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1. a.

b. yes
c. no
d. yes
e. no
f. yes

main idea : Dog and cat overpopulation has become a major problem in New York, United States
topic sentence : Pet over-population has become a major problem in the United States

2. a. yes
b. yes
c. yes
d. no
e. yes
f. no

main idea : Saudi Arabia has to import sand to make strong cement
topic sentence : Saudi Arabia must import sand

3. a. no
b. yes

main idea : The discovery of the law of universal gravity by Isaac Newton's theory
topic sentence : Sir Isaac Newton formulated the law of universal gravity on two things

4. a. no
b. no
c. yes

main idea : The Bermuda Triangle which has both mystery and danger raises many strange
topic sentences : The Bermuda Triangle has been considered a place of
mystery and danger

5. a. no
b. yes
c. yes

main idea : Ferdinand Magellan who tried to compete with the prowess of Vasco da gama
ended in death
topic sentences : the portuguise explorer Asia to find a spice trade

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