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1. Read the following sentences. And then, decide if the underlined verb is active (A) or passive (P).
Number one is done for you.
No Teks

1 The singer wore a beautiful head piece.(A)

Today the winners are announced by the committee.


3 Ariana presented an Panasonic Award. (A)

4 A committee chooses the winner. (A)

5 You can see the movie on DVD. (A)

6 Tom Cruise has been seen in many videos. (P)

7 They are presenting an award now. (A)

8 They have chosen the best movie. (A)

9 The designer has been nominated many times. (P)

10 Old videos were filmed in monochrome. (P)

11 They announced the winner’s name. (A)

12 They will pick the best movie. (A)

13 Many singer live in Indonesia. (A)

14 Many movies are made in Hollywood. (P)

15 They are going to pick the best movie. (A)

The actress thanked all the people who helped her

win. (A)

The actress was driven to the ceremony in a white

limousine. (P)

Hollywood was built at the beginning of the twentieth

century. (P)

Hollywood has become the movie capital of the U.S.

2. Fill in the blanks! You can choose with passive voice of the verb. And then, use the tense or modal given.
No Sentence Word

1 The best singer was given an Oscar give

2 The awards ceremony will be seen by millions of people. see

3 A new theater is being built near my house at this time. build

We can’t get into the movie theater because all the tickets
4 sell
had been sold already.

5 Which actor will be choosen next year? choose

6 No one knows why the award was called “Oscar.” call

7 Slumdog Millionaire was chosen as the best film of 2009. choose

In a movie theater, coming attractions are shown before the

8 show
feature film begins.

9 Tau movie can be seen at many theaters. can / see

Did you watch the Harry Potter movie? No, but it had been
10 watch
watched by my brother.

11 I went to the lobby to buy popcorn, and my seat was taken. take

12 Many movies were made about World War II. make

13 Kate Winslet was given the best actress award in 2009. give

Before 1941, the winners’ names have been published in

14 publish
newspapers the night before the ceremony.

15 A good movie is shown at a theater near my house. show

16 Sound was added to movies in 1927. add

The Kodak Theatre, where the awards were presented each

17 present
year, in 2001.

18 Star Wars was made in 1977. make

19 In 1929, only fifteen Oscars were presented. present

20 The movie has been shown on TV many times. show

21 Hurry! The winners will be announced in ten minutes. announce

Over 2,000 Academy Awards had been given out since

22 give

23 Children are not allowed to see some movies. not/allow

24 In 1929, only one award was given to a woman. give

25 Movie listings could be found in the newspaper. can/find

26 When is sound added to movies? It was added in 1927. add

27 Let’s get some popcorn. It has been made right now. make

often /
28 Movies are often made in Hollywood.

29 Most American movies are made in Hollywood. make

30 How many movies were filmed in black and white? film

31 The movie was filmed in black and pink. film

3. Fill in the blanks! Choose the active or passive voice of the verb. You can use the tense indicated.
No Sentence Word

1 I saw an old movie on TV last night. see

2 Walt Disney moved his studio to Hollywood. move

3 Walt Disney lived in Hollywood most of his life. live

4 Many movies are made in Hollywood. make

5 Steven Spielberg made many movies. make

6 Disney died in 1966. die

7 Today’s animations are created using computers. create

8 We rented a DVD this weekend. rent

9 Vera Wang designed beautiful dresses. design

10 Cartoon characters look like they moved. move

11 Even today, Disney’s old cartoons look beautiful. look

The actress wears a dress that is designed by Ralph

12 (wear) (design)

Who wrote the music for the movie? The music by

13 write
Randy Newman

14 Most of his cartoons are drew by studio artists. draw

15 Walt Disney was given 26 Oscars. give

16 The first Academy Awards presentation had 250 guests. have

17 Walt Disney didn’t draw most of his cartoon characters. not/draw

19 Computer animation has been used in many movies. use

Walt Disney became famous when he created Mickey

20 (become) (create)

Movie reviewers made predictions weeks before the

21 make
Oscar presentation.

22 His cartoons is seen all over the world. see

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