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2 Learner Exceptionalities Portfolio

2.1.6: Compare theories and philosophies of education and training impacting

learners with exceptionalities

Have you ever thought of something that is so easy for you to do, but could be the

most complicated task for someone else to do. I am here today to tell you that there are all

different types of learners and also different ways of learning things. Everyone has their

own exceptionalities. Noone is exactly alike. Exceptionalities are both disabilities and

giftedness. This includes anyone who has educational needs beyond the norm or things that

differ. They could be physical, cognitive, emotional, or behavioral. There are things that

help support the learners with exceptionalities as in IEPs, IFSPs, and 504 Plans. There are

also different educational theories and philosophies to help the students with their

learning. All of these things have huge impacts on children’s learning overall.

There are a lot of theories and philosophies of education and training that impact

learners with exceptionalities . A few theorists are Lev Vygotsky, Albert Bandura, John

Dewey, Jean Piaget, B.F. Skinner, Jerome Bruner, Benjamin Bloom, and Abraham Maslow.

One of the most known theories is the Constructivism Theory which is the idea that people

create meaning from experiences. Student engagement increases because students use

their own knowledge or what they have experienced as a learner to be active in the

learning process. The Behaviorism Theory which focuses on how students learn and what

their behaviors look like throughout the learning process. The Social Cognition/Cognitivism

Theory is an observational learning process. Lastly, the Humanistic Theory has a main
focus on the child's emotional wellbeing and the eternal view of the learning at the core. I

am going to be comparing the Maslow Theory and the Bandura Theory. The Maslow

hierarchy of needs is psychological health predicted on fulfilling innate human needs in

priority, culminating in self actualization. This means if students aren’t learning properly, it

may be because their basic needs are not fully filled. The Albert Bandura Theory is that

people learn from one another. They use observation, imitation, and modeling with Social

Cognitive Theory as the framework. With the Maslow Theory and Bandura Theory, they

both work with peers to improve children’s learning.

There are things that impact learners with exceptionalities. Learners with

exceptionalities have all kinds of different accommodations and modifications to support

needs for learners social, emotional, cognitive and physical growth. They might have certain

modifications and accommodations if they have an IEP, 504 plan, or IFSP. An IEP is an

individual education plan. In the plan they set goals for the child to achieve in a certain time

span, as well as provide accommodations or modifications so that the student can access

the curriculum. A 504 plan is something like an IEP, but instead of a goal they have access

to accommodations. Having these would help the child achieve and be successful. A few

accommodations they could have could be to work in small groups, extended time on tests,

frequent breaks, etc.. They could also have the text read to them aloud. They could take

their test in a smaller classroom setting. They could have preferred seating. They could get

guided notes. They could get repeated instruction.(Evidence 2.2.1) With the help of all of

these accommodations, this could help the child close their learning gap.

The way that children could get the modifications and accommodations that they

need in the classroom would be by differentiated instruction. Differentiation is when you

alter the way you teach according to the students' needs. (Evidence 2.2.2) The concepts

should always be very broad based because all students should be given access to the same

core. You would want to always provide different ways to demonstrate topics because not

everyone learns the same and students have different accommodations. Gifted students

may answer higher order thinking questions or engage in project based learning. The main

purpose is to make sure all the students are engaged and understand what they are

learning. In order to do that you would have to have a good learning environment to meet

everyone’s needs. (Evidence 2.2.3) This should include areas in which students can work

quietly or collaboratively. There should be materials reflecting diverse cultures and

routines that allow students to get help.

Everything is not going to be the same for everyone. Every child has their different

ways of learning. There will always be a time where one child could be in a different place

than another. The main thing is that teachers could help children reach their goals that they

need to be by accepting their exceptionalities and help them to succeed.

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