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Laboratory of Unit Operations Packed column

1. ABSTRACT....................................................................................................................2
1.1. Objectives.....................................................................................................2
1.2. Experiment...................................................................................................2
1.2.1. Apparatus...............................................................................................2
1.2.2. Experiment method................................................................................4
2. RESULTS.......................................................................................................................4
2.1. Raw data.......................................................................................................4
Table 1: Measured data....................................................................................5
2.2. Working with data........................................................................................5
Table 2: The results with dried column (L = 0)................................................5
2.2.2. Wetted column.......................................................................................6
Table 3: The results with wetted column at L = 0.2.........................................6
Table 4: The results with wetted column at L = 0.4.........................................7
Table 5: The results with wetted column at L = 0.6.........................................8
Table 6: The results with wetted column at L = 0.8.........................................9
Table 7: The results with wetted column at L = 1..........................................10
Table 8: The results with wetted column at L = 1.2.......................................10
2.2.3. Flooding point......................................................................................11
Table 9: The results at flooding point............................................................11
2.3. Graph..........................................................................................................12
Graph 1: The graph between log (∆Pdc/Z) versus log G.................................12
Graph 2: The graph between ∆Pwc˱/Z versus L and G....................................13
Graph 3: The graph between logfdc and logfwc versus Reck.............................13
Graph 4: The graph between logσ versus L at G1 = 10%, G2 = 20 %...........14
Graph 5: The graph between logπ1 and logπ2...............................................15
3. DISCUSSION...............................................................................................................15

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Laboratory of Unit Operations Packed column


1.1. Objectives
These experiments were to investigate the hydrodynamic characteristics and the
effects of gas and liquid velocities on the operating performance of the packed
 The effects of the gas and liquid velocities on the pressure drop of gas flow
in the packed column.
 The variation of the friction coefficient of dried – packing (fck) as a function
of Reynolds number (Re) of the inlet gas flow rate and inferring the
experimental relations.
 The change of “σ” factor, showing the relationship between the pressure
drop of the gas through the dried packing and that through the wetted
packing in different inlet liquid velocities.
 The diagram of limiting operation performance of packed column (loading
and flooding points).

1.2. Experiment

1.2.1. Apparatus
▪ Glass column:
Diameter d = 0.09 m;
Height H = 0.805 m;
Packing height Z = 0.42 m.
▪ Packing material which is Raschig rings is arranged randomly, with the
nominal diameter d = 12.7 mm, surface area a = 370 – 380 m2/m3, porosity ε =

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Diagram of experimental apparatus

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Laboratory of Unit Operations Packed column

A: Panel
C: Packed column
E: Bottom part of column
FK: gas flowmeter, V = 0.286 m3/min
g: a liquid level device (pipe) at the bottom part of the column
FL: liquid flowmeter, GL = 5.805 l/min
BK: air blower with a capacity of 1.0 Hp BL: liquid pump with a capacity of 0.5
Hp N: liquid tank
AK: pressure

1.2.2. Experiment method

▪ Preparation: adjust the valves, use fan to remove all moisture in the column
and pump water into the column at the height of ¾ of the bottom part.
▪ Measurement of pressure drop for dried column: the effects of the gas and
liquid velocities on the pressure drop of gas flow in the drying column with each
gas flowrate.
▪ Measurement of pressure drop for dried column: the effects of the gas and
liquid velocities on the pressure drop of gas flow in the wetted column with each
gas flowrate until the operation of column reaches the flooding point and
accomplish the experiment.


