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Owing to technology, the life of people has changed during last years, everyone has a
smartphone in their hands and children since they are young use devices and therefore grow
up having almost an addiction. In my opinion we can all do simple things to make the
technology good and now I will examine some of them.

First of all, as David Webster says in a Ted Talk, technology is a double-edged sword: it
allows you to do a lot of things like study, play or watch movies but over time it can be
harmful to health so we must consider putting limits on it, in this way it's even more

A further reason is that technology is often used in the wrong way, according to one study in
recent times cases of cyberbullying have increased. In part, it is true that we cannot change
the behavior of all the people, but in my opinion we should be careful and pay close attention
to what we write and post to make the technology a safer place for everyone.

Personally, I believe that technology can be improved by exploiting some of its features, in
fact, it only needs one click to help a person on the other side of the world in struggle.
Although it depends on the situation, it is a good way to use your devices.

To sum up, we can make technology good by using its positive sides and making a small
effort to improve its negative sides so that it enriches our lives also from a human point of

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