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Social Sciences University of

Ankara School of Foreign


Prepared/ adopted/compiled by
Nur Gedik Bal
Neşe Ekici Gençgün
PARTS OF AN ESSAY.................................................................................................................................................................. 2
1. Introduction..................................................................................................................................................................... 2
1.1 Methods for the introductory paragraph.............................................................................................................2
1.2 Thesis statement:......................................................................................................................................................6
2. Body.................................................................................................................................................................................. 8
2.1 Identifying major points........................................................................................................................................8
2.2. Cohesion and Coherence...................................................................................................................................... 10
3. Conclusion...................................................................................................................................................................... 20
Error Code Awareness and Exercises................................................................................................................................... 24
OPINION ESSAY (ONE BODY)................................................................................................................................................. 26
PART A: INSTRUCTION........................................................................................................................................................ 26
PART B: SAMPLE ESSAYS AND TASKS............................................................................................................................ 27
OPINION ESSAY (THREE/TWO- BODY).................................................................................................................................. 30
PART A: INSTRUCTION........................................................................................................................................................ 30
PART B: SAMPLE ESSAYS AND TASKS............................................................................................................................ 31
PART C: IN-CLASS WRITING............................................................................................................................................... 38
PART D: PEER FEEDBACK CHECKLIST............................................................................................................................ 39
FOR AND AGAINST ESSAY...................................................................................................................................................... 40
PART A: INSTRUCTION........................................................................................................................................................ 40
PART B: SAMPLE ESSAYS AND TASKS............................................................................................................................ 42
PART C: IN-CLASS WRITING............................................................................................................................................... 46
PART D: PEER FEEDBACK CHECKLIST............................................................................................................................ 47
ADVANTAGE OR DISADVANTAGE ESSAY.......................................................................................................................... 48
PART A: INSTRUCTION........................................................................................................................................................ 48
PART B: SAMPLE ESSAYS AND TASKS............................................................................................................................ 50
ADVANTAGE AND DISADVANTAGE ESSAY....................................................................................................................... 54
PART A: INSTRUCTION........................................................................................................................................................ 54
PART B: SAMPLE ESSAYS AND TASKS............................................................................................................................ 56
PART C: IN-CLASS WRITING............................................................................................................................................... 59
PART D: PEER FEEDBACK CHECKLIST............................................................................................................................ 60
COMPARISON OR CONTRAST ESSAY.................................................................................................................................... 61
PART A: INSTRUCTION........................................................................................................................................................ 61
PART B: SAMPLE ESSAYS AND TASKS............................................................................................................................ 63
COMPARISON AND CONTRAST ESSAY................................................................................................................................. 69
PART A: INSTRUCTION........................................................................................................................................................ 69
PART B: SAMPLE ESSAYS AND TASKS............................................................................................................................ 70
PART C: IN-CLASS WRITING............................................................................................................................................... 74
PART D: PEER FEEDBACK CHECKLIST............................................................................................................................ 75
REVISION.................................................................................................................................................................................... 77
RESPONDING TO A TEXT/ RESPONSE TASK........................................................................................................................ 78
PART A: INSTRUCTION …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
PART B: SAMPLE RESPONSE AND TASKS…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..79
APPENDICES …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………85
There are three parts of an essay as illustrated.

1. Introduction Conclusion

What is the purpose of the introduction to an essay? Choose from the items below:

a) to define some of the terms in the title

b) to give your opinion of the subject
c) to show that you have read some research on the subject
d) to show that the subject is worth writing about
e) to explain which areas of the subject you will deal with
f) to get the reader‟s attention with a provocative idea
g) to show how you intend to organize your essay
(Bailey, 2006)
This is the first paragraph of your essay, in which you are supposed to introduce the subject and
to state your opinion clearly. Therefore, an introduction needs some background and a thesis
statement. Many techniques some of which can be seen below are used to write a well-developed

1.1 Methods for the introductory paragraph

1. The funnel method (Move from general to specific)

In this method, the first sentence is broad and general. It introduces your thesis, and each
following sentence is narrower and more focused. Finally, it narrows down to your thesis.

2. Defining a word or phrase

Sometimes defining a term or a phrase that will be used throughout the essay is a good strategy.
However, it should not be a dictionary definition since anyone can consult a dictionary.

E.g. Privatization is the process of transferring certain industries from state control to the private
sector, which began in Britain in 1981 with British Telecom… (Bailey, 2006).

3. Asking questions

Using questions to attract the attention of your readers is another useful strategy. Your essay
proceeds to answer the questions you have posed in the introduction.

E.g. Have you ever thought about the effects of your actions on the psychology of people around

4. Indicating the importance of the topic

You must show the importance of the topic. This can be either in the academic world, or as a
contemporary issue of wider relevance.

E.g. As privatization is increasingly seen as a remedy for economic ills in many other countries,
it is worth examining its impact in Britain, which was a pioneer in this process (Bailey, 2006).

5. Providing background information

Background information helps to give a context for your essay.

E.g. In recent years the privatization of state owned businesses, especially monopoly utilities
such as electricity and telecoms, has become widespread in both developed and developing
nations (Bailey, 2006).

6. Turn about

This strategy involves starting with the idea, belief or opinion that is the opposite of your own
claim or thesis. You first present the opposite party's opinion, then turn about with a "but or
however", and present your own point of view. This strategy is especially useful in

7. Using an anecdote

Using a short anecdote is another way to start your essay. If you have a relevant anecdote ready,
using it in the introduction will make your essay more interesting and attract the attention of your

8. Using quotations

Using quotations in the introduction is another effective way to start your essay. If you have the
right quotation that matches your thesis or summarizes what you want to say, it adds flavor to
your essay.

E.g. “Television is an invention that permits you to be entertained in your living room by people
you would not have in your home,” David Frost once said. (Evans, 2000)

TASK 1. Read the following sample introductions. Work in pairs and identify the
technique or techniques used in each one. Remember that the authors might use a
combination of techniques.

1. Can you imagine a family at a dinner table chatting happily and laughing at the jokes told
by the youngest member of the family? Can you imagine a scene more peaceful than
this? However, sometimes, there comes a time when this happy family picture gets
ruined. If the father of that family loses his job and cannot find another one, this picture
can be torn into pieces. In my opinion, unemployment bitterly hurts the relationships in a
family because of certain reasons such as not fulfilling basic needs, boredom, and
psychological problems.
2. Some people spend their free time doing such activities like reading a book, hanging out
with friends or watching TV series. My preference has always been watching TV series
and I am familiar with many TV series in different cultures. My favorite ones include
Breaking Bad and Narcos, which are very similar in terms of the plot, characters and

3. What is the charm of necklaces? Why would anyone put something extra around their
neck and then invest it with special significance? A necklace doesn't afford warmth in
cold weather, like a scarf, or protection in combat, like chain mail; it only decorates. We
might say, it borrows meaning from what it surrounds and sets off, the head with its
supremely important material contents, and the face, that register of the soul.
4. Animals have been used in medical research for a long time. In recent years animal rights
organizations have started a controversy over whether it is ethical or not to use animals
for the benefits of medical progress. They believe that animals are equal to humans and
that they have equal rights with human beings. In my opinion, animals as living things
have some rights, but humans with their more developed brains are superior to them.
Therefore, if there is no other alternative, animals may be used in medical research.
5. In a myth it is told that at one time in the past humans did not have gender. They were
neither male nor female. One day they made one of the gods angry and he punished them.
He separated them into two parts: male and female. Also, he put them away from each
other to make them look for their partners all over the world. For centuries and centuries
it went on like that, people searched for the missing part of the puzzle, their missing half.
This missing part forms the differences between males and females.

1.2 Thesis statement:
A thesis statement:

 answers the question asked of you. A thesis is an interpretation of a question or

subject, not the subject itself. If the subject or topic of an essay is “online education,”
the thesis must then offer a way to understand what it is.
 is a road map for the paper; in other words, it tells the reader what to expect from the
rest of the paper.
 makes a claim that others might counter argue.
 is usually a sentence at the end of the first paragraph that presents your argument to
the reader. The rest of the paper, the body of the essay, introduces evidence that will
persuade the reader of the logic of your interpretation.

- Topic (broad idea) / controlling idea / predictors


--Smoking (topic-a very broad idea- we can write millions of things about smoking)

--Smoking has bad effects on human health. (Controlling idea- it limits the topic)

- Smoking has bad effects on human health such as lung cancer, deterioration of dental health
and insomnia. (Predictors- main ideas that will be presented in body paragraphs)


--Online education. (Topic)

--Online education has many benefits for university students. (Controlling idea)

- Online education has many benefits for university students and some of these benefits are
flexibility in time and place of learning. (Predictors- main ideas that will be presented in body

TASK 2. Read the statements below. Underline the controlling ideas and circle the

1. High school graduates should be required to have at least pre-intermediate level of

English before entering university in order to further develop their general English

and start learning more about academic language skills in university.

2. Living in a countryside is more advantageous than living in the city center owing to more

green areas, tranquility and less air pollution.

What cannot be a thesis statement?

1. General truths and scientific facts

E.g: The sun rises from the east. (not a thesis statement)

2. Questions

E.g: Should we ask for more water? (not a thesis statement)

3. Statistics

E.g: Nearly 20 % of school children in the world have dyslexia. (not a thesis statement)

4. Sentences that have obscure subjects

E.g: She is definitely an ideal friend for some reasons. (not a thesis statement)

5. Two contrasting arguments

E.g: I am not sure whether university students have to attend the classes or not. (not a thesis

TASK 3. Read the general topics below and decide on a controlling idea and at least two
predictors with your partner. Then write a complete thesis statement.

1. Topic: Communication


2. Topic: Environment


3. Topic: Sport


TASK 4. Read the topic below and write an introduction paragraph. Your introduction
should include one of the introductory methods discussed before and a thesis statement.

* (This activity can be done as a pair activity. Each pair might choose one of the techniques discussed
before and plan their introductory paragraph accordingly.)

Topic: Some people believe that online education is not as effective as face-to face education.
What do you think?

2. Body
2.1 Identifying major points

In the body of the essay, you have to convince the reader giving specific reasons and facts to
support your opinion. Therefore, it is the longest part of the essay. It might consist of one, two or
three paragraphs. It depends on the type of essay and the number of the major points identified
for the essay.

e.g. Thesis: Smoking has many detrimental effects on human beings.

Bad effect on human Health problems psychology

A strong unpleasant odor

In the first body paragraph, the author can refer to the effects of smoking on human psychology.
In the second paragraph, health problems that smoking cause can be discussed. In the last body

paragraph, author can discuss how smoking can cause a strong unpleasant odor and its effects on
human beings.

TASK 5. Read the topic below and write three major points that support your idea.

Topic: Some people believe that online education is not as effective as face-to-face education.
What do you think?

1. Online education is effective for three reasons

2. Online education is NOT as effective as face-to-face education for three reasons.

TASK 6. Choose one of the reasons that you have identified above and write a body paragraph
about it.

2.2.Cohesion and Coherence

Body paragraph should have both cohesion and coherence. Cohesion means linking phrases
together so that the whole text is clear and readable. It is achieved by several methods such as the
use of conjunctions and certain reference words i.e. linking of phrases and sentences with words
like he, they and that which refer back to something mentioned before.

a) Reference words

E.g. Jane Austen wrote six major novels in her short life. They deal with domestic drama in
middle-class families.
Examples of reference words and phrases

Pronouns he/she/it/they
Possessive pronouns his/her/hers/their/theirs
Objective pronouns her/him/them
Demonstrative pronouns this/that/these/those
Other phrases the former/the latter/the first/the second

TASK 7. Read the following paragraph and complete the table.

Jenkins (1987) has researched the life cycle of new businesses. He found that they have an average
life of only 4.7 years. This is due to two main reasons; one economic and one social. The former
appears to be a lack of capital, the latter a failure to carry out sufficient market research. Jenkins
considers that together these account for approximately 70% of business failures.

Reference Reference word/phrase

Jenkins he
new businesses
average life of only 4.7 years
one economic
one social
the former . . . . ., the latter . . . . . .

TASK 8. In the following paragraph, insert suitable reference words from the box below in
the gaps.

he x 2/his/them/this/they

Disposable razor blades were invented by Gillette at the beginning of the twentieth century. a) . .
. . . . . . . were a simple idea but at first b) . . . . . . . found it very hard to sell c) . . . . . . . .
d) . . . . . . . was because nobody had marketed a throw-away product before. However,
e) . . . . . . . use of advertising to stimulate demand gradually increased sales and before long
f) . . . . . . became a millionaire.

b) Conjunctions and transitions

A list of conjunctions and transitions is provided in the tables below. You can examine the
sample sentences and refer to them when you need in your paper.

