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Lamsis, Deverlyn Joy A.



Activity 1 (4-6 Sentences)


What can you say about "Learning Volleyball in the New Normal"?


Volleyball are often a way for me as a student to socialize, when our School
and other social interactions have been taken away it was a challenge for me as a
student on how to learn volleyball because I couldn't just go outside or to the
nearest School or even to the empty backyard of our neighbors just to practice
how to serve, pass, set, and many more. Although I have knowledge about playing
volleyball since it was my sport when I was in Elementary, it was still different
since we currently experience pandemic which I felt isolated like we cant play or
learn like we used to before. It was strange that we couldn't play outside with my
neighbors since they are overacting and sensitive to socialize with me because of
social distancing. Yet by assuring my health condition, practicing in our own
backyard and learning the given modules or the learning packet about Volleyball, I
can make it beside learning never stops. Me and my classmates can make it, we
can learn Volleyball even in this Pandemic by motivating myself/ourselves and by
having a functioning technology devices and internet access which can increased
our flexibility to engage in learning where we can surf in the internet, watch
videos on YouTube on how to pass, serve, and so on. Even though its hard to
relay sometimes to the internet I should be more attentive to the information,
documents or videos that I can find.

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