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Asignatura: Inglés
Docente: Johana Méndez


Emplear eficientemente la construcción de textos cortos en inglés expresando su punto
de vista desde una posición argumentada, coherente y organizada.


- Crear una lluvia de ideas para establecer una tesis.

- Identificar las partes de un párrafo introductorio en un ensayo.
- Escribir un párrafo introductorio siguiendo la estructura dada.

Activity – Introduction paragrapgh

Write your topic!

Abuse towards the environment and its risks

Create a question based on the topic

What are the main environmental risks?

Answer the question

lack of access to safe water, unsatisfied basic sanitation, air and soil pollution, the
presence of insects and other animals that transmit disease, ionizing and non-ionizing
radiation, the presence of metals such as lead, mercury and others.

Create your thesis statement

start with a pointing argument, adopt a concrete and dignified position, clarify each
question and doubt proposed.

Select 3 ideas to develop you thesis

1) commitment and dedication to the new developments seen.

2) get information about it for the world.

3) develop the workshops and activities proposed before my thesis.

Select a hook sentence

I can campaign for the companies that produce plastic bags and the other products that
we human beings vote for and we make that pollution that damages everything we have,
I can make people see this from another clear point of view that identifies us to all.

Write your introduction paragraph here, remember to list three points or arguments that
support your thesis in order of importance (one sentence for each). This paragraph
should contain 3-5 sentences, it predetermines the entire structure. The first sentence is
a hook sentence and the last sentence is your thesis statement. Good luck and be

a) free of contamination.

b) opportunities to living beings.

c) state statements against pollution and characters.

the environment collapses and every day we want more, no, we are satisfied with
nothing until we can not see the world burning, nobody is going to do anything, so I
personally want to instill and do something about what is happening with our home,Can I
make people see reason?.

We will see that together with natural disasters. Self-sufficiency will not be important this

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