The Coordinating Conjunctions (FANBOYS)

For Alex thought he had a good chance to get the job, for he had a long list of
experience in this particular job.
And The sun was shining, and it was very hot.
Nor The discussion was not exciting, nor was it informative.
But Smoking has been associated with many health problems, but many people
continue to smoke.
Or The flowers need water every day, or they will fade.
Yet She works ten hours a day, yet she spares some time for her friends and family.
So She has to go to Samsun for her friend‟s wedding, so her colleague will
compensate her lessons.

The Subordinating Conjunctions

Even though -Although it is the richest country in the world, it appears that it has one of
Although the worst healthcare systems.
Though -Even though they have tried to do their best to complete the project, some
others have complained about their work.
-It has one of the worst healthcare systems though it might be considered as
the richest country in the world.
-She has plenty of money. She doesn‟t spend much, though.

While/ whereas -While Nora focuses on the result of an action, Carla focuses on the process.
-John is welcoming, whereas Mary is bossy.

In spite of/ -In spite of/Despite the fact that he called several times, he never received a
Despite the fact reply.
In spite -In spite of the cold weather, they wanted to have a barbecue together.
of/Despite He managed to survive in the company despite the conspiracy.
In contrast to -In contrast to their neighbors, they live modestly.
After -The employees ended the strike after management accepted their requests.
Before -He left before I could explain anything.
As/ While -The earthquake started while they were sleeping.
-My dad completed the crossword as I was talking on the phone.
As soon as -As soon as Kate completed her Master‟s degree, she started to work.
Since -I haven‟t done any ice-skating since I left university.
Whenever -Whenever there‟s heavy rain and flooding, the traffic accidents occur in this
part of the city.
Until/till -I won‟t leave until/till I‟ve fulfilled my promises.
By the time -By the time I arrive, they will have already finished their tasks.
Once -Once it stops raining, they will leave.
The first time -The first/last time (that) she went to New York, she went to an opera.
The next time

As / Because / -Since he was sleepy, he went to bed early.
Since -No theory of intelligence has yet been proved since / because / as the science
of investigating the brain is quite new.
Now that -Now that the exams are over, I can enjoy myself.
Seeing as / that -Seeing as / that the weather was bad, we decided to stay at home.
Owing to/ -Owing to the fact that it had rained, the match was cancelled.
On account of/ -On account of the fact that final exams are over, we can relax.
In view of / -In view of the fact that the general manager was ill, they had to postpone the
Because of / meeting.
Due to the fact -Because of the fact that the child was afraid of the dog, he hid behind his
that mother‟s skirt.
-Due to the fact that I live on my own, I have to cook my own food.
On account of -On account of the accident, the grand celebrations planned for his fifteenth
Because of birthday were cancelled.
Due to -Almost half a percent of return will be lost due to a catch-up clause.
so that We keep our bread in the fridge so that it doesn't go bad.
in order that I turned off the radio in order that the baby could sleep.
so as to She has taught in private university for four years so as to develop her
in order to teaching skills further.
to -In order to complete her duty satisfactorily, she spent quite a lot of time on
editing and revising.
for the purpose -She is attending a conversation club for the purpose that she can practice
that speaking English.
lest -He ran away lest he should be seen.
-I wore thick clothes lest I should catch cold.
(only) if -I will pass the proficiency exam only if I study regularly.
unless -He won‟t help you unless you ask him.
provided that -Pollution can be reduced provided that car manufacturers mass-produce cars
with greater fuel efficiency.
Even if -Even if Marianne loses her job in the Department of Health, I think she will

continue to work in the government.
In case -In case there is a fire emergency, employees should use the stairs to exit the
-I will be home all night in case you need me.
-Bring a map in case you get lost.
In the event that -In the event that the machine does not work, human force will be used.
Whether or not -The subway fare will increase whether the mayor supports it or not.
So/As long as -So/As long as you pay your own way, you are welcome to come along.
as though -It smells as though someone had been smoking here. (nobody has smoked)
as if -The man is talking as if / as though he had seen the accident. (he didn‟t see
the accident)
-The woman walks as if / as though she were the queen. (she isn‟t the queen)

Correlative Conjunctions

either ... or -I will either go skiing or stay home and watch a movie.
Either Carla or Ely will take over the job.
neither ... -I do not know why she has chosen this department. It is neither
nor enjoyable nor a well-paid job
-I have bought neither a skirt nor a shirt. Instead, I have bought a
-He neither wrote his thesis nor completed his project.
both ... and -She is both intelligent and beautiful.
-Both the teacher and the students in the school were surprised by the
unexpected party held at school.
not only ... -Not only my husband but also my brother love watching action
but also movies.
-The city was not only crowded but also noisy.
-Not only did she love him, but she also trusted him.


Moreover -The officer is unwilling to admit his mistake. Moreover, he has
Furthermore proved that he is totally incapable of handling the situation.
-The refugees are short of food. Furthermore, they desperately need
medical assistance.
In addition -He played badly. In addition, he was rude to a press photographer.
Additionally -Parents will determine the venue and the time of the party.
Additionally, the parents will need to provide snacks and games for
the party.
However -George had been living in the village of Edmonton for over a
Nevertheless decade. Nevertheless, the villagers still considered him to be an
Nonetheless outsider.
-He defended himself very well. However, the police did not
believe him.
-He tried to show them the truth; however, nobody believed in him.
-She had to explain everything in detail; nonetheless, none of them
were interested in the details.
-There will be no more pay increases this year. That is for sure. We
have, however, agreed to carry out a full review of pay and
Even so -They did everything they can do to complete the task on time.
Even so, they could not manage to submit the task on time because
of some unexpected problems.
In contrast -Hamburg is not clean at all. On the contrary, it has always been a
Conversely very contaminated city.
On the other -Antalya has hot and humid summers. Sinop, in contrast, has cool
hand and windy summers.
On the contrary -I do not think that she is that hardworking. On the other hand, she

is not lazy either.
-On the one hand, she wants to pass proficiency exam. On the other
hand, she knows that she needs more time to study English.
Therefore -They have developed a new technology, thus allowing them to
Thus reduce costs.
Hence -A minority of scholars have pushed back against this view in
recent decades. Therefore, we think that it is important to discuss
each of these.
-The situation is getting more and more complicated. Hence, we
will have to proceed with caution.
-Private equity real estate fund investors should therefore take this
impact into consideration during negotiations
Consequently -The Cold War has ended. As a consequence the two major world
As a result powers have been able to reduce their arms budgets dramatically.
As a consequence -The officers do not allow people to go into the campus anymore,
and as a consequence little is known about the treasure in the
For example -These costs include, for example, legal fees, tax advisory fees,
For instance structuring fees, and administration costs.
To illustrate -Procurement professionals at the local level have also noted this
To exemplify concern. For example, in response to a Government Procurement
magazine survey, 52.5% of respondents wanted more.
That is -They teach English by direct method; that is, they only speak
English in the lessons
In other words -Smaller cars are more efficient. In other words, they use less fuel.
To put it in -He was being held there against his will. To put it another way, he
another way, was a prisoner.

In fact -He hides the truth. In fact, everybody knows that he is aware of the
Indeed truth.
As a matter of -We would have expected this to improve matters, but in fact the
fact results got worse.
Actually -You hate the way l've decorated, don't you? -No, no. As a matter of
fact, l admire your courage.
-It‟s not that difficult. As a matter of fact, it's quite simple.
Similarly Vitamin B6 is vital in the formation of long-chain polyunsaturated
Likewise fatty acids. Similarly, it is needed to incorporate iron into

TASK 9. Fill in the blanks with the connectors given in the box.

Thus however moreover otherwise but

finally that is to say now that in order to as though

1) The board refused my plan at first; ____________, I was able to persuade them
to implement it later.
2) You have to get your wisdom tooth extracted ______________it will start bothering you.
3) At first things were going well, ___________ then we started to argue about
almost everything.
4) He spent years trying to be the best, and _______________he was the world champion.
5) My father is a local government administrator. _____________ he is a civil servant.
6) ____________ you‟ve completed the experiment, you can analyze the results.
7) Milky Way includes the Sun and its solar system. _____________, it contains about 400
billion other stars.
8) A bachelor‟s degree in nutrition science is required _________________ become
a dietitian.
9) When we arrived at the town, there was nobody around and it looked ___________ it was
10) I don‟t feel well enough to go out tonight, ______________ I will stay home and rest.

TASK 10. Fill in the blanks with ‘so that’, ‘as long as’, ‘whereas’, ‘until’, ‘although’ and ‘as

1) You can come to the meeting ______ you don't say anything.

2) Are you OK? You look ______ you have a problem.

3) We'll go to the mountains on Saturday ______ it doesn't rain.

4) I'm not leaving ______ I get an apology from you.

5) I came here ______ you could give me an explanation.

6) You can write the report when you want ______ it's ready by the end of the month.

7) ______ the job is very interesting, it's also very badly paid.

8) Bob is very tall ______ Bill is very short.

9) I want Mary to be in charge ______ I get back from holiday.

10) You look ______ you've seen a ghost.

11) I refuse to pay anything ______ you do the work properly.

12) I'm going shopping for food this evening ______ I don't have to go at the weekend.

13) You look ______ you haven't eaten for a week.

14) I came early ______ I could talk to you privately.

15) ______ I don't think she's perfect for the job, she's certainly better qualified than Steve.

16) I don't mind if you go out for lunch ______ you're back for the meeting at two.

17) The winters here are very cold ______ the summers are very hot.

18) It looks ______ the club has got a lot of problems.

19) ______ I don't approve of what you did, I'm not going to punish you for it.

20) I'm learning English ______ I can get a better job.

TASK 11. Using the given words, combine the following ideas.

1. It was raining cats and dogs. She decided not to go out last night.




2. He did not behave politely. She scolded him.

(because of the fact that)________________________________________________________


(due to)_______________________________________________________________________

3. Jessica believed that Alex will do his best. Marry did not support Alex.




4. There is rainforest deforestation. We are losing many animal species every single day

(since )_______________________________________________________________________

(because of)___________________________________________________________________


5. They are trying to finish the project as soon as possible. They may not attend the party you are
planning to have.

(as )__________________________________________________________________________

(in order to)___________________________________________________________________


3. Conclusion paraphrase of the thesis

summary of the
major points

final thought

 This is the last paragraph of your essay and this is where you
restate your opinion by paraphrasing thesis statement.
 There are certain methods that you can practice paraphrasing your
thesis statement. Some of these are using different words without
changing the meaning, changing the word class or word order in the
 Please examine the table below in detail. Please note that example sentences are provided
for you to see how techniques are used to paraphrase these sentences. They are
not thesis statements of any essay type.
Changing vocabulary: The growth of the car industry parallels the
studies > research development of modern capitalism.
society > civilisation
mud > deposits
The rise of the automobile industry matches the
progress of contemporary capitalism.

PS: Not all words and phrases can be paraphrased. For instance, economics, socialism or global
warming have no effective synonyms.
Changing word class: In the 1920s Alfred Sloan’s management theories
Egypt (n.) > Egyptian (adj.) helped General Motors to become the world’s
mountainous regions (adj. +n.) > in the dominant car company.
mountains (n.)
In the 1920s, with help from the managerial
theories of Alfred Sloan, General Motors
dominated the world’s car companies.
Changing word order: Since the companies are trying to find quality
Ancient Egypt collapsed > the collapse of employees, they are examining the background of
Egyptian society began the candidates meticulously.

Companies are examining the background of the

candidates meticulously since they are trying to
find quality employees.
 You also summarize your major points in one sentence.
E.g. As mentioned in the previous paragraphs, individuals should avoid smoking as it
causes lung cancer, insomnia, and certain dental health problems.
 You leave the reader with a final thought. This can be done through a final comment,
suggestion, prediction or a rhetorical question at the end of the paragraph, as well.
E.g. These TV series will be still popular in the future as long as they continue reflect the
striking differences between the lives of these people and their dreams.
E.g. I would definitely suggest Breaking Bad if you plan to watch only one TV series
about drug dealers.
Rhetorical Question:
E.g. Will society ever reach a point where they do not need TV series or stories to learn
about humanity and equality?
 To begin your conclusion, you can use such adverbial phrases;

In conclusion In a nutshell
To conclude In brief
Briefly To sum up

TASK 10. Study the notes for the essay below and write a conclusion in about 100 words.

