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Argumentative Essay

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for Writing III in English Language Teaching

Taught by Eko Suhartoyo, S.Pd., M.Pd.


Dhea Silvia Stephani

(NPM. 21901073019)




January 2020

Pattern : Point-by-point

Topic : There have been many doctors passed away during the outbreak, thus
Indonesian Government should implement telemedicine

Author’s view: Pro

The Important Role of Doctors and Telemedicine Services During a Pandemic

I. Introduction (explanation of the issue)

Thesis statement :

telemedicine is the key for patients to remain as health workers without fear of being exposed
to the virus.

II. Body

A. Opposing argument 1 : Indonesia's health service infrastructure is still inadequate.

Rebuttal to argument 1 : Indonesia spends only slightly more than 2% of its GDP on
health, approximately half the level of other comparable income countries.

B. Opposing argument 2 : doctors and other medical personnel are willing to risk their
lives to help overcome this pandemic.

Rebuttal to argument 2 : The Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) recorded that 504
health workers died from Covid-19.

C. Opposing argument 3 : Telemedicine is very important today to help reduce the

spread of COVID-19 through technology.

Rebuttal to argument 3 : Telemedicine ensures adequate safety for both doctors and
nurses limiting direct contact with infected patients only to emergencies that cannot be

D. Opposing argument 4 : Telemedicine can make the BPJS cost reduction process

Rebuttal to argument 4 : Telemedicine is become alternative health care to produce

cost savings for patients and hospitals and can increase patient satisfaction.

E. Opposing argument 5 : Major Indonesian hospitals go digital to tap into growing

telemedicine market..
Rebuttal to argument 5 : Siloam Hospital leader statistics officer Ryanto Marino
Tedjomulja stated the health facility chain had released its on-line outpatient offerings
or teleconsultation on April thirteen in partnership with Aido Health, a web healthcare

III. Conclusion (may include a summary of your point of view)

Given that the number of health facilities such as hospitals has limited capacity, telemedicine
is considered to have an important role in the corona virus pandemic situation which is
currently endemic globally.
The Important Role of Doctors and Telemedicine Services During a Pandemic

Telemedicine really helps health services to the community. This is partly because the
health service infrastructure in Indonesia is still inadequate. Indonesia spends only slightly
more than 2% of its GDP on health, approximately half the level of other comparable income
countries. Indonesia with a population of more than 200 million people only has 10,168
health centers, 2,877 hospitals, 9,205 clinics, and 30,260 pharmacies. Telemedicine will
facilitate public access to health services. To deal with changes in life patterns during a
pandemic, the government must facilitate access to health services with e-health. It needs
synergy from all stakeholders to support the development of telemedicine services in

Medical personnel have received more attention following the corona virus pandemic
that has occurred in almost all countries in the world. doctors and other medical personnel are
willing to risk their lives to help overcome this pandemic. This is because medical medical
personnel are at the forefront of handling patients infected with the corona virus. Without
knowing fear and sacrificing a lot of time, medical personnel continue to struggle to treat
Covid-19 positive patients until they are declared cured. The job is not without risks. In
Indonesia, one medical staff was declared dead after treating a corona virus patient. The
Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) recorded that 504 health workers died from Covid-19.

J Bioeth Inq. 2020 Nov 9 : 1–8.

Telemedicine is one of the most appropriate solutions, it can still serve health without
the need to make direct contact with doctors. Telemedicine is very important today to help
reduce the spread of COVID-19 through technology. In fact, because COVID-19 makes
many people need health services, it is difficult because there are many patients in the
hospital. This means that many people who experience health problems do not need to go to
the hospital but can use telemedicine. Telemedicine ensures adequate safety for both doctors
and nurses limiting direct contact with infected patients only to emergencies that cannot be
delayed. In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, the president fully supports online health
services so that people or patients don't have to leave the house to consult regarding their
body condition. Moreover, Telemedicine is in accordance with the government's appeal to
carry out physical distancing to cut the spread of COVID-19. This is to continue to increase
in number, so that contact between patients and doctors can be reduced.
The Ministry of Health strives for the financing of telemedicine services that can be
used in the National Health Insurance (JKN) from the Social Security Administering Body or
BPJS Kesehatan. Telemedicine can make the BPJS cost reduction process possible.
Telemedicine is become alternative health care to produce cost savings for patients and
hospitals and can increase patient satisfaction. The low cost of telemedicine is at least a
solution for health facilities in providing the best service to the community. Especially for
people in the middle class and local people who need additional costs if they want face-to-
face consultation with doctors in big cities.

Journal of Health Policy and Management (2020), 5(2): 103-107

The use of Telemedicine in Indonesia has been carried out by several large hospitals
with their respective preferred telecommunications operators. Major Indonesian hospitals go
digital to tap into growing telemedicine market. Siloam Hospital leader statistics officer
Ryanto Marino Tedjomulja stated the health facility chain had released its on-line outpatient
offerings In addition, the existence of startup companies engaged in the e-Health sector also
offers Telemedicine services, although it is still on a limited scale. With so many
telecommunication operators providing Telemedicine platforms. With the contribution of
stakeholders, it is hoped that a mature collaboration will be created for the development of
telemedicine in Indonesia. However, it does not deny that if it is related to Telemedicine, it
does need a mature concept in its development. The fact is that Indonesia has many
applications that can be applied for telemedicine. The hope is that there will be a telemedicine
that can be applied as a whole at the national level. And finally, telemedicine is the key for
patients to remain as health workers without fear of being exposed to the virus. Because
digital health services such as telemedicine will facilitate public access to health services.

Given that the number of health facilities such as hospitals has limited capacity,
telemedicine is considered to have an important role in the corona virus pandemic situation
which is currently endemic globally. The various features developed by the online
transportation application will make it easier for both medical personnel, the public, and
patients in hospitals who need access to health. One form of collaboration between these
startups is the presence of telemedicine solutions for people throughout Indonesia.

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