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Rocket to the
Edgar Manuel
Elon Musk
Stars in the Stars
Katelynn Moriguchi
Attention all millennials, Elon Musk has just announced that he will be
running for president in the next presidential election. Last Friday night Elon
This week it has been announced that NASA
Musk was seen hitting the club after skinny dipping in his yard, our sources
will be launching a new space program called “Stars
say that Elon made his proposal for his presidential campaign. His proposal
in the Stars” where they will be sending five
stated that if he becomes president, Elon will share 1 game stop stock with
specially picked celebrities up into the vast ocean of
every American and will see to it that every household own at least 1
the sky. They have partnered with Netflix and will be
flamethrower by the year 2030. Elon Musk also commented that he feels "very
filming and streaming the experience weekly. The
confident" about his popularity due to recent surge in price of a cryptocurrency
full cast has not yet been announced but rumor has it
named after a funny looking dog on the internet. After seeming to associate
that they will be picking from actors that have
with the cryptocurrency, the price of each share skyrocketed leading many to
already been filmed in other space themed pieces to
believe that Elon has sent his message to all his supporters. Are you ready to
minimize training. We here at the paper suppose
go to the Moon? or even better, Mars?
there is some kind of logic to that. The first to be
announced being involved in the project
was Matthew McConaughey stating “After starring
in Interstellar I truly feel like I know the meaning of
time and space travel. It’s love. And I can’t wait to
share that with my other cast mates in this project”.
Others who have been mentioned to be involved are
Sigourney Weaver, Matt Damon, Brad Pitt, Robert
Pattinson and Chris Hemsworth. We here on Earth
will be patiently waiting and watching as our
beloved stars start this new journey into the vast



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