Thesis: Both online education and classroom based education have some benefits.

a) Online education:

 cheaper if large numbers involved

 allows students to study in their own time
 students do not have to travel to university
b) Classroom based education

 students can be part of group; receive support and advice; learn from peers
 students have face-to-face contact with a teacher


1) Restatement of thesis
2) Summary of major ideas
3) Final thought

In the process of writing an essay:

1. Brainstorm about the topic and identify your major points In-class
2. Have an outline, get feedback from the teacher, and ask your teacher to In-class
approve it
3. Start writing based on your outline In-class
4. Self and peer check (content, organization and language use) In-class
5. Revise your essay based on self and peer evaluation. In-class
6. Submit your first draft to your teacher In-class
7. Get written feedback from your instructor
8. Write your final draft based on feedback home
9. Submit your final draft and get your score
10. Rewrite your essay based on the final feedback and put it in your home
portfolio folder


Background to the topic
Thesis statement

Topic sentence / Major Point 1
Minor details, explanations, evidence and examples

Topic sentence / Major Point 2
Minor details, explanations, evidence and examples

Topic sentence / Major Point 3
Minor details, explanations, evidence and examples

Paraphrase of the thesis statement
Summary of the major points
Recommendations or final thought


Background to the topic
Thesis statement

Topic sentence
Major Point 1
Minor details, explanations, evidence and examples
Major Point 2
Minor details, explanations, evidence and examples
Major Point 3
Minor details, explanations, evidence and examples

Paraphrase of the thesis statement
Summary of the major points
Recommendations or final thought

Error Code Awareness and Exercises
A) Look at the words underlined in the sentences below, write the error code that should be used
to indicate the error and correct the sentences

Error code
Incorrect sentence that should Correct version
be used
e.g. I do some assignment every weekend. PL/SG I do some assignments every weekend.
1) Nellie has completed her MA in
2) She decided resigning when she
realized this job was too stressful
for her.
3) It is very expencive.
4) Digital Castele wrote by Dan
5) The teacher asked me to look for the
6) I have seen the man who manage
the company. .

7) The movie was disappointed.

8) This is most beautiful girl I have

ever seen
9) Women try to make all the
housework, which is unfair.

10) Everyone need some time to think

further before giving a decision.

11) The movie „The Incredibles 2‟ was


12) This amazing waterfall place is in

the city which is called düzce.

13) There is apple on the table.

14) She is interested for playing the


B) Read the text below and underline ten mistakes and use error codes to indicate the error.

There is now so many healthy, elderly people that a new term has been coined: the wellderly. These are
people over the age of 80 who have no chronic disease such as high blood pressure, coronary disease or
diabetes and who have never taken medication for these condition.

There have been quite a few scientific studies of communities where a healthy old age is typical. These
includes places like Calabria in southern Italy and the island of okinawa in Japan.

The small village of Molochio in calabria numbers about 2,000 inhabitants. And of these, there are at
least eight centenarian. When researchers ask people what the secret of their long life is, the answer is
invariably to do with diet and is almost alweys the same: „I eat a lot of fruit and vegetables.‟ „A little bit,
but of everything.‟ „No smoking, no drinking.‟

Such evidence is now regarded as unreliable and these days Scientifics are looking beyond diet and
lifestyle to genetic factors. Eric Topol is researcher who questions the received wisdom, saying, „There
must be genes that explain why some individuals are protected in the harmful genes that affect the aging
process.‟ ( The original version of the text is taken from National geographic Learning)


An opinion essay is the one which you have to present your personal opinion on a particular
topic. We write an opinion essay to convince the reader that our point of view is correct. To do
that, we must follow certain procedures.

1. Introduction

This is the first paragraph of your essay, in which you are supposed to introduce the subject and
to state your opinion clearly. This paragraph introduces the topic by giving general statements.
These statements catch the readers‟ attention. You can also use other strategies that can be used
in the introduction paragraphs. (Funnel method, asking questions, using an anecdote, defining a
phrase etc.).This part of the essay shouldn‟t be too long; it‟s only an introduction about the topic.
We need to give our thesis statement in the last sentence of this paragraph. Our thesis statement
states an opinion that can be argued for or against. It should NOT be a fact.

Thesis statement
To state your opinion, these are the language structures you may use:

I believe/feel/think that… Sample thesis statements:

From my point of view,
To my mind,  In my opinion, exams should not
To my point of view, be abolished.
To my way of thinking,
As far as I am concerned,  I am totally against the
In my opinion/view, matchmaking shows on TV.
I am entirely against…
I completely disagree with…
I don’t agree with….
It seems/appears to me that…
I (completely) agree with/that...
2. Body

 In the body of the essay you have to convince the reader giving specific reasons and
facts to support your opinion. Therefore, it is the longest part of the essay.
 In an opinion essay, you might prefer one- body or three- body paragraphs.

3. Conclusion
 This is the last paragraph of your essay and this is where you should restate your
opinion by paraphrasing the thesis statement (i.e. using different words, changing word
order, having changes on sentence structure etc.)
 You also summarize your major points in a sentence if possible.
 You give a final comment or suggestion at the end, as well.


Sample Essay 1:

Topic: Unemployment harms the relationships in a family.

Can you imagine a family at a dinner table chatting

happily and laughing at the jokes told by the youngest member of
the family? Can you imagine a scene more peaceful than this?
However, sometimes, there comes a time when this happy family
picture gets ruined. If the father of that family loses his job and
cannot find another one, this picture can be torn into pieces. In
my opinion, unemployment bitterly hurts the relationships in a
family. (INTRO)

There are several reasons why not having a job hurts the relationships in a family. To
begin with, all people need a job to meet basic needs such as food, shelter, clothes, etc. If they
aren‟t met, there may be some consequences. For instance, when people are hungry or when
they cannot eat the things they are used to eating; they may get frustrated and break each other‟s
hearts easily. Hence, due to unemployment, families may not have enough money to meet these
needs. In addition, when a person suddenly loses his job and starts to stay at home without doing
anything, he may get bored and may start to disturb the other family members. For example, if
the father of the family is sitting at home and doing nothing, he may interfere with the
housework and may quarrel with his wife because of unnecessary details. The last reason is that
father may have some psychological problems since he feels useless. He may stop sharing his
feelings with the other members of the family and this may lead to alienation within the family,
which is unacceptable for people who love each other. (BODY)

In conclusion, unemployment can cause a lack of basic needs, boredom and
psychological problems. Consequently, it hurts the relationships in a family since it may create a
huge gap among the members of the family who are deeply connected to each other. Therefore,
each of us should get a good education and improve ourselves to lead a life without the risk of
being unemployed. (CONCLUSION)

TASK 1. Read Sample Essay 1 and answer the questions

1. Read the introductory paragraph and decide which of the strategies below were used in it?

a) Using an anecdote

b) Asking a question

c) Using quotations

d) Defining a phrase

2. Underline the thesis statement in the introduction paragraph and rewrite it with your own


3. Underline the topic sentence in the body paragraph and rewrite it with your own words.


4. Read the body paragraph and identify the major points.


5. Read the conclusion and identify the strategies that were used.


6. Read the whole essay and find the transitions and linkers that were used to connect the


TASK 2. Read the questions below and write a thesis statement of an opinion essay.

 Students should bring cell phones in language classrooms. Do you agree or

disagree with this statement?


People should use public transportation more in big cities. What is your opinion?


 Women are better parents than men. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

 Computers are being used more and more in education and some people believe there
will soon be no role for the teacher in education. Do you agree or disagree with this

TASK 3. Read the questions above, choose ONE of them, answer the question and
write three points that support your idea.

a) …………………………………………………………………………………………
b) …………………………………………………………………………………………
c) …………………………………………………………………………………………

For each point you have identified above, try to find evidence, examples, and explanations

1…… 2…. 3……


 The introduction and conclusion part of your opinion essay are similar to the one that
you have learned before.
 In three- body opinion essay, you have three paragraphs in the body part of your essay.
 In the body part of your essay, each paragraph needs a topic sentence where you clearly
state your major point and supporting details of that major.
 Please remember that you may need one of the phrases below to state your opinion in the
thesis statement.

I believe/feel/think that…
From my point of view,
To my mind,
To my point of view,
To my way of thinking,
As far as I am concerned,
In my opinion/view,
I am totally against…
I completely disagree with…
I don’t agree with….
It seems/appears to me that…
I (completely) agree with/that...

Sample thesis statements:

Since this is a two/three-body type of essay, it is better to provide predictors in your thesis

E.g. In my opinion, exams should not be abolished as they encourage students to study more and
help us to revise our learning strategies.

E.g. I am totally against the matchmaking shows on TV since they harm psychology of
the audience and cause waste of time.

Sample Essay 1

Can you imagine a family at a dinner table chatting happily and laughing at the jokes told
by the youngest member of the family? Can you imagine a scene more peaceful than this?
However, sometimes, there comes a time when this happy family picture gets ruined. If the
father of that family loses his job and cannot find another one, this picture can be torn into
pieces. In my opinion, unemployment bitterly hurts the relationships in a family because of
certain reasons such as not fulfilling basic needs, boredom, and psychological problems.

The first reason is that all people need a job to meet basic needs such as food, shelter,
clothes, etc. If they aren‟t met, there may be some consequences. For instance, when people are
hungry or when they cannot eat the things they used to eat; they may get frustrated and break
each other‟s hearts easily. Hence, due to unemployment, families may not have enough money
to meet these needs.

Secondly, when a person suddenly loses his job and starts to stay at home without doing
anything, he may get bored and may start to disturb the others. For example, if the father of the
family is sitting at home and doing nothing, he may interfere with the housework and may
quarrel with his wife because of unnecessary details.

Finally, the father may have some psychological problems since he feels useless. He may
stop sharing his feelings with the other members of the family and this may lead to alienation
within the family, which is unacceptable for people who love each other.

In conclusion, unemployment can cause a lack of basic needs, boredom and

psychological problems. Consequently, it hurts the relationships in a family since it may create a
huge gap among the members of the family who are deeply connected to each other. Therefore,
each of us should get a good education and improve ourselves to lead a life without the risk of
being unemployed.

TASK 1. Read Sample Essay 1 and answer the questions

1) Read the essay and underline the thesis statement in the first paragraph. How is
it different from the one in one-body opinion essay? Discuss it with your partner.
2) Check body paragraphs and underline the topic sentences of each paragraph.
3) Rewrite the topic sentences you underlined using your own words.
4) Did the author summarize the major points in the conclusion paragraph?
Yes……… No……..
5) What does the author suggest in the conclusion paragraph?
6) Read the essay and find the transitions and linkers that are used to connect the ideas.

Sample Essay 2:

Topic: Space exploration is far too expensive and the money should be spent on more important
things. What is your opinion?

There is an argument that exploring space is a waste of money and that there are more
urgent needs to be addressed on earth, such as reducing poverty and preventing environmental
destruction. However, I completely disagree with this opinion for two reasons.

First of all, many of the technologies we take for granted today find their origins in space
research. Take satellite technology, for example, which we depend on for broadcasting and
weather forecasting. Without satellites, we would not be able to follow global events as they
happen, nor give populations any warning of approaching storms. Space research has also led to
the development of new lightweight materials that offer us heat protection and enable food
preservation. Therefore, the challenge of sending human beings into space has often driven the
development of new technologies that benefit our everyday lives.

Second, we cannot foresee the distant future, so we ought to develop the capability to
escape from Earth. Gradually, we are learning how humans can survive for long periods in space
and even travel to other planets in the future. If space exploration is halted, this valuable
knowledge will never be acquired. It is true that environmental destruction is also a serious issue,
but it is also true that we remain dependent on our environment if we never accept the challenge
of exploring other worlds.

In conclusion, while we undoubtedly face serious problems on our own planet, it is

imperative that we continue to explore space. This will promote further technological advances
as well as provide a possible means of escape if Earth becomes uninhabitable in future. Ideally,
all nations should cooperate in the advancement of space research.

(Taken from IELTS Academic com)

TASK 2. Read Sample Essay 2 and answer the questions

1) What does „this opinion‟ refer to in the introduction paragraph?

2) Rewrite the thesis statement by revising „this opinion‟ phrase to make it more
independent from the background information?
3) Check body paragraphs and underline the topic sentences of each paragraph.
4) Rewrite the topic sentences by using your own words.
5) What are the strategies used in the conclusion paragraph?

Sample Essay 3

The car has certainly had some negative publicity in recent decades. Automobiles have
been blamed for many of the problems that affect our cities, such as air pollution, traffic
accidents, and the disappearance of traditional communities. Although the statement is a
controversial one, I have to agree that the automobile has been a disastrous invention.

