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AR 423
Midterm Quiz

Name :_________________________________________ Date :__________

Instructions : Encircle the letter of the correct answer. Read the questions

1. In a typical owner-general contractor, which of the following is generally Not included?

a. contract amount b. performance / payment bonds
c. labor contingent d. insurance / other conditions
2. Which of the following conditions:
1. 10 percent maximum excess over guaranteed maximum cost.
2. Savings on project construction cost divided equally between architect and client
3. 10 percent excess of guaranteed maximum cost divided equally between Architect and client
4. Lore than 10 percent excess of guarantees maximum cost paid by Architect
5. All items listed,
Describe the design-build services on guaranteed maximum cost?
a. 1, 2, 3 c. 1, 3, 4
b. 2, 3, 4 d. 5
3. Which of the following describe promotional services?
a. Design preparation to generate financial support
b. Material specifications
c. Space use analysis /space module design
d. Client’s needs assessment
4.Under PD 1096, which of the following is a reason for non-issuance, suspension, or revocation of
building permits?
a. All items listed
b. Incorrect scale of drawings
c. lot not fully paid by proposed owner
d. errors in plans / specifications
5. Which of the following specialized allied services describes landscape design?
a. Master development planning
b. Furniture layout / provision of fixtures and decorative items
c. Sound control design electronics and communications systems
d. Land use / sitting of buildings and communication routes
6. Under what phase of design services does the Architect assist owner in securing required documents
from appropriate government authorities?
a. contract documents c. construction
b. design development d. schematic design
7. In the Architects’ Code of Ethics, to whom does the Architect have responsibility to give every
reasonable aid for full understanding of contract documents?
a. manufacturers / dealers c. contractor
b. public d. client
8. what type of specifications indicates the description of the product itself?
a. descriptive c. closed
b. brand name d. performance
9. Which of the following describes Architectural programming?
a. Site analysis for development potential
b. Determines space requirements
c. Analysis development costs
d. Determines client’s needs /assessments
10 In a typical owner-Architect agreement, which of the following is generally Not chargeable to owner?
a. Closets and cabinets
b. Five sets of contract documents
c. Consultancy services on acoustics, communications system
d. Extra work due to owner’s order of changes
11. In the Architect’s range of services, under which services does interior design fall?
a. Specialized allied c. pre-design
b. post construction d. design

