

AFTER READING: Once you have read the material, take a few moments to reflect on
it. Ask yourself the following questions:
1. Can you repeat in a concise statement what the author’s main argument was and how
it was supported?
2. Can you extend the author’s argument to other circumstances?
3. How does what you read change the framework you had in mind before you started
4. What questions remain that you want to explore in this class?
5. If you were going to start a discussion about this reading, what questions
would you raise?

B. The Structure of An Article

In a whole a journal contents many articles and each article has a structure. For example,
“International Journal of The Japan Society fo Precision Engineering, Volume 27, Number
4 Dec 1993”, has 31 articles and each article has the same structure as following:
1. The title (Precision Mechanisms for Mechatronics System”
2. Author (Kiyoshi ITAO)
3. Key Words (mechatronics, micromachine, informative equipment, precision,
mechanism, positioning, alignment, optical disk)
4. Introduction
5. Trends in mechatronics systems
6. Classification of precision mechanisms for the mechatronics
7. Typical advanced mechanisms
8. Conclusion
9. References

C. Exercise
Analysis the structure of an article, and give desription each component of the structure.

D. Vocabulary Building

Vocabulary Building X
pre-reading questions = pertanyaan sebelum evidence = fakta-fakta
membaca evident = terang, jelas
assign = memberikan, mengangkat an opposing view = pertentangan gambaran
unfamiliar terms = hal yang tidak lajim Capture = menangkap
Bracket = tanda kurung the essential ideas = = ide mendasar
the main idea = ide utama perhaps = barangkali, boleh jadi
thesis of the reading = pernyataan bacaan key examples = contoh utama
an asterisk = tanda (bintang) paperback = buku bersampul tipis
particular attention = perhatian khusus paraphrase = uraian dengan kata-kata sendiri
highlighter = hal penting, penyorotan plodding reading = membaca lambat
marginal notes = catatan marginal assassination = pembunuhan
comments instead = komentar di dalam pottery = tembikar
the urge = perdebatan excavate = menggali
assent = persetujuan a road-map = peta rencana
key words = kata kunci Preparation = persiapan
strive = berusaha keras Rejection = penolakan
a separate piece of paper = selembar kertas Ultraprecision = sangat presisi
terpisah Carriage = barang bawaan
outlines = garis besar Widespread = tersebar luas
flow charts = bagan alir So forth = sedemikian
to map = memetakan Astonish = mengherankan
assert = menegaskan Hijack = membajak
exaggerate = membesar-besarkan Assignment = tugas

Vocabulary Test IX.a

pre-reading questions = evidence =
assign = an opposing view =
unfamiliar terms = Capture =
Bracket = the essential ideas =
the main idea = perhaps =
thesis of the reading = key examples =
an asterisk = paperback novel =
particular attention = paraphrase =
highlighter = strive =
marginal notes = plodding reading =
comments instead = assassination =
the urge = pottery =
assent = excavate =
key words = a road-map =
strive = Preparation = p
a separate piece of paper = Rejection =
outlines = Ultraprecision =
flow charts = Carriage =
to map = Widespread =
Assignment = So forth =

Vocabulary Test IX.b

pertanyaan sebelum membaca = fakta-fakta =
memberikan, mengangkat = terang, jelas =
hal yang tidak lajim = pertentangan gambaran =
tanda kurung = menangkap =
ide utama = ide mendasar =
pernyataan bacaan = barangkali, boleh jadi =
tanda (bintang) = contoh utama =
perhatian khusus = buku bersampul tipis =
hal penting, penyorotan = uraian dengan kata-kata sendiri =
catatan marginal = membaca lambat =
komentar di dalam = pembunuhan =
perdebatan = tembikar =
persetujuan = menggali =
kata kunci = peta rencana =
berusaha keras = persiapan =
selembar kertas terpisah = penolakan =
garis besar = sangat presisi =
bagan alir = barang bawaan =
memetakan = tersebar luas =
menegaskan = sedemikian =
membesar-besarkan = mengherankan =
tugas = membajak =


A. Passage
Handouts – SQ4R: A Classic Method for Studying Texts

We call this method a classic because students have found it useful since the early
60's. It's probably worth your time to try all the steps at first, and then choose and apply
only those that work effectively for each of your course texts. Although using the SQ4R
method may seem time consuming at first, once you know the steps the process takes
only a few minutes. (For a more comprehensive look at many aspects of reading from
textbooks, including improving your concentration and dealing with difficult textbooks,
consult our Learning from Textbooks handout.)
S = Survey
Before you crack open your book to page one and dive in, take a few minutes to read the
preface and introduction to the text, and browse through the table of contents and the
index. This will tell you the main topics that the book will cover, the author's particular
approach to the subject (i.e., why he/she wrote another text on the subject when there are
probably twenty on the market), and what the basic organizational structure will be.
A similar process is repeated before each chapter. Read all the titles and subtitles, study
any pictures, charts or graphs, and, if there are any, read the summary at the end of the
chapter and any study questions. Surveying a chapter in this way gives you the "big
picture,"; a framework of the main ideas which will help to hold the details together later.
Q = Question
Before beginning to read, take the subtitle of the section (or the first sentence of a
paragraph) and turn it into a question. For example, if you're reading part of a chapter
called "Functions of the Spinal Cord," ask yourself, "What are the functions of the spinal
R#1 = Read
You then read, not passively sliding your eyes over the words, but actively engaging the
text, trying to find the answer to your question. Be cautious, however, that you don't end
up skimming for the answer to your question and missing other important information.
R#2 = Respond
Once you've read the section, close the textbook and answer your question, either orally
or on paper, in your own words. If you can't answer the question, you should reread that
section until you can. If, after several tries, you still can't answer your question, go on to
the next few sections and see if things become clearer. You may find that you need to
change your question. For example, you may have first posed the question, "What is the
Treaty of Versailles?" for the subtitle "The Treaty of Versailles," but, after reading the
section, you may find that a better question is, ";Why was the Treaty of Versailles
created?" If changing your question doesn't help clarify the reading, it's time to get some
help. Your instructor or TA are good places to start, or Learning Services in the Learning
Commons can also help with effective reading strategies.
R#3 = Record
Once you've understood the material and can summarize it in your own words, the next
step is to record the information in some way. Some common methods are to highlight