First, there is no doubt that cities have been transformed by cars, with generally negative
consequences. The streets of most European cities, for example, were built long before the
invention of the automobile and were never designed for heavy traffic. As a result, we see
narrow roads crowded with vehicles, while pedestrians are restricted to pavements for their own
safety. The fact that some cities have banned cars and pedestrianized their urban centers is a
clear indicator that automobiles pose a danger to our cities.


In conclusion, despite widespread advertising that tries to persuade us that cars bestow
status and freedom, the truth is actually that cars have been detrimental to our lifestyles and
communities for many decades. Historians in the future may look back on our time and wonder
why we allowed such a dangerous and inefficient form of transportation to persist unchecked. I
look forward to the day when viable alternatives replace automobiles once and for all.

(Taken from IELTS Academic com)

TASK 3. Read Sample Essay 3 and answer the questions

1) What is missing in the thesis statement? Work in pairs and discuss how it can be
developed further.
2) Did the author paraphrase the thesis statement in the conclusion paragraph?
Yes……… No……..
3) What is the author‟s final thought in the conclusion paragraph?

4) Read the essay and find the transitions and linkers that are used to connect the ideas.
6. Read the essay above and write the second body paragraph to support the essay. You
can use the space below.

7. Read the paragraph that was written by your friend and discuss the similarities/
differences between your paragraph and his/her paragraph.
8. Write some feedback for your friend‟s paragraph.


Sample Essay 4

Going to university is a coveted goal for most students

around the world. Many parents dream of their children having
the opportunity to receive a university education, as a gateway
to a successful future. Although it is possible to receive a degree without attending classes, in my
view, attendance plays a critical part in the university experience and the bases for my views are
educational, social and intellectual.

From an academic standpoint, attending classes simply enables students to learn more.
After all, professors do not simply parrot what is written in university textbooks; they add to this
knowledge from their own professional experience, reading and research. This provides an
opportunity for students to receive key perspectives, as well as relevant and up to date
information in their specialized fields. Since acquiring knowledge and developing critical
thinking skills are important goals of higher education, attendance at classes should be
considered a mandatory requirement for graduation.

Socially, university life offers young people the opportunity to form meaningful
friendships, relationships and connections, some of which last for life. One can make good
friends or even meet a future life partner while in college or university. In addition, one’s
classmates may become the -movers and shakers of tomorrows corporations and industries.
These important contacts are also made while attending university classes, studying and partying

Lastly, from an intellectual perspective, a student can gain tremendously by matching

wits with other bright students from around the world. In the context of classes, students can
discuss issues, exchange views, explore ideas, solve problems and develop cross-cultural skills
through interaction with international students. This can be a critical experience that helps
students define themselves and their political and ideological place in the world.

(Taken from Good luck TOEFL. Com)

TASK 4. Read Sample Essay 4 and answer the questions

1) Read the essay and find the thesis statement in the first paragraph.
2) Does the thesis statement include a phrase that shows the expression of an idea?
Yes…… No…..
3) Rewrite the thesis statement using your own words.
4) Check body paragraphs and underline the topic sentences of each paragraph.
5) Read the essay and find the transitions and linkers that are used to connect the ideas.
6) Read the whole essay and write a well-developed conclusion paragraph.

Your instructor will provide the essay topics for your task. Please use this outline to plan
your essay. The word limit is 300-350 words.

**Please start with brainstorming and identify your majors and minors just as you did in the
previous tasks. Do NOT start writing your essay before you brainstorm and have an outline.




Background to the topic

Thesis statement


Topic sentence / Major Point 1

Minor details, explanations, evidence and examples


Topic sentence / Major Point 2

Minor details, explanations, evidence and examples


Topic sentence / Major Point 3

Minor details, explanations, evidence and examples


Paraphrase of the thesis statement

Summary of the major points

Recommendations or final thoughts

Did your partner….. Yes No

1) write an introduction, a body and a conclusion paragraph?

2) write an appropriate thesis statement including a phrase to express

his/her opinion in the introduction paragraph?

3) provide a smooth transition to the thesis statement in the introduction


4) write appropriate topic sentences in the body paragraphs?

5) restate his/her thesis statement, summarize the main points and provide
a final thought in the concluding paragraph?

6) use sufficient transitions and linking words?

7) provide sufficient explanations, examples and details?

8) put his/her information in the best order?

9) use a wide range of words and phrases accurately?


Feedback for your friend






A "for and against" essay is a formal piece of writing in which a topic is considered from
opposing points of view. You should present both sides in a fair way by discussing them
objectively and in equal detail. A good essay of this type should consist of:

 an introductory paragraph in which you clearly state the topic to be discussed, without
giving your opinion;
 a main body in which the points for and against along with your justifications, examples or
reasons are presented in separate paragraphs; and
 a closing paragraph in which you state your opinion or give a balanced consideration of the

Note: Opinion words (I think, I believe, In my opinion, etc.) can only be used in the closing
paragraph where you may give your opinion on the topic.

Phrases to introduce arguments for and against can be examined below.

Introducing arguments for and against

It is often claimed that …(clause) Scientists assert that ….(clause)
It is generally suggested that …(clause) Critics point out that…(clause)
It is widely argued that …(clause) Sceptics maintain that…(clause)
Most people are in favor of …(noun) Many people advocate …(ing/noun)
Critics are convinced that…(clause) Many people support the view that…(clause)
Sceptics are opposed to….(noun) Critics oppose the view that…(clause)
Scientists are against the view that…(clause)
Emphasizing Expressing reality
Clearly, obviously, In fact, actually, in practice
It is obvious, needless to say It is a fact that…
Explaining/Clarifying a point Partially correct statements
In other words, that is to say, this means that To a certain extent, to some degree, this is
partly true, in some cases, up to a point

Expressions Conclusion expressing balanced Conclusion expressing
considerations/opinion indirectly opinion directly
 In conclusion,
 On balance, -It can be claimed/ said that… -I firmly believe/feel that..
 All things -It appears that… -It is my belief/opinion that..
considered, -There is little doubt that… -I am convinced that..
 Taking everything -The best course of action would be.. -I am inclined to believe that..
into consideration, -It is clear from the foregoing -I agree that..

 To conclude, evidence/arguments that..

 To sum up,

TASK 1. Read the conclusions below and say whether they express balanced consideration
or the writer’s opinion directly /indirectly.

1. For the above-mentioned reasons, I firmly believe that if people are taught a keen sense of
responsibility towards themselves and others, then they will have the best possible start in life.
The way I see it, taking the full responsibility for someone‟s own actions is central to leading an
honest life.________________________

2. To sum up, it would seem that once young people know how to take responsibility for their
own actions, they are better equipped to learn about life. While there are other important
qualities, a highly developed sense of responsibility provides the ideal foundation for personal
development. ________________________

3. In conclusion, although it must be accepted that a sense of responsibility is one of the most
crucial qualities which can be instilled in young people, it should be remembered that there are
other equally important qualities. ________________________

Sample Essay 1

In recent years, the amount of money earned by top sportsmen and women has risen and
attracted a lot of media attention. Stars of high-profile sports such as football, golf, tennis,
boxing and motor racing often feature in lists of the world‟s richest people. It is true that not all
sports stars are very well-paid., but certain individuals do earn an enormous amount. The
objective of this essay is to decide if these sportspeople should receive such large amount of

Many people argue that these stars deserve their earnings for a number of important
reasons. Sports players provide entertainment, like any well-known actor or pop star. They are
professional people at the top of their chosen career. In simple terms, they are the best at what
they do, and should be paid accordingly. They have put in years of training to be as good as they
can be at their sport. It can also be argued that most sports stars have a relatively short career,
and so need to earn a lot of money in a short time to support them when they retire. In some
sports, there is a risk of serious injury or death. Sportsmen and women should be compensated
for this risk.

In contrast, some people argue that it is wrong to pay these sports stars these huge
amounts of money when there is so much poverty in the world. Sports stars do not save lives or
really contribute much to society apart from providing entertainment, which can be seen as
unnecessary. It is also clear that these sports stars often have extravagant lifestyles, appearing in
celebrity magazines and generally not using their wealth in a positive way. Some, even though
they are the role models for young people, actually behave very badly.

In conclusion, it is obvious that there are differences not only between sports, but also
between individuals in the same sports. On balance, it can be said that sports stars are worth the
money they earn, as they have the ability to enhance peoples‟ lives by their achievements. They
manage to unite whole countries during significant competitions, which is something even
politicians are rarely able to do.

(Adapted from New Language Leader, Upper-Intermediate Course


TASK 2. Read Sample Essay 1 and match the ideas with the paragraphs

Ideas Paragraph (1-4)

a) Arguments against proposition 
b) Restatement of author‟s opinion and final remarks 
c) Statement of the essay question and background 
d) Arguments for proposition 

TASK 3. Read Sample Essay 1 and answer the questions below.

1. What are the two major points that support the idea that sportspeople should get large
amount of money?


2. What are the arguments against the view that sportspeople should get large amount
of money?


3. Does the conclusion express balanced consideration or the writer‟s opinion directly


Sample Essay 2

Censorship is an issue which frequently generates a great deal of heated debate, with
supporters maintaining that it is vital in order to protect society, whilst opponents claim that it is
an unjustifiable restriction of public access to information.

Many people believe that censorship is necessary in order to protect national security and
avoid offensive and harmful materials for the public. Firstly, all countries have secrets which
must be safeguarded for reasons of national security. For instance, if an enemy country were to
acquire such highly sensitive information, the effects could be catastrophic. Consequently,
governments have to have the power to restrict access to information concerning areas such as
the armed forces or particular aspects of foreign policy. Secondly, it is often argued that
censorship is necessary to prevent the broadcast and publication of obscene material which is
considered offensive or harmful to public morals. Many people feel that without censorship the
public would be constantly subjected to material that the majority would find offensive. For this
reason, the government has a duty to impose certain restrictions on the mass media by censoring
films and texts which contain explicit scenes of sex, violence or foul language.

In contrast, opponents of censorship claim that there is a risk of misuse of censorship by

authorities and mature people can have their own choices to watch or not to watch offensive
materials. First of all, opponents point out that when it is abused by governments, censorship
becomes an instrument used to misinform society and maintain power. In order to control the
flow of information which reaches the public, repressive regimes try to put constraints on the
media, thus denying citizens the right to information owing to the fact that governments believe
it may lead them to seek greater freedom. Furthermore, it is generally felt that mature adults are
able to make informed choices about what they watch, read and listen to and should, therefore,
be permitted to make their own decisions. For example, some comedians make use of offensive
language and taboo subjects in their performances. Critics of censorship argue that the only
people who will watch or listen to such material are adults who have made a conscious decision
to do so. Thus, it is claimed, it is unjust to censor material like this since it is not forced upon
people who may subsequently be offended by it.

All things considered, it can be concluded that a certain degree of censorship is always
necessary. The best course of action would be to attempt to achieve a balance between the
requirements of the country and the public on the one hand, and individuals' rights on the other.

(Adapted from Evans’ (2002) Successful writing:


TASK 4. Read Sample Essay 2 and answer the questions below.

1) What are the two major points that support the idea that censorship is necessary?
2) Do you think that they are strong arguments? Why? / Why not? Discuss with your

3) What are the arguments against the view that censorship is necessary?


4) Do you think that they are strong arguments? Why? / Why not? Discuss with your
5) Does the conclusion express balanced consideration or the writer‟s opinion directly
6) What would you do in order to develop the conclusion paragraph if you were the
author of this essay?
7) How do you think the introduction paragraph can be developed further?


Your instructor will provide the essay topics for your task. Please use this outline to plan
your essay. The word limit is 300-350 words.

**Please start with brainstorming and identify your majors and minors just as you did in
the previous tasks. Do NOT start writing your essay without having an outline.



Background to the topic

Thesis statement


Topic sentence / PROPONENTS’ VIEW

Major Point 1
Minor details, explanations, evidence and examples
Major Point 2
Minor details, explanations, evidence and examples


Topic sentence OPPONENTS’ VIEW

Major Point 1
Minor details, explanations, evidence and examples
Major Point 2
Minor details, explanations, evidence and examples


Paraphrase of the thesis statement

Summary of the major points

Recommendations or final thoughts

Did your partner….. Yes No

1) write an introduction, a body and a conclusion paragraph?

2) write an appropriate thesis statement including a phrase to express

his/her opinion in the introduction paragraph?

3) provide a smooth transition to the thesis statement in the introduction


4) write appropriate topic sentences in the body paragraphs?

5) restate his/her thesis statement, summarize the main points and provide
a final thought in the concluding paragraph?

6) use sufficient transitions and linking words?

7) provide sufficient explanations, examples and details?

