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Trailer Run Time

The trailer will be running for a minute to a minute and a half.


Target Audience
The target audience for this trailer is young adults both male and female, from the age of 15
year olds to around 30 year olds, the younger cast makes it more relatable for the audience
encouraging them to watch the film from the characters shown in the trailer. The target
audience is aimed towards people who enjoy thrillers and enjoy being put on the edge of
their seats. The variety of spending powers make it difficult to target a specific group but the
trailer is tailored towards people who love thrillers.

Film Synopsis
Beginning - Luke
The film starts off with a girl (Mia) rushing down the stairs through a long shot, she can be
seen grabbing a bag and running out the door slamming it behind her, through a series of
close-up shots. The diegetic sound is linked to a soundtrack of upbeat music which
encourages the audience to have a positive view of her and feel aligned and understand her.
She quickly walks down the street through a crab shot from the other side of the road that
gives the feel of being with her. She can be seen fixing her outfit as she goes making herself
look smart and well dressed, Through an extreme long shot she enters a coffee shop where
she meets a client to talk business, through over the shoulder, shot reverse shots she can
be seen talking about with the client about a piece of work that hasn’t been sent off, the use
of diegetic dialogue creates understanding for the audience about how she’s feeling. After
she leaves she a POV shot allows the audience to see that Mia has a missed call from her
mum. She calls her back and has a quick catch up with her mentioning about the client she’s
just met, she can be seen walking down the street where she crosses a road, a car comes
flying down the street, we can hear the diegetic sound of a car engine getting louder and
louder, we then see a car come into shot up the road as a the camera crabs along with Mia.
The car can be seen slamming on in front of the girl nearly missing her because she’s busy
on the phone rather than concentrating on her surroundings. The use of diegetic sound
hearing the car's engine and the sound of brakes screeching whilst shows a close-up of the
front wheel skidding to a stop, this adds to the effect of suddenly stopping for the girl, the
non-diegetic incidental music which sounds like a build up off a set of drums helps build the
tension of the situation to the audience. A sudden cut of the sound causes a lack of sound.
The scene cuts to black and an alarm can be heard going off again, the diegetic sound of
the alarm interrupts the silence shocking the audience as they fear for the worst. A boy
(James) wakes up slowly, not in a rush having a sleep in, he gets up and mopes around the
house, having cereal and chilling, Non-diegetic soundtrack of music begins in the
background similar to the start, shows we should see both audiences in the same light and
have the same opinion of them of. he sets off for work, driving along the non-diegetic
soundtrack fades into diegetic music inside of the car, on his way he comes across a set of
road works along the way which he wasn't expecting, this sends him on a different route to
work, the speed of the editing increases showing the dramatic intensity of the scene. We can
see James rushing because the traffic had delayed him, diegetic dialogue from James
creates understanding for the audience that he’s now panicking about being late. Through a
variety of shots such as long shots and close-ups of the car driving shows him rushing
through side streets, and alleyways trying to get to work, he can be seen busy stressing
when a figure steps out in the road in front of him, a POV shot aligns us with James as were
frightened about what is about to happen. He slams on and can be seen shocked. He gets
out of his car shaken and rushes over to her asking if she’s okay. The shot reverse shot as
well as two shots show the equal representation they both have to the film. They begin
talking and mention about their jobs and what they do for a career, over the next couple of
weeks we switch between both characters following their story, One day they Mia can has to
go meet a new client at the same coffee place, she walks over where we see James sat
there, he notices Mia and walks over mentioning about the close accident, James asks if she
wants to go out for dinner together one night next week, which she agrees on, they plan on a
date and location for them to meet. An establishing shot booms down as James pulls up, this
signifies a new chapter to the audience they go out for a date which they both enjoy, this
leads to them becoming closer in their relationship, as time progresses a montage shows the
couple going on loads of trips and dates together enjoying their new relationship. After one
year enjoying themselves, they start to struggle as they get older and want to progress and
move on, its revealed that the girl want to move away and have more of a social life with her
friends, it comes to the point whenJames starts to worry and becomes overprotective and
possessive because he’s worried to lose her and doesn’t know how to handle the situation.