12. In the Architect’s range of services, under which services do promotional services fall?
a. Specialized services c. construction
b. design d. pre-design
13. With respect to Architects’ Code of Ethics, which of the following is TRUE?
a. Any deviation from Code is subject to discipline by UAP College of Fellows.
b. The UAP National Board has the sole power of interpreting the Code provisions.
c. Adherence to Code’s principles is an obligation of every Architect.
d. The PRC has the sole power of interpreting Code provisions.
14. Under the Civil Code, how long (number of years) is the Architect liable for damages after construction
of building /structure?
a.10 b. 15 c. 30 d. 20
15. Under PD 223, which agency has general supervision over foreign nationals who are granted special
permit to practice Architecture in the Philippines?
a. United Architects of the Philippines
b. Department of Education, culture and Sports
c. Professional Regulation Commission
d. Department of Foreign Affairs
16. In the Architect’s specialized allied services, under which category does the Architect prepare plans of
contiguous sites for industrial estates, tourists centers, housing subdivisions, and the like?
a. landscape design c. industrial planning
b. interior design d. physical planning
17. Under what condition can an owner terminate a contract with a contractor?
a. makes advance payment to subcontractors / suppliers
b. bankruptcy declared by owner
c. changes materials and equipment
d. provides unqualified / incompetent superintendent /labor force
18. In the Architect’s specialized allied services, under which services does the Architect prepare schedules
of shrubs, trees, and other plants and other landscaping elements?
a. environmental planning c. acoustics
b. landscape design d. interior design
19 Under PD 1096, in the absence of an official land use plan, who shall determine the major land use
pattern in the area (city or municipality)?
a. National Housing Authority c. Barangay
b. Mayor d. Building Official
20. which of the following describes single-product type of specifications?
a. Specifies only one brand to match existing materials
b. Indicates results of product rather than product itself
c. Specifies description of product itself
d. Specifies manufacturer’s name / model number
21. In a typical owner-Architect agreement, which of the following is chargeable to owner?
a. Taxes on services (exclusive of income taxes)
b. Sanitary / Mechanical engineering
c. Structural / Electrical engineering
d. Five sets contract documents
22. Which association is the PRC-accredited organization of Architects in the Philippines?
a. United Architects of the Philippines
b. Philippine Institute of Architects
c. League of Philippine Architects
d. Association of Philippine Government Architects
23. What set of documents define the properties and quality of materials and products shown on the
drawings and how they should be installed?
a. schedule of work c. buildings code
b. contracts documents d. specifications
24. In the Architect’s design services, under which phase does preparation of specifications on type /
quality of materials and construction methods fall?
a. construction c. Schematic design
b. design development d. contract documents
25. Which compensation method for Architect’s services is made by adding all costs of technical
services and uses a multiplier to take care of overhead and profit?
a. Multiple of direct personnel expenses
b. Percentage of construction cost
c. Per-diem plus reimbursable expenses
d. Professional fee plus expenses
26. What is the most important principle to be followed in good specifications writing?
a. degree of detail c. indicative mood
b. elaborate language d. clarity and conciseness
27. Under PD 1096, what is the maximum projection (meters) of balconies and appendages for streets
more than 14.00 meters wide?
a. 1.00 c. 1.20
b. 1.80 d. 1.50
28. Which of the following describes economic feasibility study?
a. Site evaluation studies
b. Site analysis for development potential
c. determines income-expense requirements / financing negotiation
d. determines project viability for potential returns to owner
29. There are seven categories of Architects’ services. Under what category does Architectural
programming fall?
a. Specialized allied services c. design
b. construction d. pre-design
30 What project management tool consists of identifying the most critical set of activities and computes
critical path schedules for implementation?
a. Gant chart c. networking analysis
b. project breakdown structure d. critical path method
31. In PD 1096, which of the following is Not an indication of DANGEROUS building / structure due to
improper location?
a. non-conformance to approve zoning plan
b. non-conformance to approve land use plan
c. east-west building orientation
d. location in earthquake / flood prone area
32. Under PD 1096, which of the following is Not a basis for assessment of building permit fees?
a. Architect’s / other professional fees c. building height
b. construction cost d. floor area
33. Which of the following conditions:
1. Architect advances for payment of project cost expenditures
2. Architect guarantees within 50% range of project construction cost
3. Architect pays salaries of supervisor /purchasing agent / property clerk / timekeeper
4. Architect pays for permits /licenses incidental to work
5. None of items listed.
Describe the design-build services by administration?
a. 1, 3, 4 c. 5
b. 2, 3, 4 d. 1, 2, 3
34.Which of the following conditions:
1. Services rendered the same as that of design-build by administration
2. Payment by lump sum according to work progress
3. Architect given a “revolving capital” by client
4. Savings on project construction cost divided equally between Architect and Client
5. All items listed
Describe the design-build services on guaranteed maximum cost?
a. 5 c. 3
b. 1, 3, 4 d. 2, 3, 4
35. In PD 1096, which of the following conditions:
1. structural hazards
2. improper location
3. hazardous electrical wiring
4. illegal construction
5. all listed items / conditions
Indicate dangerous buildings / structures?
a. 1, 3, 4 c. 2, 3, 4
b. 5 d. 1, 2, 3
36. An Architect has designed a public market costing 30 million pesos. Using UAP standards, how much
is his basic minimum fee?
a. 1.2 million pesos c. 1.0 million pesos
b. 3.0 million pesos d. 1.8 million pesos
37. Which of the following describes site utilization and land use studies?
a. client’s needs assessments
b. geodetic surveys and assessments
c. legal requirements evaluation
d. site analysis for development potential
38. In the Architect’s range of services, under which services does acoustics fall?
a. pre-design c. design
b. specialized allied d. post construction
39. Which of the following post-construction services includes evaluation of functional effectiveness of
a. post-construction evaluation
b. owners’ association organization
c. building / equipment maintenance
d. building / grounds administration
40. In the Architect’s design services, under which phase does the Architect makes periodic visits to project
site to familiarize himself with general progress / quality of work?
a. design development c. schematic design
b. construction d. contract documents
41. In the formulation of the master development plan, which component is concerned with the locality
assets and its management?
a. physical c. economic
b. transport d. sociocultural
42.Under what condition may an Architect recommend withholding of payment on request for payment?
a. full payment to subcontractors
b. reasonable doubt that work can be completed ahead of contract time
c. resolution of conflicts with other contractors
d. detective work not remedied
43. There are seven categories of Architects’ services. Under what category does site utilization and land
use studies fall?
a. specialized allied services c. pre-design
b. design d. construction
44. Within what period may contractor after giving written notice to owner / Architect suspend work /
terminate contract?
a. 15 days c. 10 days
b. 21 days d. 30 days
45. In a typical owner-general contractor agreement, who is responsible for payment of insurance for
personal injury and property?
a. project manager c. owner
b. Architect d. contractor
46. Under PD 1096, what is referred to as construction in an existing building / structure involving
changes in materials used, partitioning, location / size openings, etc., but does not increase the overall
a. repair c. renovation
b. alteration d. conversion
47. Which of the following reasons indicates why a well-written set of specifications is important to the
a. able to calculate cost of materials / labor in a most quick and accurate manner
b. able to check quality of materials / workmanship during construction
c. able to do accurate shop and millwork
d. able to effectively direct construction thus avoiding errors and conflicts of opinion
48. What do you call the strip fastened to the floor beneath a door, usually required to cover the joint where
two types of floor materials meet which may provide weather protection at exterior doors?
a. threshold c. base board
b. door stopper d. door track
49. Egyptian PYRAMIDS and Babylonian ZIGGURATS have some Architectural similarities and
differences. Which of the following is TRUE?
a. Four angles of Pyramids face the cardinal points.
b. Four sides of ziggurats face the cardinal points.
c. Both are square in plan.
d. Ziggurats used stone; pyramids used sun dried bricks.
50 Which of the following represents the secondary colors?
a. yellow, green, blue c. red, yellow, blue
b. green, orange, violet d. green, yellow, violet

