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PET Practice Exam: Answers


Part 1
1. C
2. A
3. B
4. B
5. C
6. A
7. C

Part 2
8. C
9. A
10. A
11. B
12. A
13. C

Part 3
14. ground
15. 12.30
16. sandwiches
17. your keys
18. 9 pm
19. disco

Part 4
20. A
21. A
22. B
23. A
24. B
25. A

PET Practice Exam: Listenings

There are four parts to the test. You will hear each 5. What will Wendy bring to the party?
part twice. For each part of the test, there will be Wendy: Do you have enough drinks?
time for you to look through the questions and time Man: Yes, we do. But perhaps you would like to
for you to check your answers. bake a cake, Wendy?
Wendy: Oh, I can’t bake, but I’d be happy to make
Look at the instruction to Part 1.
some sandwiches.
There are seven questions in this part. For each Man: That would be lovely. Thanks.
question, there are three pictures and a short
Now listen again.
recording. Choose the correct picture and put a
tick in the box below it. Before we start, here is an 6. What time is the man’s flight?
example: Woman: Are you also flying to Paris?
Man: Yes, I am.
What did Mary buy?
Woman: Does your plane leave at ten past two?
Salesman: Can I help you?
Man: No. I’m taking a later flight. It leaves at
Girl: Yes, please … I’m going to visit my
three forty-five.
grandma in hospital and I’d like to get her
a present. Now listen again.
Salesman: What about some chocolates?
7. Where is the newspaper?
Girl: No.
Woman: Please pass me the newspaper.
Salesman: A book?
Man: Where is it? On the dining room table?
Girl: I’m not sure what she likes to read.
Woman: No, it’s right there on the small table next
Salesman: In that case, why don’t you buy her some
to the armchair.
Girl: Oh, that’s a good idea! Now listen again.
That is the end of Part 1.
Mary bought flowers. The first picture is correct so
there is a tick in box A. Now we are ready to start.
Now turn to Part 2, questions 8 to 13. You will hear
1. Who was the man sitting behind?
Alan Harris talking about Thailand and the Thai
Woman: Did you enjoy the film?
people. For each question, put a tick in the correct
Man: Yes, but I had a difficult time seeing it.
Woman: Why?
You now have 45 seconds to look at the questions
Man: There was a very tall man in front of me
for Part 2. Now we are ready to start.
and he kept leaning over to talk to his
girlfriend. Good evening. I’m Alan Harris and I’m here to tell you
about Thailand. It’s a country I have visited many times
Now listen again.
and each time I’m there, I discover new and exciting
2. Which handbag does the girl ask for? places.
Girl: I’d like to see the handbag in the I understand that most of you are planning a holiday in
window, please. Thailand. Believe me, you won’t be sorry. Thailand is a
Salesperson: Which one are you interested in? beautiful and popular holiday destination in Asia today.
The bag with the white stripes? The country has mountains, rainforests and jungles.
Girl: No. There’s a big bag with a long There are also many exotic islands if you like the sea
strap. and the beach. The food is delicious and shopping is
Salesperson: Oh, yes. Next to the pair of sandals. fantastic.
What’s the best time to visit Thailand? Well, that’s
Now listen again.
difficult to answer. Many people like to visit Thailand
3. What does the woman order? during the winter because the weather is dry and cool.
Waiter: Good morning, sir. What can I get you? The hottest time is during the spring – May and June –
Man: I’d like a cup of tea and a piece of cake, and it’s difficult to go on tours or do a lot of sightseeing
please. then. The rainy season is during the summer and
Waiter: And you, madam? autumn – from around June to November. But the rain
Woman: Could I have a glass of iced coffee and a shouldn’t stop you from visiting Thailand, as it’s very
sandwich, please? beautiful at that time of the year. It’s also less crowded
because fewer people visit during the rainy season.
Now listen again. The people of Thailand are very warm and friendly.
4. Where will Janet’s Mum pick her up? They love having guests in their country and they are
Janet: I’ll wait for you on the corner near the very polite – but sometimes they ask personal
school, Mum. questions, which can be embarrassing. Just remember
Mother: No, Janet. I’m not coming that way. that they aren’t being rude.
Please walk down Jackson Street and They are simply curious about the many people who
wait on the corner of Jackson and Adams visit their country.
Street. The culture and tradition of Thailand are different from
Janet: Where the library is? ours and you need to know a little about the people in
Mother: That’s right. See you later. order to know how to behave. Here are a few tips that
may be useful when you visit Thailand.
Now listen again.

