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Nama : Yohana Intan F.


Npm: 1714201019

Tugas : Bahasa Inggris



Monitoring patients in hospital

Sometimes, the health of a patient in hospital may get worse suddenly (this called
becoming acutely ill). There are certain times when this is more likely, for example
following an emergency admission to hospital, after surgery and after leaving critical
care. However, it can happen at any stage of an illness. It increases the patient’s risk
of needing to stay longer in hospital, not recovering fully or dying.

Monitoring patients (checking them and their health) regularly while they are in
hospital and taking action if they show signs of becoming worse can help avoid
serious problems.

Arrving on the ward or in the emergency department.

When you first arrive on the ward either as a new patient or from a critical care area
such as the intensive care unit, a healthcare professional should:

 Measure your pulse, blood pressure and temperature, how fast you are
breathing, and the amount of oxygen in your blood
 Look at how alert you are and whether you are aware of what is going on
around you.

You should also have these ‘vital signs’ measures if you are in the emergency
departement and it has been decided you need to stay in hospital.

The staff should write a plan for which of your vital signs should be monitoring and
how often. The plan should take into account:

 Why you are in hospital

 Any other illnesses or health problems you have
 What you have agreed about your treatment.
Memantau pasien di rumah sakit

Kadang-kadang, kesehatan pasien di rumah sakit tiba-tiba memburuk (ini disebut

sakit parah). Ada saat-saat tertentu hal ini lebih mungkin terjadi, misalnya setelah
masuk darurat ke rumah sakit, setelah operasi dan setelah meninggalkan perawatan
kritis. Namun, itu bisa terjadi pada semua tahap penyakit. Ini meningkatkan risiko
pasien harus tinggal lebih lama di rumah sakit, tidak pulih sepenuhnya atau sekarat.

Memantau pasien (memeriksa mereka dan kesehatannya) secara teratur selama

mereka di rumah sakit dan mengambil tindakan jika mereka menunjukkan tanda-
tanda memburuk dapat membantu menghindari masalah yang serius.

Mengatur di bangsal atau di unit gawat darurat.

Ketika Anda pertama kali tiba di bangsal baik sebagai pasien baru atau dari area
perawatan kritis seperti unit perawatan intensif, seorang profesional perawatan
kesehatan harus:

 Ukur denyut nadi, tekanan darah dan suhu Anda, seberapa cepat Anda bernapas,
dan jumlah oksigen dalam darah Anda

 Perhatikan seberapa waspada Anda dan apakah Anda menyadari apa yang terjadi
di sekitar Anda.

Anda juga harus melakukan pengukuran 'tanda-tanda vital' ini jika Anda berada di
unit gawat darurat dan telah diputuskan bahwa Anda harus tinggal di rumah sakit.

Staf harus menulis rencana tanda-tanda vital Anda yang mana yang harus dipantau
dan seberapa sering. Rencana tersebut harus mempertimbangkan:

 Mengapa Anda di rumah sakit

 Penyakit atau masalah kesehatan lain yang Anda alami

 Apa yang Anda sepakati tentang perawatan Anda.


1. What is meant by acute ill?

Answer: acute indicates a disease condition that is sudden or has recently
occurred. The term acute does not relate to the severity of a disease. A disease
can be acute, but not severe.
Apa yang dimaksud dengan sakit akut?
akut menunjukkan kondisi penyakit yang sifatnya mendadak atau baru saja
terjadi. Istilah akut tidak berhubungan dengan tingkat keparahan suatu
penyakit. Suatu penyakit bisa saja bersifat akut, tetapi tidak parah.

2. When can acute ill occur?

Answer: Disease can be said that a person who suffers from an illness in a
relatively short time, that is, less than 6 months.
Kapan penyakit akut bisa terjadi?
Penyakit dapat dikatakan akut apabila seseorang menderita suatu penyakit
dalam waktu relatif singkat, yaitu kurang dari 6 bulan.
3. What risk can be taken if a a patient has an acute ill?
Answer: The risk of the patient having to stay longer in the hospital, not fully
recovering or dying.
Risiko apa yang bisa diambil jika pasien sakit parah?
Risiko pasien harus tinggal lebih lama di rumah sakit, tidak pulih sepenuhnya
atau sekarat.
4. As a nurse , what do you do when you monitor your patients in hospital?
Answer: a health care professional must:
 Measure the patient's pulse, blood pressure and temperature, how well the
patient is breathing rapidly, and the amount of oxygen in the patient's blood
 aware of paying attention to the patient and whether the patient is aware of
what is happening around the patient.
Sebagai perawat, apa yang Anda lakukan saat memantau pasien di rumah
seorang profesional perawatan kesehatan harus:
 Ukur denyut nadi, tekanan darah dan suhu pasien, sebaik apapun pasien
bernapas dengan cepat, dan jumlah oksigen dalam darah pasien
 menyadari memperhatikan pasien dan apakah pasien menyadari apa yang
terjadi di sekitar pasien.
5. As a nurse who works in emergency unit, what should you do first for you
patients who arrive there?
When you first arrive on the ward either as a new patient or from a critical
care area such as the intensive care unit, a healthcare professional should:
 Measure your pulse, blood pressure and temperature, how fast you are
breathing, and the amount of oxygen in your blood
 Look at how alert you are and whether you are aware of what is going on
around you.

6. What should be included in a plan for monitoring the patients?

The staff should write a plan for which of your vital signs should be
monitoring and how often. The plan should take into account:
 Why you are in hospital
 Any other illnesses or health problems you have
 What you have agreed about your treatment.
7. a nurse who works
8. vocabluary
Monitoring patients : Memantau pasien
Get worse suddenly : Lebih buruk tiba-tiba
Acutely ill : Sakit parah
Emergency : Keadaan darurat

Admission : Penerimaan:

Surgery : Operasi
Critical care : Perawatan kritis
Stage of an illness : Stadium suatu penyakit
Increases : Meningkat
Patient’s risk : Resiko pasienStay longer
In hospital : Di rumah sakit
Not recovering fully : Belum pulih sepenuhnya
Dying : Sekarat
Taking action : Mengambil tindakan
Signs : Tanda-tanda
Avoid : Menghindari
Serious problems : Masalah serius
Agree about your : Setuju tentang Anda
Treatmen : Pengobatan
Department : Departemen
New patient : Pasien baru
A critical care area : Area perawatan kritis
Intesive care unit : Unit perawatan intensif
Helathcare : Kesehatan
Professional : Professional
Measure your pulse : Ukur denyut nadi Anda
Blood pressure temperature : Suhu tekanan darah
How fast you are breathing : Seberapa cepat Anda bernapas
The amount of : Jumlah
Oxygen in your blood alert ; Oksigen dalam darah Anda waspada
Vital signs : Tanda-tanda vital
Measure plan : Ukur rencana

1. the nurses didn’t monitor the patient’s vital signs when arriving at emergency
unit this afternoon
answer: the patient's vital signs were not monitor by the nurse when arriving
at emergency unit this afternoon
2. he always advises me to have a sleep every night
answer: I am always advises by him to have a sleep every night
3. the nurses checked the patient.
Answer: the patient checked by the nurses
4. doctor tomi prescribed him medication just now.
Answer: her medication prescribed by doctor tomi just now
5. she took my blood sample
answer: my blood sample tooked by her
6. Ruteng public Hospital provides good services to the patients.
Answer: good services provides by Ruteng public Hospital to the patients

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