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Republic Of The Philippines


School Of Advanced Studies
Urdaneta City, Pangasinan

SPED 211: Psychology of Special Education

Professor: Perla G. Delos Santos
Student: Ernani M. Florendo Jr.
Course/Specialization: Master Of Arts in Education, Major In Special Education

On the reason behind my taking this course was to learn more how to better accommodate students
in my class with exceptionalities and strategies to help learn all my students meaningfully. I
personally feel that every teacher should be professionally qualified to deal with any issues
concerning exceptional learners, as every classroom essentially has identified or unidentified
exceptional learners.

If I have to described psychology someone else that was not familiar with the topic. I would tell them
that there are much more to this topic than what most people think there is. The most important
thing people should know about psychology many of the treatments that we have today in society
will not probably exist. It would not exist because people that psychology are the ones that help
created todays therapy and other treatments that tend to help with all sorts of problems that people
have. Also without psychology we would have known why some people act the way they do. Also we
would not be able to identify how our brains works and what happens if one of the part of the brain
happen to change.

I have learned that people having normal behaviour conform and adjust to their social surrounding.
They are capable of establishing, satisfying and acceptable relationship with other people and their
emotional reactions are basically appropriate to different situations. Thus, people having average
amount of intelligence, personality stability, and social adaptability are considered as normal. From
this it emphasize the importance of having normal behaviour that would help to develop the total
personality of an individual not just the cognitive part but also the emotional part that would help
them to become a productive individual of the society.

It is also reported about abnormal behaviour. The concept of abnormal is defined as the simple
exaggeration or perverted development of the normal psychological behaviour. It other words, it
deals with the usual behaviour of man. So for us teachers it is necessary to determine which of our
students demonstrate an “Abnormal Behaviour” and how to overcome it by using different approach
or strategies that are appropriate for the child.

I have known that handicap is a disadvantage that occurs as a result of a disability or impairment
while when we talk about social phenomenon it is something that is impressive or extraordinary, or
any fact or thing, or event, which can be seen or otherwise observed, rather than simply guessed at
or intuited. So, handicap is a social phenomenon which represents the social and environmental
consequences of impairments and disabilities. The concept covers invalidism and excessive
dependence on an institution. But nowadays people that are labelled as handicap have a great
impact in the society and given the opportunity to perform a task despite of their disability or

The word “psychosomatic” means mind and “soma” means body. A psychosomatic disorder is a
disease involving both mind and body. I have learned that some physical diseases are thought to be
especially prone to worsen by mental factors such as anxiety and stress. A person' current mental
state may affect how bad a physical disease is at any particular moment. Some causes of this
disorder are palpitation, nausea, tremors, pain, dry mouth, perspiration chest pain and rapid
breathing. And there are suggested treatments on this namely: yoga, medication, fasting therapy,
hypnosis, and cognitive behaviour therapy.

Field Theory or commonly referred to as Gestalt psychology, has an interesting historical background.
Gestalt psychology is a system of psychology that focuses on learning and perception. It suggests
that combining sensory elements will produce a new patterns with properties that were not in the
individual elements. Gestalt psychology came from ideas of structuralism and functionalism as well as
the study perception. Gestalt psychology acknowledge the worth of consciousness and paid attention
to the entirety of perception.

Based from the report I have known that Biomedical is a scientific measure that doctors take to find
out the reasons to learn about illness with this method instead of using any other reasons such
sociological psychological. From this method many common problems can be effectively treated and
extends someone's quality life. But some would not afford this kind of method because of high
payment. One of the disadvantage of this not every condition can be treated.

With this kind of model the people will have an idea about illnesses its cause and effect. So, they will
be know the precautionary measures on how to avoid this kind of illness and so with doctors. This
will give high hopes for every individual that has an illness that they will be cured and able to
continue their lives and pursue their dreams that would give a good impact in the society.

I have learned that this kind of approach focuses on unconscious thought processes, which manifest
themselves in an individual's behaviour. Thus, psychodynamic studies the interrelationship of various
parts of mind, personality, or psyche as they relate to mental, emotional, or motivational forces
especially at unconscious level.
In general, psychodynamics studies the transformation and exchanges of " psychic energy" within the
personality. A focus in psychodynamics is the connection between the energetics f emotional states in
the Id, ego and super ego as they relate to early childhood developments and processes.

Psychodynamics, subsequently, attempts to explain or interpret behaviour or mental states in terms

of innate emotional forces or processes.
Behavioral model emphasize learning. The classical conditioning model involves the pairing of neutral
stimulus with unconditioned stimulus that automatically produces certain responses. The operant
conditioning model stresses the consequences of voluntary and controllable behaviors called operant
behaviors. And observational learning model suggests that an individual can acquire new behaviors
simply by watching other people perform them through the process of vicarious conditioning.

