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Activity # 1

Direction: In your own words, give at least five (5) importance of teaching social studies in the

elementary grades. Write your answer in the provided diagram below

To gain more knowledge about

the significance of our history

Social studies help

To help students
students how to IMPORTANCE OF TEACHING appriciate, respect
become productive SOCIAL STUDIES the culture
and responsible

It help students to understand It help students become global

the basic information about minded and be aware their
their state city and that they community
1. Why it is important to teach social studies to young age as learner?

It is important to teach social studies to the young age as learner to know and understand the

significant of our history at the young age they gain knowledge about the past and student

need learn about the world around them at a young age, also children should have an

understanding of basic information about their state and the city that they live, in a child should

be well aware of their community. Teaching social studies it help children to appreciate and

respect the culture and tradition of other people at a young age they know how to be a

responsible to all things. Furthermore teaching social studies help children to grow their critical

thinking, gain more knowledge about history, geology and economics that they can used

someday in the future. Some of the example, In elementary grade children are taught to vote

in their class who they want to vote it means it help children to learn and make decision about

voting in a simple way the children learn how to become responsible citizen and productive and

they will be aware. Through teaching social studies to young learner they will better understand

the importanceof our history and they will learn more to appreciate the culture we have.

2. Missing one out of five positions in the powerful and purposeful elementary social studies, do

you think you would still be an effective social studies teacher? Why or why not?

I think No, because it can effect to your performance as a social studies teacher and the five

positions in the powerful and purposeful is important to be an effective social studies teacher.

As a future social studies teacher my purpose is to provide knowledge to students and they will
learn something about social studies. To be an effective social studies teacher teaching should

be meaningful becauses studying social studies gives students an understanding of the real

world around them. Student learn about place, cultures and even around the world and should

be integrative to develop their skill knowledge attitude and values and teach student to express

their ideas and value based is important to be an effective social studies teacher, they need to

engage in frequent opportunities to make daily decision about democratic concept. Teaching

and learning in the elementary should be challenging, teacher should provide students

opportunities for in-depth investigation of concept that challenge and engage them and should

be active to be an effective teacher. As a future teacher I will motivate my students to learn

and gain more knowledge about social studies, because social studies help students become

productive and responsible citizen in the future. For me the five position in the powerful and

purposeful is important to be an effective social studies teacher because these qualities of

powerful social studies learning are foundational to the development of children knowledge


3. From what you have learned from this chapter of the purpose and importance of teaching

social studies in the elementary grades, evaluate yourself. How will you be an essential social

studies subject teacher of elementary grades in the future?

Social studies is where students learn to put current event into context and understand the world

around them. As a future teacher in social studies I will motivate my students to learn and gain

more knowledge about history because nowadays many people forget about the importance of

our history. As a future teacher in social studies to have students interest to learn about history I
will used some materials that can help them to learn just like technology to support children

interest and abilities and as a future teacher I will motivate them to participate and make

activities in that way they can learn. Helping students make connections, to find challenge.

Giving reading materials in context help students become better readers. They also become better

learners because they are asked to used analysis, critical thinking and writing show understand.

As a future teacher I will make them understand the importance of our history, culture, political

to be able understand why it is important to be a good citizen which will help them in the future

at a Young age they will learn how to be responsible and productive citizen in the future.

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