Middle - Louis
James has been asking her to go out but Mia needs some space as she has been with him
non stop recently. There will be a card celebrating their 1 year anniversary on the side and
Mia will rip it up and put it in the bin. After being together for a year Mia doesn't feel like she
has had enough time with her friends and hasn't had much of a social life. James doesn't
have many mates, as he has left them all for Mia but she still keeps in contact with her
friends. This is part of the reason why Mia is feeling trapped in the relationship because he
always has to rely on her when he wants to do something.we see that Mia is trapped
because James is always relying on her to have fun and Mia hasn't seen her friends in
months. Mia has planned to see her friends for the first time in months and she has rejected
her boyfriend. They have all gone out for a few drinks at the local bar and there is a close up
of Mia looking happier than usual but there is a close up of Mia’s phone vibrating and we see
messages from James. So she turns her phone off for a few hours and tries to enjoy her
night with her friends. There is a low angle mid shot of James sitting at home feeling
stressed because he doesn’t know what she will be doing without him there. He is sitting at
home and he can’t stop looking at his phone and he is thinking the worst, so he starts to call
her but it goes straight to voicemail. There will be cross cut editing of James ringing her and
then it will cut to Mia’s phone vibrating on the table as she ignores his calls. He rings and
rings her but there is still no answer. He leaves it for 30 minutes but then he drives down to
the bar, where he knows she is at. He parks his car outside and the camera tracks as he
walks in with a panic, as he is looking around with a fast paced walk asking people if they
have seen Mia. There is fast paced editing as Mia walks out the toilet with her friends and is
in complete shock to see him there and her friends can’t believe he has turned up. He tries
to hug her but she is very angry and tells him to go away. He tries to get her to come with
him but she says she is sleeping at her friends house and doesn't want to see him at the
moment. The whole bar is staring at the couple and James walks out in embarrassment, he
looks at her with shock and his face is bright red. As he is in the car park Mia shouts him and
walks towards him. There is an over the shoulder shot as Mia is in tears and begins to tell
him that she doesn't want to be in the relationship anymore because she feels like he is too
obsessive. He begs her not to do it but it's too late and there is a low angle close up of
James left in tears. There is a long shot as she walks back into the bar and James begins to
follow her again. A two shot of the couple and Mia pushes him away. A mid low angle shot of
him getting into his car and drives home but is in pain. He gets into his home and cries about
his girlfriend wondering why she doesn't want to be with him. There is a close up of him
looking through his phone trying to find Mia’s number. He rings her and he realises she has
blocked his number. He panics and goes onto social media and she has blocked him off
every platform. He has no way of contacting her.