2.1. Raw data

G% L=0 L=0.2 L=0.4 L=0.6 L=0.8 L=1.0 L=1.2

ΔPck ΔP0.2 ΔP0.4 ΔP0.6 ΔP0.8 ΔP1.0 ΔP1.2

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10 4 3 3 3 5 5 2
20 5 7 6 7 6 12 13
30 11 12 12 15 15 25 25
40 16 17 22 27 25 52 50
50 25 27 31 34 38 80 95
60 34 37 45 50 63 120 155
70 46 52 58 70 120 200 220
80 58 68 79 120 160 320  
90 71 87 103 190 300    
100 87 106 138 220 365    

Table 1: Measured data

2.2. Working with data

2.2.1 Dried column

G ∆Pck
∆Pck ∆Pck/Z
G% (kg/m2.s (mmH2O fck Reck logG log∆Pck/Z logReck logfck
(N/m2) (N/m)
) )
10 0.085 4 39.240 93.429 46.86 -1.07 1.97 1.67 1.20
20 0.169 5 49.050 116.786 4.9366 93.73 -0.77 2.07 1.97 0.69
107.91 140.5
30 0.254 11 256.929 4.8269 -0.59 2.41 2.15 0.68
0 9
156.96 187.4
40 0.339 16 373.714 3.9493 -0.47 2.57 2.27 0.60
0 5
245.25 234.3
50 0.424 25 583.929 3.9493 -0.37 2.77 2.37 0.60
0 2
333.54 281.1
60 0.508 34 794.143 3.7298 -0.29 2.90 2.45 0.57
0 8
451.26 1074.42 328.0
70 0.593 46 3.7075 -0.23 3.03 2.52 0.57
0 9 4
568.98 1354.71 374.9
80 0.678 58 3.5790 -0.17 3.13 2.57 0.55
0 4 1
696.51 1658.35 421.7
90 0.762 71 3.4617 -0.12 3.22 2.63 0.54
0 7 7
853.47 2032.07 468.6
100 0.847 87 3.4358 -0.07 3.31 2.67 0.54
0 1 3

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Table 2: The results with dried column (L = 0)

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2.2.2. Wetted column

G% G ∆Pcư ∆Pcư ∆Pck ∆Pcư/Z fck σ fcư Recư Logfcư logG logPcư/Z LogRecư Logσ
(kg/m2.s) (mm H2O) (N/m2) (N/m2) (N/m2)/m (kg/m2s)
10 0.085 3 29.4 39.240 70.07 15.79 0.75 11.85 31.9008 1.0736 -1.0721 1.4688 1.5038 -0.1249
20 0.169 7 68.7 49.050 163.50 4.937 1.40 6.91 31.9008 0.8396 -0.7711 1.8368 1.5038 0.1461
30 0.254 12 117.7 107.91 280.29 4.827 1.09 5.27 31.9008 0.7215 -0.5950 2.0709 1.5038 0.0378
40 0.339 17 166.8 156.96 397.07 3.949 1.06 4.20 31.9008 0.6228 -0.4700 2.2221 1.5038 0.0263
50 0.424 27 264.9 245.25 630.64 3.949 1.08 4.27 31.9008 0.6299 -0.3731 2.4230 1.5038 0.0334
60 0.508 37 363.0 333.54 864.21 3.730 1.09 4.06 31.9008 0.6084 -0.2939 2.5599 1.5038 0.0367
70 0.593 52 510.1 451.26 1214.57 3.707 1.13 4.19 31.9008 0.6223 -0.2270 2.7077 1.5038 0.0532
80 0.678 68 667.1 568.98 1588.29 3.579 1.17 4.20 31.9008 0.6228 -0.1690 2.8242 1.5038 0.0691
90 0.762 87 853.5 696.51 2032.07 3.462 1.23 4.24 31.9008 0.6275 -0.1178 2.9312 1.5038 0.0883
100 0.847 106 1039.9 853.47 2475.86 3.436 1.22 4.19 31.9008 0.6218 -0.0721 3.0170 1.5038 0.0858

Table 3: The results with wetted column at L = 0.2

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Laboratory of Unit Operations Packed column

