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Respondents Profile (Demographic Information)

Demographic Category Nos. Percentage (%)

160 50%
Gender Male 160 50%

Age Less than 21 132 41.3

21-25 124 80.0
26-30 46 94.4
31-40 12 98.1
41-50 2 98.8
Above 50 4 100.0

Site Usage YouTube 48 15%

Online Communities 26 8.1%
Blogs 12 3.8%
Vlogs 64 20%
Facebook 96 30%

Instagram 74 23%

Employment Status Student 262 81.9%

Employed 44 13.8%
Unemployed 10 3.1%
Own Business 4 1.3%

Usage Frequency Very Low 4 1.3%

Low 10 3.1%
Normal 100 31.3%
High 96 30%
Very High 110 34.4%

Reliability, Validity, Correlation Analysis

Construct Cronbach Cumulative PC PI TII PK UGC TS

Alpha (∞) Variance
Perceived 0.872 0.79789 0.88
Credibility (PC)
Purchase 0.823 0.65566 0.390 0.80
Intention (PI)
Trust in 0.805 0.72028 0.364 0.639 0.84
Information (TII)
Prior Knowledge 0.692 0.56501 0.214 0.521 0.402 0.74
User Generated 0.903 0.67476 0.293 0.445 0.468 0.368 0.81
Content (UGC)
Tie Strength 0.866 0.79126 0.137 0.209 0.318 0.177 0.547 0.88
Bold and Italic values are the square of the Variance Extracted.
KMO: Cumulative factor loading:

PC .740 79%
PI .767 65%
TS .686 72%
PK .577 56%
UGC .901 67%
TS .713 79%

Cronbach Alpha values must > 0.70.

Construct Validity

Convergent Validity (Variance Extracted must > 0.50 or 50%.

Discriminant Validity (Fornell and Larcker 1981 criteria)

Square root of Variance Extracted is greater than the correlation values.

Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t
B Std. Error Beta
1 (Constant) .707 .167 4.229 .000
TII_total .398 .044 .434 9.114 .000
pc_total .111 .033 .143 3.364 .001
UGC_total .119 .045 .137 2.635 .009
TS_total -.055 .035 -.072 -1.546 .123
PK_total .273 .043 .279 6.381 .000
F(3,314)=69.133, P<0.05, R2=0.516

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