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Learning Activity 4
Date: February 1, 2021
Name: Castillo, John Carlo R. Course/Year/Section: BSA 1B

My Reflection of Robert Stenberg’s Theory of Love

Directions. Please reflect on the theory and

answer the following questions. You may another
sheet if you may need to.

1. How does love for Self relate to love for a partner? Love for Family? Friends?
Through Robert Stenberg’s Theory of Love, I realized that love for self is as important as
we love other people. We cannot give love if we do not have it to ourselves first. Just like on any
other things, we cannot give something that we don’t have. I also realized that I have beloved
some people with just other components of Stenberg’s triangular theory of love without knowing
that I must love them completely with the consummate love. Meaning that I must love someone
with full intimacy, passion and commitment because for me, it is necessary to have these aspects
be guided our love in any kinds of relationship to avoid misunderstanding at all possible
instances. Moreover, I also think that this triangular theory for me will be useful to understand
what I should assume into having different kinds of relationships. My love for self is renewed as
loving a partner, loving your family and friends with full intimacy, passion and commitment.
However, I do not advise myself to always give my all in love. There are times that we have to
be selfless and selfish, we must know it when.

2. Taking all of these types of love into account, how would you define "love"?
Given these types of love, I can define “love” as situational. We are able to give the love
that we would like to be felt by other people with the determining aspects of what type of love
we will be giving to them. Moreover, it sometimes get accompanied by questions ‘Why?’ and
‘How?’, “Why do we love them?” and “How will I love them?” As we answer these questions,
we can now give the true definition of love.

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