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FITT Prescriptions

Marjorie Sullivan Frequency Intensity Time Type

Aerobic 4-5 times per week Moderate to intense 30-45 min Zumba, workout videos,
dancing, kickboxing, cardio
machines, rower

Muscle Strengthening 2-3 times per week Moderate intensity 15-20 min Weightlifting, strength band
workout, or kettle bell workouts

Flexibility 2-4 times per week Light 10-15 min Before every workout and
Yoga or stretching

Client: Carl Frequency Intensity Time Type

Aerobic 3-4 times per week Moderate to start and 30 min – totaling Running, swimming, active
increase with progress no less than 150 sports, cardio machine, biking
with HITT min weekly

Muscle Strengthening 2-3 times per week Various depending on 15 -30 min Pull ups, push-ups, weightlifting
number of sets – start with – working different muscle
2 sets progressing to 4 groups

Flexibility 4-7 times per week 10-15 seconds each – 10-15 min Stretch before and after
progressing to 20-30 workouts, and daily stretching
for increased flexibility
(Kester, 2020), (Waehner, 2020)

For Carl he is young, so he does not feel he needs to work hard yet at staying physically fit. However, he also mentions

wanting to take a larger part on his sports teams. In order to do this, he will need to increase his workouts and apply more dedication.

Due to his need for an inhaler, Carl should do no more than 30 minutes of cardio at a time with the use of the inhaler. Additionally, he

should start moderate working up to a more intense as he progresses. For his muscle strength, he needs to make sure each time he

increases the weight and number of reps to improve his endurance as well as work different muscle groups. For flexibility, he should

stretch before and after each workout as well as in between to avoid injury. Most of the cardio workouts he can do with his friends to

make it a more enjoyable activity which will also help him stay motivated to continue. As he improves, he can increase each activity

giving him the opportunity to become an active participant on his sports teams.


Kester, S. (2020, May 15). About the FITT Principle. Retrieved June 08, 2020, from


Waehner, P. (2020, February 20). How Can I Use the F.I.T.T. Principle for Effective Workouts? Retrieved June 06, 2020, from

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