PET Practice Exam: Listenings

Tip number 1: The Thais think it’s very bad manners to Rosemary: I’m not sure I want to go by bike, Steven.
show anger or talk loudly. So try not to shout and keep Steven: Come on, Rosemary. Don’t you want to
calm. try out your new bike on a long trip?
Tip number 2: If you eat with Thai people, remember to Rosemary: Yes, of course I do. But, to be honest, I’m
have a spoon of rice at the beginning of the meal. This a little scared.
will show that you understand how important rice is in Steven: Why?
Thailand. Rosemary: Well, it’s dangerous being on a bike on
Tip number 3: The head is the most important part of the main road. But if we go on the country
the body. Never touch a Thai person on the head. roads, we’ll never get there. You want us
Tip number 4: The Thais believe that the feet are the to ride quite a long distance.
dirtiest part of the body and it’s very bad manners to … Steven: True, but it’ll be a lot of fun.
Rosemary: I’m not sure about that. I’d prefer to go by
Now listen again.
bus. It’s a lot safer and we can relax. The
That is the end of Part 2.
bus is also air-conditioned.
Now turn to Part 3, questions 14 to 19. You will Steven: I hadn’t thought of that. Yes, air-
hear the manager talking about the conference and conditioning is important. But then the bus
the hotel’s facilities. For each question, fill in the will be more expensive than if we go by
missing information in the numbered space. bike, won’t it?
You now have 20 seconds to look at Part 3. Rosemary: Yes, you know it will, but we’ll get there
Now we are ready to start. much quicker.
Steven: I thought the whole idea of this weekend
Good morning ladies and gentlemen. I’m Michelle was to enjoy ourselves out in the fresh
Robbins, the manager of City Park Hotel. We are very air.
glad to welcome you once again to the English Rosemary: You’re right, it was, but I still think it’s too
Teachers’ Conference. hot to ride. If we go by bus, we’ll get there
In your conference bag, you will find the programme as sooner and we can go for a long hike in
well as your tickets for tea, coffee and lunch. Tea and the hills.
coffee are served all day in the visitors’ lounge. Steven: If you want to use public transport, we
The opening lecture today is in the main conference could take the train. That’s comfortable
hall on the ground floor. It starts promptly at 10 o’clock. and fast.
This afternoon, lectures will continue in the two small Rosemary: Steven, the train doesn’t go right into the
conference rooms on the first floor. hills. But there are buses to the small
At half past twelve, lunch is served in the hotel dining villages and then we can walk.
room. There is our usual full menu with a large choice Steven: So, you’ve made up your mind, have
of vegetarian food. If you don’t wish to eat in the dining you?
room, sandwiches and cold drinks are available at the Rosemary: Well … I don’t want to be difficult, but I …
kiosk next to the swimming pool. Steven: OK, OK! We’ll go by bus. You realise that
For those of you who are staying in the hotel tonight, we’ll have to take two buses, don’t you?
please make sure that you register at the desk in the Rosemary: Yes, I know we’ll have to changes buses
lobby. You may collect your keys from there, but the somewhere.
rooms will only be available at noon. If you wish to eat Steven: But next time, we’re going to ride our
dinner in the hotel this evening, please ask the bikes.
receptionist to reserve a table for you. Rosemary: OK. Thanks, I’m happier now. You’ll see
The swimming pool will be open until 9 pm. For those … the weather forecast for this weekend
of you who want to dance, the disco will be open until is hot. In the end, you’ll be glad I
midnight. We are happy to announce that Paul and convinced you.
Pete will put on their magic act for our guests in the Steven: We’ll see. Do you have a map?
disco tonight. There is 24-hour room service and you Rosemary: What for?
can order snacks from the kitchen after the main dining Steven: I’d like to look at the route the buses take
room has closed. and then we can decide where we want to
I’d like to wish you all a very successful conference. start our hike.
Enjoy your stay. Rosemary: OK. I’ll get the map.
Now listen again. Now listen again.
That is the end of Part 3. That is the end of Part 4.
Now turn to Part 4, questions 20 to 25. Look at the
six sentences for this part. You will hear a
conversation between Rosemary and Steven. They
are going away for the weekend and can’t decide
how to travel. Decide if each sentence is correct or
incorrect. If it is correct, put a tick in the box under
A for YES. If it is not correct, put a tick in the box
under B for NO. You now have 20 seconds to look
at the questions for Part 4.
Now we are ready to start.

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