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Fenugreek Leaves (Prabhav Sharma- R-18-46)

Fenugreek has been used as a food, spice and medicine since ancient times. Fenugreek is
nature's great boon to mankind. It is an erect, strongly scented, robust, annual herb 30 to 60
cm high. It has compound leaves of light green colour 2 to 2.5 cm long, auxiliary yellow
flowers and pointed pods which are 5 to 7 cm long. The fenugreek leaves are aromatic and
cooling. The leaves are popular for their aromatic and unique flavor. Fenugreek has a strong,
pleasant and a peculiar odor. Indians like the fresh leaves, which are eaten for their taste.

Nutritional Values of Fenugreek Leaves

Carbohydrates 2.17 gm

Proteins 3.68 gm

Energy 144 KJ

Total Fats 0.83 gm

Benefits of Fenugreek Leaves

● Helps in Dieting: Fenugreek leaves are low in calorie but high in soluble fibre. This
makes it ideal for those on a diet or those watching their calorie intake as these leaves
tend to give one a feeling of fullness for a longer period of time. Along with feeling
satiated, you can even reduce your heartburn symptoms. In one study, the effects of
Fenugreek matched those of antacid medications. Hence overall, Fenugreek will help
you have a healthier and happier digestive system.

● Strong Antioxidant: We all know that our body loves foods that have an abundant
source of antioxidants! Fenugreek leaves are enriched with Vitamin C, Vitamin A,
and Beta Carotene. This power combo helps you by building your bodies’ immune
system which then helps you fight some of the common illnesses. Also, antioxidant
properties help maintain your skin's radiance and youth.

● Fight cholesterol and diabetes: These leaves are helpful in aiding metabolic
conditions, for instance, Diabetes. In one study of people suffering from Type 1 and
Type 2 diabetes, Fenugreek leaves were helpful in reducing their cholesterol levels. In
fact, even for people who don’t have diabetes, they can experience lower sugar levels,
hours after eating Fenugreek leaves. This is because these leaves help your body by
increasing the body’s carb tolerance and improving its insulin function.

● Get long and healthy hair: Embedded in ayurvedic recipes for long lustrous hair,
fenugreek leaves are excellent for the health of your scalp and your hair. With regular
use, one can start noticing thicker and fuller hair. You can apply thick fenugreek paste
on your scalp and leave it there for forty minutes. Wash it off with cold water. If you
love oiling, then you can heat fenugreek seeds along with curry leaves and coconut
oil. Oil your head and leave the oil for 30 minutes before washing.

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