G% G ∆Pcư ∆Pcư ∆Pck ∆Pcư/Z fck σ fcư Recư Logfcư logG logPcư/Z LogRecư Logσ
(kg/m2.s) (mmH2O) (N/m2) (N/m2) (N/m2)/m (kg/m2s)
10 0.085 3 29.4 39.240 70.07 15.79 0.75 11.58 63.782 1.0736 -1.0721 1.4688 1.8047 -0.1249
7 8
20 0.169 6 58.9 49.050 140.14 4.937 1.20 5.92 63.782 0.7726 -0.7711 1.7698 1.8047 0.0792
30 0.254 12 117.7 107.91 280.29 4.827 1.09 5.27 63.782 0.7215 -0.5950 2.0709 1.8047 0.0378
0 8
40 0.339 22 215.8 156.96 513.86 3.949 1.38 5.43 63.782 0.7348 -0.4700 2.3341 1.8047 0.1383
0 8
50 0.424 31 304.1 245.25 724.07 3.949 1.24 4.90 63.782 0.6899 -0.3731 2.4830 1.8047 0.0934
0 8
60 0.508 45 441.5 333.54 1051.07 3.730 1.32 4.94 63.782 0.6934 -0.2939 2.6449 1.8047 0.1217
0 8
70 0.593 58 569.0 451.26 1354.71 3.707 1.26 4.67 63.782 0.6697 -0.2270 2.7551 1.8047 0.1007
0 8
80 0.678 79 775.0 568.98 1845.21 3.579 1.36 4.87 63.782 0.6880 -0.1690 2.8893 1.8047 0.1342
0 8
90 0.762 103 1010.4 696.51 2405.79 3.462 1.45 5.02 63.782 0.7009 -0.1178 3.0045 1.8047 0.1616
0 8
100 0.847 138 1353.8 853.47 3223.29 3.436 1.59 5.45 63.782 0.7364 -0.0721 3.1315 1.8047 0.2004
0 8

Table 4: The results with wetted column at L = 0.4

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Laboratory of Unit Operations Packed column

G G ∆Pcư ∆Pcư ∆Pck ∆Pcư/Z fck σ fcư Recư Logfcư logG logPcư/ LogRecư Logσ
% (kg/m2.s) (mmH2O (N/m2 (N/m2) (N/m2)/ (kg/m2s Z
) ) m )
10 0.085 3 29.4 39.240 70.07 15.79 11.8 95.681 1.073 - 1.4688 1.9808 -0.1249
7 0.75 5 5 6 1.0721
20 0.169 7 68.7 49.050 163.50 4.937 6.91 95.681 0.839 - 1.8368 1.9808 0.1461
1.40 5 6 0.7711
30 0.254 15 147.2 107.91 350.36 4.827 6.58 95.681 0.818 - 2.1678 1.9808 0.1347
0 1.36 5 4 0.5950
40 0.339 27 264.9 156.96 630.64 3.949 6.66 95.681 0.823 - 2.4230 1.9808 0.2272
0 1.69 5 8 0.4700
50 0.424 34 333.5 245.25 794.14 3.949 5.37 95.681 0.730 - 2.5231 1.9808 0.1335
0 1.36 5 1 0.3731
60 0.508 50 490.5 333.54 1167.86 3.730 5.49 95.681 0.739 - 2.6906 1.9808 0.1675
0 1.47 5 2 0.2939
70 0.593 70 686.7 451.26 1635.00 3.707 5.64 95.681 0.751 - 2.8368 1.9808 0.1823
0 1.52 5 4 0.2270
80 0.678 120 1177. 568.98 2802.86 3.579 2.07 7.40 95.681 0.869 - 3.0709 1.9808 0.3158

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2 0 5 5 0.1690
90 0.762 190 1863. 696.51 4437.86 3.462 9.26 95.681 0.966 - 3.2704 1.9808 0.4275
9 0 2.68 5 8 0.1178
100 0.847 220 2158. 853.47 5138.57 3.436 8.69 95.681 0.938 - 3.3341 1.9808 0.4029
2 0 2.53 5 9 0.0721