and/or mark the text, or take notes, or some combination of both. Whichever method or
combination of methods you choose (some pros and cons are summarized next), it's
critical to remember to read and understand the material first, and then go back and
The Pros
1. Takes less time than note taking.
2. Charts and graphs from text readily available.
The Cons
1. Very easy to do badly; can fool you into thinking you're learning material when what
you're really doing is colouring.
2. Tendency to mark too much to avoid missing something important; experts say
highlight 10-15%; students usually highlight 70-80%.
3. Because fragments of sentences are highlighted, tendency is to read whole sentence
for complete meaning and so most of the book ends up being re-read.
4. Necessary to study for tests from heavy, clumsy textbook.
5. Difficult to integrate with lecture notes.
6. Textbook ends up looking very used and reduces resale value.
The Pros
1. Because it's time consuming, encourages you to be concise and more selective of
important information.
2. Information is in point form but still grammatically complete.
3. Provides a portable, easy-to-manage study tool — text not often needed for studying.
4. Condensed study notes can be made in margins as you go, saving time when preparing
for exams.
5. Easy to integrate text and lecture notes if done on looseleaf paper.
The Cons
1. Time-consuming.
2. Tendency to copy text rather than take notes in your own words.
R#4 = Review
In courses where there is a lot of factual material to remember, a regular review period
(usually once a week) can be a very effective strategy for retaining information.

Integrating a weekly review period into your study routine will help you remember more
of the information longer, thereby changing the nature of the studying done at exam time.
Rather than relearning material that has been forgotten because you haven't looked at it
since reading it or writing it down, preparing for an exam can include a review of familiar
material and rehearsal strategies like trying old exams.
The secret to making regular review periods effective is to start from the beginning
of the course in each review session. The volume of material to review increases as the
semester progresses, but the amount of time needed to review older material decreases.
After you've reviewed the first week's material a few times, it will take only minutes to
skim over it and recall the key points.

B. How to Read A Textbook


A textbook is a fat book that had to go through an editorial committee to get approved.
Never forget this saying: "A camel is a horse built by a committee."
Committees are why textbooks are so bland. Textbooks are not controversial. They
convey the minimum amount of information necessary to enable students to get through
the first two years of college.
Textbooks in the social sciences (government, economics, history) and humanities
(English) are designed to allow fast reading and pre-test reviewing. They are laid out to
minimize confusion.
You shouldn't worry about this. It's not your responsibility. "Yours is not to reason why.
Yours is but to read or fry." Your job is to make the best use of your time in reading your
assignments and then reviewing what you have read.
What I recommend here does not apply to mathematics textbooks.
When you buy a textbook of your own, read the first assignment as fast as you can. Do
this at home. Why? Remember this rule: do only that work at school which can be done
best at school. At home, read your cheap, battered used copy.
How fast should you read? You know how long it takes you to read an assignment. Block
out that much time. Then schedule two readings and one "lecture to the wall."
If you normally spend an hour on an assignment this long, spend ten minutes the first
reading. This for overall content, not memorizing. You want to get the big picture.

When you skim through, pause at the headings, the subheadings, and any line that is in
color or bold-faced. These are key sections. Then speed up again.
After you read the assignment as fast as you can, pausing only at headings and
subheadings (which sometimes are in a different color than black), close the book. Sit and
think about what you just read. How much can you remember? Jot down a few one-
sentence notes. These are for only one purpose: to prove to yourself that you can recall a
few things when you read very fast. Spend 5 minutes in jotting down notes. If you can't
think of anything, try harder. It's only 5 minutes.
Now go back to the book. Read the chapter again, but more slowly this time. Read for
general comprehension.
Finally, pick out a complex section that confuses you. Read it slowly. Highlight the
important sections that you will want to review the night before the next exam.
Now close the book. Think about what you have read. Jot down a few more notes. Now
give your lecture to the wall. See how much you remember. If you draw a blank, re- read
that section. Close the book. Try again.
Go through the assignment section by section, lecturing to the wall. Then. . . .
1. Read the summary at the end of the chapter.
2. Read the study questions at the end of the chapter.
3. See if you can find answers in the textbook to the study questions. If you do, make a
note in the margin: "Answer to study question #3," or whatever number it was.
Are you reading this assignment mainly for preparation, so you that won't walk into that
class cold (cold = having read nothing)?
Should you procrastinate for a day? Of course not! Will you? Probably, once in a while.
My study course is for the real world. I know that students get into self-made jams once in
a while. You may be in several. So, cut yourself some slack, but only for one day per
assignment. Don't push your luck. Don't make procrastination a habit.
You must learn to read faster and more efficiently. You will not initially trust yourself to
read super-fast just once. But because you know there will be a second reading, with a
highlighter in your hand, followed by lecturing to the wall, you will not be risking much
by reading fast the first time.
Within two or three months, you will find that two readings, with just one underlining
session, plus lecturing to the wall, will go faster than the time it takes you today to read
the same number of pages only once.

Warning: your math textbook must be gone through slowly.
A science textbook can be read slowly for the first reading, then faster for two readings.
It's the reverse strategy from social science and humanities textbooks. That's because
science books are more complex. But the same rule applies: two readings per assignment.
Maybe you absorb scientific information fast. If so, then adopt the schedule: fast reading,
slow reading, fast reading.

Pacing Yourself
You must learn to pace yourself. The better you do this, the less often you will get into
jams. The less often you will wind up cramming at the last minute.
Part of this pacing involves doing your reading assignments systematically. I have
described the best way. But it involves more than reading. It requires that you discover
shortcuts. Then you must learn to implement them.
You can't find all of them. You need tips from people who have gone through the ordeal
of getting through college. I'm one of them.
You also need tips from other college students who are caught in the same competitive
process. Share ideas. Share shortcuts. You can do this on this Web site. If you want to
join, click here:

Preparing for Lectures

If you don't do your homework reading assignment before you walk into class, you will
find -- or may find -- the lectures difficult to follow. The number-one goal of reading
your textbooks is to make it easier for you to understand classroom lectures. That's
because most teachers give tests that are based more on their lectures than on the
Why? Because professors lecture on what they think is most important. Your professor
probably had very little influence over which textbook got picked by the department --
maybe no influence at all.
The textbook may be changed next year. I guarantee you, your professor's lecture notes
will not be revised in response to the new textbook next year.

