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We are living now in the Information Age. Nowadays most people can have access to technology.

Many people believe that the use of technology has improved their lives in a way or maybe not.

In a relationship, it is easier to make contact immediately and spend virtual time with the person
who you are interested in. For the leisure time, you have a lot of electronic gadgets that you can
use to remove the stress. And in the work, there are software and hardware that helps us to
facilitate our job to reach the goals.

However, there some negatives aspects of the use of technology in our life. For example in the
case of relationships, looking out for the partner's message can be harmful to mental health. The
same case in gadgets to remove the stress can become you dependent on them. Finally, in the
case of work, some devices can be harmful to the eyes.

In conclusion, everyone is responsible for the use of technology in their lives. Try to take control of
them. Although some people believe that it has improved their lifestyle, some reasons show the

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