8) put his/her information in the best order?

9) use a wide range of words and phrases accurately?


Feedback for your friend







1. Introduction
 This is the first paragraph of your essay, in which you are supposed to introduce the
subject and to state your opinion clearly.
 This paragraph introduces the topic by giving general statements. These statements
catch the readers‟ attention. You can also use other strategies that can be used in the
introduction paragraphs.
 This part of the essay shouldn‟t be too long; it‟s only an introduction about the topic.
 You need to give our thesis statement in the last sentence of this paragraph. The thesis
statement should include either advantages or disadvantages. The thesis statement may
include one of the structures below.

There are a lot of advantages of A.

There are a lot of advantages of A such as X, Y and Z
There are a lot of advantages of A , which are X,Y and Z.
A has a lot of advantages.
A has a lot of advantages such as X, Y and Z
A has a lot of advantages which are X,Y and Z.
The advantages of A are numerous.
The advantages of A are a lot in number.
A is advantageous because of X,Y and Z.
A is advantageous in terms of X,Y and Z.
*A is your topic.
**X,Y and Z are your majors

A sample thesis statement:

--Even though some people may think that online shopping is too dangerous, there are many
advantages of it like saving time, discount and variety of products.

*Please notice that not just the short sentence „there are many advantages of A like X,
Y and Z‟ was used in the thesis statement. You are expected to write a full sentence
connected to the ideas in your introduction.
2. Body
 For the body of the essay, you have to identify three advantages or disadvantages of the
subject to discuss. In your first body paragraph, you discuss the first advantage. In the

second body paragraph, you discuss the second advantage and in the final body paragraph
you refer to the third advantage of your subject.

st nd rd
1 major 2 major 3 major
The first advantage of A is X. The second advantage of A is Y. The third advantage of A is Z.
The primary advantage is X. Another advantage is Y. Lastly, another advantage is Z.
One of the most important One of the most important The last advantage is Z.
advantages is X. advantages is Y.
One major advantage is X. Another major advantage is Y. Another major advantage is Z.
One advantage is X. Another advantage of A is Y. Another advantage of A is Z.
*A is your topic.
**X, Y and Z are your majors

A sample topic sentence of a body paragraph

The primary disadvantage of online shopping is safety.

The second advantage of online shopping is that online stores tend to offer attractive prices.

3. Conclusion
 This is the last paragraph of your essay and this is where you should restate your thesis
statement using different words. For example, instead of using „advantages‟ you might
use other words like „benefits‟ and change the word order of your thesis.

 You also summarize your major points in a sentence.

X, Y and Z are the advantages of A.

X, Y and Z are a few advantages of A.
A has three advantages like X,Y and Z.

*A is your topic.
**X, Y and Z are your majors
 You give a final comment or suggestion at the end, as well.


Sample Essay 1

Imagine yourself sitting in front of the TV and eating tons of ice cream, junk food and
drinking coke all day without realizing you are putting on weight. You do not want to go out or
see your friends. Does that sound familiar to you? Most people have already guessed right, you
are probably having depression. You should find a solution right away. Otherwise, it might
adversely affect your social, academic and business life. In such cases, people are usually
advised to consult a psychologist, because seeing a psychologist when you have depression has
several advantages.

The first advantage is that psychologists can use the right scientific methods to make you
feel psychologically healthier again because they are professionals who have been trained to help
people like you. Depression is not only a state of feeling sad but it is also a disease that should be
treated immediately. Family members and friends cannot help you in such cases even if they
really want to do so. Do you ask one of your friends to take out your tooth when you have
toothache? You go to a dentist when you suffer from toothache or you have an appointment with
a surgeon to get information about a plastic surgery that you are planning to undergo; likewise,
you should go to a psychologist when you fall into depression. If your condition is more serious
than you have thought, the psychologist will probably advise you to go to a psychiatrist so that
you can receive medical treatment. Unless you see a psychologist, you cannot know whether you
need medication or not.

The second advantage is that you will feel secure in the psychologist‟s office. As it is
known, there is psychologist- client confidentiality, which means your secrets will be safe and
whatever you talk in the office will stay between you and the therapist unless you have killed
someone recently. On the other hand, if you try to solve your problems calling a friend and
asking for advice, you can never be sure whether your friend will reveal your secrets one day.
There are few secrets that can be really kept as keeping secrets is against human nature. You talk
to a third party one day or another. The long and short of it, psychologists make you feel safe and

comfortable as we know that they are reliable people because they have to be so. There are
ethical and legal issues if they share information about you with someone else.

In a nutshell, lots of people might have experienced depression or psychological

problems at least once in their lives, but generally people hesitate to go to a psychologist‟s office
due to several reasons such as social pressures and biases. However, it is the best way to solve
your problems when you fall into depression owing to its advantages in terms of receiving
professional help and enjoying the comfort of feeling secure. Therefore, I would really suggest
people to see a psychologist before experiencing the severe effects of depression.

(Adapted from an essay written by Elvan


TASK 1. Read Sample Essay 1 and answer the questions.

1. What kinds of strategies are used in the introduction paragraph?


2. Underline the thesis statement.

3. What are the advantages of seeing a psychologist when you have depression?


4. What might be some other advantages of seeing a psychologist? Discuss with your partner
and write down three more advantages?


4. What might be some disadvantages of seeing a psychologist? Discuss with your partner
and write down two disadvantages?

5. Read the concluding paragraph and underline the sentence that summarizes the major
points supported.

Sample Essay 2

Now that we can buy just about anything with a few mouse clicks from the comfort of
our home, very few people actually feel the need to venture into brick and mortar stores. There is
no denying the fact that online shopping has become more popular than in-store shopping as it
has a lot of advantages.

First of all, the huge popularity of online shopping can be attributed to the fact that it
makes shopping easier. It saves both time and money. Buyers no longer have to drive all the way
to shops to buy things.

The second advantage is that online stores tend to offer attractive prices probably
because they have lower overhead costs. This allows them to sell items for deeply discounted
prices. This can lead to major cost benefits for shoppers.

In addition, online shopping makes it easy to buy things from any part of the world. Even
if an item is not available in your country, you can buy it from online stores. Online shopping
also allows you to compare prices before hitting the purchase button.

To conclude, online shopping has many advantages. Of course, the shopper has to
exercise some common sense and keep their device free of malware if they want to enjoy the
benefits of online shopping.

(Adapted from

TASK 2. Read Sample Essay 2 and answer the questions.

1. Read the essay and underline the thesis statement.

2. What are the advantages of online shopping? Underline the topic sentences.
3. What do you think is missing in the conclusion paragraph? How can you develop it?
4. In body paragraphs, the major points are not fully supported. Choose one body
paragraph and write more details, evidence and examples.

Your instructor will provide the essay topics for your task. Please use this outline to plan your
essay. The word limit is 300-350 words.
**Please start with brainstorming and identify your majors and minors just as you did in the
previous tasks. Do NOT start writing your essay without having an outline.




Background to the topic

Thesis statement


Topic sentence/ Major Point 1 (1st advantage)

Minor details, explanations, evidence and examples


Topic sentence/ Major Point 2 (2nd advantage)

Minor details, explanations, evidence and examples


Topic sentence/ Major Point 3 (3rd advantage)

Minor details, explanations, evidence and examples


Paraphrase of the thesis statement

Summary of the major points

Recommendations or final thoughts


1. Introduction
 This paragraph introduces the topic by giving general statements. These
statements catch the readers‟ attention. You can also use other strategies
that can be used in the introduction paragraphs (funnel method, asking
questions, using an anecdote, defining a phrase).
 You need to give your thesis statement in the last sentence of this paragraph. The thesis
statement should include phrases like both „advantages‟ and „disadvantages‟. The thesis
statement may include one of the structures below.

Even though there are a lot of advantages of A, A has also a few disadvantages.
There are a lot of advantages of A such as X, Y and Z, and A has also a
few disadvantages.
Even though A has some disadvantages, there are a lot of advantages of A , which
are X,Y and Z.
A has not only advantages but also a number of disadvantages.
Whereas A has some disadvantages, it has also a lot of advantages which involve X,
*A is your topic.
**X,Y and Z are your majors

Sample thesis statements:

 Even though some people may think that online shopping is too dangerous, there are both
disadvantages and advantages of it.
 Many people think that online shopping is too dangerous, but advantages outnumber the

2. Body

 You will have two body paragraphs, which requires two topic sentences.
 For the body of the essay, you have to identify three/two advantages and three/two
disadvantages of the subject to discuss.
 In your first body paragraph, you discuss the advantages. You can make use of the
phrases below.

st nd rd
1 major 2 major 3 major
The first advantage of A is X. The second advantage of A is Y. The third advantage of A is Z.
The primary advantage is X. Another advantage is Y. Lastly, another advantage is Z.
One of the most important One of the most important The last advantage is Z.
advantages is X. advantages is Y.
One major advantage is X. Another major advantage is Y. Another major advantage is Z.
One advantage is X. Another advantage of A is Y. Another advantage of A is Z.
*A is your topic.
**X, Y and Z are your majors
 In the second body paragraph, you discuss the disadvantages. You can make use of the
phrases below.
st nd rd
1 major 2 major 3 major
The first disadvantage of A is X. The second disadvantage of A is Y. The third disadvantage of A is Z.
The primary disadvantage is X. Another disadvantage is Y. Lastly, another disadvantage is Z.
One of the most important One of the most important The last disadvantage is Z.
disadvantages is X. disadvantages is Y.
One major disadvantage is X. Another major disadvantage is Y. Another major disadvantage is Z.
One disadvantage is X. Another disadvantage of A is Y. Another disadvantage of A is Z.
*A is your topic.

**X, Y and Z are your majors

3. Conclusion
 This is the last paragraph of your essay and this is where you should restate your thesis
statement using different words.
 You can also summarize your major points in one sentence. You give a final comment or
suggestion at the end, as well. While summarizing your points you can make use of
these phrases.

X, Y and Z are the advantages of A whereas a, b and c are the disadvantages of A.

Even though X, Y and Z are three advantages of A, A has also disadvantages such as a, b and c.
*A is your topic.
**X, Y and Z are your majors

Sample Essay 1

Nowadays tourism generates a significant portion of national income for many

countries, but it has certain drawbacks too. This essay will examine the advantages and
disadvantages of tourism and provide a logical conclusion.

The two main advantages of developed tourism industry are a boost in a country‟s
economy and a large number of new job openings for the local people. Firstly, tourists spend
money on a wide range of services, including hotels, amusements, transportation, food and
medical services. This way, tourism yields an additional income, greatly supporting the
country‟s economy. Secondly, tourism increases the level of employment by bringing new jobs.
For instance, the influx of tourists results in a larger demand for restaurant workers, tour guides,
hotel staff and employees of retail services, exhorting business owners to hire more people for
these positions.

However, tourism also has some major disadvantages like the destruction of popular
tourist destinations and development of illegal economic activities. Ancient buildings, temples
and monuments struggle to cope with a vast amount of visitor‟s traffic and get damaged. Also,
the large number of tourists can cause environmental problems. For instance, when places of
interest are overcrowded, natural resources often become overexploited. What‟s more, the
presence of a considerable number of tourists with a lot of money to spend, and often carrying
valuables such as cameras and jewelry, increases the attraction for criminals and brings with it
activities such as robbery and drug dealing. However, proper hospitality management and correct
usage of tourism revenue by the local government can eliminate these disadvantages.

To conclude, although tourism can have certain negative effects like a destructive impact
and growth in crime rate, it has an extremely positive influence on country‟s economy and
provides a large number of new jobs for the local people. I believe that the benefits of tourism
outweigh its drawbacks.

(Taken from IELTS-


TASK 1. Read Sample Essay 1 and answer the questions.

1. Read the essay above and underline the thesis statement and topic sentences of the body
2. What are the advantages of tourism?
3. What are the disadvantages of tourism?
4. The introduction paragraph is very short and inadequate. Please rewrite the introduction
paragraph to make it much stronger and more interesting to read.
5. Exchange the introduction paragraphs that you have written with your partner and read the
introduction paragraphs, compare them and decide on which one is better than the other.

6. Which one did you choose? Yours or your friend‟s paragraph? Why?

Sample Essay 2

Now that we can buy just about anything with a few mouse clicks from the comfort of
our home, very few people actually feel the need to venture into brick and mortar stores. There
is no denying the fact that online shopping has become more popular than in-store shopping.
This trend has both positive and negative aspects.