When you walk into the classroom, you must know enough material to follow the lecture.
Reading the textbook on schedule will help. Reading it two times, but at different speeds,
will help even more. Lecturing to the wall helps the most.
Understand what I am saying. The initial three readings of the assignment in the textbook
are undertaken to prepare you to take lecture notes the next day. So is lecturing to the
When you are at your desk at home, ready to begin study for a course, you must review
your notes from today's lecture. Think about them. As you read, correct them. Add notes
in the margin of your notebook.
Then . . . you will hate this . . . skim the most recent textbook assignment to see if there is
any connection between today's lecture and that reading assignment. There probably
won't be, but check, just to make sure. Speed read the older textbook assignment.
What if you find a connection? A-oogah! A-oogah! Red alert!
Whenever there is correspondence between a textbook's passage and lecture notes, there
is a much greater likelihood that there will be a test question on this material.
Next, update today's lecture notes. Refer to the page number of the textbook that relates
to the lecture notes. Later, when you prepare on the night before an exam, you will find
this page reference in your notes. At that point, carefully re-read that page in the
Only after you have carefully reviewed and revised your notes from today's lecture, and
after you have skimmed the previous reading assignment in light of these notes, do you
go on to today's reading assignment.
Miserable, isn't it? I'm sure glad it's you who must go through this rather than me.

When There is a Major Test Tomorrow

Read the textbook for your test course last in the day. Your goal here is special. You
must review the textbook until you just aren't learning anything new. Then you must read
your lecture notes. Read your lecture notes even more carefully than you read the
textbook. Then you must go to bed. I mean right after you close the book. No TV, no
shower. Go straight to bed. Why? Because your brain may go over the material while
you're asleep. It may not, but if it does, you're ahead.
On a major test day, carry your lecture notes on the bus. Carry anything else that is
related to the test. You might even take your underlined used textbook. That's high risk,

but it may be worth it if it's an important test. Wear your earplugs. Bus time is review
time. Take everything home the same day. Don't lose anything.

Whichever day you designate as your day of rest, the other day is mainly for
researching and writing papers, unless you have a full-time job.
If you are on schedule by 4 p.m., and you think that you have a little extra time, get out a
textbook in the course in which you are having more trouble, and review your yellow
markings. Start at the latest chapter and work back for two chapters. Then do the same
with your other textbooks. Don't assume that just because you had an exam recently, the
same material won't show up on a future exam.
This is real-world. I am not silly enough to believe that, in the courses you don't like,
your goal is anything except passing the exam.
However, in the courses that you like, or at least can tolerate, your goal for reviewing the
textbooks is to master the material, not merely pass the next exam. If you go to college,
you are more likely to major in a field that is related to the courses you liked most in high
school. So, you must make an extra effort in these classes.
Your main goal in the courses that you hate is to get through them. Your main goal in the
courses you like is to get prepared for the next phase of your academic career.
If you are really ready to learn, you should know that you can get college credit for work
that you do in high school. That's what Stand and Deliver shows. There are other ways to
do this besides AP exams. Bear this in mind when you schedule time for your course
work. You may be able to kill two birds with one stone.
The strategy of success in the courses you hate and the courses you like is the same:
review material on the weekend, after you're tired of working on your writing
You must be prepared before you go to class, so that you can take better-informed notes.
You need to read all assignments twice in all courses except math (which takes line by
line concentration): once fast, once more slowly.
You must then lecture to the wall, section by section, for anything that confuses you.
The last thing to read on the night before a major exam is the textbook and notes of the
exam course. Then sleep on it.

Don't forget to lecture to the wall: one page, one book.
If you want to make more money, keep more of your money, and enjoy your money
more, subscribe to my free Tip of the Week.

How to study a text book

Students today are not often taught study skills that can help them with the densest of
college textbooks. As a result, students have picked up habits that work against them
instead of for them in studying textbooks. This article will help clarify one method of
helping students simplify and learn even the densest of material. In fact, if followed
through, this method of textbook studying will actually be a time saver.
1. For any textbook you are given, the first thing that you need to read is the
introduction to the textbook. If it is a book that takes a detailed look at a particular
topic, the introduction will summarize the author's argument and present an outline of the
book. If the textbook is a general introductory text, such as Introduction to American
Government or Principles of Microeconomics, the introduction will serve to tell you how
the author is going to approach the topic.
2. Think for a moment how authors write. For most textbooks, professors begin with a
detailed outline of major headings and subheadings that they plan to cover in each
chapter of their book. With that bit of knowledge, every heading and subheading in a
textbook corresponds to the outline that the professor or author used to write the
3. Each chapter of the textbook can be broken down into these headings and
subheadings. In doing so, students can begin to approach each chapter in a systematic
fashion that will give them an organized set of notes regarding each chapter.
4. In approaching a chapter, some preparation will go a long way. Put away your
cell phone, do not sit at a computer, and do not allow yourself to be interrupted. We often
think that we can multitask and study without full concentration. But if you are going to
tackle any subject seriously, then you need to give it your full attention. Focus and you
will be rewarded.
5. Read the entire chapter through without taking notes or doing anything else. Just
read it. You have two objectives in doing so. The first is to get a sense of the purpose of
the chapter. Ask yourself: what is the author trying to convey in the chapter overall?
Second, how does the author build the information or argument in the chapter? When you
have a mental picture of these two questions, you can then begin taking notes that will
benefit you in your study for exams and research papers.
6. Take notes. Notes do not mean taking every word down verbatim. The art of note
taking involves discerning what is important. The first thing to write down is: what is the
main point or argument that the author is conveying in the chapter? Do this in no more
than three sentences. Then ask yourself how does the author begin to make the point?
This is where the major headings and subheadings help. Under each heading are
paragraphs that make up the section of the chapter. Document the topic sentences that
help build the argument in the section and chapter.
7. Once you have done this for the entire chapter, go back into the chapter and list
two things independently. The first are major theoretical concepts and properties key to
understanding any technical elements of the chapter. The second is key terminology with
corresponding definitions.
8. Once you do this, you will have an entire set of notes on that chapter. If you do
this routinely, when it comes time for an examination, you will have your study guide
ready to do what you need to do, which is to study the material. Studying means that you
understand the material in the chapter and that you have memorized the key information
needed to be able to show you have a mastery of the material. There is no secret or short
cut here -- every new subject you take is just like a new foreign language. You need to
learn the terminology before you can communicate. Whether it is economics, political
science, chemistry or biology, you need to be able to communicate in the language of the
discipline. The only way to learn that language is to dive in and begin dealing with that
9. Once you have all your notes, you can then assemble them in order to form your
study guide. While your friends and colleagues are scrambling to reread material the
night before the exam, you just need to sit back and begin memorizing your notes for the
examination. Your textbook notes are your study guide along with your lecture notes.