Table 5: The results with wetted column at L = 0.6

G G ∆Pcư ∆Pcư ∆Pck ∆Pcư/Z fck σ fcư Recư Logfcư logG logPcư/ LogRec Logσ
% (kg/m2.s (mmH2O (N/m2 (N/m2) (N/m2)/ (kg/m2s Z ư

) ) ) m )
10 0.085 5 49.1 39.240 116.79 15.79 1.25 19.7 127.561 1.295 - 1.6906 2.1057 0.096
7 5 3 5 1.0721 9
20 0.169 6 58.9 49.050 140.14 4.937 1.20 5.92 127.561 0.772 - 1.7698 2.1057 0.079
3 6 0.7711 2
30 0.254 15 147.2 107.91 350.36 4.827 1.36 6.58 127.561 0.818 - 2.1678 2.1057 0.134
0 3 4 0.5950 7
40 0.339 25 245.3 156.96 583.93 3.949 1.56 6.17 127.561 0.790 - 2.3896 2.1057 0.193

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0 3 3 0.4700 8
50 0.424 38 372.8 245.25 887.57 3.949 1.52 6.00 127.561 0.778 - 2.5715 2.1057 0.181
0 3 4 0.3731 8
60 0.508 63 618.0 333.54 1471.50 3.730 1.85 6.91 127.561 0.839 - 2.7910 2.1057 0.267
0 3 6 0.2939 9
70 0.593 120 1177. 451.26 2802.86 3.707 2.61 9.67 127.561 0.985 - 3.0709 2.1057 0.416
2 0 3 5 0.2270 4
80 0.678 160 1569. 568.98 3737.14 3.579 2.76 9.87 127.561 0.994 - 3.1958 2.1057 0.440
6 0 3 5 0.1690 7
90 0.762 300 2943. 696.51 7007.14 3.462 4.23 14.6 127.561 1.165 - 3.4688 2.1057 0.625
0 0 3 3 2 0.1178 9
100 0.847 365 3580. 853.47 8525.36 3.436 4.20 14.4 127.561 1.158 - 3.5540 2.1057 0.622
7 0 1 3 8 0.0721 8

Table 6: The results with wetted column at L = 0.8

G% G ∆Pcư ∆Pcư ∆Pck ∆Pcư/Z fck σ fcư Recư Logfcư logG logPcư/Z LogRecư Logσ
(kg/m2.s) (mmH2O) (N/m2) (N/m2) (N/m2)/m (kg/m2s)
10 0.085 5 49.1 39.240 116.79 15.79 1.25 19.7 159.462 1.2955 -1.0721 1.6906 2.2027 0.0969
7 5 1

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20 0.169 12 117.7 49.050 280.29 4.937 2.40 11.8 159.462 1.0736 -0.7711 2.0709 2.2027 0.3802
5 1
30 0.254 25 245.3 107.910 583.93 4.827 2.27 10.9 159.462 1.0402 -0.5950 2.3896 2.2027 0.3565
7 1
40 0.339 52 510.1 156.960 1214.57 3.949 3.25 12.8 159.462 1.1084 -0.4700 2.7077 2.2027 0.5119
4 1
50 0.424 80 784.8 245.250 1868.57 3.949 3.20 12.6 159.462 1.1017 -0.3731 2.8948 2.2027 0.5051
4 1
60 0.508 120 1177.2 333.540 2802.86 3.730 3.53 13.1 159.462 1.1194 -0.2939 3.0709 2.2027 0.5477
6 1
70 0.593 200 1962.0 451.260 4671.43 3.707 4.35 16.1 159.462 1.2073 -0.2270 3.2927 2.2027 0.6383
2 1
80 0.678 320 3139.2 568.980 7474.29 3.579 5.52 19.7 159.462 1.2955 -0.1690 3.4968 2.2027 0.7417
5 1