The huge popularity of online shopping can be attributed to the fact that it makes
shopping easier as it saves both time and money. Buyers no longer have to drive all the way to
shops to buy things. Furthermore, online stores tend to offer attractive prices probably because
they have lower overhead costs. This allows them to sell items for heavily discounted prices.
This can lead to major cost benefits for shoppers. In addition, online shopping makes it easy to
buy things from any part of the world. Even if an item is not available in your country, you can
buy it from online stores. Online shopping also allows you to compare prices before hitting the
purchase button.
On the flip side, the ease of online shopping has made many people compulsive
shoppers. Most of us spend lots of time on the internet every day. And while we are on the
internet, we get bombarded with numerous advertisements. For a compulsive shopper, this is a
good reason to splurge. The fact that online shopping encourages us to buy things that we do not
need or use cannot be denied. This can lead to debts. Also, there are security concerns. When
you buy things online, you run a small risk of getting your financial information stolen by
hackers. Of course, good anti-virus and anti-malware programs can offer a great deal of
protection. However, almost every week, we hear about data breaches at major online retailers.
To conclude, online shopping has several advantages and disadvantages. However, the
advantages outweigh the disadvantages. Of course, the shopper has to exercise some common
sense and keep their device free of malware if they want to enjoy the benefits of online
(Adapted from IELTS

TASK 2. Read Sample Essay 2 and answer the questions.

1. Read the essay above and underline the thesis statement.

2. How can thesis statement be developed? What are the other ways to say „this trend‟?
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of online shopping?
4. How can the topic sentence of the second body paragraph can be developed?
5. How can you develop the conclusion paragraph?

Your instructor will provide the essay topics for your task. Please use this outline to plan
your essay. The word limit is 300-350 words.

**Please start with brainstorming and identify your majors and minors just as you did in
the previous tasks. Do NOT start writing your essay without having an outline.


Background to the topic
Thesis statement
Topic sentence (ADVANTAGES)
Major Point 1 (1st advantage)
Minor details, explanations, evidence and examples
Major Point 2 (2nd advantage)
Minor details, explanations, evidence and examples
Major Point 3 (3rd advantage)
Minor details, explanations, evidence and examples
Topic sentence (DISADVANTAGES)
Major Point 1 (1st disadvantage)
Minor details, explanations, evidence and examples
Major Point 2 (2nd disadvantage)
Minor details, explanations, evidence and examples
Major Point 3 (3rd disadvantage)
Minor details, explanations, evidence and examples
Paraphrase of the thesis statement
Summary of the major points
Recommendations or final thoughts


Did your partner….. Yes No

1) write an introduction, a body and a conclusion paragraph?

2) write an appropriate thesis statement including a phrase to express

advantages and disadvantages in the introduction paragraph?

3) provide a smooth transition to the thesis statement in the introduction


4) write appropriate topic sentences in the body paragraphs?

5) restate his/her thesis statement, summarize the main points and provide
a final thought in the concluding paragraph?

6) use sufficient transitions and linking words?

7) provide sufficient explanations, examples and details?

8) put his/her information in the best order?

9) use a wide range of words and phrases accurately?

Feedback for your friend






We write comparison essays to focus on more on similarities between two things, while a
contrast essay focus on differences between two things.

1. Introduction
 This is the first paragraph of your essay, in which you are supposed to introduce the
subject and to state your opinion clearly.
 This paragraph introduces the topic by giving general statements. These statements catch
the readers‟ attention. You can also use other strategies that can be used in the
introduction paragraphs.
 This part of the essay shouldn‟t be too long; it‟s only an introduction about the topic.
 You need to give your thesis statement in the last sentence of this paragraph. The thesis
statement should include either similarities or differences.

2. Body
 For the body of the essay, you have to identify three similarities/differences to discuss. In
your first body paragraph, you discuss the first similarity. In the second body paragraph,
you discuss the second similarity and in the final body paragraph you refer to the third
similarity between your subjects.

Sample topic sentences for your body paragraphs

-There are three similarities between Ankara and Istanbul.

-Ankara and Istanbul are similar in three ways.

3. Conclusion
 This is the last paragraph of your essay and this is where you should restate your thesis
statement using different words.
 You also summarize your major points in one sentence.
 You give a final comment or suggestion at the end, as well.

Transitions and linkers that can be used in this essay type can be examined in the table below.

Comparison Contrast
Likewise Although /even though
Similar to But/yet
Similarly Different from
The same as However/nonetheless/nevertheless
Both…..and In contrast/In contrast to
Also On the other hand
Just as Unlike/ In contrast to
Not only …..but also Whereas / while

TASK 1. Read the sentences and complete them with suitable connectors.

1. _______ (While / Although/ However) the Sahara Desert has a dry climate, some crops
can be grown there.
2. The Sahara Desert has a dry climate ; _______, (however / similarly / but) the Amazon
Rain Forest has a wet climate.
3. Toyota makes fuel-efficient cars. _________, ( In contrast / Similarly / Alike) Fiat makes
fuel-efficient cars.
4. My roommate and I like ___________ (the same / the same as / similar to) kind of music,
which is Rock.
5. Dublin has an international airport and London does, __________ (also / alike / too).
6. The weather in Philadelphia is ____ ______ (similar to / alike / likewise) the weather in
my hometown.
7. __________ (In contrast / While / Unlike) rain forests, deserts get very little rain.
8. _____________ (Even though / In contrast to / Different from) Stonecreek‟s harsh
winter, Linden‟s winters are mild.
9. On the top floors, you can see the entire city. ____________, (However / But / Whereas)
the view on the lower floor is of buildings, cars, and people.
10. _______ (In contrast / However / Whereas) cars are dangerous to drive in snowstorms,
bus is safe because of its better equipment.

Sample Essay 1

Some people spend their free time doing activities like reading a book, hanging out with
friends or watching TV series. My preference has always been watching TV series and I am
familiar with many TV series in different cultures. My favorite ones include Breaking Bad and
Narcos, which are very similar in terms of plot, language that the cast speak and the arrest of the

The first similarity is that both Narcos and Breaking Bad are based on a plot which
includes the production and selling of drugs. To illustrate, in Breaking Bad, the two leading
actors, Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul, produce an illegal drug called methamphetamine in an
illegal way. Likewise, there are some characters including the leading actor, Pablo Escobar,
producing a drug, cocaine, in Narcos as well.

Secondly, these two series share a similarity in terms of the languages that the cast speak.
That is, in addition to English, there are many scenes where the characters speak Spanish
because drug dealing, on which these two series‟ plots are based, is very common in Latin cities
where the mother tongue is Spanish.

Lastly, in both series, it takes too long for cops to arrest the actual criminals because
these characters are very intelligent, and they know how to do illegal things by considering all
the possibilities while producing and selling drugs in order not to draw the attention of people
around them.

To sum up, these two TV shows share some similarities like the topic of the TV series,
the language used and some details in the actions happening. If you are interested in watching a
TV series in English, I would definitely suggest both, but if you think that only one TV series
concerning the selling of drugs is enough, I would suggest you watch Breaking Bad.

(Adapted and extended from a student paragraph: Author: Fidan Can,


TASK 2. Read Sample Essay 1 and answer the questions.

1. Read the essay and underline the thesis statement and topic sentences in the body
2. What are the similarities between Narcos and Breaking Bad?
3. What kinds of strategies are used in the introduction and conclusion paragraph?

Sample Essay 2

“Where do you come from?” is a question many Americans can‟t answer easily. Many
Americans were born in one place, lived a few years in another, went to elementary school in a
third town, and so on. In my home country, Norway, people usually live all their lives in the
town where they were born, but my family is different. We moved from one small town to
another when I was twelve years old. Consequently, I have two “hometowns” and these two
towns display some similarities in terms of location, economies and people.

The first obvious similarity lies in the location of the two towns. They are both seaside
towns on the south coast of Norway. That is, they are southern towns which have great views of
the sea. Also, they are sheltered from the ocean storms by a large group of island and backed by
hills that defend them against the cold winter winds. Therefore, both towns are generally warm.
In addition, they are both easy to reach because there are two big cities nearby.

The economies of the two towns are also based on the same business: tourism. Both
native Norwegians and foreigners go on summer vacation to these two towns since they are
seaside towns which are peaceful. In winter, business is very slow in these two towns. A few
people choose to go to these seaside towns in winter when the weather is cold. Also, most of the
people in these towns make a living by tourism. They earn a lot by dealing with tourists‟ work.

The people who live in these two towns are very similar. Because of the size of the town,
people are mostly interested in what their neighbors do and say, and they do not care very much
about what is happening in the outside world. In addition, the inhabitants of the towns have a
love/hate relationship with the necessary tourists. These tourists bring in business and money in
the summer, so the natives smile at them when they meet them. However, behind their backs, the
towns‟ people wish that the tourists would just spend their money and go home. Also, the people
in these towns are open to new things as they see a lot of different people in a day.

In conclusion, the similarities between these two towns are very obvious. Comparing
them in terms of aforementioned similarities, they are very much alike. Although I sometimes
feel they are too small for me now, they are my hometowns, there is no place like home.

(Taken from a private university writing pack)

TASK 3. Read Sample Essay 2 and answer the questions.

1) Read the introductory paragraph and decide which strategies below are used in it?

a) Using an anecdote

b) Funnel method

c) Using quotations

d) Defining a phrase

2) Underline the thesis statement in the introduction paragraph and topic sentences in each
body paragraph.

3) Is this a comparison essay or a contrast essay? Underline your choice.

Sample Essay 3

TASK 4. Please read the body part of an essay and write an introduction and a
conclusion paragraph to the essay.

……………………………… Microsoft and Apple are two of the most famous rival companies
that have some differences.
First of all, the priority of their products is
different. Apple focuses on design and interface while
Microsoft aims to product goods with very large field of
usage. For example Apple's computer 'Mac' has a
beautiful design but doesn't support much software. On
the other hand Windows by Microsoft supports a lot of software.

Another difference between the two companies is their price range. Apple's products are
more expensive compared to Microsoft's. Apple's phones and computers are approximately two
times more expensive than Microsoft's. For this reason, Apple's annual profit is more than
Windows despite the fact that Windows sells more products in a year. Also, their customer

profiles are different because of this price gap. Apple's customers generally have a larger amount
of personal wealth.

The third and last difference is their advertisements. Apple has subjectively a more
successful advertising policy than Microsoft. Apple uses advanced advertisement techniques and
publishes different ads for each country. Also they make a deal with popular companies in
different countries to sell their new products. For example, they cooperate with Turkcell to
introduce their latest phone.

(Adapted from a student paragraph: Author Emre Erdem,





Sample Essay 4

Read this short essay written by a Japanese student on the title „Compare the
university system in your country with the British system‟.

It is said that there are large differences in the teaching methods between British
universities and Japanese ones. Courses in British universities consist mainly of lectures,
discussions, presentations and tutorials and students study specifically their major subject. On the
other hand, Japanese universities normally only have lectures in the first two years and students
have to study a wide range of subjects in addition to their major. The aim of this essay is to
compare and analyze each system.

In British universities, students need a more active attitude in their study than Japanese
students. They need to prepare for presentations and discussions. This is useful for learning
because they take much time for study outside the classroom and as they become familiar with
their subjects they will become more interested in them. In Japan, students‟ attitude is
amazingly passive and they study only just before exams.

The other difference between British universities and Japanese ones is, as mentioned
above, British students concentrate on their major subject and gain specific knowledge about
it. Japanese students, however, gain wider knowledge by studying a few other subjects in
addition to their major. This system gives students apparently much knowledge but they cannot
study their major deeply and their knowledge is wide-ranging but not useful.

In conclusion, British teaching methods give students more chance to know the
subject thoroughly compared to Japanese teaching methods, but Japanese methods are
suitable for students who are eager to gain a wide range of knowledge and like to study on
their own. It is hard to say which is better, it depends on students (Bailey, 2006, p.60).

TASK 5. Read Sample Essay 4 and answer the questions.

1. What are the strengths and weaknesses of this essay?

2. What is problematic in the introduction part of the essay? How can we improve it?
3. How well does the writer respond to the prompt? What might be other ways/subjects
to explain the differences between two systems?



Background to the topic

Thesis statement


Topic sentence/ Major Point 1 (1st similarity/ difference)

Minor details, explanations, evidence and examples


Topic sentence/ Major Point 2 (2nd similarity difference)

Minor details, explanations, evidence and examples


Topic sentence/ Major Point 3 (3rd similarity difference)

Minor details, explanations, evidence and examples


Paraphrase of the thesis statement

Summary of the major points

Recommendations or final thoughts


We write comparison and contrast essays to focus on both similarities and
differences between two things.