C. Structure A Textbook
The structure a textbook “Microelectronic Circuits and Devices by Mark N.
Horenstein” is the form of sequence of general idea, as:
1. Cover

2. The title of the textbook with author, publisher and year of publishing
3. Table of contents
4. Preface
5. Chapter and subchapter
6. Exercises in every chapter
7. References (Suggestions for Further Reading)
8. Answers to Selected Problems
9. Index
The Structure a textbook “A Textbook of Electrical Technology by B.L. Theraja” :
1. Cover
2. The title of the textbook with author, publisher, and year of publishing.
3. Foreword
4. Preface to The.....Edition
5. Abbreviations
6. Greek Alphabets
7. Symbols
8. Introduction to International System of Units
9. Thanks
10. Acknowledgements
11. Table of Contents
12. Chapter and subchapter
13. Exercises in every chapter
14. Index

D. Exercise
“ Analysis the structure of a textbook and give the description of every part of that

E. Vocabulary Building

Vocabulary Building XI

Worth = harga (kb), berharga (ks) a committee = panitia, tim kerja

dealing with = bekerja dengan laid out = memersiapkan, mengeluarkan
crack = retakan, celah confusion = kebingungan

dive in = masuk, terjun fry = pesta, korban
Spinal Cord = urat saraf tulanng cheap = murah
belakang battere = baterai
Sliding = luncur overall content = isi secara keseluruhan
Engaging = menarik jotting = catatan
Cautious = perhatian Jot down = mencatat
Skimming = membaca lebih dalam Procrastinate = menunda
Once = seketika, saat Slack = kekenduran, lambat
Orally = dengan mulut Cramming = memasukkan dengan paksa
Treaty of Versailles = perjanjian Shortcuts = jalan pintas
Versailles Influence = mempengaruhi
Mark = tandai, beri tanda at all = keseluruhan sama
The Pros = likelihood = kemungkinan
Portable = dapat dibawa Miserable = menyedihkan, miskin
looseleaf paper = kertas ramah Stand and Deliver =
lingkungan Subheading = anak judul
the Cons = perbincangan baik buruknya the entire chapter = keseluruhan bab
tendency = kecenderungan scrambling = pertarungan (kb), berebut,
Review = mengulas mengaduk (kk)
sphere = bola, bulatan
Weekly = mingguan
speller = buku eja
Rehearsal = mendengar ulang

Vocabulary Test XI.a.

Berharga = Panitia =
bekerja dengan = Memersiapkan =
celah = Kebingungan =
terjun = pesta =
urat saraf tulanng belakang = murah =
luncur = baterai =
menarik = isi secara keseluruhan =
perhatian = catatan =
membaca lebih dalam = mencatat =
seketika = menunda =
dengan mulut = kekenduran =
perjanjian Versailles = memasukkan dengan paksa =
beri tanda = jalan pintas =
dapat dibawa = mempengaruhi =
kertas ramah lingkungan = keseluruhan sama =
perbincangan baik buruknya = kemungkinan =
kecenderungan = menyedihkan =
mengulas = anak judul =
mingguan = keseluruhan bab =
mendengar ulang = mengaduk =
buku eja = bola, bulatan =
Vocabulary Test XI.b.

Worth = a committee =
dealing with = laid out =
crack = confusion =
dive in = fry =
Spinal Cord = cheap =
Sliding = battere =
Engaging = overall content =
Cautious = jotting =
Skimming = Jot down =
Once = Procrastinate =
Orally = Slack =
Treaty of Versailles = Cramming =
Mark = Shortcuts =
The Pros = Influence =
Portable = at all =
looseleaf paper = likelihood =
the Cons = Miserable =
tendency = Stand and Deliver =
Review = Subheading =
Weekly = the entire chapter =

Rehearsal = scrambling =
Speller = sphere =


A. Passage
What Is a Passage in a Book?
In the writing of books, a passage is a segment or a short section of a book, poem, article,
or piece of music that is considered on its own. Properly arranged sentences build up
several paragraphs which make a passage.

The Passage (novel)

(From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
The Passage is a novel by Justin Cronin, published in 2010 by Ballantine Books, a
division of Random House, Inc., New York. The Passage debuted on the New York
Times hardcover fiction best seller list, and remained on the list 7 additional weeks. It is
the first novel of a planned trilogy; the second book The Twelve was released in 2012,
with the third book The City of Mirrors due to be released in 2014.

The Passage begins in the near future and details an apocalyptic and, later, post-
apocalyptic world that is overrun by vampire-like beings who are infected by a highly

contagious virus. What begins as a project to develop a new immunity-boosting drug
based on a virus carried by an unnamed species of bat in South America eventually
becomes the virus that transforms the world. The novel begins in 2014 and spans more
than ninety years, as colonies of humans attempt to live in a world filled with superhuman
creatures who are continually on the hunt for fresh blood.
Cronin first began developing his ideas for The Passage in 2006 when his daughter
asked him to write a book about a "girl who saves the world." He set out to write a book
that combined elements of multiple genres, most predominantly horror, science fiction,
and fantasy. Cronin wanted his vampiric creatures to seem like real-world organisms that
might have inspired the vampire stories he knew from his childhood and the vampire-like
creatures found in the folklore of numerous cultures. Cronin described writing the book as
feeling "natural", and having come "very quickly". Cronin said that the title is a reference
to the characters' journeys, and the journey "from life to death". Cronin said that many of
the places featured in the novel were selected because they were places he had lived, and
that he decided to "travel every mile my characters did, in order to capture not only the
details of place, but the feeling of place.
The National Post called The Passage "Homeric" and "one of the creepiest books of
2010". The book has earned comparisons to The Stand, and earned Cronin comparisons to
Michael Crichton.[2] Publishers Weekly criticized Cronin's use of certain "tropes" of the
genre, but added that "he manages to engage the reader with a sweeping epic style."
Booklist said that the book was so similar to The Stand that it "required some fact-
checking to ascertain it was not written under a new King pseudonym." USA Today said
that The Passage "could be the best book of the summer." The New York Times Book
Review said that The Passage is "A blockbuster…astutely plotted and imaginative". The
Los Angeles Times said The Passage is "as stirring as it is epic", and even described a
portion of the book as "nearly flawless", though it also describes some of the narration as
"portentous and slack". The San Francisco Chronicle selected The Passage as one of the
best science fiction and fantasy books of 2010, and describes the book as being "action
packed" and "rousing".
The book has also been praised by numerous contemporary authors. Stephen King
called The Passage "enthralling", and said that "It has the vividness that only epic works

