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Avoiding Plagiarism: Part Three

Decide whether the situations below are examples of:

 plagiarism i.e. academic crime
 bad practice i.e. not plagiarism but not a good way for a student to behave
 acceptable practice i.e. an acceptable way for a student to behave

Check the appropriate boxes to show your answers.

Situation Plagiarism Bad Acceptable

Practice Practice
1 putting a full bibliography but omitting citation in the text
2 writing an essay on a topic in your discipline without doing any
reading or putting any sources in the text
3 copying a classmate's essay
4 using citation and quotation marks around other authors' words,
and then using some more text from the same source nearby in your
text, without citation or quotation marks
5 writing all your assignment in the hours just before the deadline
6 reading some sources, making notes on them, then writing up the
ideas with citation
7 checking the instructions for an assignment with a classmate 
8 submitting the same assignment that you have already submitted for
another module
9 putting some points of general knowledge in your text without
10 copying some sentences from another author, changing every fourth
word, and putting citation at the end
11 using one source, which you cite, for most of your ideas
12 using standard academic phrases (such as "many studies have
shown…") which you have found in academic articles, without
citation in your text
13 copying and pasting text from websites without citation
14 putting citation in your text, but not putting all the cited references
in your bibliography 
15 reading several sources on your topic, then writing up the ideas
from them without citation
16 writing your own ideas on a topic then making up the names of
references to put next to them
17 using different systems of referencing (e.g. Harvard and/or
Vancouver) for different parts of your text 
18 asking your tutor for advice about plagiarism regarding your first
19 making some notes from ideas in a source and using them in your
text but forgetting to put the references 
20 writing your essay largely copied from the text of some model or
example essays that you have found
21 copying some words, putting them in quotation marks, and writing
the author, year and page number afterwards
22 finding a synonym for every word you use from another text
23 buying a ready-made essay from a website
24 constructing a paragraph from quotations, with citation after each,
and a few words of your own
25 using some words from another author, putting them in quotation
marks, and with citation, but changing a few words inside the
quotation so that it supports your point more effectively

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