End - Hareth
We see a variety of close ups, his feelings are all over the place and he doesn't know what
to do with himself. He starts drinking alcohol to escape his feelings doing everything he can
to numb the pain. One night he is out on the street drinking and he sees Mia out with
another man, he follows them home through a few estates. Seeing her happy makes him
really angry as he feels like she left him without fairness or chances. He sees both Mia and
the man at a long shot going into the house and stays for a few seconds just staring. There
is a variety of shot reverse shots on the house and a close up of James’ face. He drinks the
last bit of his whiskey and smashes the glass (diegetic). James is now in bed. We get a
close up of his phone and him on Mia’s social media profiles looking at what she has been
up to. All he sees is her getting over him and growing into someone new. The next shot is
James waking up early in the morning. We see a close up of his phone and the time is 6am.
He quickly puts on his clothes and runs out of his flat. He runs back to the house where he
had seen Mia the previous night. He just stands there and waits until he sees them both
leave the house. He sees them getting into a car so he goes onto someone's drive and takes
their car to follow Mia and where she is going. He now knows where Mia works. He stays
there till they both get into the building then he drives off. We keep getting close ups of both
Mia and James’ face so the audience knows the contrast between what both characters are
going through and feeling. James goes back to his flat and clears out a room so there is
open space in the middle, we then see him going over to his shed and grabbing a bunch of
tools and putting them in a duffel bag (close up of the duffle bag). We get a variety of close
ups and continuity editing of him putting his tools in his bag and he just sat in his car behind
the wheel. The scene carries on with him behind the wheel outside where Mia works. He is
praying she gets out alone. His prayers come true, he runs right up to her as she walks past
the alley he is parked in and throws her in the car, cuffs her to the seat and drives off. This
has been edited so it is a fast scene. He arrives at his flat and takes her up the stairs. She is
trying to cry for help but his hand is suffocating her mouth so she cannot get her words out.
The next shot is a high angle shot of them both in a room. A high angle has been used so
we can see the whole room and both characters clearly. She is tied up to a chair and he is
opening his duffel bag with tools inside. We get a close up of her with dried eyeliner running
down her face and ragged hair and duct tape around her mouth. He starts talking and says
some really psychotic things, he says he sees himself as an important figure and that he has
always wanted to be served by one girl. He says “Let me take control, that is all I have ever
wanted, to be in control of someone or something”. He rips off the duct tape and she spits at
him. We get a close up of him slowly wiping the spit off. He now walks towards his duffel bag
and pulls out a knife. Walking back up to her he starts laughing and runs the knife down
Mia’s neck. He is really close to Mia's face and whispers in her ear how he has missed her
body. And slowly runs his hands down her face. He patronises her and says he never meant
to hurt her. He then pulls out his phone and shows her a video, she is in shock of what she
has just seen and starts crying hysterically. He bends over to her ear and whispers that if
she doesn’t serve him he will release this video to the public. We get a close up of mia at a
high angle. It is her in slow motion crying. We see James walking out the flat, we get a
variety of shot reverse shots of Mia trying to get out of being tied up and James paying for
items in a shop. Eventually Mia tips backwards and is able to get out the rope. She falls on
her face and cuts it. She then hears James coming back inside the flat and sits back on the
chair as if she is still tied up. James sees her face cut and looks very confused. James can
be seen walking around her in a POV shot from Mia, He can be seen turning his back
towards her as she leaps forward towards him, wrapping her hand ties around his neck,
stangeling him, she grabs the knife from his pocket (medium shot). James can be seen
throwing her down to get her off him, she turns to get away from him, she pulls herself up as
James can be seen trying to find his knife. She lunges forwards for him with the knife drawn,
as he can be seen grabbing the chair she was sitting on throwing it forward at her, she is
thrown to the floor in agony. James can be seen working over her, she looks at his leg where
she puts full force into stabbing him in the leg, he falls down and begins to pull the knife out,
she stumbles to her feet at the same time he does, she grabs another tool from the side of
the room, a shot reverse shot shows Mia looking extremely weak in comparison to him, but
she still runs at him pushing him down to the floor, the tool is dropped next to them as he
throws her off her, he grabs the tool and throws it at her chest as he can be seen punching
her in the gut, causing her to fall to the floor in pain, a close-up shows the knife lay on the
floor, she grabs it as he can be seen about to punch her again, drawing it in and lunging it
into his stomach before he can touch her. He drops beside her looking down at the knife
attempting to pull it out whilst Mia manages to get her hands on the tool again and strikes it
down into him. A Mid shot shows her stepping back, exhausted and weak. A series of close-
up shots shows her searching his body for a key, she manages to get to the door and
escape where he finds his jacket with a phone in, an overexposed shot emphasises how
long she's been trapped in the building for. She uses the phone to report to the police about
what's happened. She drops to her knees and begins crying as the sound of police sirens
grows in the background. The camera cuts to black as the title card 3 year later appears, the
camera booms down to reveal the entrance to another city showing a change of location, a
tracking shot shows a young girl running down a street confuses the audience, the diegetic
dialogue reveals thats shes talking to her mum as the camera pans around to reveal Mia sat
down on a bench watching her new young child. The diegetic atmospheric sound of their
surroundings can be heard emphasising the mother and daughters happiness, as that is
heavily emphasised over the rest of the sound. The scar above her cheek can still be seen
enforcing to the audience she’s still left with the constant reminder about what's happened in
her past but has been able to move on. The camera shows a close-up of her smiling at her
child watching her play as the scene fades to black.

