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Writing in Digital Spaces

Writing in Space
Aanab Ibrahim

Writing in Digital Spaces

April 2020

Writing in Digital Spaces is a course that helps you step into writing using technology. Writing is
a subject that is usually practiced using a pen/pencil against books/papers. In this course we
are writing using technology whether we are communicating through blogs, vlogs and many

-Aanab Ibrahim

What is Digital Writing

by Aanab Ibrahim

We are still on Earth yet, we are writing in space

Once the name, writing in digital spaces, the first thing that comes in mind is space. No, we are
not going to space yet we are writing through a creative mind. We are taking our minds to the
technologies space. In this course writing is practiced through technology. It might seem

difficult, but it does bring you out of your comfort zone. Writing is a method of human
communication that involves the representation of a language with written symbols.

What does Digital mean?

Digital writing is the a art of and practice of preparing documents primarily by computer and
often for online delivery. Today our education, work and life all depend on online resources.
Since COVID hit us, we all started to rely on the use of digital writing. Many workspaces today
are in need of workers who are professionally skilled using online resources. Digital writing is a
digital rhetoric that emerges the body of theory and knowledge about communication and
writing in online environments using digital technologies. Digital writing can be described as
something that goes beyond the writing of a pen against a paper. Today it is created through the
use of technology.

The view of rhetoric
Every eye sees different and every eye looks different. Digital writing is viewed differently
through each eye. In some eyes, digital writing seems like an impossible task, while in some
eyes it seems easier than writing using a pen and paper. Same thing using the word rhetoric,
there are many different ways to use the word rhetoric whether through communication,
language or even writing. Rhetoric is the art of persuasion, which is also uses grammar and
logic. Rhetoric aims to study the techniques of writers and speakers that utilize to inform,
persuade or motivate particular audience in specific situations.

❖ Morey, S. (2017). The digital writer. Southlake, TX: Fountainhead Press.
❖ Nicely said: Writing for the web with style and purpose. (2014). Upper Saddle River, NJ:
Pearson Education.
❖ Mills, K., Stornaiuolo, A., Smith, A., & Pandya, J. Z. (2018). Handbook of writing, literacies,
and education in digital cultures. New York, NY: Routledge.

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