Table 7: The results with wetted column at L = 1

G% G ∆Pcư ∆Pcư ∆Pck ∆Pcư/Z fck σ fcư Recư Logfcư logG logPcư/Z LogRecư Logσ
(kg/m2.s) (mmH2O) (N/m2) (N/m2) (N/m2)/m (kg/m2s)
10 0.085 2 19.6 39.240 46.71 15.797 7.90 191.3420 0.897 -1.0721 1.2927 2.2818 -0.3010
0.50 5
20 0.169 13 127.5 49.050 303.64 4.937 12.8 191.3420 1.108 -0.7711 2.1056 2.2818 0.4150
2.60 4 4
30 0.254 25 245.3 107.91 583.93 4.827 10.9 191.3420 1.040 -0.5950 2.3896 2.2818 0.3565
0 2.27 7 2
40 0.339 50 490.5 156.96 1167.86 3.949 12.3 191.3420 1.091 -0.4700 2.6906 2.2818 0.4949
0 3.13 4 4
50 0.424 95 932.0 245.25 2218.93 3.949 15.0 191.3420 1.176 -0.3731 2.9694 2.2818 0.5798
0 3.80 1 3
60 0.508 155 1520.6 333.54 3620.36 3.730 17.0 191.3420 1.230 -0.2939 3.1820 2.2818 0.6589
0 4.56 0 5

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70 0.593 220 2158.2 451.26 5138.57 3.707 17.7 191.3420 1.248 -0.2270 3.3341 2.2818 0.6797
0 4.78 3 7

Table 8: The results with wetted column at L = 1.2

2.2.3. Flooding point

L G* L L/G* G* fck ρG ρL G F v (m/s) Π1 Π2 logΠ1 logΠ2

(gallon/min) (% (kg/s) (kg/m2.s) (kg/m ) (kg/m3)
1.0 80 0.076 0.1498 0.51 3.5790 1.1305 996 0.0038 0.0063 0.5994 0.159 0.005 -0.80 -2.30
1 6 1 6 2
1.2 70 0.091 0.2154 0.42 3.7075 1.1305 996 0.0033 0.0063 0.5244 0.126 0.007 -0.90 -2.14
4 6 4 6 9

Table 9: The results at flooding point

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2.3. Graph





1.50 L=0
Linear (L=0)



-1.20 -1.00 -0.80 -0.60 -0.40 -0.20 0.00


Graph 1: The graph between log (∆Pdc/Z) versus log G

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Laboratory of Unit Operations Packed column

7000.00 L=0.2
Linear (L=0.2)

5000.00 Linear (L=0.4)

Linear (L=0.6)
3000.00 L=0.8
2000.00 Linear (L=0.8)
1000.00 Linear (L=1.0)
0.00 L=1.2
0.000 0.100 0.200 0.300 0.400 0.500 0.600 0.700 0.800 0.900 Linear (L=1.2)

Graph 2: The graph between ∆Pwc˱/Z versus L and G

f(x) = 0 x + 0.91
R² = 0.83
1.20 L=0
f(x) = 0 x + 1.11
R² = 0.07 Linear
1.00 f(x) = 0 x + 0.86 L=0.2
R² = 0.09
0.80 0.91
f(x) = − 0 x + 0.9
0.88 (L=0.2)
R² = 0.52
0.37 L=0.4

0.60 (L=0.4)
0.40 Linear
0.20 Linear
0.00 L=1.0
0.00 50.00 100.00150.00200.00250.00300.00350.00400.00450.00500.00

Graph 3: The graph between logfdc and logfwc versus Reck

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0.500 f(x) = 6.41 x − 0.08

R² = 0.87



0.87 G=20%

0.300 Linear (G=20%)

Linear (G=30%)
0.200 G=40%
Linear (G=40%)


0.0000 0.0200 0.0400 0.0600 0.0800 0.1000


Graph 4: The graph between logσ versus L at G1 = 10%, G2 = 20 %

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-0.92 -0.90 -0.88 -0.86 -0.84 -0.82 -0.80 -0.78







-2.40 -2.20 -2.00 -1.80 -1.60 -1.40 -1.20 -1.00 -0.80 -0.60


Graph 5: The graph between logπ1 and logπ2


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