Trailer Synopsis
The Trailer starts with the production company logo - Film 4, the scene fades to a montage
of several establishing shots that are jump cuts that dip to black between each shot
throughout a city and the surrounding areas, slowly moving closer and closer to the city
center. Non-diegetic sound of incidental melodic heart beat. The camera cuts to an extreme
close-up of a girl's eyes slowly raising up from being closed. The camera cuts to a shadow of
a man against the wall, standing very upright and broad. An extreme close-up shows hands
tied back behind a chair. The camera dips to black as a close-up shows a person's feet
walking across the floor. The camera cuts to a title card of a film quote which states
“Absolutely thrilling Sensation” The camera cuts back to a newish car that suddenly
slams on front of a girl, we see this from a POV shot from the drivers perspective and also a
mid shot / long shot from outside of the car watching it break, the shots dips to black before
revealing a close-up shot of the girl's reaction as she jumps to the side in shock about what's
just happened. A guy can be seen walking behind this girl in an over the shoulder shot acting
suspicious. The camera cuts to the girl through a mid close-up looking around confused and
worried. The scene cuts to another title card referring to who is starring in the film, the main
actor. An over the shoulder shot appears of a couple smartly dressed talking business, the
camera cuts to the other side where the woman raises her head fully revealing her identity. A
two shot shows the same couple out on a date together smiling at one another, a tracking
shot moves backwards as the boy and girl can be seen talking walking through a park.
Another title card shot shows referring to the second main character, who the actor is.
There will be incidental music that gradually gets louder. There is a close up of the girls
hands tied up and then it cuts to black with the sound of a girl screaming that fades out.
Then there is a two shot of Mia and James arguing and Mia pushes him away. We then get
a low angle close up of James looking angry and upset then he walks away. There will be a
sound of James typing on his keyboard. Then we get a close up of James’ phone and we
see that Mia has blocked him on social media and blocked his phone number. There is then
a high angle mid shot of him lay down looking in pain and frustration as he cries himself to
sleep. There will be low lighting as he is in his room and the only lighting is coming from his
phone. The shot of James in his room cuts to black and the next shot is an over the shoulder
shot of Mia walking around in a park. We then get a mid shot of Mia looking behind her as
she thought she heard something. There will be a sound effect of a branch snapping, it will
be loud to cause more tension. Then there will be a close up of Mia’s reaction then it cuts to
black again. There will be a POV shot of Mia looking in a panic as she is looking around and
wondering who is with her. Then there is a mid shot of James with a black hood on and he
is walking past Mia as she is looking the other way. There will be a low angle mid shot of him
smiling as he walks past her then it cuts to black. There will be a title scene with the name
of the film.
James will be sat down and he will be looking at his old text messages with his girlfriend and
he will be upset. We will see he is upset with a variety of close-ups. There will be a two shot
of them two walking together this will be in black and white to show it is a flashback. Then it
will cut to a shot of him with his head in hands and him over exaggerated screaming. Then
there will be a mid shot of them two walking together and this will be another flashback.
Then it cuts to a shot of James looking directly into the camera.
We see James drinking a lot of alcohol and smashing stuff up in his flat. We see James
whisper in Mia’s ear saying “Let me take control of you” the audience will be able to hear
this. After this we see a reverse shot of James and Mia driving when they were together and
shots of them both when Mia was kidnapped. The audience will know the difference because
the shots of her being kidnapped will be fast paced editing with a variety of close up, and
medium shots of James kidnapping Mia. She will be weeping in these close up/mid shots.
We then see shots of James clearing out his flat. Then we see him putting the duffel bag in
the car, another graphic is presented then we see a close up of James’ hand over Mias face.
We then see continuity editing of Mia being tied up in a room, and her having breakfast with
James in the same room. This will also be fast paced editing so it gives the audience a bit of
a thrill. We then see a high angle close up of Mia crying in slow motion to make the scene
more dramatic. We see a variety of long shots and mid shots of Mia runnin and James and
Mia fighting in the flat and the last shot is a graphic on the screen with the film title Stalk
Her with all the release dates underneath it again

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