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The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International—Alpha Delta State, Ohio - Pi Chapter

July 2019

Volume 39, Number 1

Inside this issue:

Pi’s Piper
May Meeting Minutes 2
with photos
Program Report and May 3
photos, continued
Ellen Jane Porter
Enhancement Grant
Message from President Sue Ayers
Ellen Jane Porter Grant 5
Form She has asked us to embrace MEETING
the new state theme
Delta Kappa Gamma Pin 6 REMINDER
"Believe, Belong, Build".
Policy State is also encouraging us August 21, 2019
to continue our service to Aullwood Audubon
2019-20 Draft Calendar 7 foster children. Remember Center @ 5:30
that our membership year
Kick off the new
has changed and we are now
taking new members earlier Pi Chapter year!
Pi Chapter in the year.
2018-20 Officers & RSVP to Cel Andzik-Grewe
Nominating Committee I hope you will have a 937-429-0815 by AUG 13
Just a happy summer note guest/potential member to
to remind you all to stay share our Summer Meeting Social Committee meet
cool and have fun! on Wednesday, August 21 at @ 5:00 for set-up
Susan Ayers
Aullwood Audubon Center. Retiree Food
Vice President/Programs For those of us retired, I This is where we have tradi-
just passed a sign today in tionally met, not the farm as Assignments:
Cel Andzik-Grewe
Beavercreek that said the last year. We will be offi- A-G Dessert
Secretary first day of school is August cially initiating member H-Q Salad
Becky Shepard 14th!! I wasn't sure whether Laura Peterson at this meet- R-Z Entree
to give a big "PHEW!" that ing. Wouldn't it be great to
I didn't have to worry about have potential members at
Barbara Carruth it any longer or feel sad that one of our initiations?
Parliamentarian the testing schedule has
school starting so early dur- Our wonderful Linda Harri-
Judy Gebhart
ing the laziest part of the son has sent out the 2019-
Past President summer and taken away 20 Program Calendar to
Lori Williams those dog days for my your email. Thank you
grandkids. Either way I still Linda so much for the won- Women teachers,
Nominating Committee
count the years by school derful service to our group. to the calling
Lori Williams years and summer vacation. Also, a huge thank you to
Membership Chair Once a teacher always a Cel Andzik-Grewe, our pro- Firmly rally, never
teacher!! gram Chair.
Pam O’Brien falling...
Newsletter Editor
We have a new state Presi- See you soon!
Suzanne Mitolo dent - Diana Kirkpatrick.
Page 2 Pi’s Piper

May Meeting Minutes—Becky Shepard, Secretary

Delta Kappa Gama The meeting was closed with the singing of the Delta Kappa Gamma
Pi Chapter Song.
80th Birthday Celebration The meeting was adjourned.
May 5, 2019
1:00pm Respectfully submitted,
NCR Country Club Rebecca L. Shepard
Secretary, Pi Chapter
Judy Gebhart welcomed everyone and introduced the guest that
were in attendance. 80th Birthday Photos from Joan Raine: In honor of our birthday, members were
After the Pledge of Allegiance greetings were received from Al- encouraged to wear hats and gloves just like members did in the past. Special
pha Delta State President, Meier Bauer. guests included our scholarship winners and Meier Bauer, outgoing State President.
Cel Grewe gave the blessing and the meal was served.
Following lunch, we sang “Happy Birthday” in recognition of the
80th anniversary of Pi Chapter.
Le Shambo presented the Mary Catherine Stewart Grant-in-Aid
to Molly Roesner, Kelsey Nicole-Paige Wight and Jennifer Nicole
Meek. Molly and Kelsey will be attending Bowling Green Univer-
sity and Jennifer is undecided at this time. The recipients and
parents were excused following pictures.

Pam O’Brien presided over the Initiation Program for Helen Ra-
zor. Helen is a retired teacher from Kettering City Schools.

