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Study of step up & step down

Experiment 9 Transformer
Name:________________________ Date:_________________________

To get familiar with working principle of transformer and constructional parts of Transformer.

Item Serial Number
Digital Multimeter
1-phase transformer
Set of experiment cables
Power Supply


Voltage Transformation Ratio (K):

For an ideal transformer:

(i) E1 = V1 and E2 = V2 as there is no voltage drop in the windings.

(ii) there are no losses. Therefore, volt-amperes input to the primary are equal to the output volt-
amperes i.e.
V1 I1 = V2 I2

Hence, currents are in the inverse ratio of voltage transformation ratio. This simply means that if
we raise the voltage, there is a corresponding decrease of current.

Step-Down Transformer:
If the number of turns on the secondary winding is less than the number of turns on the primary
winding, then the secondary output voltage will be less than the primary input voltage. This type
of transformer is called a step-down transformer and is illustrated in Figure 02.
P r im a r y W in d in g S e c o n d a r y W in d in g

A p p lie d A lt e r n a t in g H a v in g le s s t u r n s t h a n
C u r r e n t S u p p ly t h e P r im a r y W in d in g

S t e p - D o w n T r a n s fo r m e r

Step-Up Transformer:

If the number of turns on the secondary winding of a transformer is greater than the number of
turns on the primary winding, then the secondary output voltage will be greater than the primary
input voltage. This type of transformer is called a step-up transformer and is illustrated in

P r im a r y W in d in g S e c o n d a r y W in d in g

A p p lie d A lt e r n a t in g H a v in g m o r e t u r n s t h a n
C u r r e n t S u p p ly t h e P r im a r y W in d in g

S t e p - U p T r a n s fo r m e r


Step-Up Mode:

Sr No. Input voltage (V) Output Voltage(V)


Step-Down Mode

Sr No. Input voltage (V) Output Voltage(V)









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