1. Introduction
2. This is the first paragraph of your essay, in which you are supposed to introduce the
subject and to state your opinion clearly.
3. This paragraph introduces the topic by giving general statements. You can also use other
strategies that can be used in the introduction paragraphs.
4. This part of the essay shouldn‟t be too long; it‟s only an introduction about the topic.
5. You need to give your thesis statement in the last sentence of this paragraph. The thesis
statement should include both similarities and differences.
Sample thesis statement
-Ankara and Istanbul, two big cities of Turkey, are similar in many ways, but there are
also differences between them.

2. Body
 For the body of the essay, you have to identify three similarities and three/two differences
to discuss.
 In your first body paragraph, you discuss the similarities between two subjects.
 In the second body paragraph, you discuss the differences between two subjects.
Sample topic sentences

-There are three similarities between Istanbul and Ankara. (1 body paragraph)
-On the other hand, Istanbul and Ankara differ in many ways. (2 body paragraph)

3. Conclusion
 This is the last paragraph of your essay and this is where you should restate your thesis
statement using different words.
 You can also summarize your major points in one sentence.
 You give a final comment or suggestion at the end, as well.

Sample Essay 1

For many years television channels have been trying to increase ratings by using TV
shows and competitions. These shows attract people‟s attention via thrillers, dance shows and
songs. Pop Idol and Star Hunt are one kind of shows that is getting higher ratings these days.
This essay aims to analyze the main differences and similarities between Pop Idol and Star

To begin with, there are some differences between the two shows in terms of the
songs chosen, the attitudes of the jury members towards the competitors and the budget
spent on the productions. First, the types of songs are very different. In Pop Idol the songs
mainly reflect the pop music style which is a big part of the popular culture, on the other hand, in
Star Hunt the songs are of rock- origin which is associated with rebellion. Secondly, the attitudes
of the jury members towards the competitors can be said to be far stricter in Pop Idol whereas in
Star Hunt the attitudes of the jury members are more tolerant and respectful. According to
Jacobson (2005), the reason for the respect and tolerance in Star Hunt is because of its
underlying message which is also related to a trust of the judicial system. For example, in one of
the programs in Pop Idol, one of the jury members insulted the singer by throwing the water
glass, an issue being discussed by the authorities and critics such as M. Jacobson. Lastly, the
budget spent on the shows differs. In Pop Idol the producers have spent more than one million
new Turkish liras while in Star Hunt the money spent is less than five hundred thousand new
Turkish liras. So, these two shows differ in terms of the jury, songs and budget.

On the other hand, these two shows have some similarities, such as, the concept, the
time they start at and the day they are shown on. The concept of the programs shows that
they both aim at discovering a pop idol and making him/her the new pop star of the year. As
Barbara Moon summarizes in her book Popular Culture, creating a new pop star idol is the most
crucial element for the young generation being addicted to a program. The shows both promise,
which is one of the aims of their concepts, to provide the winner with the necessary opportunities
for making a d with the necessary campaigns to advertise. Moreover, Pop Idol starts on

Tuesdays at 20.00 pm in prime time, as does Star Hunt. The days and the time of the shows are
the same as they are expected to compete with each other and get higher ratings within the day.
TV Magazine journalist Max Hellmann claims that the competition between the programs
decreases the quality of both programs, thus it becomes one of the main reasons for the decrease
in the ratings of the programs. Therefore, when we regard the time and the concept of the
programs, it can be said that they are very similar.

To conclude, the TV shows, Pop Idol and Star Hunt, have some differences in the
budget, jury and their attitudes and the types of songs; on the contrary, they have some
similarities, such as, the time they start and the concept they serve. When both programs are
considered, it can be said that they both reflect the aim of obtaining the ratings. The shows, at the
same time, compete with each other when their competitors, singers, compete, too.

TASK 1. Read Sample Essay 1 and answer the questions.

1. What is the aim of this essay?

2. What is the strategy used in the introduction paragraph?
a) Asking questions
b) Using quotations
c) Funnel method
d) Using analogy
3. What are the similarities and differences between Pop Idol and Star
Hunt? similarities

4. What kinds of strategies are used in the conclusion part of the essay?

Sample Essay 2

Some people spend their free time doing activities like reading a book, hanging out with
friends or watching TV series. My preference has always been watching TV series and I am
familiar with many TV series in different cultures. My favorite ones include Breaking Bad and
Narcos, which are very similar even though there are also certain differences between them.

Narcos and Breaking Bad have some similarities. The first

similarity is that both Narcos and Breaking Bad are based on a plot
which includes the production and selling of drugs. To illustrate, in
Breaking Bad, the two leading actors, Bryan Cranston and Aaron
Paul, produce an illegal drug called methamphetamine in an illegal
way. Likewise, there are some characters including the leading actor,
Pablo Escobar, producing a drug, cocaine, in Narcos as well.
Secondly, these two series share a similarity in terms of the languages that the cast speak. That
is, in addition to English, there are many scenes where the characters speak Spanish because
drug dealing, on which these two series‟ plots are based, is very common in Latin cities where
the mother tongue is Spanish. Lastly, in both series, it takes too long for cops to arrest the actual
criminals because these characters are very intelligent, and they know how to do illegal things by
considering all the possibilities while producing and selling drugs in order not to draw the
attention of people around them.

On the other hand, there are some differences that Breaking Bad and Narcos display. First
of all, when the type of these series‟ story is taken into consideration, they are not the same. That
is, Breaking Bad has a fictional story, however; Narcos is based on a true story because it
focuses on the biography of Pablo Escobar who was one of the most famous drug dealers and in
his time. The second distinctive feature is that the broadcast date of these series is not the same.
While Breaking Bad aired in 2008, Narcos “first aired on August 28, 2015” (Wikipedia, Narcos).
For this reason, Narcos is such newer series than Breaking Bad, and obviously there are fewer
seasons in Narcos than Breaking Bad. Lastly, these series do not have the same success. For
example, when the IMDB ratings are taken into consideration, it is seen that Breaking Bad is
rated 9.5 out of 10 points whereas the rating of Narcos is 9.0. Moreover, Narcos has not been
rewarded as much as Breaking Bad even if it is liked by many people around the world. To give

an example, Breaking Bad received “Sixteen Primetime Emmy Awards, two Golden Globe
Awards and, eight Satellite Awards” (Wikipedia, Breaking Bad). It also entered the Guinness
World Records in 2013 since it had the highest rating.

To sum up, while these two TV shows share some similarities like the topic of the TV
series, the language used and some details in the actions happening, there are also distinctive
features between them. If you are interested in watching a TV series in English, I would
definitely suggest both, but if you think that only one TV series about the selling of drugs is
enough, I would suggest you watch Breaking Bad.

(Adapted and extended from a student paper: Author: Fidan Can, METU)

TASK 2. Read Sample Essay 2 and answer the questions.

1) What is the aim of this essay?

2) Underline the thesis statement and topic sentences of each paragraph.
3) What are the similarities and differences between Narcos and Breaking Bad?
4) Read the essay and find the transitions and linkers that are used to connect the ideas.

Your instructor will provide the essay topics for your task. Please use this outline to plan
your essay. The word limit is 300-350 words



Background to the topic
Thesis statement
Topic sentence (SIMILARITIES)
Major Point 1 (1st similarity)
Minor details, explanations, evidence and examples
Major Point 2 (2nd similarity)
Minor details, explanations, evidence and examples
Major Point 3 (3rd similarity)
Minor details, explanations, evidence and examples
Topic sentence (DIFFERENCES)
Major Point 1 (1st difference)
Minor details, explanations, evidence and examples
Major Point 2 (2nd difference)
Minor details, explanations, evidence and examples
Major Point 3 (3rd difference)
Minor details, explanations, evidence and examples
Paraphrase of the thesis statement
Summary of the major points
Recommendations or final thoughts

Did your partner….. Yes No

1) write an introduction, a body and a conclusion paragraph?

2) write an appropriate thesis statement including a phrase to express

similarities and differences in the introduction paragraph?

3) provide a smooth transition to the thesis statement in the introduction


4) write appropriate topic sentences in the body paragraphs?

5) restate his/her thesis statement, summarize the main points and provide
a final thought in the concluding paragraph?

6) use sufficient transitions and linking words?

7) provide sufficient explanations, examples and details?

8) put his/her information in the best order?

9) use a wide range of words and phrases accurately?


Feedback for your friend





1. Read the essay topics below and decide on the type of essay that you will write for
the essay topics below.
a. Some people believe that university students should be required to attend classes. Others
believe that going to classes should be optional for students. Which point of view do you
agree with?
b. How is your best vacation different from your worst vacation?
c. Nowadays online shopping has become more popular than in-store shopping. Is it a positive
or a negative development?
d. In some countries, teenagers have jobs while they are still students. Do you think this is a
good idea?
e. What are the differences between living in a small town and in a city center?
f. What makes Plato and Socrates similar?
2. Read the essay introductions below and decide on the type of essay. (Opinion,
advantage or/and disadvantage, compare or/and contrast essay)
a. Nowadays, more and more students want to study abroad. According to BBC‟s
current survey, 90 percent of Turkish students want to go abroad. They think studying
abroad can be beneficial for them. On the other hand, students who do not want to
leave their country think that studying abroad may have several drawbacks.
Considering this clash of ideas, this essay will explain both benefits and drawbacks of
studying abroad. (Adopted from a student essay -İrem Seda Göçen)


b. Before the advent of computers and modern technology, people communicating over
long distances used traditional means such as letters and the telephone. Nowadays we
have a vast array of communication tools which can perform this task, ranging from
email to instant messaging and video calls. While the present and previous means of
communication are similar in their general form, they differ in regard to their speed
and the range of tools available. (Taken from EAP


c. Going to university is a coveted goal for most students around the world. Many
parents dream of their children having the opportunity to receive a university
education, as a gateway to a successful future. Although it is possible to receive a
degree without attending classes, in my view, attendance plays a critical part in the
university experience and the bases for my views are educational, social and
intellectual. (Taken from Good luck TOEFL. Com)


3. Now check the outlines of each essay type in the writing pack. Identify the similarities
and differences between the outlines of different types of essays. Discuss it with your
partner. You may also take notes.

4. Wait for your instructor‟s instruction for the next task. Good luck


A response to a text includes two elements:

 Summary of the text
 Response to a specific point in the text
There are specific points to consider while making a summary:

1. First, read the text or article to get a general idea of the subject matter as well as the author’s

2. Then read through a second time to identify the main points. You can either go this paragraph by
paragraph, or heading by heading / sub-heading.

Identify the topic sentences. These are usually the first sentences of each paragraph. They give the
main idea for the paragraph (with the following sentences supporting this main idea). Also look for
the concluding sentence in the paragraph, as this often summarises the paragraph.

3. Now write the main idea of each paragraph (or section) in one sentence. Use your own words,
rather than the author’s words. This is important: if you copy what the author has written, you’ll
probably write too much!

4. Start pulling out key facts or findings from the text which support the author’s main idea (or ideas).
You may need to either summarise these (if there are a lot of them) or decide which are the most
important or relevant.

However, if you are summarising a number of texts or articles, start to look for common themes
running through all the texts. Are the texts broadly in agreement, or do they have different points of
view or findings? Choose only a few supporting details to illustrate similarity or contrast.

5. When you have written all your sentences, you should be able to get a good overview of the whole
text. This overview can be your introduction to your summary. In your introduction, you’ll also need
to give the author’s name and the title of the text you are summarising.

Your summary should now look like this:

The single sentences summarising the main ideas, with the key facts or figures that support the ideas.

6. At this point, you’ll need to organise all the information in the most logical way. You might also
have repeated ideas or details that you’ll need to delete.

7. Don’t forget to include linking words so your reader can easily follow your thoughts. This will
help your summary flow better, and help you avoid writing short sentences without any connection
between them.

Important points to remember

* Don’t copy the text. Instead, paraphrase. For example, “the author claims / states / suggests …”

If you quote directly from the original text, use quotation marks. (Minimise how often you do this.)

• Don’t give your opinion in a summary. You will give your opinion after the summary
about the specific point you are asked to comment on.


Below is a sample response task. Please analyse it and see how a proper response task is written.

Read the following passage about learning styles. Summarizing the main points of the reading
passage, evaluate the effectiveness of VARK.

