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Sports Report

Issues & Improvements

Budget for houses

- Budget should also include food and beverages

- Finance department should go through the list given by sports masters thoroughly and only
then release the money not vice versa

Opening Event

- Opening event should be more grand. Generous budget should be allocated for this.


- Mineral water and 100+ drinks were not sufficient. Students & parents were complaining
about it.

Clear Communication

- Sports Committee must have a clear communication and cooperation with teachers for the
all the events to avoid arguments. Any complaints should be discussed professionally and
not by arguing in front of students.

Training & Preparation

- Students should undergo proper training and preparation for track & field events. Many
could not complete the track events & walked to the finish line. This is not good, not only for
the student but also for the parents who are watching. Parents might think we are making
their kids a laughing stock.
- Teachers on duty must be trained for the responsibility given to them. They must
understand they are no longer part of the sports house but now carry a heavier duty which
is judging and MUST at all times be fair and not promote their sports house.
- Sports day should be done after Deepavali. Bad sunburn made teachers look not appealing
celebrating that festival.
- There should be more members in the sports committee.

Rules & Regulations

- Rules and Regulations must be crystal clear. Rules should not be changed according to
certain teacher’s presence at the particular event especially if the decision is about

Number of Events

- There were many track events but fewer participants. Same student had to participate in
many events which again affected their chances of winning. Hopefully, next time we can
reduce the number of events and focus on more competitive events.
Timing & Planning

- Proper time must be set for rehearsals/activities/events. For some events time was very
short and for some was too long. Timing is the most significant factor that needs
improvement. There shouldn’t be any last minute changes as that effect everything. Sports
committee must sort everything out in advance and go through the plan thoroughly to avoid
hiccups. Plan B, C and D should also be prepared to serve as a backup plan if the master plan
fails or is disrupted due to unforeseen circumstances.
- There must be a systematic plan. There should be a gap for the events specially track events.
As students and teachers will get tired and might not perform at their fullest potential which
will affect their winning chance for that particular event.
- Sports houses should not be rushed to complete the events due to time constraint.

Prize Giving

- It should be done at school. Only school photographer should be allowed to snap pictures.
Selfie session by students while receiving the medals should not be allowed as it drags the
- The logo on the medal should be more attractive. It’s not very appealing.

Judges / Referee

- Judges must practice fairness at all times. Decisions should not be made using emotions.
- Only 1 judge to judge the telematch. Issue of biasness arose. Parents can be involved as
- Complaints made by house masters/teachers should be adhered professionally not


- Sports should be a fun thing not a stressful thing especially for teachers.

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