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Cortical and Brainstem Control of Motor SUBJECT

Functions Lecture # 39
Dr. Ryan Mambulao March 24, 2021
Transcribers: Casano, Conde-Parcero, Tanglao
Editors: Borja, Daa, Penaranda, Tiu

I. Motor Complex and Corticospinal tract Primary Motor Complex
A. Motor Cortex • It lies on the first convolution of the frontal lobes
B. Some specialized areas of motor control anterior to the central sulcus.
C. Transmission of signals from the motor cortex to the
• It begins laterally in the sylvian fissure, spreads
D. Other fiber pathways from the motor cortex superiorly to the uppermost portion of the brain, and
E. Incoming sensory fiber pathways to the motor cortex then dips deep into the longitudinal fissure
F. The red nucleus serves as an alternative pathway • This area is the same as the area 4 in Brodman’s
G. Effect of lesions in the motor cortex or in corticospinal
pathway classification of the brain cortical areas
H. Removal of primary motor cortex (Area Pyramidalis) • Excitation of a single motor cortex neuron usually
I. Muscle spasticity caused by lesions excites a specific movement rather than one specific
II. Control of Motor Function by the Brainstem muscle
A. Support of body against gravity: roles of the reticular and
vestibular nuclei
B. Role of the vestibular nuclei to stimulate the antigravity
C. Decerebrate rigidity
III. Vestibular Sensations and Maintenance of Equilibrium
A. Vestibular apparatus
B. Detection of linear acceleration by the utricle and saccule
C. Semicircular ducts
D. Detection of head rotation by the semicircular ducts
E. Vestibular mechanisms for stabilizing the eyes
F. Neck proprioception
G. Proprioceptive and exteroceptive information from other
parts of the body
H. Importance of visual information in the maintenance of
IV. References
V. Review Questions

Figure 1. Motor and somatosensory areas of the cerebral cortex. The

Must Know Book Prev Trans Lecturer numbers 4, 5, 6, and 7 are Brodman’s cortical areas.

I. Motor Complex and Corticospinal Tract The figure above lists the approximate topographical
representations of the different muscle areas of the body
• Most “voluntary” movements initiated by the cerebral in the primary motor cortex, beginning with the face and
cortex are achieves when the cortex activates mouth region near the sylvian fissure; the arm and hand
“patterns” of function stored in lower brain areas – the area, in the midportion; the trunk, near the apex of the
cord, brainstem, basal ganglia and cerebellum. brain; and the leg and foot areas in the part that dips into
• For a few types of movements, however, the cortex the longitudinal fissure.
has almost a direct pathway to the anterior motor
neurons of the cord, bypassing some motor centers - “Kung titingnan niyo yung homunculus (figure 2),
on the way. kailangan niyo siyang mamemorize kasi meron
siyang kung nasaan yung paa, face or muscles of
Motor cortex – is located anterior to the central cortical upper extremities and hands.”
sulcus, occupying approximately the posterior one third of - “If you stimulate the lateral side of the brain it causes
the frontal lobes contraction of the face and a little bit upward still on
the same side, nandun yung sa finger kaya nila na
Somatosensory cortex – is located posterior to the map yung homunculus ng motor area.”
central sulcus, which feeds the motor cortex many of the - “So take note of that homunculus kung gaano ka
signals that initiate motor activities importante yung hand and face kasi almost ½ of the
homunculus in the motor area is composed of for the
The motor cortex is divided into three subareas: muscle of the hand and face.”
1. the primary motor complex - “Ganun ka importante yung intricate movement of our
2. the premotor area hands and our face to smile, talk, communicate even
3. the supplementary area without production of speech, just the movement of
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face and facial expression can be a form of Supplementary Motor Area
• The supplementary motor area has yet another
Premotor Area topographical organization for the control of motor
• Located 1 to 3 centimeters anterior to the primary function.
motor cortex. • It lies mainly on the longitudinal fissure but extends a
• It extends inferiorly into the sylvian fissure and few centimeters onto the superior frontal cortex.
superiorly into the longitudinal fissure, where it abuts • Contractions elicited by stimulating this area are often
the supplementary area, which has functions similar bilateral rather than unilateral.
to those of the premotor area.
• Topographical organization: mouth and face located
most laterally; as one moves upward, the hand, arm,
trunk, and leg areas are encountered.

