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Topic Chosen

One topic I found very interesting is the one about empathy, during week five we were

assigned to read an article about the three different types of empathy. I chose this topic simply

because empathy is a word that is thrown around a lot, but is not fully understood by those who

use it. By giving the readers a relatable scenario in which they would have to practice empathy,

the author gives a better understanding on the different ways you can effectively treat someone

who needs it. I think this is such an important topic to understand when it comes to dealing with

children that have special needs. Being able to exuberate all the right energy to a child with

special abilities can be tough at first, because by nature we tend to turn to the use of sympathy

instead. By learning how to properly show empathy you can make communicating more


Associated Learning and Knowledge Gained

This article taught me a lot about the three different empathies which are cognitive,

emotional, and compassionate. I learned that in order to better communicate with someone who

is going through something tough you must take the time to understand their perspective. The

first kind, cognitive empathy, requires you to put yourself in that other person’s shoes to attempt

to imagine what their current worries are. Emotional empathy requires you to put yourself in that

other person’s situation to feel their pain as if it were yours. By putting yourself in their

circumstances you in a way share their feelings, which serves as a guide for you on how to help

them. Lastly, compassionate empathy is what pushes a person to take action to help out in any

way they can, whether it be chores or grocery shopping for that individual.
Future Application of Knowledge

This information I think is so valuable for anyone in general who is just trying to be their

best self. After reading this article I have put what I learned into action in my everyday life, and

I’ve noticed it how much more people are open to talk about hard subjects when they are

approached with the right empathy. For example, my best friend’s kitty died just weeks after

being born, which affected her immensely. By imagining myself in that predicament, I was able

to help distract her from the negative thoughts that filled her head at the time. Not only will I be

practicing empathy regularly in my personal life, but I will also be able to use the lessons I

learned in the business world. As an aspiring businesswoman I know how harsh the industry can

be, and I think that being able to connect with people by understanding their feelings I so

important. Those who actually take the time to understand others when they need it, are in my

opinion the most successful in the industry. This is simply because in the business world it is

very easy to stop caring about humans for what they are and instead view them as assets.

Article Referenced:


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