Amanda Greer and Sue Ayers presented the following members

with membership pins:
50 Years
Ethel Adams Cel Grewe Nora Stang
45 Years
Trisha Hughes
40 Year
Dorothy Rankin
35 Years
Linda Harrison Angie Hellwig Marlene Hunnell Pat Lockard
30 Years
Connie Fox
25 Years
Jan Braiser Quincy Price
20 Years
Debbie Beck Barb Carruth Mattie Fair Judy Gebhart Joan Raine
15 Years
Susan Ayers Betty Darst Sue Hagan Monica Letavec
Suzanne Mitolo Cathy Sweny Diane Thomas
10 Years
Kate Brookshire Jeanne Brandt JoAnn Collins Sue Fanelli
Ellen Ferrugia Pat Kuczak Sue Myers Lee Shambo
Becky Shepard Marcia Waters Lori Williams
5 Years
Yvonne Rall Darlene Ruzicka
Pi’s Piper Page 3

Program Report—Cel Andzik-Grewe

Thanks for all your prayers/get well messages—I AM HEALING. My advice to all is “Don’t Rush, Don’t Fall. Stay Up-
I need two volunteers to read books about empowering women then report at our March meeting. It has always been an
enjoyable meeting. Please note: as always box suppers are from Boosalis. The choices are: Turkey Cranberry, Ham Ha-
varti, and Veggie. Please let me know when you RSVP for each session. Please mail checks (Pi Chapter) to:
Barbara Carruth
5601 Winterberry Court
Dayton, OH 45431-2814

Special Notes from Linda:

The Calendar is on Page 7. More details will follow and events are confirmed. The August meeting is at Aullwood
Audubon & Nature Center (where we used to go.)

The May Tea is on Saturday, May 2, 2020. Two other churches use Christ Episcopal Church on Sunday.

The dates for October and March meetings are tentative. I can’t make the reservations until 3 months before the meeting
date. That is July for the October meeting and January for the March meeting.
Thank you.
Page 4 Pi’s Piper


1. The Ohio Pi Chapter of Delta Kappa Chapter Society International will offer a total of $1500 per year (July 1
to June 30) to distribute among Pi Chapter members to fund classroom projects that will put creative ideas
into practice in order to enhance students' educational experiences.
2. The purpose of these grants is to support Pi Chapter members, and to serve as a recruitment incentive for
future members.
3. To honor the memory of benefactor, Ellen Jane Lorenz Porter, who led a wonderfully productive and varied
life with creativity, self-improvement and commitment to her passions. She attended Wellesley College and
majored in music. Her music teaching career began in Akron, Ohio. Next she went to Paris to study musi-
cal composition under the famed teacher, Nadia Boulanger. In 1932 Ellen Jane joined the Lorenz Music
Publishing Company, founded by her grandfather E. S. Lorenz, as a cub editor where she wrote many origi-
nal musical compositions. She became Editor in Chief in 1940, a position she held until her retirement from
Lorenz in 1963.
After retiring she went back to college and earned her Master’s Degree from Wittenberg University. Then at
age 71, she earned her Ph. D in Sacred Music from Union Graduate School and was awarded an honorary
Doctor of Music from the University of Dayton. Ellen Jane continued to compose music until her death in
December of 1996 and is remembered as a respected authority on hand bells, which she helped bring to
prominence in the United States. Ellen Jane was a devoted and generous member of Pi Chapter.

The funded projects will benefit students as fully as possible and should be curriculum based.

Applicants must be a member of Pi Chapter for a minimum of 2 years to be eligible to apply for a grant.
There is no maximum that a single member may receive in Porter Classroom Grants, but preference in selection will go to
members who have not received a grant in any of the three years before the current application.
The projects must be completed by the end of the academic year in which the funds were granted.
The member must agree to give a report at a Pi Chapter meeting to describe the project and its outcomes.

