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Case #9, Practicing Presentation and Audience Skills through Science

Formative assessment is being used in this video to determine lesson
comprehension. The teacher used an interactive white board with charts to help the
students remember what to do, while the students sat on the carpet and engaged in
the lesson together. They listened and responded to questions asked by the teacher
and gave feedback to each other by giving thumbs up signs. The teacher is able to
assess the speaking, listening and viewing skills of the students based off of the way
the students engage in the lesson and respond to each other.
The assessment method used in this video was very appropriate for the age
group. The topic of wind is something that the students could use their sensory
skills to help them describe and explain. Because this was an interactive lesson that
engaged the students, the teacher was able to assess the student’s viewing and
listening skills, as well as their speaking skills when they would respond with
feedback. She in turn was able to ensure that the students understood the lesson
I would probably adapt this assessment in a few different ways each time it is
used. I would group different students together each time to help see which
students work well together and also to be able to see different student’s strengths
and weaknesses. By doing this I feel like it would be beneficial in future classroom
planning for discipline reasons as well as to create a more inclusive environment
between the students and make them more comfortable with each other during

B2. Case #74, Understanding Characterization

In this video the teacher is using cooperative learning to help meet the
student’s literacy goals. The students in this class were placed in small groups to
discuss a story the teacher read aloud and create their graphic organizer. This
classroom has students at all different levels of reading and by putting students
together to work in small groups they are able to support and help each other with
reading and understanding the text.
The students worked very well in the small groups and were able to use
cooperative learning to complete their task. Because of the students being at ease
with each other they were more willing to engage with one another and discuss the
different thoughts they had about the story. They helped each other understand and
look at things differently and stay focused on the task to get it completed.
I would use cooperative learning as a strategy when teaching a math lesson.
I would put students together in groups of two and give them each a piece of paper
with four different math problems on them. In the pairs each student would take
turns working a problem on their paper and then teaching and explaining how they
worked the problem to the other student. If one of the students is struggling with a
problem then the other student can step in and help work through the problem with
them. This enables the students to show what they know as well as get help on
things they may struggle with understanding.

B3. Case #53, Observing and Measuring the Weather

In this video constructivist-oriented teaching is seen by the interactions
between the students and the teacher. The teacher gives the students each a task to
measure different things about the weather and then they are supposed to record
them. The teacher helps throughout to direct the students on how to complete their
task to obtain the data and then discusses with the class what they have observed.
These recordings are being done daily and observed daily by the students.
This learning theory is associated with Jerome Bruner. Bruner believed that
is was more meaningful when children were given problems and then helped to find
the solution either in a group discussion or independently. (Snowman & McCown,
2015) In the video we see that the students have to come up with the different
measurements for the weather on their own but then they discuss their findings to
help them to understand the different ways that different answers were achieved.
One way I would implement this learning theory in my classroom would be
by having my students read 2 similar stories with different endings and then having
them make comparisons. I would ask about specific aspects of those stories like
character differences and the different outcomes of the stories and then ask them
what reason they think they are different.

B4. Case #14, Using Technology in Creative Writing

The students in this video use technology, such as computers and the
Powerpoint program, to create visual aids to go along with a creative writing
assignment. The students were writing “choose your own adventure” stories and
had to create different scenarios on different slides that could go two different ways.
The students had to be able to use their skills for adding text, color and formatting
to different slides.
The teacher had used several different Powerpoints to show the students
what they needed to know to complete their assignments. Having learned and used
Powerpoint the students will have the skills they need to use the tool in the future
for other assignments and possible future career endeavors.
The teacher uses this form of technology to teach the students about citing
when adding pictures or other’s ideas to their slideshow. She explains the
difference in using the ClipArt feature versus using pictures from the Internet. By
doing this she is teaching them a lesson in using technology to get information as
well as using technology to make a presentation.

B5. Case #2451, Constructing Rectangular Prisms to Build Understanding of

In this video the teacher uses manipulatives as an instructional resource to
teach students about volume. The students were given 3D blocks to help them
visualize volume and how it is measured. They used that to create a Pictorial Input
Chart to better grasp the concept. The teacher then helped the students put
together the formula for measuring volume.
This seemed to be a very effective instructional resource for the students in
the video. Through being able to physically see and touch the manipulatives they
were more engaged and better understood the concept of how volume is measured.
The students were able then able to measure and solve for the volume of other 3D
shapes by the end of the video.
An additional instructional resource I would use to enhance the learning of
this lesson would be a computer program that gives more visualizations on 3D
images, a program that both lets the students build 3D images and then has videos
to explain volume in other ways. By seeing the building of the images the and then
having videos to correlate with them the students could get a better understanding
of the concept.

B6. Case #40, Assessing Sight-Singing Through Self-Assessment to Develop

In this video the students are engaging in the evaluation level of Bloom’s
Taxonomy in the Cognitive Domain. The students are working on sight-singing a
piece of music that would similar to one they could be given at the state level of
competition. They sang different notes for their parts and were asked to listen to
the other notes around them as well as learning where the changes are in the music.
By doing this they are able to evaluate themselves as well as each other and help
critique themselves to make changes as needed to properly sing the piece.
I would enhance the student engagement in higher order thinking activities
in the video lesson by using the analyze level when going over each different piece
of the music. I would have each section get in their groups and go over each other
their parts together as a section and analyze their part away from the others. I
would then have them get into groups with one member of each section and analyze
how the different parts sound altogether. By doing this they can tell the differences
so as to not be confused about if they are signing the correct part.

My teaching philosophy goes along with humanistic theory of teaching. I
believe that students will learn and excel in an environment that is inspiring,
positive and uplifting to their social, mental and emotional growth. I understand
that all students come from different walks of life and have to deal with different
things outside of school. By being empathetic to that and creating a place where
they feel safe and appreciated I feel like they will learn their best. I hope that every
student that comes into my classroom feels safe, accepted and appreciated.
I would really like to incorporate a lot of cooperative learning in my
classroom. In video (74, Understand Characterization) the students were placed in
small groups to work together on a graphic organizer for a story that had been read.
I believe that by putting students into small groups to work together they get to
interact with each other on a different level. They are more open to discussing
things and expressing their views. The students in this video did just that and also
helped and supported one another when struggling with different aspects.

In video (53, Observing and Measuring the Weather) I felt that there was not
as much organization as there could have been to help support the students in the
activity. It seemed like some of the students were struggling with their tasks and
because of the chaos with students coming in and out of the classroom to observe
and measure different things, the teacher wasn’t able to effectively observe the
students and their understanding of the task. I would have had each group that was
performing the same measuring task to go out at the same time and I would observe
each one and make sure that if they had any questions I was there to answer them
so they really understood what it was they were being asked to do.

In video (9, Practicing Presentation and Audience Skills through Science

Presentations) the teacher had her students sitting on a carpet while using an
interactive whiteboard for a discussion. I would use this kind of arrangement in my
classroom because I feel like it helps the students to interactive with each other and
hear different points of view. I also like the way she asked questions and the
students gave her and each other feedback. It creates a an environment where the
students can feel comfortable expressing themselves in a health way.

Snowman, J. & McCown, R. (2015).  Psychology applied to teaching.  Retrieved from



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