of fantasy and imagination can achieve. Dan Chaon called The Passage "hypnotic" and
said that "you can’t turn the pages fast enough, and yet... you don’t want it to end.
Jennifer Egan said that "Justin Cronin has written a wild, headlong, sweeping
extravaganza of a novel. The Passage is the literary equivalent of a unicorn: a bonafide
thriller that is sharply written, deeply humane, ablaze with big ideas, and absolutely
impossible to put down. Danielle Trussoni called The Passage a "sweeping dystopian
The novel is broken into 11 parts of varying lengths. The story itself is broken into
two sections: The first and shorter section covers the origins of the virus and its outbreak,
while the second is set 93 years after the infections, primarily following a colony of
survivors living in California. Several narrative devices are used, including email, journal
entries, newspaper reports, and other documents. Occasional use is made of reference
material from 1,000 years after the outbreak, coming from "The Journal of Sara Fisher",
sourced from a future "University of New South Wales, Indo-Australian Republic".
The U.S. government is conducting a top secret experiment referred to as "Project
Noah," which involves acquiring and transporting death row inmates to a secret military
compound in Colorado for the purposes of modifying them into super-soldiers for the
U.S. Army. These genetic experiments originate from patient zero Fanning - one of two
surviving members of an expedition investigating a Bolivian bat-carried virus. The virus,
while eventually causing hemorrhagic fever and death in initial subjects, is being refined
to accentuate its other properties - boosting of the immune system, enhanced strength and
The FBI agents responsible for recruiting the prisoners are ordered to collect 6 year
old Amy Bellafonte from a convent, and, although conflicted, deliver her to Dr. Lear, the
head of the project. At Noah she is exposed to a refined version of the serum administered
to "The Twelve"—the original inmates. Lear theorizes that as Amy's immune system has
not had chance to mature it will form a symbiosis with the virus and live with her
symbiotically, instead of the violent forms it has taken with the other twelve.
Of the inmates, the first and last recruited are depicted as being different from the
others: Babcock, the original test subject, is stronger and appears to have developed
psychic abilities, occasionally influencing his guards and cleaners; and Carter is in fact
innocent, but was convicted of first-degree murder nonetheless.

Zero (AKA Fanning) and the other twelve inmates mentally take control of their
guards and escape their quarantine cells, rapidly killing all who stand in their way. Amy is
rescued by Brad Wolgast (the FBI agent who brought her to Noah) and Sister Lacey (a
nun who was looking after Amy when she was recruited). Lacey is taken by Carter, as
Wolgast and Amy escape to a mountain retreat where they live for several months,
occasionally picking up news of the contagion spread throughout America. The rest of the
world's fate is not stated, but it is mentioned that most of Europe has imposed quarantine
over travel.
Despite living reasonably comfortably in the mountain site, Wolgast eventually
succumbs to radiation sickness when a nuclear device is detonated relatively nearby - he
assumes that the government is attempting to sterilize infected areas of the country - and
Amy is left to fend for herself.
The novel shifts forward in time approximately 93 years (with occasional reference
retrospectively 1,000 years in the future), and the narrative is taken up around a self-
sufficient and isolationist colony established by the military (specifically FEMA) not long
after the initial outbreak. The colony is in slow decline, although only one character (a
technician called Michael) seems to recognize this; he is trying to establish clandestine
contact with the outside world to obtain spares for their failing equipment - specifically
their batteries which power the high-wattage lights which protect the colony from the
virals, who in traditional vampiric style are highly light-sensitive.
During a nighttime attack, Amy arrives at the gates of the camp, having previously
met Peter Jaxon (one of the colony's senior figures) during a foraging expedition. Amy's
arrival also results in a break-in from the virals leading to the death of "Teacher" - the
person responsible for the upbringing of all the children under eight in the colony. Amy
now appears to be a fifteen year old girl, and upon her arrival is grievously wounded by a
crossbow, but her own recuperative powers soon heal her and within days she is as
healthy as she was before being injured.
Amy's arrival, her healing abilities, Teacher's death and inner-colony friction (caused
by Babcock's mental influence over several Colony figures) force several of the colony
dwellers to abscond with Amy and seek out another military site in Colorado - from
where Michael has been receiving faint radio signals.
Amy demonstrates a psychic bond with the virals, and manages to keep the group of
travelers relatively safe during their journey. They come across another settlement

established in a Las Vegas prison, known as the Haven, which, while initially welcoming,
is in fact Babcock's lair. The Haven "feeds" Babcock blood sacrifices in exchange for
being left alone by the horde of virals at his disposal, referred to as "The Many" (as
opposed to The Twelve).
Theo Jaxon, Peter's brother who had been captured by virals months earlier, has been
imprisoned here. Babcock is slowly attempting to grasp hold of his mind so that he may
be served as a sacrifice. After resisting Babcock's mental influence, Theo and Mausami
(his pregnant lover) are rescued by Peter.
During a botched attempt to kill Babcock during one of the blood sacrifice rituals,
sympathizers at the Haven enable the group to escape via railroad, and they arrive at a
farmstead. Theo and Maus stay behind so that the baby can be born safely while the rest
of the group continue on and eventually meet up with a Texan military group, who assist
them in finding the Colorado outpost. Once at the outpost, they discover that it is the same
compound where the outbreak started, and still serves as home to Sister Lacey. Lacey,
like Amy, was treated by Lear with a modified form of the serum, providing her with
longer life and a psychic bond with not only Amy and the virals, but Babcock as well.
It is decided to lure Babcock into the outpost - Amy and Lacey confirm that he is
headed towards them in any case - where they will detonate a nuclear device originally
designed to sterilize the compound, but never used. The group theorize that the virals are
like a hive mind and once Babcock is dead his hold over the virals created exponentially
by him will cease and they will no longer be a threat. While waiting for Babcock to arrive,
the group is attacked, resulting in Alicia ("Lish") becoming infected, and treated by Sara
the medic with modified serum. Lacey hands over files on The Twelve, revealing their
hometowns, to which she suggests The Twelve will have returned.
Upon Babcock's arrival, Lacey lures him to a chamber where she detonates the bomb,
destroying herself, Babcock, and much of the outpost. The attacking virals all collapse
and die again, in most cases leaving behind nothing but dust, proving the hive theory
Lish adapts to the virus in a similar manner to Amy and Lacey before her, yet with
differences - she has limited psychic abilities, but has the strength and endurance of a
viral. Greer, one of the Texan soldiers traveling with them, comments that she would be a
formidable soldier - suggesting that Lish has become the first true "super soldier" that the
government was trying to develop 93 years ago.

