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Questions put forward to Sharma Couple: 

1. When did you thought of buying a flat? Was it when you saw ABC Ltd. promotion in
papers or you were in interaction of searching for properties?

2. What were your requirements for buying a property?

3. Did visit some other property in the space of Pune or close by?

4. In your different site visits, what were your decisions, what was missing in relating
properties which were trucked in the ABC Ltd project?

5. When did you have your first site visit of the ABC Ltd project? Who helped you

6. When did you choose to buy a unit in ABC Ltd's. project? (how long after your first

7. Did you visit the site habitually in the wake of making the development sum?

8. Also, it was a progressing project, in course of your site visits did you take note of
any sort of questionable movement? (Like the utilization of substandard quality items and so

9. How did the manufacturer or his delegates displayed the offices gave in their unit?
Did they verbally convey the offices or did they give a handout/or referenced in the deal deed
for the equivalent?

10. Was the developer brief in giving over the belonging to you and what number families
were dwelling in the building when you moved into the task?

11. How did you impart your rebellion about the absence of conveniences in your unit?
Did you compose a letter/mail or verbal correspondence?
12. What was the reaction you were getting from your support of seller on your

13. When did you consider moving to Bangalore to a leased house and what was the rent
you were paying there?

14. How far was your convenience from your son’s place and who helped you in
discovering a leased convenience there?

Question to be put forward to ABC Ltd.

1. What is the RERA enlistment number of the referenced task?

2. Do they have all the necessary government-endorsed authentications and building


3. What were the guaranteed facilities to Mr. Sharma's level? How did you informed
them about the said facilities during their visit to the site?

4. Were the mentioned facilities which were promised by you, mentioned in the sale

5. Were the buyers of the project informed that will be dealt with by, ABC Maintenance
Services LLP, post their deals?

6. Did you get any objections from Mr. Sharma about the deficiencies of missing
services in his unit?

7. How did you react to Mr. Sharma's complaint?

8. Was suitable and adequate request put for 1) Emergency call framework 2) The
intercom during the constructions, would you be able to expound the request slips for the
9. Despite paying full maintenance why Mr. Sharma's leakage issues were not paid
attention to?

10. Owing to the power and water supply cut to Mr. Sharma's unit, did ABC Maintenance
LLP, gave earlier notification to them?

11. If there's a deficiency in acquiring the 1) Emergency call framework 2) The intercom,
what number of United are confronting a similar issue?

Amicable Outcomes:

Since both, sides have put out their disputes and on looking at I infer that the entire
arrangement of occasions has made an incredible problem a senior resident couple. The
fundamental purpose for the Sharma couple to secure that level post-retirement was that
ABC's venture gave every one of the offices which got harmony to their brains instance of
any health related crisis. Be that as it may, the two fundamental offices inferable from such
clinical help guarantee disappeared 1) Emergency call framework 2) The radio. Which was
not Installed even after the subsequent meet-ups of Mr. Sharma. Also, the water spillage issue
was not dealt with, giving up to which the old couple quit paying the month to month lease.
Alternately considering on ABC Ltd's. guard to the broken assistance was the deficiency of
the radio gadget, which may much of the time happen throughout such ventures.

First result:

Since ABC Ltd embraces large endeavours and has dealt with a ton of such ventures
effectively, in various urban areas of India. Accordingly, it's assumed that ought to have
taken the correct assessment of the gadgets of info which must be introduced in every one of
the units. Despite the fact that there was a lack in the units of 1) intercom 2) emergency call
framework, they ought to have given some other option in contrast to the old couple briefly.
In any event, ABC Ltd ought to have given an expected date to the Sharma couple inside
which they expected to introduce the missing items. This counts to complete ignorance on the
part of ABC LTD.

Also, to this even the leakage solicitation of the Sharma couple in their unit was unattended.
Along these lines, it sheerly shows obliviousness with respect to ABC Ltd in offering
guaranteed and palatable types of assistance. Every one of the conditions persuaded the
Sharma couple to move into a leased loft in Bangalore. In this manner, the remarkable
maintenance sum as due is of Rs 1,50,000 should be effaced, alongside Rs 10,000
remuneration which must be paid by ABC LTD to the Sharma couple. The missing items
ought to be introduced inside about fourteen days of the passing request, by ABC Ltd.

Second result:

Nonetheless, the referenced occasions have caused the Sharma couple to die down from their
possessed loft and shift into a leased condo. Consequently, taking on all disputes and
perceptions, ABC should promptly place in sources to introduce both the office 1) intercom
2) emergency call framework inside about fourteen days. Both the cases, of 5 lakhs on ABC
Ltd and 2 lakhs on Mr. Sharma couple should be neutralised. Notwithstanding, Rs1,50,000
was forthcoming on Mr. Sharma inferable from maintenance out of which 40% (Rs 60,000)
must be paid by Mr. Sharma within one from fulfilment of work. The normal circle of
maintenance will carry on from the date of fruition of work. The reasoning for the waiver of
60% of the maintenance is because, Mr. Sharma not just confronted the misfortunes of
moving to another city yet in addition needed to pay lease for his convenience from his
pocket, notwithstanding possessing a house. In any case, Mr. Sharma acknowledges that there
are sure lawful lacunas for their situation it turns into the reasoning for half instalment of
maintenance costs.

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