Thus, behavioural models have made significant contributions to both the understanding and
treatment of disorders.

Based from the report I have learned that cognitive model assumes that thoughts modify our
emotional states and behaviour. People differ in their meditating process, which determine our
reactions, behaviors and sekf evaluations. It states that there are connections between thoughts,
emotions, and behaviors, examine the evidence for their assumptions, and substitute more reality
oriented interpretations.

It describes how people's perception, or spontaneous thoughts about a certain situation influence
their emotional, behavioural reactions. Cognitive model tend to be focused on a single cognitive
phenomenon or process, and how two or more processes interact to make behavioural predictions for
a specific task or tool.

They emphasize the need to appreciate the world form the individual's vantage point. They also
highlight freedom of choice and the wholeness of the individual. What I understand from this
approach is that allowing an individual to develop a self-appreciation, worth and responsibility. Not
just by looking in its disability or condition rather by what this child can possibly do. By giving them
the opportunity to perform a task or work. It is spreading a message that people are free to grow
toward their potential.

From what I have learned in the report the term exceptional children refers to those children who
deviate from the normal in physical, mental, emotional or social characteristics of such a degree that
they require special social educational services to develop their maximum capacity. An exceptional
child is one who deviates from the normal child in mental, physical, emotional and social
characteristics to an extent that he requires special educational services. Some impacts of
exceptionality that a child may encounter in their learning are easily distracted, difficulty processing
information in specific ways, difficulty organizing materials and time, difficulty completing written
tasks and difficulty with problem-solving.

Based on the report I have known the different models of abnormal behaviour namely Biological
Model, Psychodynamic Model, Personality Structure, Behavioural Model, Cognitive Model, Humanistic
and Existential Approaches, The Family System Model, Family Therapy/Treatment Approaches and
Models of Diversity and Psychopathology.
Among the models that psychologists use is the medical model, which portrays psychological
disorders as disease. Other models are also used, and it is unlikely that the definitive model will be

The purpose of these different models of abnormal behaviour is to determine the cause why a child
executes an abnormal behaviour which is the history itself. And what are the symptoms of it? It
would answers why a child do some abnormal behaviour. How to prevent it and how to stop it? What
are some precautionary measures a teacher or parent can do in order to minimize or eliminate the
abnormal behaviour of the child?

The different models of abnormal behaviour would made a significant contributions to both the
understanding and treatment of such disorders.

Personality is the expression of a person’s traits according to one’s feelings, mentality and behaviour.
It involves understanding individual’s traits such as withdrawal and willpower and how various parts
of an individual link together to form personality.

The study of personality traits is beneficial in identifying the many variables that exist from human to
human, the combinations of these variables provide us with a true level of individuality and
uniqueness. In the field of psychology, trait theory is considered to be a key approach to the study of
human personality.

It is my perception and interpretation that we must always remember that an individual may be born
with a particular temperament or behavioural pattern, but that does not mean that they will retain
them throughout life. The fact is that life happens, there are traumatic events, and joyous occasions
and one’s temperament may change at the onset of either. The key is to be flexible enough to allow
for shifts and evolutions to happen, making corrections and adjustments to behaviour and
temperament when they become maladaptive.

Mental Retardation refers to substantial limitations in present functioning. It is characterized by

significantly sub average intellectual functioning, existing concurrently with related limitations in two
or more of the following applicable adaptive skills areas namely; communication, self-care, home
living, social skills, community use, self-direction, health and safety, functional academics, leisure and

Before the age of 18 years old mental retardation can manifest thus defined in terms of level of
performance as well as intelligence. I have learned also some causes of this disability such as
infections (present at birth or occurring after birth), congenital CMV, congenital rubella, congenital
toxoplasmosis ad encephalitis.
For us educators, learning about mental retardation is very essential because it will allow us to know
more about this disability that would help us in making appropriate strategies and interventions that
we may apply in our children with mental retardation. And also what are some adjustments we do in
dealing with them.
The term visual impairment is used in the presentation to denote any diagnosable condition of the
eye or visual system which results in reduced visual functioning for learning. Visual impairment can
be present at birth, occur at any time from disease or accident, or be part of a medical condition or

I have also learned some causes of visual impairment namely, infections during pregnancy, e.g.
rubella infection, congenital eye diseases, e.g. congenital cataract, corneal infection, optic nerve
defects, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy and many others.

There are designed materials like braille, for them that would help them to learn things in school or
make their life more accessible.

