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Grammar WH question

Examples :
* This is my computer. It is mine.
* Ella bought the blouse two days ago. It is hers.

Note : We use an apostrophe ( ’ ) and an s to form a possessive noun.

For a plural noun, we only add an apostrophe.
* This is Randy’s key.
* An elephant’s trunk is long and strong. (singular noun)
* Elephants’ trunks are long and strong. (plural noun)

Interrogative adjectives and pronouns are used to ask questions. They

are also called wh- question words.

An interrogative pronoun stands on its own. In other words, it is not

followed by a noun. ‘ What ’ , ‘ who ’, ‘ whom ’, ‘ whose ’ and ‘ which ’
are all interrogative pronouns.

‘ What ’ is used to ask about people or objects.

Examples :
* What does Alvin do in his free time?
* What are they cooking?

‘ Who ’ is used to ask about people.

Examples :
* Who is that woman?
* Who are you?

‘ Whom ’ is the object form of ‘ who ’.

Examples :
* Whom did Betty meet this morning?
* Whom will they invite?

‘ Whose ’ is used to ask about possession.

Examples :
* Whose pen is this?
* Whose storybooks are these?
‘ Which ’ is used to ask about particular people or objects.
Examples :
* Which one is your cousin?
* Which shoes are for the children?

‘ What ’ , ‘ which ’, and ‘ whose ’ can also be used as adjectives. An

interrogative adjective is followed by a noun.
Examples :
* What time is it?
* Which restaurant did they go to?
* Whose wallet is this?

The remaining four wh - question words ‘ when ’, ‘ where ’, ‘ why ’ and ‘

how ’ are used to
- ask about time ( when )
- ask about location ( where )
- ask about reason ( why )
- ask about manner ( how )

Examples :
* When is the annual dinner?
* Where is the General Hospital?
* Why is Arabella angry?
* How did he travel to India?

‘ How ’ can also used with other words to ask about

- quantity ( How many / much )
- duration ( How long )
- distance ( How far )
- frequency ( How often )

Examples :
* How many rooms are there in the house?
* How long will the guests stay here?
* How far can he walk?
* How often does Julia exercise?
Exercise A

Circle the correct interrogative pronouns.

1) ( What / Which / Who ) is talking you to the playground?

2) ( What / Whose / Who ) do you do in your free time?

3) ( Who / Which / Whose ) one is Elisa ‘s book?

4) ( Which / What / Whose ) are these colourful T - shirts?

5) ( Whom / Which / What ) will they invite to the party?

Exercise B

Circle the correct possessive adjective or possessive pronoun.

1) Nick is best friend. We go fishing every weekend.

A. your
B. their
C. her
D. my

2) Meera and I bought this soft toy yesterday. It is .

A. theirs
B. yours
C. ours
D. his

3) “ May I use ruler? ” Lucas asked Scott.

A. my
B. his
C. our
D. your

4) “ I am going to the library , ” Lisa told mother.

A. their
B. your
C. his
D. her

5) The two tourists said the bags we found were .

A. ours
B. yours
C. mine
D. theirs
Exercise C

Read the responses. Write the correct wh- questions.

My brother broke the window yesterday.

I have three brothers.

The post office is behind the supermarket.

That brown vase costs forty ringgit.

There are ten oranges in the basket.

I gave the present to Irene.

A camel has humps on its body.

The dog is in the kennel.

I want to be an engineer when I grow up.

The woman in the red dress is my aunt.
Exercise D

Write the correct questions for the following answers.

The train carried goods.

I was waiting for a taxi.

This mobile phone belongs to me.

Helen helped Geena wash the dishes.

Nigel chose the green tie.

He scolded Samuel yesterday.

My favourite pastime is playing the piano.

Jenny prefers the silk scarf.

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