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Lesson Plan in Physical Education VI

I. Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, the student should be able to:

A. Identify the 5 (five) fundamental steps in folk dance;

B. Execute the 5 (five) fundamental steps in folk dance; and
C. Value dance in enhancing one’s fitness.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Fundamental steps in folk dance

Reference: Physical Education and Health pp. 127-131
Materials: Picture cut outs, Cartolina

III. Learning Procedure

A. Routinary Activities

1. Prayer
2. Greeting the class
3. Checking the attendance

B. Warm-up

Before we proceed to our activity proper, let us have first a Dynamic Stretching
Exercise to ready our muscles and joints.

C. Review

Last time we discuss about the different folk dances here in the Philippines, the
teacher will show pictures of the different folk dance in the Philippine and the student
will identify them.

Tinikling Cariňosa

Itik-itik Maglalatik

D. Motivation

The teacher will show a mathematical equation and ask if anyone can solve it.
E. Discussion

The teacher will show a picture and demonstrate the 5 (five) fundamental steps
in folk dancing.

F. Application

Each row will perform 1 fundamental step in folk dance.

G. Generalization

Class what have we discuss today?

Can you demonstrate to us what are the 5 fundamental steps in folk dance?

IV. Evaluation

The teacher will group the class into 4, each group will perform be given 5
minutes to talk and decide how they going to present the 5 (five) fundamental steps in
folk dance in front of the class.

V. Assignment

Memorize all the fundamental steps in folk dancing and will have an individual
practical test.

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