The group return to Theo and Maus at the farmstead, where the baby has been born
safely and then they all depart. Part of the group - primarily Amy, Peter, and Lish - return
to the First Colony only to find it deserted, with no sign of what happened or where the
colonists may have gone. There are two bodies, a victim of a suicide and that of Auntie,
who seemingly died of old age. They decide to hunt down the remaining Twelve using
Lear's files to determine their locations, and Lish as their primary weapon. That night
Amy meets the infected Wolgast, outside the Colony.
The other group stays with the Texan Expeditionary force, and their remaining story is
related through parts of Sara's diary - her last entry is at Roswell Base, and among
comments about her own pregnancy she states that she can hear gunshots, and is going to
investigate. This entry is presented as part of the future reference material, and is stated to
have come from the site of "The Roswell Massacre". The novel ends ambiguously for all
surviving characters.

B. Guide for Writing a Passage

Concept Mapping

Concept mapping is used to organize related information in a visual manner. Study

maps clearly and concisely demonstrate hierarchical relationships among the topic, main
ideas, and supporting details or pertinent course material.
Mapping is a way of picturing course content that enhances retrievability of the
information on a test. Maps are useful because they reduce large amounts of information.
Mapping helps you to learn actively. The maps are highly individualized, representing
information in a unique and personal way. Structuring the map allows you to see
interrelationships in the information.
When to map:
1. When a course can be organized by topics or concepts.
2. When knowing a structure, system, operation process, or sequence of events is integral
to understanding course material.
3. When summarizing, outlining, or otherwise reducing content for an exam.
How to map:
1. Select a topic/concept on the basis of significance to the course.

2. Decide on how to categorize the information: Does something take place over time?
Can an idea be broken down neatly into constituent parts? Is there a hierarchical
relationship among the elements of the topic or concept?
3. Write each main idea, major heading, or term on a separate, small slip of paper or
index card. Divide these into piles under major divisions.
4. Move the card or papers around until the map is accurate and you have decided the
appropriate position for each card. You may find yourself adding or discarding cards.
5. If steps 3 and 4 are too burdensome, simply concept as you go along.

Examples of Concept Map:

Unit vector
Zero vector

Vektor Slope, Tangent, normal


Components Addition/Subtraction

Distance from
cylinders points to lines
in space Equation for
Surface planes
ellipticon quadratic

Normal for
paraboloid hyperboloid Cartesian

cicular eliptic Tripple vector

Three or
more vectors
2 vectors in
addition, subtraction,
multiplication vector between
2 points Triple Scalar
torque Cross product
length direction
Scalar Product
Vectors lows 131
(Dot Product)
determinants Projections

Orthogonality warks laws

Writing a paragraph
The practice of writing paragraphs is essential to good writing. Paragraphs help to break up
large chunks of text and makes the content easier for readers to digest. However, knowing how to
write a good, well-structured paragraph can be little tricky. Read the guidelines below and learn
how to take your paragraph writing skills from good to great!

How to Write a Passage for a Book Report

Plan and organize notes to write passages for a book report or book review.
Students might dread writing book reports, but a little bit of know-how and planning will
make the process much easier. A book review is like a book report. Both summarize and
comment upon a book. However, a book review uses more evaluation. For example, it may
give an opinion on how well the author presented ideas or on whether people might like to
read the book. Plan to use passages in a book report both to summarize its content and to
show your reaction to the book.
1. Make sure that you thoroughly understand the assignment. Most teachers
specify what to include in a book report or review. They may require you to choose a
specific type of book or even a book from a certain list. Your book report should
include enough about the plot, the main characters and the purpose of the book to
prove that you read it. A passage that demonstrates your understanding of the book's
main thesis may also be required.
2. Take notes as you read the book. Include summaries of the plot of a fiction book and
describe the main characters. For a non-fiction book, consider what you learned that
you did not know before. Your notes will help you remember and organize what you
have read, and they will become the basis for writing each passage in your book
report. Include direct quotes from the book that seem especially interesting or
3. Organize your notes and plan your report. Write an outline that includes every point
that the assignment requires. Begin with the book title and author, main point,
audience for whom the book was written and the purpose of the book. A fiction book
needs a summary of the plot key events: What happened? Who did it happen to? What
was the setting for the events? A non-fiction book should describe what the book was
about and what you learned and how it was organized: by topic, chronologically or
4. Expand each topic in your outline into a passage of one or more paragraphs. Go from
a general idea to specific details in writing a passage. Explain the details of each main
point. It is much faster and less stressful to write a report this way than it is to wait
until the end to think about what to write. You will have an organized book report if
you base it on an outline.
5. Summarize your overall impression of the book with at least one memorable passage
from your notes. You might evaluate how well the author accomplished his purpose,
whether you enjoyed the book and would recommend it to others or what significance
the book has in literature. You could discuss the author's writing style or how the
passage demonstrates expertise. A summary passage can make your book report more
interesting, tie all of your ideas together and demonstrate that you have learned and
understood what you read.

C. Analysis Writing a Passage from Passage

1. Paragraph 1.
The Passage is a novel by Justin Cronin, published in 2010 by Ballantine Books, a
division of Random House, Inc., New York. The Passage debuted at #3 on the
New York Times hardcover fiction best seller list, and remained on the list 7
additional weeks. It is the first novel of a planned trilogy; the second book The
Twelve was released in 2012, with the third book The City of Mirrors due to be
released in 2014.
Main Sentence: “Paragraph 1.

“The Passage is a novel by Justin Cronin, published in 2010 by Ballantine Books,
a division of Random House, Inc., New York.”
Main idea: The passage is a novel.
Supporting sentences:
The Passage debuted on the New York Times hardcover fiction best seller list, and
remained on the list 7 additional weeks. It is the first novel of a planned trilogy;
the second book The Twelve was released in 2012, with the third book The City of
Mirrors due to be released in 2014.

D. Exercises
1. Build a paragraph or more for description a passage relates to electrical equipment (for
example: insolator).
Paragraph 1: the main idea is “defenition of insulator by etimology”
Paragraph 2: the main idea is “function of insulator”
Paragraph 3: the main idea is “construction of insulator”
2. Write a passage as the answere some next questions:
a. What is transformator ?
b. What for the transformator is used ?
c. What is the conatruction of transformator ?
d. What is the working principle of transformator ?

