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Lecture 5: Islam, Globalism and Globalisation

1. Has globalisation affected your personal way of life in a negative or positive way? 


 Globalization advances the country's economy

- The advancement of information and communication technology (ICT) intensifies
international trade
- Dealers can expand their market worldwide
- Video, internet and email conferences have facilitated communication
- E-commerce and e-banking can also be run
- Dealers and consumers sell and buy goods through internet
- The country's economy is growing rapidly

 Globalization creates a universal understanding

- Communication system that connects the whole world facilitates interaction
- Exchange of knowledge, cultural practice and so on move freely
- Establish close relationships and reduce misunderstandings
- Events happening around the world can be known immediately
- Allows assistance to be given immediately

 Social
- The education system will continue to thrive with the advent of the internet. Distance
education can be implemented effectively either locally or abroad. World-class
education can be created in Brunei in the era of globalization.
- Disclosure of various information to Bruneians eg: medical field- nutritious food,
proper exercise.
- These knowledges make Bruneians with extensive knowledge.


 Globalization causes cultural pollution

- Wild cultures from the West can be spread through the internet and satellite television
- This wild culture is not filtered at all
- The younger generation will follow the value of collapse
- Western culture is becoming dominant
- Pure local culture is finally eroded
- The local child lost his identity and his morals collapsed
 Education
- Marginalization use of the Malay language as the language of knowledge - English is
preferred, especially private universities English language used in the Internet
- Malay language proficiency among students with good.

2. How do you think globalisation has affected Muslim culture? 

In this era of modern technology, human existence has been torn down to the level of a
machine due to the influence of globalization. The spirit and glory of man have been so
despised. Humans are machines that are controlled by financial interests to comply with the
materialistic and secular flow of life. The dignity of man has been gradually destroyed and
his position has been greatly degraded. Globalization is a movement that has been and is
being carried out by the secular western countries to, consciously or not, will lead us to the
destruction of civilization.

As we have seen in everyday life, both directly and through print and electronic media,
starting from behavior, lifestyle, social norms and life style that are practiced, displayed and
exemplified by Western people, these days it is increasingly leading to disobedience. What
they present greatly influences the mindset of Muslims. Not a few of the Muslims who
slowly become forgetful of their purpose in life, which should be for worship, turn to
become lazy in worship and forget God who gave them life. As a result, many people,
especially Muslims, forget that in fact they were created not just to exist, but there is a
noble purpose, namely to worship Allah SWT.

Through globalization, they control public opinion which often contains attacks, insults and
harassment against Islam and impresses Islam as a terrorist. They try to poison the sanctity
of Islam through secular, political, economic, social and cultural ideology, technology,
communication, security and so on. They try to distance Muslims from their religion.

3. How do you think an Islamic way of life can be better maintained in a globalised world?

Globalization for Muslims does not need to be fussed about, accepted or rejected, but the
most important of all is how big the role of Islam is in organizing mankind towards a new,
more advanced and civilized world order. For all of us, whether or not the term
globalization is not a problem, the important thing is that the teachings of Islam have been
truly accepted globally, globally by all human beings, applied in the lives of each individual,
in family, neighbor, society, nation and state.
As Muslims, we should not measure modern values from their modern clothing, jewelry and
appearance, but modern for Muslims is modern in terms of thought, behavior, association,
science, technology, economy, socio-culture, politics and security imbued with Akhlakul
Karimah, and accompanied by the realization of a just, prosperous, prosperous society
under the auspices of Allah SWT.

For that we as the Islamic generation must not be careless in facing this problem of
modernization and globalization. Let us fortify ourselves and our families with faith and
devotion as well as good morals, accompanied by strong, skilled resources and supported
by a spirit of togetherness. God willing, we will be given strength and victory by Allah SWT in
defending and maintaining the glory of this holy religion.

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