Members will apply for a grant by submitting an application form to the Ellen Jane Porter Grants committee chair, as indi-
cated on the form.
The deadline for applications is October 15. If the $1500 is not completely awarded to applicants who submitted their pro-
jects by October 15, then applications will be accepted at any time and considered upon submission.

The president will appoint a committee of at least 3 members who will evaluate the applications and decide how much and who re-
ceives the grants

The treasurer will promptly reimburse expenses covered by the grant upon receiving receipts from the teacher.
These classroom grants will be funded from the Ellen Jane Porter fund.

Revised: 7/20/14
Pi’s Piper Page 5



NAME ____________________________________DATE_________________

Home Phone _____________________ Email ___________________________

PROJECT TITLE _________________________________________________

Subject Area(s) of Project ___________________________________________

Project Site________________________________________________________

Amount Requested _______________________(Should equal budget total)

Attach a description of your project, stating as specifically as possible its purpose, needs, goals, objectives, where, when,
and under what conditions activities will take place.
Include a time-line for the project.
Does the project involve any other members of Pi Chapter, or other teachers? __________
Explain their involvement.

What specific results will this project have for students?
How will you measure these results?

Attach a proposed budget with item descriptions and costs.
Can the project be completed if it is only partially funded? __________
If so, please prioritize budgeted items to indicate which are essential, and which could be otherwise supplied, or will not
jeopardize the project, if funding were not available.

Submit your completed application to Barbara Carruth at or 5601Winterberry Ct., Dayton, OH 45431-
2814. (Electronic submission preferred.)
The deadline for applications is October 15. If the $1500 is not completely awarded to applicants who submitted their
projects by October 15, then applications will be accepted at any time and considered upon submission.
(Allow one month from application dates to notification of acceptance for funding.)

that I have been a member of Pi Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma Society International for at least 2 years
that after the completion of the project I will give a report at a Pi Chapter meeting describing the project and its outcomes

Revised: 7/20/14 (Typed name is accepted on an electronic submission.)
Page 6 Pi’s Piper


The Delta Kappa Gamma Key Pin has a wreath of laurel symbolizing the distinction which those who wear this
pin have achieved, and a cup which represents knowledge. Out of respect, we proudly wear the pin over our
hearts to meetings and conferences. Likewise, the Chapter President Pin honors the service and dedication of
the member. Upon the resignation or death of a member, returning either pin to the chapter guarantees it will be
treated with dignity when no longer in use. The forms below may be filled out to make family aware of a mem-
ber's wishes about the disposal of her Delta Kappa Gamma pins.

This is my Delta Kappa Gamma Key Pin. I have This is my Delta Kappa Gamma Chapter Presi-
worn it with pride since my initiation. When I dent Pin. It was an honor for me to wear this
can no longer wear it, please return it to: pin indicating my service to the Society. When I
Pi Chapter can no longer wear it, please return it to:
Pi Chapter
(My chapter)
(My chapter)
Alpha State
Alpha State
State Organization
State Organization
To get the name and address of my chapter’s
current president, please contact: To get the name and address of my chapter’s
current president, please contact:
The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International
The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International
PO Box 1589
PO Box 1589
Austin, TX 78767-1589.
Austin, TX 78767-1589.


Signature of Member
Signature of Member

Mission: The Delta Kappa Gamma So-

ciety International promotes professional
and personal growth of women educa-
tors and excellence in education.
RSVP to: Cel Andzik-Grewe by telephone---937-429-0815. Please do not send e-mails to her because she is having computer problems.
Please mail checks (Pi Chapter) to: Barbara Carruth, 5601 Winterberry Court, Dayton, OH 45431-2814
Special Notes:
The August meeting is at Aullwood Audubon & Nature Center (where we used to go.)
The May Tea is on Saturday, May 2, 2020. Two other churches use Christ Episcopal Church on Sundays.
The dates for October and March meetings are tentative. I can’t make the reservations until 3 months before the meeting date. That is August for the October meeting and January for the March meeting.

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