Figure 3. Representation of the different muscles of the body in the

motor cortex and location of other cortical areas responsible for specific
types of motor movements.

• For instance, stimulation frequently leads to bilateral

Figure 2. Degree of representation of the different muscles of the body
grasping movements of both hands simultaneously;
in the motor cortex.
these movements are perhaps rudiments of the hand
functions required for climbing.
• Nerve signals generated in the premotor area cause • In general, this area functions in concert with the
much more complex “patterns of movement”. premotor area to provide body wide attitudinal
• The most anterior part of the premotor area first movements, fixation movements of the different
develops a “motor image” of the total muscle segments of the body, positional movements of the
movement that is to be performed. head and eyes, and so forth, as background for the
• Then, in the posterior premotor cortex, this image finer motor control of the arms and hands by the
excites each successive pattern of muscle activity premotor area and primary motor cortex.
required to achieve the image.
• This posterior part of the premotor cortex sends its
signals either directly to the primary motor cortex to Some Specialized Areas of Motor Control Found in
excite specific muscles, or often, by way of the basal the Human Motor Cortex
ganglia and thalamus back to the primary motor
cortex. A few highly specialized motor regions of the human
• A special class of neurons called mirror neurons cerebral cortex control specific motor functions. These
becomes active when a person performs a specific regions have been localized either by electrical
motor task or when he or she observes the same task stimulation or by noting the loss of motor function when
performed by others. destructive lesions occur is specific cortical areas.
• Thus, the activity of these neurons “mirrors” the
behavior of another personas though the observer 1. Broca’s Area (Motor Speech Area)
was performing the specific motor task. • See figure 3 labeled “word formation”
• Many neurophysiologists believe that these mirror • Damage to it does not prevent a person from
neurons may be important for understanding the vocalizing but makes it impossible for the person to
actions of other people and for learning new skills by speak whole words rather that uncoordinated
imitation. utterances or an occasional simple word such as
• Thus, the premotor cortex, basal ganglia, thalamus “no” or “yes” (Broca’s aphasia)
and primary motor cortex constitute a complex overall • patient can understand but cannot articulate
system for the control of complex patterns of
coordinated muscle activity.

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2. “Voluntary Eye Movement Field
• In the premotor area immediately above Broca’s 1. After leaving the cortex, it passes through the
area posterior limb of the internal capsule (between the
• Damage to this area prevents a person from caudate nucleus and the putamen of basal ganglia).
voluntarily moving the eyes toward different objects. 2. Then, downward through the brainstem, forming the
• Instead, the eyes tend to lock involuntarily onto pyramids of the medulla.
specific objects, an effect controlled by signals from 3. Most of the pyramidal fibers then cross the lower
occipital visual cortex. medulla to the opposite side and descend into the
• This area also controls eyelid movements such as lateral corticospinal tracts of the cord.
blinking. 4. Finally, terminating principally on the interneurons on
If you turn your head to the right, your eyes, via reflex, the intermediate regions of the cord gray matter.
will turn to the left, but you can still voluntarily move your 5. A few of the fibers do not cross to the opposite side in
eye to the right. the medulla but pass ipsilaterally down the cord in the
ventral corticospinal tract.
3. Head Rotation Area
• Slightly higher in the motor association area, electrical
stimulation elicits head rotation. • The most impressive fibers in the pyramidal tract are
a population of large myelinated fibers.
• This area is closely associated with the eye
movement field; it directs the head toward different • These fibers originate from the giant pyramidal
objects. cells, called Betz cells, that are found only in the
primary motor cortex.
4. Area for Hand Skills • The Betz cells are about 60 micrometers in diameter,
• In the premotor area immediately anterior to the and their fibers transmit nerve impulses to the spinal
primary motor cortex for the hands and fingers is a cord at a velocity of about 70 m/sec, the most rapid
region that is important for “hand skills”. rate of transmission of any signals from the brain to
the cord.
• When tumors or other lesions cause destruction in
this area, hand movements become uncoordinated • These large fibers represent only 3% of the total.
and non-purposeful, a condition called motor apraxia. • The other 97% are mainly fibers smaller than 4
micrometers in diameter that conduct background
• The fingers can move but cannot really hold a cup.
tonic signals to the motor areas of the cord.
• “This is a proof that there is an area specific for hand
skills. Ganun talaga ka importante yung kamay natin
aside from the homunculus of the hand or part of the
hand in the homunculus in the primary motor,
premotor and supplementary motor areas, meron pa
additional areas for hand skills in the cortex”

