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Part 2: Chapter 2

 Introduction to motivation- Lucil

 Nature and types of motivation- Lucil
 Theories of motivation- Jaz
o The personality approach
o The social-cognitive approach: achievement goal theory
 Measuring achievement goal orientation
 Some findings on achievement goal theory
o Social cognitive approach: attribution theory- Ian
 Some research findings on attribution approach
 Weaknesses of attribution theory
 Attributional style and athletic performance
 Goal-setting in sport- Jerilyn
o What is goal-setting
o Types of goals
o Why should goals enhance performance
o Research on goal-setting in sport and exercise psychology
o Motivational properties of goals- Kirin
 Goal specificity
 Goal challenge or difficulty
 Goal proximity
o Does goal-setting really work?
o SMART approach
 What motivates people to take part in risky sports- Cleoh

Part 2: Chapter 3

 Introduction to anxiety in sport- Cleoh

 Anxiety in athletes- Nikki
o Components of anxiety
o Anxiety, fear and arousal
o Athlete’s interpretation of anxiety symptoms
o Types of anxiety
o What causes anxiety in athletes?- Franz
 Perceived importance of the competition
 Predispositions
 Attributions/expectations
 Perfectionism
 Fear of failure
 Lack of confidence
 Measuring anxiety in athletes- Salvie
o Physiological measures
o Self-report instruments
 The sport competition anxiety scale
 The sport anxiety scale
 The competitive state anxiety inventory
 Arousal/anxiety and athletic performance- Jeck
o Theories of arousal/anxiety-performance relationships
 Drive theory
 The Inverted-U hypothesis
 Catastrophe theory
 Conscious processing hypothesis
 Conclusions about arousal/anxiety-performance relationship
o Performance anxiety in sport- Wendy
 What is choking
 What causes choking in sport?
 Controlling anxiety in sport- Ann
o Understanding the experience of pressure
o Becoming more aware of anxiety
o Using physical relaxation techniques
o Giving oneself specific instructions
o Adhering to pre-performance routines
o Constructive thinking
o Simulation training

Part 2: Chapter 4

 Introduction to concentration in sport performers- Ma Mae

 Nature and importance of concentration in sport psychology- Ma Mae
o Dimensions of attraction
o Importance of concentration in sport
 Measurement of attentional processes in athletes- Nichole
o Psychometric approach
o Neuroscientific approach
o Experimental approach
 Principles of effective concentration- Nichole
 Why do athletes lose their concentration? - Kurt
 Concentration training exercises and techniques- Kurt
o Specifying performance goals
o Using pre-performance routines
o Trigger words as cues to concentrate
o Mental Practice
 Old problems and new directions in research on concentration in athletes- Dianne
 Ideas for research projects on concentration in athletes- Dianne

Part 2: Chapter 5

 Introduction to mental imagery and mental practices in athletes- Jefther

 What is mental imagery?- Jefther
o Types and dimensions of mental imagery
o Mental practice
 Research on mental practices in sport- Ericka
o Typical research design and findings
o Critical evaluation of research on mental practice
 The validation problem
 Lock of field research problem in MP research
o Theories of mental practice
 Neuromuscular theories of mental practice
 Cognitive theories of mental practice
 Bio-informational theory of mental practice
o Conclusions about research on mental practice of athletes
 Measuring mental imagery skills in sport- Rey
 Athlete’s use of mental imagery- Rey
 New directions for research on imagery in athletes- Geoven
 Ideas for research projects on imagery in athletes- Geoven

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