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Define the following terms:

a. Rainforest

❖ A region of dense, mostly evergreen trees and a significant amount of rainfall is a

rainforest. Rainforests are the oldest living ecosystems on Earth, with some
having existed for at least 70 million years in their current form.

b. Deforestation

❖ Deforestation, the clearing or thinning by humans of trees. Deforestation is one

of the biggest global land use concerns. Deforestation figures are historically
focused on the area of forest cleared for human use, including tree removal for
timber products and for crops and grazing land. All the trees are cleared from the
property in the practice of clear-cutting, which completely kills the forest.
However, in some situations, even partial harvesting and accidental fires thin out
the trees enough to drastically alter the forest structure.

c. Multiple-sustained Management

❖ For more than one purpose, multiple-use refers to the management of land or
forests and sometimes incorporates two or more land use targets while
maintaining the long-term yield of wood and non-wood products.

d. Aerial Seeding

❖ Aerial seeding is called a seeding system for broadcasting. It is also used to

disperse various grasses and legumes that are in need of vegetative cover after
fires to large areas of land. Large wildfires will kill large areas of plant life,
contributing to the danger of erosion. Aerial seeding can minimize erosion
hazards rapidly and efficiently and suppress the growth of invasive plant species.
Aerial seeding is an alternative to other methods of seeding where the terrain is
highly rugged or inaccessible at high altitudes or otherwise.

2. What are the effects of deforestation? Explain each.

❖ Loss of Habitat
➢ The disappearance of animal and plant species because of their loss of habitat is one of
the most harmful and disturbing impacts of deforestation. 70% of the animals and plant
species on land live in forests. Deforestation not only endangers organisms known to us,
but also those unknown. The canopy that controls the temperature is also supported by
the rainforest trees that provide protection for certain species. Deforestation results in a
more dramatic variation in temperature from day to night, much like a desert, which for
many inhabitants may prove fatal.

❖ Increased Greenhouse Gases

➢ In addition to habitat depletion, the absence of trees also allows for the release of more
greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Good forests trap carbon dioxide, serving as
valuable carbon sinks, from the atmosphere. Deforested areas are losing their potential
and are releasing more biomass.

❖ Water in the Atmosphere

➢ By helping to regulate the water cycle, the trees also help balance the level of water in the
atmosphere. There is less water in the air in deforested areas to be added to the earth.
This then triggers dryer soil and the failure to grow crops.

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