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SHS : Students’ Heaps of Stress

The stress we experience every day is part of being senior high students. We do a lot of school work that
has to be finished on time and we are always confronted with new challenges. Most of the students
have their own strategies to cope academically while keeping stress at bay but sometimes, but this
exacts a toll on the general well-being of students.

There are about 35% of senior high students of SNNHS felt stressed with all the new challenges they are

According to Mr. Ave Ramos, Senior High Coordinator and Science Teacher, students tend to blame their
teachers for getting low grades and for becoming too stressed with all their academic workloads.

“Being a senior high student is not easy. You have to comply with all the things needed earlier than the
deadline and it can cause us stress. There are days that you cannot have enough sleep because you need
to finish some things and sometimes I cannot manage my time”, Dara Faye Alfante , a Grade 11 student

Most of the students tend to lose sleep or not sleep well in order to finish their school assignments.
Being a senior high student is hard and not easy. Indeed these are true because coping with stress while
doing your work is exhausting.

Stress is all too real for senior high students. The mounting pressure in school can sometimes be too
much and reflect on their performance in school. The incessant pressure can meddle with their capacity
to learn and retain lessons. In addition, it also impacts on their physical, mental and emotional well-

Although, students need to submit the needed requirements, they must need to take care of their
health. They just need to manage their time, relax and set priorities in order not to be stressed out.

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