Transmission of Signals from the Motor Cortex to the


• Motor signals are transmitted directly from the cortex

to the spinal cord through the corticospinal tract and
indirectly through multiple accessory pathways that
involve the basal ganglia, cerebellum, and various
nuclei of the brain stem.
• Direct pathways are concerned with discrete and
detailed movements, especially of the distal
segments of the limbs, particularly the hands and

Corticospinal (Pyramidal) Tract

• The most important output pathway from the motor
cortex. (see figure 4)
• 30% from the primary motor cortex
• 30% from the premotor and supplementary motor
• 40% from the somatosensory areas posterior to the
central canal
Figure 4. Corticospinal (Pyramidal) tract

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• From the cortex, it will collect all together in the
II. Control of Motor Function by the Brainstem
pyramidal tract to become in the posterior limb of
internal capsule, so nagiging shorter silang lahat in
1. Control of respiration
the posterior limb capsule and take note in the
2. Control of the cardiovascular system
posterior limb capsule, corticospinal is motor,
3. Partial control of gastrointestinal function
whereas, spinothalamic tract and other sensation is in
4. Control of many stereotyped movements of the
the anterior limb capsule.
• Now, the significance of this area is where all the
5. Control of equilibrium
cortical neurons joins in one single area, pag may
6. Control of eye movements
stroke sa cortex, kung anong specific homunculus
lang yung affected. For example, yung infarcted area
over the hand, ang magkakaroon ng weakness is just
the hand, whereas sa posterior limb, because lahat
yung sa hand and lower extremities join together, a
small infarct produces a large body weakness, kasi
they collect in a single area.
• So again, posteriorly of the internal capsule is motor
and anteriorly is sensory.

Other Fiber Pathways from the Motor Cortex

1. The axons from the giant Betz cells send short

collaterals back to the cortex.
This is important because short collaterals are the
ones that inhibit other motor area para specific lang Support of the Body against Gravity: Roles of the
yung activity na mapeperform. Reticular and Vestibular Nuclei
2. A large number of fibers pass from the motor cortex • Pontine reticular nuclei located slightly
into the caudate nucleus and putamen. posteriorly and laterally in the pons and extending
3. A moderate number of motor fibers pass to red nuclei into the mesencephalon
of the midbrain. • Medullary reticular nuclei which extend through
• From these nuclei, additional fibers pass down the entire medulla, lying ventrally and medially
the cord through the rubrospinal tract. near the midline
4. A moderate number of motor fibers deviate into the • Pontine exciting the antigravity muscles and the
reticular substance and vestibular nuclei of the brain medullary relaxing these same muscles.
• From there, signals go to the cord via Role of the Vestibular Nuclei to Stimulate the
reticulospinal and vestibulospinal tracts, and Antigravity Muscle
others go to the cerebellum via reticulocerebellar
and vestibulocerebellar tracts. • The vestibular nuclei transmit strong excitatory
5. A tremendous number of motor fibers synapse in the signals to the antigravity muscles by way of the
pontile nuclei, which give rise to the pontocerebellar lateral and medial vestibulospinal tracts in the
fibers, carrying signals into the cerebellar anterior columns of the spinal cord
hemispheres. • Without this support of the vestibular nuclei, the
6. Collaterals also terminate in the inferior olivary nuclei, pontine reticular system would lose much of its
and from there, secondary olivocerebellar fibers excitation of the axial antigravity muscles.
transmit signals to multiple areas of the cerebellum. • The specific role of the vestibular nuclei,
however, is to selectively control the excitatory
signals to the different antigravity muscles to
maintain equilibrium in response to signals
from the vestibular apparatus.

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Decerebrate Rigidity

• The cause of decerebrate rigidity is blockage of

normally strong input to the medullary
reticular nuclei from the cerebral cortex, the red
nuclei, and the basal ganglia.
• Lacking this input, the medullary reticular inhibitor
system becomes nonfunctional, full overactivity
of the pontine excitatory system occurs, and
rigidity develops.