end of quiz !!!

ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS : (No bearing with the grades for the subject, but you can
still answer them if you like)

51. What type of structure has elements which are exaggerated and where forms reflect a non-efficient use
of material just for the sake of emotional impact, and the Architect’s particular aesthetic thought?
a. adequate structure c. minimal structure
b. formal or sculptured structure d. pretensions structure
52. what Type of art is based on suggestive moving of lights and on weird sounds which could stimulate
drugged form?
a. free c. modern
b. pop d. psychedelic
53. Who is considered as the “traditional modernist” Architect?
a. Philip Johnson c. Le Corbusier
b. Louis Sullivan d. Marcel Brauer
54. What do you call the system of communication which is historically linked with language: primarily
visual language; and composed of an integration of lie, form, edges, and plane?
a. art c. language
b. organizational behavior d. Architecture
55. Which of the following is NOT a characteristics of the cubism movement?
a. abstract perspective c. new presentation
b. heavy use of straight lines d. pure color usage
56. what psychological effect does GREEN color denote/
a. rage, passion, and excitement
b. cool and acts as sedative
c. peaceful and tranquil
d. gaiety and luminous effect

57. Who is the Architect of the Central Bank of the Philippines in Harrison?
a. Ruperto Gaite c. Crececiano de Castro
b. Gabriel d. Felipe Mendoza
58. who is the Architect of the College of Engineering and College of Liberal Arts at University of the
a. Voctor Tiotuyco c. Aurelio Juguilon
b. Gabriel Formoso d. Cesar H. Concio
59. What is a polemic art, which aims to draw attention to the negative side of society, through songs of
protest, biting books, and accusing pictures and photographs?
a. modern c. underground
b. pop d. angry
60. What is the first project Michael Graves designed in the Philippines?
a. World Health Organization Building
b. Philippine Trade Center
c. World Trade Organization Building
d. World Trade exchange Building
61. In the formulation of master development plan, which component is concerned with land use and
changes / activities occurring within the physical environment?
a. sociocultural c. economic
b. physical d. transport
62. Under PD 1096, which of the following items:
1. building occupancy / use
2. construction cost
3. floor area
4. height
5. all listed items
Are used as basis for assessment of building permit fees?
a. 1, 2, 4 c. 2, 3, 4
b. 1, 2, 3 d. 5
63. Toranas or gateways are a characteristic feature of what style of Architecture?
a. Japanese c. Filipino
b. Indian d. Chinese
64. From what style of Architecture were the Chinese pagodas derived?
a. Muslim c. Japanese
b. Indian d. European
65. What do you call the enclosed space at the top of a ziggurat in Mesopotamia?
a. God’s house c. priest’s house
b. observatory d. altar
66. What is the difference between Chinese and Japanese pagodas?
a. Chinese pagodas are polygonal ; Japanese are square.
b. Chinese pagodas are mostly five-storeyed; Japanese are three to fifteen
c. Japanese pagoda plans are polygonal; Chinese are square.
d. Japanese pagodas are mostly four-storeyed; Chinese are three to seven.
67. Which historic style of Architecture first introduced the clerestory?
a. Egyptian c. roman
b. Greek d. West Asiatic
68. What do you call the long colonnaded building used around public places and as shelters at
religious shrines in Greek Architecture?
a. propylae c. peristyle
b. stoa d. agora
69. Mediaeval Architecture, which is characterized by pointed style, was prevalent in Western Europe
from the 13th to the 15th century. What do you call this style?
a. Romanesque c. Doric
b. Arabesque d. Gothic

