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6 whole eggs (buy the OMEGA-3 EGGS they sell in the supermarket) with 1 cup
of Cream of Rice or Oatmeal

Meal Replacement SHAKE with a liquid carbohydrate drink (such as VITARGO
—I’m selling this on my website now)—try to get at least 50g carbs

“LEAN PROTEIN MEAL” ½ pound (8oz) of chicken (or turkey or lean fish or
shrimp) with ½ cup cashew nuts (or almonds or walnuts) with 1 cup RICE (brown or

Same as MEAL 2

“FATTY PROTEIN MEAL” ½ pound (8oz) of red meat (or salmon or swordfish)
with a salad with 2 tablespoon of olive oil (or macadamia nut oil) and vinegar with 1
baked potato and/or yam

MEAL 6: Same as MEAL 3

MEAL 7: 6 whole eggs with ½ cup grits or Oatmeal

+++++ All meals are interchangeable. You can substitute one for another.

*** Cook your eggs in MACADAMIA NUT OIL and add a tablespoon to all your
chicken fish, meats-- (purchase at )
or NATURE’S WAY makes a brand (you can get it at VITAMIN SHOPPE) --
this stuff is going to prove to be the ultimate ANABOLIC NUTRIENT—mark my
words. I wish I sold the stuff.
***ONCE or TWICE A WEEK, HAVE A CHEAT MEAL (make it the last meal
of the day)
*** You can use sugar-free soy sauce, mustard, and vinegar for condiments.
*** You can drink water, sugar-free drinks (diet soda), coffee, or tea with equal
or splenda


(1) JUICE PLUS+ (2 pills of the GARDEN BLEND in morning and 2 pills of
the ORCHARD BLEND at night).
*****Juice Plus+ contains all the valuable nutrients of whole fruits and
vegetables-- without the sugar. Just four pills provide the equivalent of 12
servings of fruits and vegetables per day. I take it just for the health benefits since
as bodybuilders we don’t eat enough fruits and veggies (too much sugar and too
time consuming). Since I’ve been using the product, I haven’t gotten sick once.
Plus I feel that it increases my recovery time significantly (lots of phytonutrients).
The link appears below. I like this company since this is their only product.
(2) Coral Calcium 1500mg per day
(3) Evening Primrose OIL (1300mg 2x per day)—essential GOOD OMEGA-6
(4) Omega-3 Fish oil pills (Omega 3 fatty acids) 1000mg 3x per day
(5) Glucosamine sulfate 2000mg 2x per day
(6) MSM (for joints and to aid in protein synthesis) 2000mg 2x per day
(7) Creatine 5g 2x per day (once in morning and once after you train)
(8) SUGAR-FREE METAMUCIL 1-teaspoon 2x per day (fiber supplement)—
morning and at night (mix with 4-6 oz of water).

DAY 1 Chest and Calves
DAY 2 Back
DAY 3 Off
DAY 4 Arms and Forearms
DAY 5 Shoulders and Calves
DAY 6 Legs
DAY 7 Off

(1) Chest

 Incline Barbell Press: 3 sets (4-8 reps)

 Incline Dumbbell Presses 2 set (6-8 reps)
 Hammer Strength Incline Press 2 sets (6-8 reps)
 Dumbbell Flyes 2 sets (8-10 reps)

(2) Calves

 Standing Calf Raises or Calf Presses on Leg Press machine 1 set (15 reps)
 Seated Calf Raises 1 set (15 reps)
(3) Back

 Lat Pull-Downs or Pull-ups 3 sets (8-12 reps)

 Bent over Barbell Rows: 3 sets (8-10 reps)
 One-arm Dumbbell Rows 2 sets (8-10 reps)
 Dead lifts 3 sets (4-8 reps) (every other week)
 Hyperextensions 2 sets (15-20 reps)

(4) Arms

(A) Biceps

 Single-arm cable or dumbbell curls 2 sets (8-10 reps)

 Single-arm dumbbell hammer curls 2 sets (8-10 reps)
 Single-arm dumbbell preacher curls or concentration curls 3 sets (8-10 reps)

(B) Forearms

 Dumbbell reverse wrist curls 2 sets (15 reps)

 Dumbbell wrist curls 2 sets (15 reps)

(C) Triceps

 One arm cable pushdowns 2 sets (10 reps)

 One-arm reverse grip cable pull-downs 2 sets (8-10 reps)
 One-arm overhead dumbbell triceps extensions: 2 set (8-10 reps)
 Dumbbell or cable kickbacks 2 sets (8-10 reps)

(5) Shoulders

 Machine press or Dumbbell press, or Military Press—3 sets (4-10 reps)

 Machine Lateral Raises (one arm at time) 2 sets (8-10 reps)[*** most important
mass builder]
 Dumbbell or cable front raises 2 sets (10 reps)
 Reverse pec dec or bent over dumbbell raises (rear delts) 2 sets (8-10)
 Dumbbell or Barbell Shrugs 2 sets (10 reps)

(6) Legs

 Squats 4 sets (4-12 reps)

 Leg press or Hack Squat: 2 sets (10 reps)
 Leg extensions: 2 sets (6-10 rep): 1 set (8 reps) one leg at a time
 Single-leg standing or two-leg lying Hamstring curls: 2 sets (10 reps)

(7) Abdominals

 Leg lifts 2 sets (25-50 reps)

 Crunches 2 sets (25-50 reps)
 Side Crunches 2 sets (10-20 reps to each side)

Keep to minimum (no more than 30 min 3x per week; low intensity)


WEEK 1-8**
1. 250mg testosterone cypionate (or enanthate) every other day
2. 200mg Equipoise (boldenone) every other day
4. Growth Hormone (GH): 2IU’s per day (every morning upon waking)
5. 1/2mg (1/2 pill) Arimidex or 1mg Femara (every other day) if necessary

WEEKS 9-16**
1. 250mg Sustanon-250 every other day
2. 75mg trenbolone (every other day)
3. Continue GH (2IU per morning)
4. 1/2mg (1/2 pill) Arimidex or 1mg Femara (every other day) if

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