III. Vestibular Sensations and Maintenance of


• It is composed mainly of the cochlea (ductus

cochlearis), three semicircular canals, and two
large chambers, the utricle and saccule.
• The cochlea is the major sensory organ for
hearing and has little to do with equilibrium.
• The semicircular canals, the utricle, and the
saccule are all integral parts of the equilibrium
• Macula of the utricle lies mainly in the
horizontal plane on the inferior surface of the
utricle and plays an important role in determining
orientation of the head when the head is
• Conversely, the macula of the saccule is
located mainly in a vertical plane and signals
head orientation when the person is lying down.

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• Each macula is covered by a gelatinous layer in
which many small calcium carbonate crystals
called statoconia are embedded
• Thousands of hair cells that project cilia up into
the gelatinous layer. The bases and sides of the
hair cells synapse with sensory endings of the
vestibular nerve. • Each semicircular duct has an enlargement at
• The calcified statoconia have a specific gravity one of its ends called the ampulla, and the
two to three times the specific gravity of the ducts and ampulla are filled with a fluid called
surrounding fluid and tissues. endolymph.
• When the stereocilia and kinocilium bend in the • Flow of this fluid through one of the ducts and
direction of the kinocilium, positive ions pour into through its ampulla excites the sensory organ of
the cell from the surrounding endolymphatic the ampulla
fluid, causing receptor membrane
• Bending the pile of stereocilia in the opposite
direction (backward to the kinocilium) reduces
the tension on the attachments; this movement
closes the ion channels, thus causing receptor

Detection of Linear Acceleration by the utricle an

Saccule Maculae

• When the body is suddenly thrust forward—that

is, when the body accelerates—the statoconia,
which have greater mass inertia than the sur-
rounding fluid, fall backward on the hair cell cilia
• Information of disequilibrium is sent into the
nervous centers, causing the person to feel as
though he or she were falling backward. Detection of Head Rotation by the Semicircular
• This sensation automatically causes the person Ducts
to lean forward until the resulting anterior shift of
the statoconia exactly equals the tendency for • The head suddenly begins to rotate in any
the statoconia to fall backward because of the direction (called angular acceleration), the
acceleration. endolymph in the semicircular ducts, because of
its inertia, tends to remain stationary while the
Semicircular Ducts semicircular ducts turn.
• This mechanism causes relative fluid flow in the
• The three semicircular ducts in each vestibular ducts in the direction opposite to head rotation.
apparatus • The semicircular duct transmits a signal of one
• anterior polarity when the head begins to rotate and of
• posterior opposite polarity when it stops rotating.
• lateral (horizontal)
• Arranged at right angles to one another so that
they rep resent all three planes in space.

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long as their eyes are open and all motions are
performed slowly
• When moving rapidly or when the eyes are
closed, equilibrium is immediately lost

IV. References

Dr. Ryan Mambulao’s lecture and ppt

Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology 14th
Edition, Chapter 56, pages 697-708
Vestibular Mechanisms for Stabilizing the Eyes

• Each time the head is suddenly rotated, signals V. Review Questions

from the semicircular ducts causes the eyes to
rotate in a direction equal and opposite to the 1. This is described as the most important output
rotation of the head. pathway from the motor complex.
• This movement results from reflexes transmitted A. Lateral Pathway
through the vestibular nuclei and the medial B. Spinothalamic tract
longitudinal fascicles to the occulomotor nuclei
C. Anterior Pathway
Neck Proprioception D. Corticospinal tract

• The vestibular apparatus detects the orientation 2. A special class of neurons that becomes active when
and movement only of the head a person performs a specific motor task or when he or
• When bending the neck, impulses from the neck she observes the same task performed by others found
proprioceptors opposes the signals transmitted in the premotor area.
from the vestibular apparatus; the person
senses disequilibrium A. axons
• When the entire body leans in one direction, the B. mirror neurons
impulses from the vestibular apparatus are not C. interneurons
opposed by the neck proprioceptors; the person D. small neurons
perceive a change in the equilibrium status of
the entire body
Proprioceptive and Exteroceptive Information
from Other Parts of the Body

• Pressure sensation from the footpads tell one

whether weight is distributed equally between
the two feet and whether weight on the feet is
more forward or backward
• Exteroceptive information is necessary for the
maintenance of equilibrium when a person is
• The air pressure against the front of the body
signals that a force is opposing the body in a
direction different from that caused by
gravitational pull; as a result, the person leans
forward to oppose this force

Importance of Visual Information in the

Maintenance of Equilibrium

• After destruction of vestibular apparatus and

loss of proprioceptive information from the body,
a person can still have normal equilibrium as

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