70. Buddhist Architecture shown in rock-cut temples with lavishly carved interiors is a characteristic
feature of what style of Architecture?
a. Japanese c. Indian
b. Filipino d. Chinese
71. According to Klassen, vernacular residential Architecture has regional differentiations. What is the
EXCEPTION from the following?
a. material c. meaning
b. form d. construction
72. In the illustrated Greek Doric Order, identify the TRACHELIUM.
a. No. 19 c. No. 20
b. No. 18 d. No. 21
73. Identify the illustrated Architectural masterpiece by Marcel Breuer.
a. UNESCO Secretariat Building, Paris
b. Legislative Assembly Building, Chandigarh
c. Parliament Building, Brazilia
d. City Hall, Boston
74. Identify the illustrated Architectural masterpiece by Eero Searinen.
a. Palazzetto Dello Sports Building, Rome
b. TWA Terminal, Kennedy Airport
c. Legislative Assembly Building, Chandigarh
d. UNESCO Secretariat Building, Paris
75. In the illustrated Greek Doric Order, Identify the CORNICE.
a. No. 4 c. No. 3
b. No. 5 d. No. 2
76. In the illustrated Greek Doric Order, Identify the VUTTAE.
a. No. 21 c. No. 22
b. No. 20 d. No. 19
77. Which of the following:
1. small shaded parking areas or carports
2. grass ground covers adjacent to dwelling units
3. tree-shaded roadways and parking areas
4. parking areas adjacent to dwelling units
Reduce excessive glare and radiation in outdoor environment.
a. 2, 3, 4 c. all listed items
b. 1, 2, 4 d. 1, 2, 3
78. What should be the minimum radius free of parking of a cul-de-sac?
a. 60 feet c. 50 feet
b. 40 feet d. 3o feet
79. which of the following characterizes a gemeinschaft community?
a. transitory sort of secondary group contacts predominates
b. urban environment
c. primary7 group contacts predominate
d. business-like relationships prevail GASHELLSCHAFT
80. In general, any place affects people through their senses, hence, these senses are important in landscape
design. Which one of these senses may NOT be very important in this case?
a. taste c. smell
b. touch d. sight
81.When was the first zoning law enacted in the United States?
a. 1916 c. 1900
b. 1945 d. 1930
82. In the hierarchy of street types, which of the following describes local residential streets?
a. circumventing neighborhoods
b. pick up traffic from local residential streets in one neighborhood
c. major arteries and inter-neighborhood streets
d. solely for residential area served
83In the increase of urban population, which of the following factors indicates rural areas having
achieved urban status?
a. natural increase c. out migration
b. reclassification d. net migration
84 Where is the origin of the law of the Indies as a planning regulation?
a. England c. Portugal
b. France d. Spain
85 Who is the advocate of the broadacre city of city planning?
a. Le Corbusier c. Ebenezer Howard
b. Soria y Mata d. Frank Lloyd wright
86 which element of the city is the center of activity /
a. landmark c. edge
b. node d. pathway
87 What is the difference between a condominium and a housing cooperative?
a. Both have individual ownership
b. A condominium has individual ownership; a housing cooperative has a group ownership.
c. A housing cooperative has individual ownership; a housing cooperative has group ownership.
d. Both have individual titles to housing unit.
88. Whose famous axiom is this? Let the facade be free composition.
a. Louis Khan c. Kenzo Tange
b. Pier Luigi Nervi d. Walter Gropius
89. BLUE-GREEN, RED-ORANGE, and BLUE-VIOLET belong to which group of hues or colors?
a. tertiary c. quarterly
b. secondary d. primary
90. Man’s sensory apparatus falls into two categories or classification. Under what category are those used
to maximize the world of touch, such as skin. Membranes, and muscles fall?
a. distance receptors c. social receptors
b. critical receptors d. immediate receptors
91. What type of Architectural elements provide for circulation and movement of users of building?
a. protective c. circulatory
b. structural d. need-specific
92. Which of the following indicates the name of a color?
a. intensity c. hue
b. chroma d. value
93. which of the following does NOT usually affect scale in buildings?
a. character of building
b. normal requirements of human beings
c. type of material
d. size of material
94. which of the following describes the value of a color?
a. brightness or dullness of a color
b. name of color
c. lightness or darkness of a color
d. psychology of color
95. Throughout the history of human race, what is considered the mother of all arts?
a fine arts c. painting
b. music d. architecture
96.What type of art is art for everyone, which can be done by anyone, everything and anything goes—
any sort of material and songs and comics and communication in every kind of media?
a. angry c. modern
b. pop d. op
97. What is the first planned park in the United States?
a. Golden Gate Park, San Francisco
b. Central Park, New York
c. Yosemite Valley Park, California
d. Washington Park, Chicago
98. What do you call the intersection that separates lanes of traffic by use of islands?
a. rotaries c. channelization
b. cloverleaf d. diamond intersection
99. In illustration of INTERSECTIONM ANGELES OF STREETS, which figure (s) is
(are) acceptable?
a. figure 1
b. figure 2
c. figure 1 and 2
d. None of the given figures
100. Where did condominiums as a solution to the problem of scarcity and high cost of urban land
a. Italy c. England
b. France d. United States of America

Good Luck !!!

(To all the exams you are planning to take.)

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