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THURSDAY 28/1/202


1.1: Science is a part of daily life.

1. Match each of the following terms with the correct description.

Term Description
I. Science Events that occur in our natural
II. Technology The systematic study of natural
III. Natural phenomena The application of scientific

2. Tick (√) for the natural phenomena.

I. Formation of rainbow [ ]
II. Car accidents on the highway [ ]
III. The growth of plants [ ]

3. Complete the following sentences to explain about the importance of science.

I. Contributes to the area of ____________such as construction of ______________.

II. Invention of satellites has made communication more __________ and _________.

4. Fill in the blank below by choosing the correct words in the box below.

Living things plants animals objects in outer space

Field of science Content of study

Botany A study of _________________
Zoology A study of _____________________
Astronomy A study of _______________________
Biology A study of _________________________

5. Pharmacist is one of the career that interested by Malaysians people. Which science field is
contribute to this career?

A Chemistry C Biology
B Geology D Physics
6. Match the situations below with the corresponding technology .

Situation in daily life Technology

(a) Travel overseas for vacation Satellite communication
(b) Make a long-distance phone Production of medicine, medical
call imaging and diagnosis
(c) Know your health status and Air transportation
get a medical treatment

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