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Subject Pronouns Possessive Adjectives

I (eu) my (meu/mea)
you (tu) your (tau/ta)
he (el) his (lui)
she (ea) her (ei)
it (el/ea – animal/obiect) its (lui/ei)
we (noi) our (nostru/noastra)
you (voi) your (vostru/voastra)
they (ei) their (lor)

TO BE (a fi)

Affirmative Interrogative (?) Negative (not)

I am = eu sunt Am I? = sunt eu? I am not = eu nu sunt

You are = tu esti Are you? = esti tu ? You are not = tu nu esti

He is = el este Is he? = este el? He is not = el nu este

She is = ea este Is she? = este ea? She is not = ea nu este

It is = el/ea este Is it? = este el/ea? It is not = el/ea nu este

We are = noi suntem Are we? = suntem noi? We are not = noi nu suntem

You are = voi sunteti Are you? = sunteti voi ? You are not = voi nu sunteti

They are = ei sunt Are they? = sunt ei ? They are not = ei nu sunt

TO HAVE GOT (a avea)

Affirmative Interrogative (?) Negative (not)

I have got = eu am Have I got? = am eu ? I have not got = eu nu am

You have got = tu ai Have you got? = ai tu ? You have not got = tu nu ai

He has got = el are Has he got? = are el ? He has not got = el nu are

She has got = ea are Has she got? = are ea? She has not got = ea nu are

It has got = el/ea are Has it got? = are el/ea ? It has not got = el/ea nu are

We have got = noi avem Have we got? = avem noi? We have not got = noi nu avem

You have got = voi aveti Have you got? = aveti voi ? You have not got = voi nu aveti

They have got = ei au Have they got? = au ei ? They have not got = ei nu au

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