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For this composition, I decided to get information about three very successful athletes in their
career, who inspired me to do my best not to give up on everything I do no matter the
circumstances that has to happen.

Bolt. He's a Jamaican professional ex-athlete. He holds eleven world titles and eight Olympians as
a sprinter, and holds world records.

Catherine Ibarguen. She is a Colombian athlete of long jump, high jump and triple jump.

Michael Jordan. He's a former American basketball player. He owns the NBA team. He is
considered the best basketball player in the world.

Although they belong to different generations and different sports careers, I was able to find
several points in common in their routines. All three think that to achieve success, commitment,
constancy and not surrender are the most important qualities that you drink to have a person to
achieve their purpose. Being very disciplined in their workouts is a fundamental element to
achieve success, Michael and catehrine do not start their day without looking at their training list
and Usaín does too.

Usain starts the day with an abdominal workout and a series of polymetric exercises with side
plates, reverse abs, leg lifts, box jumps, Catherine Ibarguen does too, , followed by a very
nutritious and balanced breakfast, After breakfast it is time of Squats on bosu: 10-15 repetitions,
Abdominals with medicine ball: 10-15 repetitions this follows a much needed recovery work,
performing massages on the hamstring muscles to help relax them, Michel does too, but prefers
that his weight training and machine be at night.

Usain and Michel do not like to train all the time in a gym, neither does Catherine also like to train
in the open air, it is very comforting and contributes a lot to her physical performance. Michel and
Usain always take note of their time and the routines they have to do during the day, to obtain a
personal record and it is to force themselves every day more, Catherine does too.

Michel does not like to waste time after lunch, he continues with his training for 3 hours plus a
phase in which he emphasizes his technique neither do Catherine and Usain. At the end of his
training work, Usain to take advantage of his time to work with his sponsors, so do Catherine and
Michel, so they think that to continue with their sports career, they should not stop studying and

In my case I think I am not so organized and strict in my day work, so do I believe that to go very
far, I have to be more organized and committed in my work and studies, So, I will eat a healthier
and more nutritious diet, I don't eat well at all. so do I exercises but as of today I will begin to do it
with more importance for my health, as the three never gave up despite the economic
circumstances because of their perseverance they arrived where they are.

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