E. Vocabulary Building
Vocabulary Building XII
Poem = puisi astutely = cerdik
Debute = perdana stirring = pengadukkan (kb), giat (ks)
apocalyptic = masa-masa pewahyuan flawless = sempurna
post-apocalyptic = setelah masa-masa portentous = sombong
pewahyuan slack = bermalas-malasan (kk), kendur,
overrun = menutupi, mengerumuni malas (ks), kekenduran (kb)
contagious virus = virus menular rousing = meriah
immunity-boosting drug = obat peningkat daya enthralling = memikat
tahan tubuh vividness = kejelasan
eventually = akhirnya
multiple genres = jenis yang beragam a wild = alam liar
predominantly = terutama, pada pokoknya headlong = sembrono, tergesa-gesa
childhood = masa kanak-knak sweeping extravaganza = pertunjukan besar
folklore = kerakyatan yang cepat
Creepiest = paling seram a unicorn = kuda bertanduk
tropes = kiasan a bonafide = pihak terpercaya
epic = hebat thriller = keseraman (kb)
to ascertain = memastikan humane = ramah, penyayang
blockbuster = bom besar ablaze = terang benderang
retrospectively = dengan berlaku surut, survivors = orang yang selamat, yang
berhubungan dengan berusaha selamat
waktu yang lampau acquiring = mendapatkan
clandestine = gelap, tersembunyi row inmates = barisan narapidana
a foraging expedition = perjalanan untuk hemorrhagic fever = demam berdarah
hidup boosting = pemacu
virals = virus enhance = memertinggi
a crossbow = busur silang agility = kelincahan
recuperative = penyembuhan Lear theorizes = teori apus
dwellers = penduduk Inmates = narapidana
to abscond = kabur Depict = melukiskan
faint = lemah Nonetheless = namun
sacrifices = pengorbanan Detonate = meledakkan
in exchange = sebagai gantinya to fend = menolak, menjaga diri
horde = gerombolan (kb), mengumpul (kk) a chamber = kamar
a botched attempt = usaha merusak endurance = daya tahan
farmstead = kawasan pertanian a formidable soldier = prajurit hebat
a psychic bond = ikatan fisik a hive mind = pikiran utama

Vocabulary Test XII.a.

Poem = astutely =
Debute = stirring =
apocalyptic = flawless =
post-apocalyptic = portentous =
overrun = slack =
contagious virus = rousing =
immunity-boosting drug = enthralling =
eventually = vividness =
multiple genres = a wild =
predominantly = headlong =
childhood = sweeping extravaganza =
folklore = a unicorn =
Homeric = a bonafide =
Creepiest = thriller =
Earne = humane =
tropes = ablaze =
epic = sweeping dystopian epic =
to ascertain – survivors =
blockbuster = acquiring =
retrospectively = row inmates =
clandestine = hemorrhagic fever =
a foraging expedition = boosting =
virals = enhance =
a crossbow = agility =
recuperative = Lear theorizes =
dwellers = Inmates =
to abscond = Depicte =
faint = Babcock =
sacrifices = Nonetheless =
in exchange = Wolgast =
horde = Detonate =
virals = to fend =
a botched attempt = a chamber =
farmstead = endurance =
a psychic bond = a formidable soldier =
a hive mind =

Vocabulary Test XII.b.

Puisi = Cerdik =
Perdana = giat =
masa-masa pewahyuan = sempurna =
setelah masa-masa pewahyuan = sombong =
menutupi = malas =
virus menular = meriah =
obat peningkat daya tahan tubuh = memikat =
akhirnya = kejelasan =
jenis yang beragam = alam liar =
terutama = tergesa-gesa =
masa kanak-kanak = pertunjukan besar yang cepat =
kerakyatan = kuda bertanduk =
paling seram = pihak terpercaya =
kiasan = keseraman =
hebat = penyayang =
memastikan = terang benderang =
bom besar = yang berusaha selamat =
dengan berlaku surut = mendapatkan =
tersembunyi = barisan narapidana =
perjalanan untuk hidup = demam berdarah =
virus = pemacu =
busur silang = memertinggi =
penyembuhan = kelincahan =
penduduk = teori apus =
kabur = narapidana =
lemah = melukiskan =
pengorbanan = namun =
sebagai gantinya = meledakkan =
mengumpul = menjaga diri =
usaha merusak = kamar =
kawasan pertanian = daya tahan =
ikatan fisik = prajurit hebat =
pikiran utama =

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Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Direktorat Jenderal Manajemen Pendidikan Dasar dan
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Theraja, B.L.. 1984. A Text Book of Electrical Technology. Ram Nagar, New Delhi: S.
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Arithmatics: 116 Airconditioner: 40, 45, 46

Atmospheric Moisture: 110 Alternating Current: 43
Airblast Type: 110 Amplitude: 43
Alternator: 23, 46 Armature: 86, 88, 89

Brushless Machinery: 40
Brushless Motor: 45
Bimetalic Strip: 47
Cable: 44 Conductor: 43, 70, 137
Convertor: 23 Circuitry: 46

C Capasitor: 43,44,45
Commutator: 46
Circuit Breaker: 47
Commercial Power Station: 49
Core Stepping: 108
Coupling Angle: 91
Core Type Transformer: 106

Distribution System: 37, 43, 137

Dynamic system: 126
Direct Current: 38, 41
Differential Rilays: 43, 47
Electric: 1 Electrical Engineering: 39

Electronics: 45,46 Electric Power: 40, 104
Electrical Energy: 23 Electrical Current: 41
Electric Machine: 23 Electromagnetism: 47
Exitation: 87, 88 Electrical Power Staion: 37
Electrical Component: 37 Electromotorforce: 70,75
Electromagnetic: 72 Eddy Current: 105
Fundamental unit: 10 Flux Linked: 71, 72, 73, 76

Fuel: 23, 24 Faraday’s Low: 72
Fault Current: 44
Fuse: 46, 49
Generator: 1, 5, 23, 37, 38, 41, 42, 43 Galvanometer : 70

G General Conference: 10
Gaseous Fuel: 24
Gross Section: 127, 128

Hydro electric Station: 23
High Voltage: 40 Induction Motor: 38
H I 139
Highlighting: 155 Impedance: 45

Losses: 87 Load: 49, 86, 89
L Laminated Core: 104
Lenz’s Low
Leakage Flux: 105

Magnetic Flux: 71, 104 Mutually Induced: 76, 104, 112

M Magnetism: 70
Machine: 23
Mechanical Energy: 23
Motor Control: 46
Nuclear Power: 23, 25 Overhead Cable: 44
Nuclear Power Station: 23 Oil filled Self Cooled: 110
N Numeral system: 114
Number System: 114
N Oil Filled Water Cooled: 110

Power: 1, 38 Power System: 37, 39, 40, 42, 48
Power Plants: 2 Protective Device: 46, 49

P Power Station: 2
Photometry: 10
Prime Mover: 23
Pull out Torque: 89, 90
Power Factor: 43
Photo Voltaic Cells: 41
Pull in Torque: 89, 90

