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Name: __________________

Anticipation Guide:


1. Giraffes are the largest mammal in the world. T F

2. Giraffes are omnivores. They eat plants and meat. T F

3. Giraffes need to drink water every day. T F

4. All giraffes have the same spots. T F

5. Giraffes spend most of their lives standing up. T F


Giraffes are the tallest mammal in the

world. They can reach up to 19 feet tall.
Giraffes live in Africa in the grasslands. They
are herbivores. They only eat plants like the
leaves from trees. Giraffes only need to drink
water once every few days. They get water
from the plants they eat. Every giraffe has
different spots. Giraffes spend most of their
lives standing up. They even sleep standing!
Giraffes can live up to 25 years old.


Fact One Fact Two Fact Three


Arctic Foxes

Arctic foxes live on the land and ice in

the Arctic. Arctic foxes have a thick coat of
fur to stay warm. They use their fluffy tail
as a blanket to keep warm. Their white fur
protects them from predators because it
blends in with the snow. The fur on their feet
is thick and acts like snow boots. Arctic foxes
are omnivores. This means they eat meat and
plants. They eat berries, insects, and
sometimes polar bear’s leftovers. If they
can’t find food, they make a snow den to
hibernate for two weeks. This helps them
save energy. Arctic foxes can live up to 6
years old.

Cheetahs are the fastest mammal on land.

They can run up to 70 miles an hour. After
they run, they need 30 minutes to catch their
breath before they can eat. They can see
really far away. Cheetahs live in the African
grasslands. Cheetahs are hard to see because
they blend in with the grass. They have a
spotted coat. They are carnivores. This means
they only eat meat. They eat hares, gazelles,
and wildebeest calves. A mom will take care
of the cubs until they are two years old.
Cheetahs can live up to 12 years old.

A moose’s antlers can stretch up to six

feet wide. They swim across mountain lakes
to get to the other side. They can weigh up
to 2,000 pounds. Moose are herbivores which
means they only eat plants. They snack on
leaves, stems, twigs, and bark. They can eat
70 pounds of food a day. Moose live in areas
that have cold and snowy winters. Their
hooves act like snowshoes to help them walk
on the snow or muddy ground. When the ice
melts, they swim in the lakes and rivers to
keep cool on hot days. Male moose are called
bulls. Their antlers begin to grow in the
spring. They use the pointy ends to fight with
other males. Female moose are called cows
and they don’t have antlers. Baby moose are
called calves. They stay with their mom for a
year. Moose can live up to 20 years old.
Polar Bears
Polar bears live on the shores and ice in
the Arctic. They walk on the ice over the
ocean. Polar bears are carnivores. This means
they only eat meat. They wait for seals to
come up to the surface or swim under the ice
to hunt them. Polar bears are strong
swimmers. They make their dens in snowbanks
and raise their cubs in there through the
winter. Polar bears can be up to 10 feet tall.
They can weigh up to 1,600 pounds and can
live up to 30 years old. Polar bears clean
their fur by rolling in the snow. Their paws
have small bumps to help them walk on ice.
Sea Otters
Sea otter’s fur is water-repellent. This
means their fur helps them stay dry and
warm even when they are in the water. Their
ears and nose close when they are in the
water. Sea otters can float on the water in
seaweed or kelp. They lay on their backs to
nap or open mussels to eat. They smash a
rock on the shell to open them up. Sea otters
are carnivores. This means they eat meat.
They eat crabs, squid, and fish. They wash
their fur after every meal. Sea otters live
close to the land but like to be in the water.
They can live up to 23 years old.
Spider Monkeys
Spider monkeys have long and thin arms.
They swing and climb through trees. They live
in the rainforest. Spider monkeys are
omnivores. This means they eat plants and
meat. They eat fruit, seeds, and small insects.
Spider monkeys live in a community. Baby
monkeys are carried on their mom’s stomachs
until they are a few weeks old. They are born
with a pink face and ears. Spider monkeys
give hugs by wrapping their tails around each
other. They are called spider monkeys
because they look like a spider when they
hang upside down from their tails. Spider
monkeys can live up to 22 years old.


Fact One Fact Two



My Writing Editing Checklist

Writing Rubric


Fair Good Excellent

Student uses 1 2 3 4

Student uses
capital letters to
1 2 3 4
begin sentences
and for proper
Student writes
most sight words
1 2 3 4
correctly and
applies spelling
Student writes on 1 2 3 4
topic and has two

Student has a 1 2 3 4
topic & concluding
sentence and at
least four

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