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What is the Meaning of Ishraq in Islam?

Ishraq, more commonly known as Salaat-al-Ishraq in Islamic terminology, is one of the optional
prayers, which is to be offered few minutes after the sunrise (approximately 15-20 minutes).
Normally, the raka'ahs in this prayer are offered in multiple of two. However, it is a mainstream
practice to pray just two raka'ahs of nafl in the Ishraq prayer. Besides the basic definition, there
are few other questions relevant to the topic in concern. Read this blog to discover more about
What is the Literal Meaning of Ishraq?
The word Ishraq has its origin in various languages, specifically Urdu. It is referred to as
radiance, brightness, and emergence. In addition to this, Ishraq is also described as sunrise or
daybreak by the experts of Islamic jurisprudence. 
What is the Significance of Ishraq Prayer in Hadith?
According to a narration in Sunan-Tirmizi, one of the six major Hadith collections, the Holy
Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) emphasized staying in the mosque after offering Fajr prayer in
the congregation to pray two raka’ahs in remembrance of the Allah (Ishraq prayer). Holy
Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) also described the reward of the Ishraq prayer equivalent to Holy
Pilgrimage (Hajj). In addition to this, Prophet Muhamad (S.A.W.W) is also reported to have said
that Allah asks believers to offer four raka’ahs at the outset of the day, and in return, He vows
to help the righteous followers in fulfilling all the undertaken responsibilities throughout the
day. To be precise, the promised reward and emphasis by the messenger of Allah (S.W.T)
manifests the utmost importance of the Ishraq prayer. Last but not the least, words of the
Hadith also show that the routine of offering an Ishraq prayer is a pious deed and a matter of
How Do We Offer Ishraq Prayer?
An individual is asked to offer this prayer in between 2 and 12 units, with a minimum set of two
raka'ahs. As far as the details are concerned, it is highly recommended to wait after Fajr salat
and avoid changing the place for Ishraq prayer. Moreover, it is also preferable to recite Holy
Qur'an while waiting for the time for Ishraq to start. Islamic scholars also emphasize on
avoiding routine interactions and other unnecessary activities until the sun rises (about minutes
after dawn). At that point, one stands and offers two or four rakats. These rakats are offered in
the same manner as in other obligatory or other optional prayers. Hadiths are loaded with the
high merits of this sacred practice.
What is the Final (Ending) Time of Ishraq Prayer?
The time closes 15 minutes before the time for Zuhr starts. To be brief, it's somewhere
between dawn and nightfall. The exact time depends on the time zone where your territorial
region is located. For instance, if dawn is at 6:00 AM and nightfall is at 8:00 PM in your
respective time zone, the early afternoon will be 1:00 PM, and therefore Ishraq time will end at
12:45 PM and Zuhr time will begin after 1:00 PM.
What are the instructions for Women regarding Ishraq? Is it
mandatory for them to offer in mosques?
Though Islam does not forbid women to enter mosques, yet there are some genuine concerns
for the women to visit mosques either for obligatory congregational prayers or optional
offerings. In certain localities, there are meager facilities available for women in mosques,
making it difficult for them to visit it very often. In such cases, women are encouraged to pray
at home.
Are men allowed to offer Ishraq prayer at home?
Though it is highly recommended for men to offer this prayer in the mosque at the same place
where he has performed Fajr prayer, yet in certain conditions, it is permissible to pray Ishraq at
home. In fact, according to numerous narrations in the Hadith books, Holy Prophet (Peace Be
Upon Him) offered optional prayers in the premises of His residence.
What are the Pre-requisites for Praying Ishraq?
 Wear clean clothes, free from filth
 Perform Ablution to clean the body from dirt and filth
 Preferably, stay at the same where you performed Fajr prayer
 It is also preferred to secure a quiet and peaceful place free from worldly distractions to
perform Ishraq prayer
 Last but not the least, make intention for the prayer while facing the Qibla. 

What is the Difference between Ishraq and Duha Prayer?
Salat al-Duha or Sibhat al-Duha - Literal meaning of Duha is morning, however, in Islamic
terminology, Salat al Duha refers to the prayer offered in the mid, or late morning. It is
preferably performed when the sun is at its peak. The motive behind this religious practice is
that one leaves affairs around them to come back to Allah to completely submit himself to the
will of Allah. Consequently, Salat al-Duha is much more emphasized for the individuals who
miss tahajjud and is its substitution. On the contrary, Salat al-Ishraq - is the dawn prayer
performed not long after sunrise.
What is the Overall Importance of Optional Prayers including Ishraq in
Obligatory prayers are one of the few basic matters that individuals shall be accounted for on
the Day of Judgment. It is reported in Abu Dawud that Allah shall command one of the Angels
to contemplate the account of the prayer of the believers to evaluate if it is complete or lacks
some due to negligence. If the account in concern is satisfactory, it will be recorded to the
credit. However, if it is deficient, Allah asks an Angel to check the record for the surplus
supplications (optional prayers) and compensates the missing obligatory prayers from the one
in the surplus credit. In this way, the optional prayers are deemed considerably important and
cannot be entirely neglected. In addition to this, performing optional prayers, such as Ishraq
validate the complete submission of the believer to the will of Allah. Moreover, since these
sacred acts are performed voluntarily, they can be viewed as a gesture to gain an uttermost
degree of satisfaction from the Lord. Therefore, as reported in Hadith, Allah promises a definite
reward for the individuals performing supererogatory prayers. May Almighty Allah energizes us
to fulfill all religious obligations while giving due attention to supererogatory worships to get
the more blessings! Ameen.

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