Residental: 48 Residual Current Devices: 47

R Reactance: 87
Resource: 1
Refrigrator: 40
Reactor: 44, 45
Steam Turbine: 37 Solar Power: 25

Sizable Region: 37 Solenoid: 47
System: 1 Self induced: 76, 112
Solar Heat: 23 Syncronous Motor: 84, 89
Scada System: 48 Star connected: 88
Spiral Core Transformer: 109 Starting Torque: 89
Shell Type Transformer: 108 Syncronous Machine: 40, 86, 88
Terrestial Heat: 23 Tidal Power: 23
Thermal Power station: 23 Transformer: 38, 104, 105

T Three Phase: 37, 39, 88 Toaster: 42

Transmission:2,37,40,43,44,137,138 Transformator construction: 104
Turbo generator: 41
Voltage: 44, 86
U Unidirectional Torque: 85 V Vector: 87
Water Power: 23, 25
Wind Power: 23
W Water wheel: 38
Wind Turbin: 41


Dr. Wanapri Pangaribuan, M.T., M.M., Lahir di desa Tanjung Pasir

kecamatan Tanah Jawa kabupaten Simalungun Provinsi Sumatera
Utara pada tanggal 01 April 1964, anak ke-8 dari 9 bersaudara dari
pasangan St. Justin Pangaribuan dan St. Debora Simanjuntak. Pada
tahun 1977 menyelesaikan pendidikan sekolah dasar di SD Negei 9
Tanah Jawa; pada tahun 1980 menyelesaikan pendidikan menengah
pertama di SMP Negeri 1 Tanah Jawa; pada tahun 1983 menyelesaikan
pendidikan menengah atas di SMA Negeri 2 Pematang Siantar;
pada tahun 1989 menyelesaikan sarjana pendidikan teknik elektro di IKIP Medan; pada tahun
2001 menyelesaikan pendidikan magister teknik elektro konsentrasi keisyaratan (Teknik
Kontrol) di UGM Yogyakarta; pada tahun 2012 menyelesaikan studi Magister Manajemen
Pendidikan di Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Kusuma Negara Jakarta, pada tahun 2017
menyelesaiakan studi S3 Manajemenn pendidikan di Universitas Negeri Medan.
Penyelesaian program sarjana (S1) di IKIP Medan dengan judul skripsi “Hubungan
Antara Kesiapan Kerja, Penguasaan Informasi Kewiraswastaan, dan Motivasi Kerja dengan
Minat Berwiraswasta dari Siswa Kelas III Jurusan Listrik STM Negeri 3 Medan”.
Penyelesaian program Magister Teknik (S2) di UGM Yogyakarta dengan judul tesis “Kendali
Xenon Build Up berbasis Fuzzy Logic di Reaktor Nuklir”. Penyelesaian program Magister
Manajemen (S2) di STIE Kusuma Negara Jakarta dengan judul tesis “Model Pengendalian
Pendidikan Karakter Guru-guru SMP Swasta Tri Jaya Medan”. Adapun disertasi yang ditulis
dalam rangka penyelesaian program doktor (S3) di Program Pasca Sarjanan Unimed berjudul
“Pengaruh Budaya Organisasi, Komitmen Organisasi, Komunikasi Interpersonal, dan
Efektifitas Pengendalian Manajemen Kinerja terhadap Kinerja Dosen di Universitas Negeri
Dr. Wanapri Pangaribuan, M.T., M.M., pernah memperoleh penghargaan sebagai
mahasiswa teladan juara I IKIP Medan tahun 1988 dari Rektor IKIP Medan, dan menerima
penghargaan sebagai dosen teladan nasional tahun 2005 dari Menteri Pendidikan dan
Kebudayaan Nasional.
Dr. Wanapri Pangaribuan, M. T., M.M., menikah dengan Darnah Suzaeni Purba,
A.M.P., S.Pd. tahun 1992 dan dikaruniai dua orang anak laki-laki. Anak pertama bernama
Yohanes Pangaribuan dan anak kedua bernama Jeremia Pangaribuan. Yohanes Pangaribuan
menyelesaikan pendidikan di Sekolah Tinggi Akuntansi Negara (STAN) pada tahun 2013
dalam kajian Ilmu Lelang dan Piutang Negara. Jeremia Pangaribuan sedang menempuh
pendidikan Seni Musik di Unimed pada tahun 2018.
Dr. Wanapri Pangaribuan, M. T., M.M., bekerja sebagai dosen tetap sebagai pegawai
negeri di IKIP Medan (Universitas Negeri Medan) sejak tahun 1990 hingga sekarang;
menjadi Ketua Jurusan Teknik Elektro di Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Imanuel Medan pada
tahun 2002-2010; menjadi Konsultan Manajemen di Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi Sumatera
Utara pada tahun 2008; menjadi Konsultan Pendidikan di Yayasan Perguruan Tri Jaya sejak
tahun 2002 hingga sekarang; menjadi Ketua Urusan Penelitian (Research) Gereja Kristen
Protestan Indonesia (GKPI) pada tahun 2005-2010, menjadi Staf Ahli Pembantu rektor III
bidang kemahasiswaan Universitas Negeri Medan tahun 2009 hingga sekarang; menjadi
anggota Senat Fakultas Teknik tahun 2012-2013.
Dr. Wanapri Pangaribuan, M.T., M.M., terlibat aktif dalam penelitian dan penulisan
karya ilmiah bidang teknologi kendali, pendidikan, dan manajemen karakter; sebagai nara
sumber dan pemakalah dalam kegiatan-kegiatan ilmiah. Buku yang telah ditulis:
(1) Wanapri Pangaribuan, dkk. Pendidikan Karakter di Perguruan Tinggi (Konsep dan
Implementasi), No. ISBN. 978-602-8848-80-0, diterbitkan oleh Unimed Press tahun 2012;
(2) Prof. Dr. Biner Ambarita, M.Pd. dan Wanapri Pangaribuan. Kemampuan Membaca dan
Sikap Profesional dalam Peningkatan Mutu Pendidikan, No. ISBN. 978-602-7825-37-6,
diterbitkan oleh Penerbit Alfa Beta tahun 2013; (3) Dr. Wanapri Pangaribuan. English for
Eelcetrical Technology, No. ISBN: 978-602-7938-89-2, diterbitkan oleh Unimed Press tahun
2014; (4) Dr. Wanapri Pangaribuan. Teknik Pengeturan. No. ISBN: 978-602-1313-52-7,
diterbitkan oleh Unimed Press tahun 2015.


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