Visual Impairment has effects on child’s behaviour and learning like appears clumsy, exhibit poor self-
concept and ego development, shows signs of fatigue or inattentiveness and many. It’s so important
to have a wider knowledge about persons with visual impairment to that would enable us educators
design appropriate interventions and strategies for them in order for them to become a productive
individual of the society.

Hard of hearing refers to someone who doesn’t hear well. This may be because they were born with
a hearing loss or they may have lost some or all of their hearing later in life. Usually hard of hearing
people continue to rely on their spoken (or written) language as their primary mode of
communication, though some hard of hearing people do use sign language or Cued Speech as a
supplementary support.

A hearing loss above 90 decibels is generally considered deafness, which means that hearing loss
below 90 decibels is classified as a hearing impairment. Hearing loss are divided into categories which
are Mild hearing loss, Moderate hearing loss, Severe hearing loss and Profound hearing loss.

I have also learned some causes oh hearing loss which are malformation of outer ear, ear canal, or
middle ear structures, ear infection, allergies, benign tumors, perforated eardrum and many others.

A few easy steps can be taken to ensure the classroom is suitable for hearing impaired students.
When possible, turn off equipment that creates background noises, such as fans when not in use. If
your portable or classroom has noisy heating or cooling systems, consider requesting for a room
change. Remember that hearing aids amplify every sound, including tapping pencils and air
Teachers must be sensitive to the needs of hearing impaired students and follow the IEP as closely
as possible. If necessary establish a system with the parents to monitor student work, participation
and progress, such as a daily agenda. Teaching students with hearing impairment doesn’t have to be
difficult, as long as you are flexible. When you incorporate these strategies into your teaching
practice, chances are that you’ll find a number of students who benefit from your efforts.
Learning disability or in acceptable way under IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) they
call it Specific learning disability. Specific learning disability are neurologically-based processing
problems. These processing problems can interfere with learning basic skills such as reading, writing
and/or math. They can also interfere with higher level, time skills such as organization planning,
abstract reasoning, long or short term memory and attention.There are different types of learning
that are varied in inability like for example dysgraphia which has problem with handwriting, dyslexia
which has problem with reading, dyslexia which has problem with numbers and many other types of
specific learning disability.
A learning disability cannot be cured or fixed, it is a lifelong challenge. However with appropriate
support and intervention, people with such learning disabilities can achieve success in school, at
work, in relationships, and in the community.
Communication Disorder is an impairment in the ability to send, receive, process and comprehend
concepts of verbal, nonverbal and graphic symbol systems. So based from this definition of person
with communication disorder suffer from exchanging of information, ideas, needs and desires and
with spoken or written words.
Students with this kind of disorder are possible to developed language critical to cognitive
development and learning. Which students will have problem to convey his thoughts or ideas in the
class. We all know that learning takes place through the process of communication so we suggest
that allowing the child with communication disorder in active participation and interactive
communication with peers and adults in the educational setting would be essential for a student to
succeed in school.
Speech-language pathologist is a specialist that could help the teachers and other school personnel
to ensure children with communication disorder get the appropriate support or interventions they
need. The said specialist will do assessment and treatment towards the child with the cooperative
efforts of parents, audiologist, psychologist, teachers both regular and sped, guidance counsellors,
physicians, dentist and nurses.
The services that Speech-language pathologist provide can help children overcome their disabilities,
achieve pride and self-esteem and find meaningful roles in the society.
There are two major groups of physical disabilities, neuromotor impairments and muscular/skeletal
conditions. Neuromotor impairments are conditions caused by damage to the central nervous system
while Muscular/Skeletal conditions an impairment that affects the limbs or muscles but the cause is
not neurological rather effects of such diseases like polio, multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy and
spina bifida. In heath disability it has also two types, the Chronic Illness and Infectious diseases. One
example of chronic illness is asthma, a pulmonary disease causing labored breathing that is
accompanied by shortness of breath, wheezing and a cough. One example of infectious disease is the
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is potentially fatal viral infection that is transmitted primarily
through the exchange of bodily fluids in unprotected sex or by contaminated needles.
Knowing all of this ideas about conditions of persons with physical and health disabilities is very
essential for us. So that we will be knowledgeable enough on how to deal with them, how to avoid in
a such a way they will not feel discomfort or ignored, and what are the appropriate supports we can
provide for the in order for them to become a productive individual of the society despite of their

All students have learning needs. I believe it is our responsibility as teachers to become aware of our
students interests, abilities, strengths and weaknesses as well as their circumstances outside of
school. To assume that all students go home to the same family dynamics and have the same
duties , concerns or expectations would be unrealistic.

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