Understanding VARK
The term “learning styles” speaks to the understanding that every student learns differently.
Technically, an individual’s learning style refers to the preferential way in which the student absorbs,
processes, comprehends and retains information. For example, when learning how to build a clock,
some students understand the process by following verbal instructions, while others have to
physically manipulate the clock themselves. This notion of individualized learning styles has gained
widespread recognition in education theory and classroom management strategy. Individual learning
styles depend on cognitive, emotional and environmental factors, as well as one’s prior experience. In
other words: everyone’s different. It is important for educators to understand the differences in their
students’ learning styles, so that they can implement best practice strategies into their daily activities,
curriculum and assessments.
One of the most accepted understandings of learning styles is that student learning styles fall
into three “categories:” Visual Learners, Auditory Learners and Kinesthetic Learners (VARK).
VARK is an acronym that refers to these four types of learning styles. The VARK model is also
referred to as the VAK model, eliminating Reading/Writing as a category of preferential learning.
The VARK model acknowledges that students have different approaches to how they process
information, referred to as “preferred learning modes.”

Identifying your students as visual, auditory, reading/writing or kinesthetic learners, and
aligning your overall curriculum with these learning styles, will prove to be beneficial for your entire
classroom. Allowing students to access information in ways they are comfortable with will increase
their academic confidence.

(*About this task: Responding to a given reading text. This integrated task checks the candidates’ understanding of
summarizing the main points of short reading passage and their evaluation of the passage. The reading passage is about
300-350 words. The expected response is about 150-200 words. The candidates are expected to produce one/two
paragraphs: providing the summary and their evaluation of what they have read. They can write their responses in
one/two paragraphs following a block method (they first provide the summary and then write their evaluation (see sample
1 and sample 2)) or they may prefer to follow a point by point method (they first refer to one main point in the text and
write their evaluation, and then they refer to another main point and give their opinion about it). Both methods are
acceptable on the condition that the response includes a good summary of the text and an effective evaluation regarding
the given task. The candidates are advised to spend 25 minutes on this part. Their responses will be assessed on content,
organisation, grammar and vocabulary. Copying sentences or chunks from the text is NOT acceptable and will be
PENALISED. The total score assigned for this task is 5 points.)


The reading passage explains that humans prefer to get information through different
channels: visual, auditory, reading/writing and kinesthetic (VARK). The writer argues that our
ability to learn things depends on “cognitive, emotional and environmental factors,” suggesting that
they affect the way we learn and retrieve the information. The writer further explains that besides
these factors, our past experiences could influence our learning. The reading passage finally suggests
why educators should employ VARK, or VAK, in their teaching and learning contexts, and
concludes with the benefits the stakeholders will reap if teachers take VAK into consideration.
Although the idea of VARK sounds promising and effective in the language classroom in
many ways, I think it has some limitations too. While it is true that learners’ preferences to get
information might vary from one individual to another, I think labeling the learners and their
learning styles as only auditory, visual or kinesthetic is too simplistic to account for the complexity
of learning in general and language learning in particular. These preferences could be context-
dependent and vary from one situation to the next. Additionally, as for the writer’s claim that
teachers should accommodate their students’ learning styles, I should add that a class comprises a lot
of students and not just one. Finding activities which are appealing to multiple learners with
distinctive learning styles seems almost impossible to me.

The reading passage explains that humans prefer to get information through different
channels: visual, auditory, reading/writing and kinesthetic (VARK). The writer argues that our
ability to learn things depends on “cognitive, emotional and environmental factors,” suggesting that
they affect the way we learn and retrieve the information. The writer further explains that besides
these factors, our past experiences could influence our learning. The reading passage finally suggests
why educators should employ VARK, or VAK, in their teaching and learning contexts, and
concludes with the benefits the stakeholders will reap if teachers take VAK into consideration.

While it is true that VARK might at times put too much pressure on the teachers as they
have to consider learners’ learning styles when preparing materials and activities for them, I believe
it can help enrich the lessons. Basically, VARK helps us appreciate and cherish individual
differences. As they say, one size does not fit all, so why should teaching not follow this principle?
Customizing learning can enhance learners’ involvement and be intrinsically motivating as the
students see the teacher is taking their interests and learning preferences into consideration. My
second argument for the idea of VARK has to do with self-knowledge. I think students can
understand why they like some activities more than others. Such activities that gear to their learning
styles can lead to better learning, boost their self-confidence and ultimately build up their self-

Below may you find a chart including useful phrases for summary writing.


Reading the text Cruel to be kind, make a summary and comment on the effectiveness of the
tiger mother method in child-rearing in a paragraph in 100-130words.

Cruel to be kind

Is there a right way to bring up children? Some parents read guides to find an answer, many just
follow their instinct. Whatever they do, a doubt always remains: could I have done a better job?

A recent contribution to the subject is Amy Chua’s controversial book Battle Hymn of the Tiger
Mother, which describes the approach to child-rearing of an ambitious Chinese parent living in the
West. According to Chua, western mothers are far too soft on their children. She says they are always
praising their children for every effort they make, even if the result is coming last in a race or playing
a piano piece badly. These are the kind of parents who will give in to their children’s demands to go
out and play rather than do their homework, if they protest loud enough.

The tiger mother method is very different and the key is total control. Tiger mothers will accept
nothing less than ‘A’ grades in every subject – failure to achieve these is just proof that they have not
worked hard enough. They will encourage not with praise and reward, but by punishing and shaming.
Chua told her own daughter that she would take her doll’s house to a charity shop if she failed to
master a difficult piano piece. She even rejected a homemade birthday card from her daughter Sophia
because she had drawn it in a hurry.

But that highlights another difference, says Chua, which is directness and honesty. A tiger mother will
not hesitate to tell their child that they are lazy, whereas western parents are always telling their
children not to worry, that they will do better next time, even if they think they have been lazy.

The constant nagging of the tiger mother, the banning of TV and computer games seems harsh, but
perhaps it works. Chua’s children have not rebelled, and they don’t resent their strict upbringing. They
regularly get the top grades at school and are proficient at violin and piano – stereotypical symbols of
success, critics would say. By contrast, children with more freedom and more laid-back parents will
often lack self-discipline and will fail to push themselves to achieve more.

Prepared by Neşe EKİCİ GENÇGÜN


Reading the article below, SUMMARIZE it, and DISCUSS whether art needs to contribute
to society. Make sure you complete both parts of the prompt. Your text will be assessed
according to content, organization, grammar, and vocabulary. You are advised not to copy
sentences or chunks from the text. (100 – 130 Words)


Art causes people to look a little closer at social issues, at other people and their emotions, at the
environment that surrounds them, and the everyday objects and life forms around them. Art helps
them see what is there but not easily perceived. The artist brings out that which cannot be seen or
felt easily.

When society has clarity on issues, opportunities for change in thought exist, as well as an
appreciation of the message behind the art. Art can cause people to reexamine their thinking on
the subject that’s put before them.

Art is usually about self-expression because artists have to feel strongly enough about something
to try and put it into a form that they, and others, can come to terms with. This product of their
self-expression can help others because there will always be people who feel the same way but
cannot express it themselves. These people will identify with the artist and draw encouragement,
purpose, and excitement about the thing expressed.

One of the functions of the artist is to make a statement of some kind. It may be a simple
statement, the beauty of the landscape for example, but it is a statement. In one way or another,
artists are trying to communicate an idea, an emotion, or a purpose in their work.

An idea exists that new art can be created about old art. One would think that there are enough
ideas in this world to make new statements, without the need to rehash that which has already
been communicated in other art pieces. However, I did a painting a couple of years ago that used
a statue in a park as a subject. The soldier statue was the true work of art, and I just brought it to
everybody’s attention again by painting it. I was making a statement about an existing piece of
art. Some painters will do paintings of historical buildings or other architecture pieces that stand
out as unique and artistic in design. In this way, the artists are making a statement about art itself.

The combined words "arts and culture" have been around for a long time. In many ways what
sits in national museums should reflect a society. But from what I understand and have seen in
the big galleries, it doesn’t seem to reflect the average person on the street. Some of the art in the
museums can actually add to the impoverishment. But, if art builds up the human spirit rather
then breaking it down, then it can build up a culture.

We make art because there is something inside the creative person that needs to get out. The
poet, musician, actor, and visual artist all have a desire to express what they feel and to create
something of great value. It’s a type of therapy or a form of meditation. Many do art for the pure
joy of it.

Prepared by Neşe EKİCİ GENÇGÜN

Adapted from


Bailey, S. (2006). Academic Writing: A Handbook for International Students, Second edition,
Routlege, New York
Evans, V. (2002). Successful Writing Proficiency. Express Publishing, UK.
Sample texts: IELTS ,IELTS, IELTS, EAP,
Good luck METU students‟ paragraphs Private University Writing Pack


Vocabulary Incorrect Form Correct Form Grammar Incorrect Form Correct Form
^ ADD A WORD I can‟t find ^ on the I can‟t find your name T TENSE The cat sleeps now. The cat is sleeping now.
on the list.
list. VF VERB FORM I enjoy to learn new I enjoy learning new words.
WW WRONG WORD Can you borrow me Can you lend me your
WO WORD ORDER I don‟t know what is I don‟t know what your
your book? book?
AR ARTICLE There is picture on first There is a picture on the first
x LEAVE THIS Maybe she may pass She may pass the exam.
PR PREPOSITION We start serving dinner 6 We start serving dinner at 6
WORD OUT the exam.
PL/SG PLURAL/SINGULAR She has two sister. She has two sisters.
WF WRONG FORM This film is bored. This film is boring.
SVA SUBJECT VERB What is your parents‟ What are your parents‟

SP SPELLING The maneger is a The manager is a A/P ACTIVE/PASSIVE The E.T directed by The E.T was directed by

C CAPITALIZATION It is located in baker It is located in Baker RO RUN ON SENTENCE Lily has lost her purse, Lily has lost her purse ,so

street in the city Street in the city. INC INCOMPLETE If you study hard. If you study hard, you can
COL COLLOCATION I am making my I am doing my
pass the test.
homework now. homework now.

Others Incorrect Form Correct Form

I don‟t know where Jane lives? I don‟t know where Jane lives.
I wanna buy a new mobile. I want to buy a new mobile.
() NOT NECESSARY The book is very wonderful. The book is wonderful.
 SEPARATE I wantto buy a new mobile. I want to buy a new mobile.
I can not speak Spanish. I cannot speak Spanish.
RW REWRITE THIS PART She good at guitar play although music loves.
I'M NOT SURE WHAT YOU MEAN, I love animals. It is also easy. Sometimes they are boring.

B2 Global Scale: Can produce clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects and explain a viewpoint on a
topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options.

Overall Written Production-B2: Can write clear, detailed texts on a variety of subjects related to his field of
interest, synthesizing and evaluating information and arguments from a number of sources.


5  An excellent response to the prompt
 Effectively addresses the task including all the main ideas in the passage
 Is well organized and well developed, using clearly appropriate explanations,
exemplifications and/or details
 Displays unity, progression and coherence
 Displays consistent facility in the use of language, demonstrating syntactic variety,
appropriate word choice and idiomaticity, though it may have minor lexical or grammatical
4  Good response to the prompt
 Addresses the task well, though some minor omissions
 Is generally well organized and well developed, using appropriate and sufficient
explanations, exemplifications and/or details
 Displays unity, progression and coherence, though it may contain occasional redundancy,
digression, or unclear connections
 Displays facility in the use of language, demonstrating syntactic variety and range of
vocabulary, though it will probably have occasional noticeable minor errors in structure,
word form or use of idiomatic language that do not interfere with meaning
3  Adequate response to the prompt
 Addresses the task, though some major omissions
 Displays unity, progression and coherence, though connection of ideas may be occasionally
 May demonstrate inconsistent facility in sentence formation and word choice that may
result in lack of clarity and occasionally obscure meaning
 May display accurate but limited range of syntactic structures and vocabulary
2  Limited response to the prompt
 Limited development in response to the task with significant misrepresentations and
 Inadequate organization or connection of ideas
 Inappropriate or insufficient exemplifications, explanations or details to support or
illustrate generalizations in response to the task
 A noticeably inappropriate choice of words or word forms and an accumulation of errors
in sentence structure and/or usage
1  Very limited response to the prompt
 Serious disorganization or underdevelopment of the task; little or no relevant information
from the text
 Little or no detail, or irrelevant specifics, or questionable responsiveness to the task
 Serious and frequent errors in sentence structure or usage
0.5  Too little text to grade
 Contains only very short 2 or 3 sentences that is somewhat related to the topic or is blank.
 Attempts to answer the prompt but the text poses serious problems for the reader
 Frequent language errors – poor control of basic structures
 Very limited vocabulary
0  No answer or totally irrelevant response or plagiarism
 Merely copies words from the topic, rejects the topic, or is otherwise not connected to the
 Is written in a foreign language
 Contains plagiarism (in existence of hard evidence)
 Contains only one sentence that is somewhat related to the topic or is blank.

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