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Many youngsters who leave school take issue with learning.

There are some

reasons which cause these problems and we need to come up with some
solutions to solve them.
Firstly, we need to understand why these young people don't like learning. The
school curriculum is too demanding. Students are snowed under with a large
amount of assignments and they must always study hard for high scores. This will
make a lot of students feel stressed and pressured in studying. Additionally,
students have to study so many different subjects although some of which don’t
provide or provide very little benefits for their future. For examply, students who
don’t follow a job that stricted to math still have to learn complicated calculation
and formulas.
However, studying is still very important so we need to have some solutions to
solve this problem. Firstly, teachers need to make some changes in their teaching
to make their lessons more interesting for students. Some explainer videos can be
added into their lessons or maybe they can try to practice some real experiments
to attract students’ attendance. Secondly, schools should cut down on
unnecessary lessons and only provide lessons that will be useful for students’
future career. Only then can students understand the benefits of studying, not
only trying to get good grades.
In conclusion, there are some reasons which make young people who leave
school hold a negative attitude towards learning and some solutions we could
make to solve it.

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