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Philosophy of Education 1

S.A. Philosophy of Education

Saige L. Phillips

Arizona State University

S.A. Philosophy of Education 2

Philosophy of Education

Throughout this paper I will discuss my ideal purpose of education, role of teachers,

students, and parents/community. The purpose of my Philosophy of Education is to share my

beliefs and person opinion of what a teacher is, and what roles I want to adopt as a future


Purpose of Education

The purpose of education is to enrich humans with knowledge that challenges their brains

to help them develop new skills. Education helps humans evolve and discover how to survive in

the real world. The purpose of education is to prepare students for their future careers and lives,

so that they can be successful in whatever they desire to be.

Role of Teacher

To me, the role of a teacher is not only to teach, but to mentor and inspire their students.

Teachers are supposed to make learning interesting and fun. Teacher’s roles include being role

models and being supportive to their students, especially if those students do not have the

support outside of the classroom. The role of a teacher is to educate students, to challenge them,

to help their brains develop and learn more about different subjects.

Role of Student

The role of a student is to listen and participate in class so that they can learn. The role of

a student is to imagine and dream of their future. The role of a student is to grow and develop as

a person. A role of a student is to be an apprentice to their teachers and community so they can

learn how to become an active participant of the community.

S.A. Philosophy of Education 3

Role of Parent/Community

The Role of Parent. The role of parent is to shelter, protect, love, and support their child.

The role of a parent is to show their children how to chase their dreams and overcome their fears.

The role of a parent is to help guide their child through life until they can guide themselves

through their own life.

The Role of Community. The role of community is to work together to form a united

system to better the quality of life. The role of a community is to support one another. The role

of community is to provide a place for children to grow into adults.


In my opinion, every role is interlocked, and all work together to create what we know as

life. If we can all execute to roles we are assigned, then we can create a safe environment where

children can learn and grow, teachers can mentor and inspire, parents can love and support,

where community can work together united, and where education can keep humans developing,

evolving and learning.

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